clarify the purpose of this project
[nyanglibc.git] / posix / gai_strerror.shared.s
1 .text
2 #APP
3 memmove = __GI_memmove
4 memset = __GI_memset
5 memcpy = __GI_memcpy
6 .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1
7 .LC0:
8 .string "Unknown error"
10 .text
11 .p2align 4,,15
12 .globl __GI_gai_strerror
13 .hidden __GI_gai_strerror
14 .type __GI_gai_strerror, @function
15 __GI_gai_strerror:
16 movl $-9, %eax
17 xorl %edx, %edx
18 leaq msgidx(%rip), %rcx
19 jmp .L4
20 .p2align 4,,10
21 .p2align 3
22 .L2:
23 addq $1, %rdx
24 cmpq $17, %rdx
25 je .L5
26 movswl (%rcx,%rdx,4), %eax
27 .L4:
28 cmpl %edi, %eax
29 jne .L2
30 leaq msgidx(%rip), %rax
31 movzwl 2(%rax,%rdx,4), %esi
32 leaq msgstr(%rip), %rax
33 addq %rax, %rsi
34 .L3:
35 leaq __GI__libc_intl_domainname(%rip), %rdi
36 movl $5, %edx
37 jmp __GI___dcgettext
38 .p2align 4,,10
39 .p2align 3
40 .L5:
41 leaq .LC0(%rip), %rsi
42 jmp .L3
43 .size __GI_gai_strerror, .-__GI_gai_strerror
44 .globl gai_strerror
45 .set gai_strerror,__GI_gai_strerror
46 .section .rodata
47 .align 32
48 .type msgidx, @object
49 .size msgidx, 68
50 msgidx:
51 .value -9
52 .value 0
53 .value -3
54 .value 42
55 .value -1
56 .value 79
57 .value -4
58 .value 102
59 .value -6
60 .value 145
61 .value -10
62 .value 169
63 .value -5
64 .value 195
65 .value -2
66 .value 231
67 .value -8
68 .value 257
69 .value -7
70 .value 296
71 .value -11
72 .value 322
73 .value -100
74 .value 335
75 .value -101
76 .value 366
77 .value -102
78 .value 383
79 .value -103
80 .value 404
81 .value -104
82 .value 422
83 .value -105
84 .value 446
85 .align 32
86 .type msgstr, @object
87 .size msgstr, 485
88 msgstr:
89 .string "Address family for hostname not supported"
90 .string "Temporary failure in name resolution"
91 .string "Bad value for ai_flags"
92 .string "Non-recoverable failure in name resolution"
93 .string "ai_family not supported"
94 .string "Memory allocation failure"
95 .string "No address associated with hostname"
96 .string "Name or service not known"
97 .string "Servname not supported for ai_socktype"
98 .string "ai_socktype not supported"
99 .string "System error"
100 .string "Processing request in progress"
101 .string "Request canceled"
102 .string "Request not canceled"
103 .string "All requests done"
104 .string "Interrupted by a signal"
105 .string "Parameter string not correctly encoded"