clarify the purpose of this project
[nyanglibc.git] / signal / allocrtsig.shared.s
1 .text
2 #APP
3 memmove = __GI_memmove
4 memset = __GI_memset
5 memcpy = __GI_memcpy
7 .p2align 4,,15
8 .globl __GI___libc_current_sigrtmin
9 .hidden __GI___libc_current_sigrtmin
10 .type __GI___libc_current_sigrtmin, @function
11 __GI___libc_current_sigrtmin:
12 movl current_rtmin(%rip), %eax
13 ret
14 .size __GI___libc_current_sigrtmin, .-__GI___libc_current_sigrtmin
15 .globl __libc_current_sigrtmin
16 .set __libc_current_sigrtmin,__GI___libc_current_sigrtmin
17 .globl __libc_current_sigrtmin_private
18 .set __libc_current_sigrtmin_private,__libc_current_sigrtmin
19 .p2align 4,,15
20 .globl __GI___libc_current_sigrtmax
21 .hidden __GI___libc_current_sigrtmax
22 .type __GI___libc_current_sigrtmax, @function
23 __GI___libc_current_sigrtmax:
24 movl current_rtmax(%rip), %eax
25 ret
26 .size __GI___libc_current_sigrtmax, .-__GI___libc_current_sigrtmax
27 .globl __libc_current_sigrtmax
28 .set __libc_current_sigrtmax,__GI___libc_current_sigrtmax
29 .globl __libc_current_sigrtmax_private
30 .set __libc_current_sigrtmax_private,__libc_current_sigrtmax
31 .p2align 4,,15
32 .globl __libc_allocate_rtsig
33 .type __libc_allocate_rtsig, @function
34 __libc_allocate_rtsig:
35 movl current_rtmin(%rip), %edx
36 cmpl $-1, %edx
37 je .L7
38 movl current_rtmax(%rip), %eax
39 cmpl %eax, %edx
40 jg .L8
41 testl %edi, %edi
42 jne .L9
43 leal -1(%rax), %edx
44 movl %edx, current_rtmax(%rip)
45 ret
46 .p2align 4,,10
47 .p2align 3
48 .L9:
49 leal 1(%rdx), %eax
50 movl %eax, current_rtmin(%rip)
51 movl %edx, %eax
52 ret
53 .p2align 4,,10
54 .p2align 3
55 .L8:
56 movl $-1, %eax
57 ret
58 .p2align 4,,10
59 .p2align 3
60 .L7:
61 movl %edx, %eax
62 ret
63 .size __libc_allocate_rtsig, .-__libc_allocate_rtsig
64 .globl __libc_allocate_rtsig_private
65 .set __libc_allocate_rtsig_private,__libc_allocate_rtsig
66 .data
67 .align 4
68 .type current_rtmax, @object
69 .size current_rtmax, 4
70 current_rtmax:
71 .long 64
72 .align 4
73 .type current_rtmin, @object
74 .size current_rtmin, 4
75 current_rtmin:
76 .long 34