clarify the purpose of this project
[nyanglibc.git] / sunrpc / clnt_perr.shared.s
1 .text
2 #APP
3 memmove = __GI_memmove
4 memset = __GI_memset
5 memcpy = __GI_memcpy
6 .symver __EI_clnt_sperror, clnt_sperror@GLIBC_2.2.5
7 .symver __EI_clnt_perror, clnt_perror@GLIBC_2.2.5
8 .symver __EI_clnt_sperrno, clnt_sperrno@GLIBC_2.2.5
9 .symver __EI_clnt_perrno, clnt_perrno@GLIBC_2.2.5
10 .symver __EI_clnt_spcreateerror, clnt_spcreateerror@GLIBC_2.2.5
11 .symver __EI_clnt_pcreateerror, clnt_pcreateerror@GLIBC_2.2.5
12 #NO_APP
13 .section __libc_freeres_fn,"ax",@progbits
14 .p2align 4,,15
15 .type free_mem, @function
16 free_mem:
17 .LFB73:
18 subq $8, %rsp
19 call __rpc_thread_variables
20 movq 176(%rax), %rdi
21 addq $8, %rsp
22 jmp free@PLT
23 .LFE73:
24 .size free_mem, .-free_mem
25 .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1
26 .LC0:
27 .string "RPC: (unknown error code)"
28 .text
29 .p2align 4,,15
30 .globl __GI_clnt_sperrno
31 .hidden __GI_clnt_sperrno
32 .type __GI_clnt_sperrno, @function
33 __GI_clnt_sperrno:
34 .LFB68:
35 xorl %edx, %edx
36 xorl %eax, %eax
37 leaq rpc_errlist(%rip), %rcx
38 jmp .L7
39 .p2align 4,,10
40 .p2align 3
41 .L5:
42 addq $1, %rax
43 cmpq $18, %rax
44 je .L6
45 movl (%rcx,%rax,8), %edx
46 .L7:
47 cmpl %edx, %edi
48 jne .L5
49 leaq rpc_errlist(%rip), %rdx
50 leaq __GI__libc_intl_domainname(%rip), %rdi
51 movl 4(%rdx,%rax,8), %esi
52 leaq rpc_errstr(%rip), %rax
53 movl $5, %edx
54 addq %rax, %rsi
55 jmp __GI___dcgettext
56 .p2align 4,,10
57 .p2align 3
58 .L6:
59 leaq .LC0(%rip), %rsi
60 leaq __GI__libc_intl_domainname(%rip), %rdi
61 movl $5, %edx
62 jmp __GI___dcgettext
63 .LFE68:
64 .size __GI_clnt_sperrno, .-__GI_clnt_sperrno
65 .globl __EI_clnt_sperrno
66 .set __EI_clnt_sperrno,__GI_clnt_sperrno
67 .section .rodata.str1.1
68 .LC1:
69 .string "%s: %s\n"
70 .LC2:
71 .string "%s: %s; errno = %s\n"
72 .LC3:
73 .string "%s: %s; why = %s\n"
74 .section .rodata.str1.8,"aMS",@progbits,1
75 .align 8
76 .LC4:
77 .string "%s: %s; why = (unknown authentication error - %d)\n"
78 .align 8
79 .LC5:
80 .string "%s: %s; low version = %lu, high version = %lu"
81 .section .rodata.str1.1
82 .LC6:
83 .string "%s: %s; s1 = %lu, s2 = %lu"
84 .text
85 .p2align 4,,15
86 .globl __GI_clnt_sperror
87 .hidden __GI_clnt_sperror
88 .type __GI_clnt_sperror, @function
89 __GI_clnt_sperror:
90 .LFB66:
91 pushq %r13
92 pushq %r12
93 pushq %rbp
94 pushq %rbx
95 movq %rsi, %rbx
96 subq $1080, %rsp
97 movq 8(%rdi), %rax
98 leaq 16(%rsp), %rsi
99 call *16(%rax)
100 movl 16(%rsp), %edi
101 call __GI_clnt_sperrno
102 cmpl $17, 16(%rsp)
103 movq %rax, %rbp
104 ja .L9
105 movl 16(%rsp), %eax
106 leaq .L11(%rip), %rdx
107 movslq (%rdx,%rax,4), %rax
108 addq %rdx, %rax
109 jmp *%rax
110 .section .rodata
111 .align 4
112 .align 4
113 .L11:
114 .long .L10-.L11
115 .long .L10-.L11
116 .long .L10-.L11
117 .long .L12-.L11
118 .long .L12-.L11
119 .long .L10-.L11
120 .long .L13-.L11
121 .long .L14-.L11
122 .long .L10-.L11
123 .long .L13-.L11
124 .long .L10-.L11
125 .long .L10-.L11
126 .long .L10-.L11
127 .long .L10-.L11
128 .long .L10-.L11
129 .long .L10-.L11
130 .long .L10-.L11
131 .long .L10-.L11
132 .text
133 .p2align 4,,10
134 .p2align 3
135 .L13:
136 movq 32(%rsp), %r13
137 movq 24(%rsp), %r12
138 leaq .LC5(%rip), %rsi
139 leaq __GI__libc_intl_domainname(%rip), %rdi
140 movl $5, %edx
141 call __GI___dcgettext
142 leaq 8(%rsp), %rdi
143 movq %rax, %rsi
144 movq %r13, %r9
145 movq %r12, %r8
146 movq %rbp, %rcx
147 movq %rbx, %rdx
148 xorl %eax, %eax
149 call __GI___asprintf
150 .L15:
151 testl %eax, %eax
152 js .L22
153 .L28:
154 call __rpc_thread_variables
155 movq 8(%rsp), %rdx
156 movq 176(%rax), %rdi
157 movq %rdx, 176(%rax)
158 call free@PLT
159 movq 8(%rsp), %rax
160 addq $1080, %rsp
161 popq %rbx
162 popq %rbp
163 popq %r12
164 popq %r13
166 .p2align 4,,10
167 .p2align 3
168 .L12:
169 movl 24(%rsp), %edi
170 leaq 48(%rsp), %rsi
171 movl $1024, %edx
172 call __GI___strerror_r
173 leaq 8(%rsp), %rdi
174 leaq .LC2(%rip), %rsi
175 movq %rax, %r8
176 movq %rbp, %rcx
177 xorl %eax, %eax
178 movq %rbx, %rdx
179 call __GI___asprintf
180 testl %eax, %eax
181 jns .L28
182 .L22:
183 addq $1080, %rsp
184 xorl %eax, %eax
185 popq %rbx
186 popq %rbp
187 popq %r12
188 popq %r13
190 .p2align 4,,10
191 .p2align 3
192 .L14:
193 movl 24(%rsp), %r12d
194 xorl %edx, %edx
195 xorl %eax, %eax
196 leaq auth_errlist(%rip), %rcx
197 jmp .L20
198 .p2align 4,,10
199 .p2align 3
200 .L30:
201 movl (%rcx,%rax,8), %edx
202 .L20:
203 cmpl %edx, %r12d
204 je .L29
205 addq $1, %rax
206 cmpq $8, %rax
207 jne .L30
208 .L19:
209 leaq .LC4(%rip), %rsi
210 leaq __GI__libc_intl_domainname(%rip), %rdi
211 movl $5, %edx
212 call __GI___dcgettext
213 leaq 8(%rsp), %rdi
214 movq %rax, %rsi
215 movl %r12d, %r8d
216 movq %rbp, %rcx
217 movq %rbx, %rdx
218 xorl %eax, %eax
219 call __GI___asprintf
220 jmp .L15
221 .p2align 4,,10
222 .p2align 3
223 .L10:
224 leaq 8(%rsp), %rdi
225 leaq .LC1(%rip), %rsi
226 movq %rbp, %rcx
227 movq %rbx, %rdx
228 xorl %eax, %eax
229 call __GI___asprintf
230 jmp .L15
231 .p2align 4,,10
232 .p2align 3
233 .L9:
234 movq 32(%rsp), %r9
235 movq 24(%rsp), %r8
236 leaq 8(%rsp), %rdi
237 leaq .LC6(%rip), %rsi
238 movq %rax, %rcx
239 movq %rbx, %rdx
240 xorl %eax, %eax
241 call __GI___asprintf
242 jmp .L15
243 .p2align 4,,10
244 .p2align 3
245 .L29:
246 leaq auth_errlist(%rip), %rdx
247 leaq __GI__libc_intl_domainname(%rip), %rdi
248 movl 4(%rdx,%rax,8), %esi
249 leaq auth_errstr(%rip), %rax
250 movl $5, %edx
251 addq %rax, %rsi
252 call __GI___dcgettext
253 testq %rax, %rax
254 movq %rax, %r12
255 je .L31
256 leaq .LC3(%rip), %rsi
257 leaq __GI__libc_intl_domainname(%rip), %rdi
258 movl $5, %edx
259 call __GI___dcgettext
260 leaq 8(%rsp), %rdi
261 movq %rax, %rsi
262 movq %r12, %r8
263 movq %rbp, %rcx
264 movq %rbx, %rdx
265 xorl %eax, %eax
266 call __GI___asprintf
267 jmp .L15
268 .L31:
269 movl 24(%rsp), %r12d
270 jmp .L19
271 .LFE66:
272 .size __GI_clnt_sperror, .-__GI_clnt_sperror
273 .globl __EI_clnt_sperror
274 .set __EI_clnt_sperror,__GI_clnt_sperror
275 .section .rodata.str1.1
276 .LC7:
277 .string "%s"
278 .text
279 .p2align 4,,15
280 .globl __GI_clnt_perror
281 .hidden __GI_clnt_perror
282 .type __GI_clnt_perror, @function
283 __GI_clnt_perror:
284 .LFB67:
285 subq $8, %rsp
286 call __GI_clnt_sperror
287 leaq .LC7(%rip), %rsi
288 movq %rax, %rdx
289 xorl %edi, %edi
290 xorl %eax, %eax
291 addq $8, %rsp
292 jmp __fxprintf
293 .LFE67:
294 .size __GI_clnt_perror, .-__GI_clnt_perror
295 .globl __EI_clnt_perror
296 .set __EI_clnt_perror,__GI_clnt_perror
297 .p2align 4,,15
298 .globl __GI_clnt_perrno
299 .hidden __GI_clnt_perrno
300 .type __GI_clnt_perrno, @function
301 __GI_clnt_perrno:
302 .LFB69:
303 subq $8, %rsp
304 call __GI_clnt_sperrno
305 leaq .LC7(%rip), %rsi
306 movq %rax, %rdx
307 xorl %edi, %edi
308 xorl %eax, %eax
309 addq $8, %rsp
310 jmp __fxprintf
311 .LFE69:
312 .size __GI_clnt_perrno, .-__GI_clnt_perrno
313 .globl __EI_clnt_perrno
314 .set __EI_clnt_perrno,__GI_clnt_perrno
315 .section .rodata.str1.1
316 .LC8:
317 .string " - "
318 .LC9:
319 .string ""
320 .LC10:
321 .string "%s: %s%s%s\n"
322 .text
323 .p2align 4,,15
324 .globl __GI_clnt_spcreateerror
325 .hidden __GI_clnt_spcreateerror
326 .type __GI_clnt_spcreateerror, @function
327 __GI_clnt_spcreateerror:
328 .LFB70:
329 pushq %r12
330 pushq %rbp
331 movq %rdi, %r12
332 pushq %rbx
333 subq $1040, %rsp
334 call __GI___rpc_thread_createerr
335 movl (%rax), %edi
336 movq %rax, %rbx
337 cmpl $12, %edi
338 je .L38
339 cmpl $14, %edi
340 je .L45
341 leaq .LC9(%rip), %rbp
342 movq %rbp, %rbx
343 .L37:
344 call __GI_clnt_sperrno
345 leaq 8(%rsp), %rdi
346 leaq .LC10(%rip), %rsi
347 movq %rax, %rcx
348 movq %rbp, %r9
349 xorl %eax, %eax
350 movq %rbx, %r8
351 movq %r12, %rdx
352 call __GI___asprintf
353 testl %eax, %eax
354 js .L42
355 call __rpc_thread_variables
356 movq 8(%rsp), %rdx
357 movq 176(%rax), %rdi
358 movq %rdx, 176(%rax)
359 call free@PLT
360 movq 8(%rsp), %rax
361 addq $1040, %rsp
362 popq %rbx
363 popq %rbp
364 popq %r12
366 .p2align 4,,10
367 .p2align 3
368 .L45:
369 movl 8(%rax), %edi
370 call __GI_clnt_sperrno
371 movl (%rbx), %edi
372 movq %rax, %rbp
373 leaq .LC8(%rip), %rbx
374 jmp .L37
375 .p2align 4,,10
376 .p2align 3
377 .L38:
378 movl 16(%rax), %edi
379 leaq 16(%rsp), %rsi
380 movl $1024, %edx
381 call __GI___strerror_r
382 movl (%rbx), %edi
383 movq %rax, %rbp
384 leaq .LC8(%rip), %rbx
385 jmp .L37
386 .p2align 4,,10
387 .p2align 3
388 .L42:
389 addq $1040, %rsp
390 xorl %eax, %eax
391 popq %rbx
392 popq %rbp
393 popq %r12
395 .LFE70:
396 .size __GI_clnt_spcreateerror, .-__GI_clnt_spcreateerror
397 .globl __EI_clnt_spcreateerror
398 .set __EI_clnt_spcreateerror,__GI_clnt_spcreateerror
399 .p2align 4,,15
400 .globl __GI_clnt_pcreateerror
401 .hidden __GI_clnt_pcreateerror
402 .type __GI_clnt_pcreateerror, @function
403 __GI_clnt_pcreateerror:
404 .LFB71:
405 subq $8, %rsp
406 call __GI_clnt_spcreateerror
407 leaq .LC7(%rip), %rsi
408 movq %rax, %rdx
409 xorl %edi, %edi
410 xorl %eax, %eax
411 addq $8, %rsp
412 jmp __fxprintf
413 .LFE71:
414 .size __GI_clnt_pcreateerror, .-__GI_clnt_pcreateerror
415 .globl __EI_clnt_pcreateerror
416 .set __EI_clnt_pcreateerror,__GI_clnt_pcreateerror
417 .section __libc_subfreeres,"aw",@progbits
418 .align 8
419 .type __elf_set___libc_subfreeres_element_free_mem__, @object
420 .size __elf_set___libc_subfreeres_element_free_mem__, 8
421 __elf_set___libc_subfreeres_element_free_mem__:
422 .quad free_mem
423 .section .rodata
424 .align 32
425 .type auth_errlist, @object
426 .size auth_errlist, 64
427 auth_errlist:
428 .long 0
429 .long 0
430 .long 1
431 .long 18
432 .long 2
433 .long 44
434 .long 3
435 .long 71
436 .long 4
437 .long 95
438 .long 5
439 .long 120
440 .long 6
441 .long 147
442 .long 7
443 .long 171
444 .align 32
445 .type auth_errstr, @object
446 .size auth_errstr, 198
447 auth_errstr:
448 .string "Authentication OK"
449 .string "Invalid client credential"
450 .string "Server rejected credential"
451 .string "Invalid client verifier"
452 .string "Server rejected verifier"
453 .string "Client credential too weak"
454 .string "Invalid server verifier"
455 .string "Failed (unspecified error)"
456 .align 32
457 .type rpc_errlist, @object
458 .size rpc_errlist, 144
459 rpc_errlist:
460 .long 0
461 .long 0
462 .long 1
463 .long 13
464 .long 2
465 .long 41
466 .long 3
467 .long 66
468 .long 4
469 .long 86
470 .long 5
471 .long 109
472 .long 6
473 .long 124
474 .long 7
475 .long 158
476 .long 8
477 .long 184
478 .long 9
479 .long 209
480 .long 10
481 .long 239
482 .long 11
483 .long 266
484 .long 12
485 .long 301
486 .long 13
487 .long 326
488 .long 17
489 .long 344
490 .long 14
491 .long 366
492 .long 15
493 .long 391
494 .long 16
495 .long 419
496 .align 32
497 .type rpc_errstr, @object
498 .size rpc_errstr, 451
499 rpc_errstr:
500 .string "RPC: Success"
501 .string "RPC: Can't encode arguments"
502 .string "RPC: Can't decode result"
503 .string "RPC: Unable to send"
504 .string "RPC: Unable to receive"
505 .string "RPC: Timed out"
506 .string "RPC: Incompatible versions of RPC"
507 .string "RPC: Authentication error"
508 .string "RPC: Program unavailable"
509 .string "RPC: Program/version mismatch"
510 .string "RPC: Procedure unavailable"
511 .string "RPC: Server can't decode arguments"
512 .string "RPC: Remote system error"
513 .string "RPC: Unknown host"
514 .string "RPC: Unknown protocol"
515 .string "RPC: Port mapper failure"
516 .string "RPC: Program not registered"
517 .string "RPC: Failed (unspecified error)"
518 .hidden __fxprintf
519 .hidden __rpc_thread_variables