made it work, more or less, with ruby 1.9
[nyuron.git] / modules / query.rb
1 ## modules/query
2 require 'modules/sql'
4 ## all the sql queries are supposed to be here
6 module Query
7         include SQL
8         extend Query
10         COLUMNS = %w(prio tags key value descr onchg ctime mtime info1 info2 info3)
11         TYPES = %w(cmd map opt tag txt)
13         CREATE = "INSERT INTO nyu (type, key, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"
14         CREATE_OPT = "INSERT INTO nyu (type, key, value, info2) VALUES ('opt', ?, ?, ?)"
15         DELETE_ALL_CONFIG_DATA = "DELETE FROM nyu WHERE NOT (type='txt' or type='tag')"
16         SET = {}
17         TIME_LEFT = "SELECT info1 FROM nyu WHERE type='txt' AND (NOT info1='') AND info1>? AND tags GLOB '*/i/*' ORDER BY info1 LIMIT 1;"
18         GET_ALL_CONFIG_DATA = "SELECT * FROM nyu WHERE NOT (type='txt' OR type='tag')"
19         INSERT_WITHOUT_ROWID = "INSERT INTO nyu (key,type,ctime,mtime,prio,tags,value,descr,onchg,info1,info2,info3) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?, ?,?,?,?,?, ?,?)"
20         UPDATE_CONFIG_DATA = "UPDATE nyu SET key=?, type=?, ctime=?, mtime=?, prio=?, tags=?, value=?, descr=?, onchg=?, info1=?, info2=?, info3=? WHERE type=? AND key=?"
22         TABLE_CREATION = <<SQL
24         rowid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC,
25         key TEXT,
26         type TEXT,
27         ctime INTEGER,
28         mtime INTEGER,
29         prio REAL,
30         tags TEXT,
31         value TEXT,
32         descr TEXT,
33         onchg TEXT,
34         info1 TEXT,
35         info2 TEXT,
36         info3 TEXT
38 SQL
41         INSERT = "INSERT INTO nyu"
42         INSERT2 = "#{INSERT} (key, type, value) VALUES"
44         SELECT = "SELECT * FROM nyu"
45         SELECT_VALUE = "SELECT value FROM nyu"
47         GET_NYURONS = "#{SELECT}"
49         for column in COLUMNS
50                 SET[column] = "UPDATE nyu SET #{column}=? WHERE rowid=?"
51         end
53         def create_table()
54                 sql do
55                         sql TABLE_CREATION
56                         sql_each_line DEFAULTS
57                 end
58         end
60         def get_time_left()
61                 x = sql_first(TIME_LEFT,
62 #               x = @@time_left.execute(
63                 if x
64                         return x.first.to_i
65                 else
66                         return nil
67                 end
68         end
70         def export_options( fname )
71                 fname = File.expand_path(fname)
72                 assert_neq fname, File.expand_path(Info.dbfile),
73                         "Cannot export to current database!"
75                 db = fname )
76                 db.execute TABLE_CREATION
77                 db.transaction
78                 sql GET_ALL_CONFIG_DATA do |row|
79                         row.shift
80                         db.execute(INSERT_WITHOUT_ROWID, *row)
81                 end
82                 db.commit
83                 db.close
84         end
86         def import_options( fname, loop_detected = false )
87                 fname = File.expand_path(fname)
88                 assert_neq fname, File.expand_path(Info.dbfile),
89                         "Cannot import from current database!"
91                 bk = "/tmp/nyu_backup_#{rand 100000}"
92                 export_options( bk )
94                 db = fname )
95                 sql_begin
96                 sql DELETE_ALL_CONFIG_DATA
97                 db.execute GET_ALL_CONFIG_DATA do |row|
98                         row.shift
99                         sql(INSERT_WITHOUT_ROWID, *row)
100                 end
102                 begin
103                         sql_end
104                 rescue
105                         Console.error "import failed"
106                         unless loop_detected
107                                 import_options(bk, true)
108                         end
109                 ensure
110                         db.close
111                         File.delete(bk)
112                 end
113         end
115         def merge_options( fname )
116                 fname = File.expand_path(fname)
117                 assert_neq fname, File.expand_path(Info.dbfile),
118                         "Cannot merge from current database!"
120                 db = nil
121                 sql_begin
122                 begin
123                         db = fname )
124                         db.execute GET_ALL_CONFIG_DATA do |row|
125                                 row.shift
126                                 othertype = row[1]
127                                 otherkey  = row[0]
128                                 if mtime = Query.get_mtime_from_type_key(othertype, otherkey)
129                                         mtime = mtime.first
130                                         othertime = row[3]
132                                         if mtime.nil? or (othertime and mtime < othertime)
133                                                 sql UPDATE_CONFIG_DATA, *(row + [othertype, otherkey])
134                                         end
135                                 else
136                                         sql INSERT_WITHOUT_ROWID, *row
137                                 end
138                         end
139                 ensure
140                         db.close if db
141                         sql_end
142                 end
143         end
145         def exists?(type, key=nil)
146                 sql_first("SELECT value FROM nyu WHERE type=? AND key=?", type, key)
147         end
149         def get_neurons(filter)
150                 list = []
151                 addnyurons = proc do |row|
152                         list <<
153                 end
155                 query = GET_NYURONS
156                 query += " WHERE #{filter}" unless filter.strip.empty?
157                 begin
158                         sql(query, &addnyurons)
159                 rescue SQLite3::SQLException
160                         begin
161                                 list = []
162                                 sql(query, &addnyurons)
163                         rescue Exception
164                                 Console.error
165                         end
166                 rescue Exception
167                         Console.error
168                 end
169                 return list
170         end
173         def set(rowid, key, val)
174                 if Neuron === rowid
175 #                       nyuron = rowid
176                         rowid = rowid.rowid
177 #                       option = nyuron.option? if key == 'value'
178                 elsif SQLite3::ResultSet::ArrayWithTypesAndFields === rowid
179                         rowid = rowid.first.to_i
180                 end
182                 assert rowid, Numeric
184 #               if option
185 #                       set_option(nyuron.key, val) ## this will also eval the code of some options
186 #               else
187 #                       sql("UPDATE nyu SET #{key}=\"#{val.sql}\" WHERE rowid=#{rowid}")
188                         if SET.has_key?(key)
189                                 sql SET[key], val, rowid
190 #                               @@set[key].execute(val, rowid)
191                         else
192                                 forbid
193                         end
194 #                       sql("UPDATE nyu SET #{key}=? WHERE rowid=?", val, rowid)
195 #                       trace
196 #               end
197         end
199         def create(type, key=nil, val=nil)
200                 sql CREATE, type, key, val
201 #               @@create.execute(type, key, val)
202                 neuron = Neuron.from_rowid(sql_last_row)
203                 Cache << neuron
204                 return neuron
205         end
206         alias create_and_return create
208         def create_opt(key=nil, val=nil, info2=nil)
209                 sql CREATE_OPT, key, nil, info2
210                 opt = Neuron.from_rowid(sql_last_row)
211                 opt.value = val
212                 Cache << opt
213                 return opt
214         end
215         alias create_opt_and_return create_opt
217         def get(rowid, key)
218                 rowid = rowid.rowid if Neuron === rowid
219                 assert rowid, Numeric
221                 sql_first("SELECT #{key} FROM nyu WHERE rowid=#{rowid}")
222         end
224         def get_mtime_from_type_key(type, key)
225                 sql_first("SELECT mtime FROM nyu WHERE type=? AND key=?", type, key)
226         end
228         def get_all_where(str)
229                 sql("SELECT * FROM nyu WHERE " + str)
230         end
232         def get_all_tagged_rows()
233                 sql("SELECT tags FROM nyu WHERE tags IS NOT NULL")
234         end
237         def get_all_tags()
238                 sql("SELECT key FROM nyu WHERE type='tag'").map!{|x| x.first}
239         end
241         def get_key_val_of_type(type, &block)
242                 sql("SELECT key, value FROM nyu WHERE type=?", type, &block)
243         end
245         def get_where(str, *args)
246                 sql_first("SELECT * FROM nyu WHERE " + str, *args)
247         end
249         def get_mapping(keybuffer)
250                 result = sql("#{SELECT_VALUE} WHERE type='map' AND key='#{keybuffer}' LIMIT 1").first
251                 return result ? result.first : nil
252         end
254         def get_command(command)
255                 result = sql("#{SELECT_VALUE} WHERE type='cmd' AND key='#{command}' LIMIT 1").first
256                 return result ? result.first : nil
257         end
259         def get_tabcomp(cmd)
260                 sql_first("SELECT info1 FROM nyu WHERE type='cmd' AND key='#{cmd}'")
261         end
263         def get_option_info(key)
264                 sql_first("SELECT value, info2, info3 FROM nyu WHERE type='opt' AND key='#{key}'")
265         end
267         def all_reoccuring_notes(&block)
268                 sql("SELECT * FROM nyu WHERE type='txt' AND NOT info2='' AND tags GLOB '*/r/*'", &block)
269         end
271         def db_size()
272                 sql_first("SELECT count(*) FROM nyu").first.to_i
273         end
275         def delete(what)
276                 if Neuron === what
277                         Cache.delete(what)
278                         what = what.rowid
279                 end
280                 assert what, Numeric
281                 sql("DELETE FROM nyu WHERE rowid=#{what}")
282         end
284         def set_option(key, val)
285                 result = Query.get_option_info(key)
286                 oldval, types, code = result
288                 catch :break do
289                         if code
290                                 if code.strip =~ /^alias (\w+)$/
291                                         code = Query.get_option_code($1)
292                                         throw :break unless String === code
293                                 end
294                                 env =
295                                 env.option = key
296                                 env.value = val
297                                 env.types = types
298                                 env.oldvalue = oldval
300                                 result =
301                                 val = result unless result.nil?
302                         end
303                 end
305                 Cache.opt[key.to_sym] = Convert.option(val,types)
306                 sql("UPDATE nyu SET value=? WHERE type='opt' AND key=?", val, key)
307         end
309         def manage_tag(name, number = nil, rowid = nil)
310                 return unless String === name and not name.empty?
311                 assert number, Integer, NilClass
312                 if number.nil?
313                         number = sql("SELECT count(*) FROM nyu WHERE tags glob '*#{Convert::TAG_SPLIT_STRING}#{name}#{Convert::TAG_SPLIT_STRING}*'")
314                         number ||= 0
315                 end
316                 if rowid.nil?
317                         rowid = sql_first("SELECT rowid FROM nyu WHERE type='tag' AND key=?", name)
318                 end
319                 if rowid
320                         set(rowid, "value", number)
321                 else
322                         create('tag', name, number)
323                         API.refilter
324                 end
325         end