3 This source code is from [[https://github.com/tiagoweber][tiagoweber]].
5 - The first version is from [[http://tiagoweber.github.io/blog/entry1.html][here]].
6 - The second version is from [[http://tiagoweber.github.io/blog/entry4.html][here]].
13 ,#+BEGIN_SRC spice :results drawer :exports both :var file="data/images/spice-example"
14 ,*Virtual Ground Test: opamp gain = 1000
15 vin in 0 dc 0V sin(0 0.1 100Hz)
18 EOpamp out 0 0 inn 1000
21 .meas tran vtest find v(in) at=0.04e-3
25 set gnuplot_terminal=png
26 gnuplot $file v(in) v(out) v(inn)
32 ,#+ATTR_HTML: :width 600px
33 [[file:./data/images/spice-example.png]]