Sys.Signals module for a Variant type of signals (and a set_signal function that...
[ocaml.git] / camlp4 / Camlp4Filters /
1 (* camlp4r *)
2 (****************************************************************************)
3 (* *)
4 (* Objective Caml *)
5 (* *)
6 (* INRIA Rocquencourt *)
7 (* *)
8 (* Copyright 2006,2007 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
9 (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under *)
10 (* the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with the special *)
11 (* exception on linking described in LICENSE at the top of the Objective *)
12 (* Caml source tree. *)
13 (* *)
14 (****************************************************************************)
16 (* Authors:
17 * - Nicolas Pouillard: initial version
21 open Camlp4;
23 module Id = struct
24 value name = "Camlp4FoldGenerator";
25 value version = "$Id$";
26 end;
28 module Make (AstFilters : Camlp4.Sig.AstFilters) = struct
29 open AstFilters;
30 module StringMap = Map.Make String;
31 open Ast;
33 value _loc = Loc.ghost;
35 value sf = Printf.sprintf;
37 value xik i k =
38 let i =
39 if i < 0 then assert False
40 else if i = 0 then ""
41 else sf "_i%d" i
43 let k =
44 if k < 1 then assert False
45 else if k = 1 then ""
46 else sf "_k%d" k
48 sf "_x%s%s" i k;
49 value exik i k = <:expr< $lid:xik i k$ >>;
50 value pxik i k = <:patt< $lid:xik i k$ >>;
51 value elidk y k = <:expr< $lid:sf "%s_%d" y k$ >>;
52 value plidk y k = <:patt< $lid:sf "%s_%d" y k$ >>;
54 value xs s = "_x_" ^ s;
55 value xsk = sf "_x_%s_%d";
56 value exsk s k = <:expr< $lid:xsk s k$>>;
58 value rec apply_expr accu =
59 fun
60 [ [] -> accu
61 | [x :: xs] ->
62 let _loc = Ast.loc_of_expr x
63 in apply_expr <:expr< $accu$ $x$ >> xs ];
65 value rec apply_patt accu =
66 fun
67 [ [] -> accu
68 | [x :: xs] ->
69 let _loc = Ast.loc_of_patt x
70 in apply_patt <:patt< $accu$ $x$ >> xs ];
72 value rec apply_ctyp accu =
73 fun
74 [ [] -> accu
75 | [x :: xs] ->
76 let _loc = Ast.loc_of_ctyp x
77 in apply_ctyp <:ctyp< $accu$ $x$ >> xs ];
79 value opt_map f = fun [ Some x -> Some (f x) | None -> None ];
81 value list_init f n =
82 let rec self m =
83 if m = n then []
84 else [f m :: self (succ m)]
85 in self 0;
87 value rec lid_of_ident sep =
88 fun
89 [ <:ident< $lid:s$ >> | <:ident< $uid:s$ >> -> s
90 | <:ident< $i1$.$i2$ >> -> lid_of_ident sep i1 ^ sep ^ lid_of_ident sep i2
91 | _ -> assert False ];
93 type type_decl = (string * Ast.ident * list Ast.ctyp * Ast.ctyp * bool);
95 value builtin_types =
96 let tyMap = StringMap.empty in
97 let tyMap =
98 let abstr = ["string"; "int"; "float"; "int32"; "int64"; "nativeint"; "char"] in
99 List.fold_right
100 (fun name -> StringMap.add name (name, <:ident< $lid:name$ >>, [], <:ctyp<>>, False))
101 abstr tyMap
103 let tyMap =
104 let concr =
105 [("bool", <:ident<bool>>, [], <:ctyp< [ False | True ] >>, False);
106 ("list", <:ident<list>>, [ <:ctyp< 'a >> ], <:ctyp< [ $uid:"[]"$ | $uid:"::"$ of 'a and list 'a ] >>, False);
107 ("option", <:ident<option>>, [ <:ctyp< 'a >> ], <:ctyp< [ None | Some of 'a ] >>, False);
108 ("ref", <:ident<ref>>, [ <:ctyp< 'a >> ], <:ctyp< { contents : 'a } >>, False)]
110 List.fold_right (fun ((name, _, _, _, _) as decl) -> StringMap.add name decl) concr tyMap
112 tyMap;
114 value used_builtins = ref StringMap.empty;
116 value store_if_builtin_type id =
117 if StringMap.mem id builtin_types then
118 used_builtins.val := StringMap.add id (StringMap.find id builtin_types) used_builtins.val
119 else ();
121 type mode = [ Fold | Map | Fold_map ];
123 value string_of_mode = fun [ Fold -> "fold" | Map -> "map" | Fold_map -> "fold_map" ];
125 module Gen (X :
127 value size : int;
128 value mode : mode;
129 end) =
130 struct
132 value size = X.size;
133 value mode = X.mode;
135 value tuplify_expr f =
136 if size <= 0 then assert False
137 else if size = 1 then f 1
138 else
139 let rec loop k =
140 if k = 2 then f 2
141 else <:expr< $loop (k - 1)$, $f k$ >>
142 in <:expr< ($f 1$, $loop size$) >>;
144 value tuplify_patt f =
145 if size <= 0 then assert False
146 else if size = 1 then f 1
147 else
148 let rec loop k =
149 if k = 2 then f 2
150 else <:patt< $loop (k - 1)$, $f k$ >>
151 in <:patt< ($f 1$, $loop size$) >>;
153 value xiks i = tuplify_expr (exik i);
155 value tuplify_type typ =
156 if size <= 0 then assert False
157 else if size = 1 then typ
158 else
159 let rec loop k =
160 if k = 2 then typ
161 else <:ctyp< $loop (k - 1)$ * $typ$ >>
162 in <:ctyp< ($typ$ * $loop size$) >>;
164 value tuplify_tycon tycon = tuplify_type <:ctyp< $lid:tycon$ >>;
166 value rec patt_of_expr =
168 [ <:expr<>> -> <:patt<>>
169 | <:expr< $id:i$ >> -> <:patt< $id:i$ >>
170 | <:expr< $e1$, $e2$ >> -> <:patt< $patt_of_expr e1$, $patt_of_expr e2$ >>
171 | <:expr< $tup:e$ >> -> <:patt< $tup:patt_of_expr e$ >>
172 | _ -> assert False ];
174 value bind p e1 e2 =
175 match mode with
176 [ Fold_map -> <:expr< let (o, $p$) = $e1$ in $e2$ >>
177 | Map -> <:expr< let $p$ = $e1$ in $e2$ >>
178 | Fold -> <:expr< let o = $e1$ in $e2$ >> ];
180 value return e =
181 match mode with
182 [ Fold_map -> <:expr< (o, $e$) >>
183 | Map -> e
184 | Fold -> <:expr<o>> ];
186 value rec opt_bind opt_patt e1 mk_e2 =
187 match e1 with
188 [ <:expr< $id:_$ >> | <:expr< $lid:_$#$_$ >> -> mk_e2 e1
189 | <:expr< let $p1$ = $e1$ in $e2$ >> ->
190 <:expr< let $p1$ = $e1$ in $opt_bind None e2 mk_e2$ >>
191 | _ ->
192 let e2 = mk_e2 <:expr<o>> in
193 match opt_patt with
194 [ Some patt -> bind patt e1 e2
195 | None -> <:expr< (fun o -> $e1$) $e2$ >> ] ];
197 (* ts = [t1; ...; tN] *)
198 value chain_tuple mkp mke expr_of_ty ts =
199 (* exiks = [<<(x_i0_k1, ..., x_i0_kM)>>; ...; <<(x_iN_k1, ..., x_iN_kM)>>] *)
200 let exiks = list_init (fun i -> tuplify_expr (exik i)) (List.length ts) in
201 (* exi1s, pxi1s = [<<x_i0_k1>>; ...; <<x_iN_k1>>] *)
202 let exi1s = list_init (fun i -> exik i 1) (List.length ts) in
203 let pxi1s = list_init (fun i -> pxik i 1) (List.length ts) in
204 let ps k = mkp (list_init (fun i -> pxik i k) (List.length ts)) in
205 let p = tuplify_patt ps in
206 let e1 = mke exi1s in
207 let es = List.map2 (fun x -> expr_of_ty (Some x)) exiks ts in
208 let e =
209 List.fold_right2 begin fun pxi1 e acc ->
210 bind pxi1 e acc
211 end pxi1s es (return e1)
213 <:match_case< $p$ -> $e$ >>;
215 value mk_tuple expr_of_ty t =
216 let mc =
217 chain_tuple
218 (fun ps -> <:patt< ($tup:Ast.paCom_of_list ps$) >>)
219 (fun es -> <:expr< ($tup:Ast.exCom_of_list es$) >>)
220 expr_of_ty (Ast.list_of_ctyp t [])
221 in <:expr< fun [ $mc$ ] >>;
223 value default_match_case =
224 let mk k = if k = 1 then <:patt< x >> else <:patt< _ >> in
225 match mode with
226 [ Fold_map -> <:match_case< $tuplify_patt mk$ -> (o, x) >>
227 | Fold -> <:match_case< _ -> o >>
228 | Map -> <:match_case< $tuplify_patt mk$ -> x >> ];
230 value default_expr = <:expr< fun [ $default_match_case$ ] >>;
232 value mkfuno e =
233 match e with
234 [ <:expr< $e$ o >> -> e
235 | _ -> <:expr< fun o -> $e$ >> ];
237 value is_unknown t =
238 let rec loop t =
239 match t with
240 [ <:ctyp< $lid:_$ >> -> False
241 | <:ctyp< $id:_$ >> -> True
242 | <:ctyp< $t$ $_$ >> -> loop t
243 | _ -> False ]
245 match t with
246 [ <:ctyp< $uid:_$ >> -> False
247 | t -> loop t ];
249 value contains_unknown t =
251 let (_ : < .. >) =
252 object
253 inherit Ast.fold as super;
254 method ctyp t = if is_unknown t then raise Exit else super#ctyp t;
255 end#ctyp t
256 in False
257 with [ Exit -> True ];
259 value opt_bind' ox e1 mk_e2 =
260 let mk_e2 =
261 match ox with
262 [ Some x -> fun e1 -> <:expr< $mk_e2 e1$ $x$ >>
263 | _ -> mk_e2 ]
265 opt_bind (opt_map patt_of_expr ox) e1 mk_e2;
267 (* FIXME finish me
268 value rec is_simple =
270 [ <:expr< $id:_$ >> -> True
271 | <:expr< $e$#$_$ >> | <:expr< $tup:e$ >> -> is_simple e
272 | <:expr< $e1$ $e2$ >> | <:expr< $e1$, $e2$ >> -> is_simple e1 && is_simple e2
273 | _ -> False ];
275 value app e1 e2 =
276 let is_e1_simple = is_simple e1 in
277 let is_e2_simple = is_simple e2 in
278 if is_e1_simple then
279 if is_e2_simple then <:expr< $e1$ $e2$ >>
280 else let x = fresh "y" in <:expr< let $lid:y$ = $e2$ in $e1$ $lid:y$ >>
281 else
282 if is_e2_simple then
283 let x = fresh "y" in <:expr< let $lid:y$ = $e1$ in $lid:y$ $e2$ >>
284 else ; *)
286 value opt_app e ox =
287 match ox with
288 [ Some x -> <:expr< $e$ $x$ >> (* call app *)
289 | _ -> e ];
291 value rec expr_of_ty x ty =
292 let rec self ?(arity=0) ox =
294 [ t when is_unknown t ->
295 self ox <:ctyp< unknown >>
296 | <:ctyp< $lid:id$ >> ->
297 let () = store_if_builtin_type id in
298 opt_bind' ox <:expr<o>> (fun e1 -> <:expr< $e1$#$id$ >>)
299 | <:ctyp@_loc< $t1$ $t2$ >> ->
300 let e = opt_bind None
301 (self ~arity:(arity+1) None t1)
302 (fun e1 -> <:expr< $e1$ $mkfuno (self None t2)$ >>) in
303 opt_app e ox
304 | <:ctyp< ( $tup:t$ ) >> ->
305 opt_app (mk_tuple (self ~arity:0) t) ox
306 | <:ctyp< '$s$ >> ->
307 opt_app <:expr< $lid:"_f_" ^ s$ o >> ox
308 | _ ->
309 self ox <:ctyp< unknown >> ]
310 in self x ty
312 and expr_of_ty' e t = expr_of_ty (Some e) t
314 and out_constr_patt s =
315 <:patt< $uid:s$ >>
316 (* <:patt< `$s$ >>
317 <:patt< M.$uid:s$ >> *)
318 and out_constr_expr s =
319 <:expr< $uid:s$ >>
320 (* <:expr< `$s$ >>
321 <:expr< M.$uid:s$ >> *)
323 (* method term t =
324 match t with
325 | C(x1, ..., xn) ->
326 let o, x1 = o#t1 x1 in
327 let o, x2 = o#t2 x2 in
329 let o, xn = o#tn xn in
330 o, C(x1, ..., xn)
333 (* s = C, t = t1 and ... and tN *)
334 and match_case_of_constructor s t =
335 chain_tuple
336 (apply_patt (out_constr_patt s))
337 (apply_expr (out_constr_expr s))
338 expr_of_ty (Ast.list_of_ctyp t [])
340 and match_case_of_sum_type =
342 [ <:ctyp< $t1$ | $t2$ >> ->
343 <:match_case< $match_case_of_sum_type t1$ | $match_case_of_sum_type t2$ >>
344 | <:ctyp< $uid:s$ of $t$ >> -> match_case_of_constructor s t
345 | <:ctyp< $uid:s$ >> -> match_case_of_constructor s <:ctyp<>>
346 | _ -> assert False ]
348 and match_case_of_poly_constructor s ts =
349 chain_tuple
350 (fun [ [] -> <:patt< `$s$ >> | [p] -> <:patt< `$s$ $p$ >> | ps -> <:patt< `$s$ ($tup:Ast.paCom_of_list ps$) >> ])
351 (fun [ [] -> <:expr< `$s$ >> | [e] -> <:expr< `$s$ $e$ >> | es -> <:expr< `$s$ ($tup:Ast.exCom_of_list es$) >> ])
352 expr_of_ty ts
354 and match_case_of_poly_sum_type =
356 [ <:ctyp< $t1$ | $t2$ >> ->
357 <:match_case< $match_case_of_poly_sum_type t1$ | $match_case_of_poly_sum_type t2$ >>
358 | <:ctyp< `$i$ of ($tup:t$) >> -> match_case_of_poly_constructor i (Ast.list_of_ctyp t [])
359 | <:ctyp< `$i$ of $t$ >> -> match_case_of_poly_constructor i [t]
360 | <:ctyp< `$i$ >> -> match_case_of_poly_constructor i []
361 | _ -> assert False ]
363 and record_patt_of_type k =
365 [ <:ctyp< $lid:s$ : $_$ >> ->
366 <:patt< $lid:s$ = $lid:xsk s k$ >>
367 | <:ctyp< $t1$ ; $t2$ >> ->
368 <:patt< $record_patt_of_type k t1$; $record_patt_of_type k t2$ >>
369 | _ -> assert False ]
371 and type_list_of_record_type t ((acc1, acc2) as acc) =
372 match t with
373 [ <:ctyp<>> -> acc
374 | <:ctyp< $lid:s$ : mutable $t$ >> | <:ctyp< $lid:s$ : $t$ >> ->
375 ([s :: acc1], [t :: acc2])
376 | <:ctyp< $t1$ ; $t2$ >> ->
377 type_list_of_record_type t1 (type_list_of_record_type t2 acc)
378 | _ -> assert False ]
380 and expr_of_record_type t =
381 let (ls, ts) = type_list_of_record_type t ([], []) in
382 let mkp ps = <:patt< { $list:List.map2 (fun l p -> <:patt< $lid:l$ = $p$ >>) ls ps$ } >> in
383 let mke es = <:expr< { $list:List.map2 (fun l e -> <:rec_binding< $lid:l$ = $e$ >>) ls es$ } >> in
384 chain_tuple mkp mke expr_of_ty ts
386 and failure_match_case =
387 <:match_case< $tuplify_patt (pxik 0)$ ->
388 o#$lid:sf "%s%d_failure" (string_of_mode mode) size$ $tuplify_expr (exik 0)$ >>
390 and complete_match_case mk t =
391 match t with
392 [ <:ctyp< $_$ | $_$ >> when size > 1 ->
393 <:match_case< $mk t$ | $failure_match_case$ >>
394 | _ -> mk t ]
396 and fun_of_ctyp tyid =
398 [ <:ctyp< [ $t$ ] >> ->
399 <:expr< fun [ $complete_match_case match_case_of_sum_type t$ ] >>
400 | <:ctyp< { $t$ } >> ->
401 <:expr< fun [ $expr_of_record_type t$ ] >>
402 | <:ctyp< ( $tup:t$ ) >> -> mk_tuple expr_of_ty t
403 | <:ctyp< $lid:i$ >> when i = tyid -> default_expr
404 | <:ctyp< $_$ $_$ >> | <:ctyp< $_$ -> $_$ >> | <:ctyp< '$_$ >> | <:ctyp< $id:_$ >> as t ->
405 expr_of_ty None t
406 | <:ctyp<>> ->
407 expr_of_ty None <:ctyp< unknown >>
408 | <:ctyp< [ = $t$ ] >> | <:ctyp< [ < $t$ ] >> | <:ctyp< private [ < $t$ ] >> ->
409 <:expr< fun [ $complete_match_case match_case_of_poly_sum_type t$ ] >>
410 | <:ctyp< [ > $t$ ] >> | <:ctyp< private [ > $t$ ] >> ->
411 if size > 1 then
412 <:expr< fun [ $complete_match_case match_case_of_poly_sum_type t$ ] >>
413 else
414 <:expr< fun [ $match_case_of_poly_sum_type t$ | $default_match_case$ ] >>
415 | _ -> assert False ]
417 and string_of_type_param t =
418 match t with
419 [ <:ctyp< '$s$ >> | <:ctyp< +'$s$ >> | <:ctyp< -'$s$ >> -> s
420 | _ -> assert False ]
422 and method_of_type_decl _ ((id1, _, params, ctyp, priv) as type_decl) acc =
423 let rec lambda acc =
425 [ [] -> acc
426 | [ x :: xs ] -> lambda <:expr< fun $lid:"_f_" ^ x$ -> $acc$ >> xs ] in
427 let params' = string_of_type_param params in
428 let funs = lambda (fun_of_ctyp id1 ctyp) params' in
429 let ty = method_type_of_type_decl type_decl in
430 let priv = if priv then Ast.BTrue else Ast.BFalse in
431 <:class_str_item< method $private:priv$ $lid:id1$ : $ty$ = $funs$; $acc$ >>
433 and ctyp_name_of_name_params name params =
434 apply_ctyp <:ctyp< $id:name$ >> params
436 and method_type_of_type_decl (_, name, params, ctyp, _) =
437 let t = ctyp_name_of_name_params name params in
438 if mode = Map && not (contains_unknown ctyp) then
439 let out_params = (fun [ <:ctyp< '$i$ >> -> <:ctyp< '$i^"_out"$ >> | _ -> assert False ]) params in
440 let t_out = ctyp_name_of_name_params name out_params in
441 method_type_of_type t t_out params out_params
442 else
443 method_type_of_type t t params []
445 and method_type_of_type t_in t_out params_in params_out =
446 let rt t =
447 match mode with
448 [ Fold_map -> <:ctyp< ('self_type * $t$) >>
449 | Fold -> <:ctyp< 'self_type >>
450 | Map -> t ]
452 match (params_in, params_out) with
453 [ ([param_in], [param_out]) ->
454 let alphas = tuplify_type param_in in
455 <:ctyp< ! $param_in$ $param_out$ . ('self_type -> $alphas$ -> $rt param_out$) -> $tuplify_type t_in$ -> $rt t_out$ >>
456 | ([param], []) ->
457 let alphas = tuplify_type param in
458 <:ctyp< ! $param$ . ('self_type -> $alphas$ -> $rt param$) -> $tuplify_type t_in$ -> $rt t_out$ >>
459 | ([], []) ->
460 <:ctyp< $tuplify_type t_in$ -> $rt t_out$ >>
461 | _ ->
462 let i = List.length params_in in
463 failwith (Printf.sprintf
464 "Camlp4FoldGenerator: FIXME not implemented for types with %d parameters" i) ]
466 and class_sig_item_of_type_decl _ ((name, _, _, t, _) as type_decl) acc =
467 let (_ : < .. >) =
468 object (self)
469 inherit Ast.fold as super;
470 method ctyp =
472 [ <:ctyp< $lid:id$ >> -> let () = store_if_builtin_type id in self
473 | t -> super#ctyp t ];
474 end#ctyp t
476 <:class_sig_item<
477 method $lid:name$ : $method_type_of_type_decl type_decl$;
478 $acc$ >>
480 and generate_structure tyMap =
481 StringMap.fold method_of_type_decl used_builtins.val
482 (StringMap.fold method_of_type_decl tyMap <:class_str_item<>>)
484 and generate_signature tyMap =
485 StringMap.fold class_sig_item_of_type_decl used_builtins.val
486 (StringMap.fold class_sig_item_of_type_decl tyMap <:class_sig_item<>>);
488 end;
490 value rec tyMap_of_type_decls t acc =
491 match t with
492 [ <:ctyp<>> -> acc
493 | <:ctyp< $t1$ and $t2$ >> ->
494 tyMap_of_type_decls t1 (tyMap_of_type_decls t2 acc)
495 | Ast.TyDcl _ name tl tk _ ->
496 StringMap.add name (name, <:ident< $lid:name$ >>, tl, tk, False) acc
497 | _ -> assert False ];
499 value generate_class_implem mode c tydcl n =
500 let tyMap = tyMap_of_type_decls tydcl StringMap.empty in
501 let module M = Gen(struct value size = n; value mode = mode; end) in
502 let generated = M.generate_structure tyMap in
503 let gen_type =
504 <:ctyp< ! 'a 'b . $M.method_type_of_type <:ctyp< 'a >> <:ctyp< 'b >> [] []$ >>
506 let failure =
507 if n > 1 then
508 let name = string_of_mode mode in
509 <:class_str_item< method $lid:sf "%s%d_failure" name n$ : $gen_type$ =
510 fun $M.tuplify_patt (pxik 0)$ ->
511 failwith $`str:sf "%s%d_failure: default implementation" name n$ >>
512 else <:class_str_item<>>
514 let gen_type =
515 <:ctyp< ! 'a . $M.method_type_of_type <:ctyp< 'a >> <:ctyp< 'a >> [] []$ >>
517 let unknown =
518 <:class_str_item< method unknown : $gen_type$ = $M.default_expr$ >>
520 <:str_item< class $lid:c$ = object (o : 'self_type) $generated$; $failure$; $unknown$ end >>;
522 value generate_class_interf mode c tydcl n =
523 let tyMap = tyMap_of_type_decls tydcl StringMap.empty in
524 let module M = Gen(struct value size = n; value mode = mode; end) in
525 let generated = M.generate_signature tyMap in
526 let gen_type =
527 <:ctyp< ! 'a 'b . $M.method_type_of_type <:ctyp< 'a >> <:ctyp< 'b >> [] []$ >>
529 let failure =
530 if n > 1 then
531 let name = string_of_mode mode in
532 <:class_sig_item< method $lid:sf "%s%d_failure" name n$ : $gen_type$ >>
533 else <:class_sig_item<>>
535 let gen_type =
536 <:ctyp< ! 'a . $M.method_type_of_type <:ctyp< 'a >> <:ctyp< 'a >> [] []$ >>
538 let unknown =
539 <:class_sig_item< method unknown : $gen_type$ >>
541 <:sig_item< class $lid:c$ : object ('self_type) $generated$; $failure$; $unknown$ end >>;
543 value processor =
544 let last = ref <:ctyp<>> in
545 let generate_class' generator default c s n =
546 match s with
547 [ "Fold" -> generator Fold c last.val n
548 | "Map" -> generator Map c last.val n
549 | "FoldMap" -> generator Fold_map c last.val n
550 | _ -> default ]
552 let generate_class_from_module_name generator c default m =
553 try Scanf.sscanf m "Camlp4%[^G]Generator" begin fun m' ->
554 try Scanf.sscanf m' "%[^0-9]%d" (generate_class' generator default c)
555 with [ End_of_file | Scanf.Scan_failure _ -> generate_class' generator default c m' 1 ]
556 end with [ End_of_file | Scanf.Scan_failure _ -> default ]
558 object (self)
559 inherit as super;
561 method str_item st =
562 match st with
563 [ <:str_item< type $t$ >> -> (last.val := t; st)
565 (* backward compatibility *)
566 | <:str_item@_loc< class $lid:c$ = Camlp4Filters.GenerateFold.generated >> ->
567 generate_class_implem Fold c last.val 1
568 | <:str_item@_loc< class $lid:c$ = Camlp4Filters.GenerateMap.generated >> ->
569 generate_class_implem Map c last.val 1
571 (* Handle Camlp4(Fold|Map|FoldMap)\d*Generator *)
572 | <:str_item@_loc< class $lid:c$ = $uid:m$.generated >> ->
573 generate_class_from_module_name generate_class_implem c st m
575 (* It's a hack to force to recurse on the left to right order *)
576 | <:str_item< $st1$; $st2$ >> ->
577 let st1 = self#str_item st1 in
578 <:str_item< $st1$; $self#str_item st2$ >>
580 | st -> super#str_item st ];
582 method sig_item sg =
583 match sg with
584 [ <:sig_item< type $t$ >> -> (last.val := t; sg)
586 (* backward compatibility *)
587 | <:sig_item@_loc< class $lid:c$ : Camlp4Filters.GenerateFold.generated >> ->
588 generate_class_interf Fold c last.val 1
589 | <:sig_item@_loc< class $lid:c$ : Camlp4Filters.GenerateMap.generated >> ->
590 generate_class_interf Map c last.val 1
592 (* Handle Camlp4(Fold|Map|FoldMap)\d*Generator *)
593 | <:sig_item@_loc< class $lid:c$ : $uid:m$.generated >> ->
594 generate_class_from_module_name generate_class_interf c sg m
596 (* It's a hack to force to recurse on the left to right order *)
597 | <:sig_item< $sg1$; $sg2$ >> ->
598 let sg1 = self#sig_item sg1 in
599 <:sig_item< $sg1$; $self#sig_item sg2$ >>
601 | sg -> super#sig_item sg ];
602 end;
604 register_str_item_filter processor#str_item;
605 register_sig_item_filter processor#sig_item;
607 end;
609 let module M = Camlp4.Register.AstFilter Id Make in ();