Sys.Signals module for a Variant type of signals (and a set_signal function that...
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1 (***********************************************************************)
2 (* *)
3 (* Objective Caml *)
4 (* *)
5 (* Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
6 (* Objective Caml port by John Malecki and Xavier Leroy *)
7 (* *)
8 (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
9 (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
10 (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
11 (* *)
12 (***********************************************************************)
14 (* $Id$ *)
16 (* To print values *)
18 open Misc
19 open Obj
20 open Format
21 open Parser_aux
22 open Path
23 open Types
25 (* To name printed and ellipsed values *)
27 let named_values =
28 (Hashtbl.create 29 : (int, Debugcom.Remote_value.t * type_expr) Hashtbl.t)
29 let next_name = ref 1
31 let reset_named_values () =
32 Hashtbl.clear named_values;
33 next_name := 1
35 let name_value v ty =
36 let name = !next_name in
37 incr next_name;
38 Hashtbl.add named_values name (v, ty);
39 name
41 let find_named_value name =
42 Hashtbl.find named_values name
44 let check_depth ppf depth obj ty =
45 if depth <= 0 then begin
46 let n = name_value obj ty in
47 Some (Outcometree.Oval_stuff ("$" ^ string_of_int n))
48 end else None
50 module EvalPath =
51 struct
52 type value = Debugcom.Remote_value.t
53 exception Error
54 let rec eval_path = function
55 Pident id ->
56 begin try
57 (Symtable.get_global_position id)
58 with Symtable.Error _ ->
59 raise Error
60 end
61 | Pdot(root, fieldname, pos) ->
62 let v = eval_path root in
63 if not (Debugcom.Remote_value.is_block v)
64 then raise Error
65 else Debugcom.Remote_value.field v pos
66 | Papply(p1, p2) ->
67 raise Error
68 let same_value = Debugcom.Remote_value.same
69 end
71 module Printer = Genprintval.Make(Debugcom.Remote_value)(EvalPath)
73 let install_printer path ty ppf fn =
74 Printer.install_printer path ty
75 (fun ppf remote_val ->
76 try
77 fn ppf (Obj.repr (Debugcom.Remote_value.obj remote_val))
78 with
79 Debugcom.Marshalling_error ->
80 fprintf ppf "<cannot fetch remote object>")
82 let remove_printer = Printer.remove_printer
84 let max_printer_depth = ref 20
85 let max_printer_steps = ref 300
87 let print_exception ppf obj =
88 let t = Printer.outval_of_untyped_exception obj in
89 !Oprint.out_value ppf t
91 let print_value max_depth env obj (ppf : Format.formatter) ty =
92 let t =
93 Printer.outval_of_value !max_printer_steps max_depth
94 (check_depth ppf) env obj ty in
95 !Oprint.out_value ppf t
97 let print_named_value max_depth exp env obj ppf ty =
98 let print_value_name ppf = function
99 | E_ident lid ->
100 Printtyp.longident ppf lid
101 | E_name n ->
102 fprintf ppf "$%i" n
103 | _ ->
104 let n = name_value obj ty in
105 fprintf ppf "$%i" n in
106 Printtyp.reset_and_mark_loops ty;
107 fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a :@ %a@ =@ %a@]@."
108 print_value_name exp
109 Printtyp.type_expr ty
110 (print_value max_depth env obj) ty