Sys.Signals module for a Variant type of signals (and a set_signal function that...
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1 (***********************************************************************)
2 (* *)
3 (* Objective Caml *)
4 (* *)
5 (* Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
6 (* Objective Caml port by John Malecki and Xavier Leroy *)
7 (* *)
8 (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
9 (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
10 (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
11 (* *)
12 (***********************************************************************)
14 (* $Id$ *)
16 (****************** Tools for Unix *************************************)
18 open Misc
19 open Unix
20 open Primitives
22 (*** Convert a socket name into a socket address. ***)
23 let convert_address address =
24 try
25 let n = string_pos address ':' in
26 let host = String.sub address 0 n
27 and port = String.sub address (n + 1) (String.length address - n - 1)
29 (PF_INET,
31 ((try inet_addr_of_string host with Failure _ ->
32 try (gethostbyname host).h_addr_list.(0) with Not_found ->
33 prerr_endline ("Unknown host : " ^ host);
34 failwith "Can't convert address"),
35 (try int_of_string port with Failure _ ->
36 prerr_endline "The port number should be an integer";
37 failwith "Can't convert address")))
38 with Not_found ->
39 (PF_UNIX, ADDR_UNIX address)
41 (*** Report a unix error. ***)
42 let report_error = function
43 | Unix_error (err, fun_name, arg) ->
44 prerr_string "Unix error : '";
45 prerr_string fun_name;
46 prerr_string "' failed";
47 if String.length arg > 0 then
48 (prerr_string " on '";
49 prerr_string arg;
50 prerr_string "'");
51 prerr_string " : ";
52 prerr_endline (error_message err)
53 | _ -> fatal_error "report_error: not a Unix error"
55 (* Find program `name' in `PATH'. *)
56 (* Return the full path if found. *)
57 (* Raise `Not_found' otherwise. *)
58 let search_in_path name =
59 let check name =
60 try access name [X_OK]; name with Unix_error _ -> raise Not_found
62 if not (Filename.is_implicit name) then
63 check name
64 else
65 let path = Sys.getenv "PATH" in
66 let length = String.length path in
67 let rec traverse pointer =
68 if (pointer >= length) || (path.[pointer] = ':') then
69 pointer
70 else
71 traverse (pointer + 1)
73 let rec find pos =
74 let pos2 = traverse pos in
75 let directory = (String.sub path pos (pos2 - pos)) in
76 let fullname =
77 if directory = "" then name else directory ^ "/" ^ name
79 try check fullname with
80 | Not_found ->
81 if pos2 < length then find (pos2 + 1)
82 else raise Not_found
84 find 0
86 (* Expand a path. *)
87 (* ### path -> path' *)
88 let rec expand_path ch =
89 let rec subst_variable ch =
90 try
91 let pos = string_pos ch '$' in
92 if (pos + 1 < String.length ch) && (ch.[pos + 1] = '$') then
93 (String.sub ch 0 (pos + 1))
94 ^ (subst_variable
95 (String.sub ch (pos + 2) (String.length ch - pos - 2)))
96 else
97 (String.sub ch 0 pos)
98 ^ (subst2 (String.sub ch (pos + 1) (String.length ch - pos - 1)))
99 with Not_found ->
101 and subst2 ch =
102 let suiv =
103 let i = ref 0 in
104 while !i < String.length ch &&
105 (let c = ch.[!i] in (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
106 || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
107 || (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
108 || c = '_')
109 do incr i done;
111 in (Sys.getenv (String.sub ch 0 suiv))
112 ^ (subst_variable (String.sub ch suiv (String.length ch - suiv)))
114 let ch = subst_variable ch in
115 let concat_root nom ch2 =
116 try Filename.concat (getpwnam nom).pw_dir ch2
117 with Not_found ->
118 "~" ^ nom
120 if ch.[0] = '~' then
122 match string_pos ch '/' with
123 1 ->
124 (let tail = String.sub ch 2 (String.length ch - 2)
126 try Filename.concat (Sys.getenv "HOME") tail
127 with Not_found ->
128 concat_root (Sys.getenv "LOGNAME") tail)
129 | n -> concat_root
130 (String.sub ch 1 (n - 1))
131 (String.sub ch (n + 1) (String.length ch - n - 1))
132 with
133 Not_found ->
134 expand_path (ch ^ "/")
135 else ch
137 let make_absolute name =
138 if Filename.is_relative name
139 then Filename.concat (getcwd ()) name
140 else name