Sys.Signals module for a Variant type of signals (and a set_signal function that...
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1 (***********************************************************************)
2 (* *)
3 (* Objective Caml *)
4 (* *)
5 (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
6 (* *)
7 (* Copyright 2002 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
8 (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
9 (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
10 (* *)
11 (***********************************************************************)
13 (* $Id$ *)
15 (* The batch compiler *)
17 open Misc
18 open Config
19 open Format
20 open Typedtree
22 (* Initialize the search path.
23 The current directory is always searched first,
24 then the directories specified with the -I option (in command-line order),
25 then the standard library directory (unless the -nostdlib option is given).
28 let init_path () =
29 let dirs =
30 if !Clflags.use_threads then "+threads" :: !Clflags.include_dirs
31 else if !Clflags.use_vmthreads then "+vmthreads" :: !Clflags.include_dirs
32 else !Clflags.include_dirs in
33 let exp_dirs =
34 (expand_directory Config.standard_library) dirs in
35 load_path := "" :: List.rev_append exp_dirs (Clflags.std_include_dir ());
36 Env.reset_cache ()
38 (* Return the initial environment in which compilation proceeds. *)
40 (* Note: do not do init_path() in initial_env, this breaks
41 toplevel initialization (PR#1775) *)
42 let initial_env () =
43 Ident.reinit();
44 try
45 if !Clflags.nopervasives
46 then Env.initial
47 else Env.open_pers_signature "Pervasives" Env.initial
48 with Not_found ->
49 fatal_error "cannot open pervasives.cmi"
51 (* Compile a .mli file *)
53 let interface ppf sourcefile outputprefix =
54 init_path ();
55 let modulename =
56 String.capitalize(Filename.basename(chop_extension_if_any sourcefile)) in
57 Env.set_unit_name modulename;
58 let inputfile = Pparse.preprocess sourcefile in
59 try
60 let ast =
61 Pparse.file ppf inputfile Parse.interface ast_intf_magic_number in
62 if !Clflags.dump_parsetree then fprintf ppf "%a@." Printast.interface ast;
63 let sg = Typemod.transl_signature (initial_env()) ast in
64 if !Clflags.print_types then
65 fprintf std_formatter "%a@." Printtyp.signature
66 (Typemod.simplify_signature sg);
67 Warnings.check_fatal ();
68 if not !Clflags.print_types then
69 Env.save_signature sg modulename (outputprefix ^ ".cmi");
70 Pparse.remove_preprocessed inputfile
71 with e ->
72 Pparse.remove_preprocessed_if_ast inputfile;
73 raise e
75 (* Compile a .ml file *)
77 let print_if ppf flag printer arg =
78 if !flag then fprintf ppf "%a@." printer arg;
79 arg
81 let (++) x f = f x
83 let implementation ppf sourcefile outputprefix =
84 init_path ();
85 let modulename =
86 String.capitalize(Filename.basename(chop_extension_if_any sourcefile)) in
87 Env.set_unit_name modulename;
88 let inputfile = Pparse.preprocess sourcefile in
89 let env = initial_env() in
90 if !Clflags.print_types then begin
91 try ignore(
92 Pparse.file ppf inputfile Parse.implementation ast_impl_magic_number
93 ++ print_if ppf Clflags.dump_parsetree Printast.implementation
94 ++ Typemod.type_implementation sourcefile outputprefix modulename env)
95 with x ->
96 Pparse.remove_preprocessed_if_ast inputfile;
97 raise x
98 end else begin
99 let objfile = outputprefix ^ ".cmo" in
100 let oc = open_out_bin objfile in
102 Pparse.file ppf inputfile Parse.implementation ast_impl_magic_number
103 ++ print_if ppf Clflags.dump_parsetree Printast.implementation
104 ++ Unused_var.warn ppf
105 ++ Typemod.type_implementation sourcefile outputprefix modulename env
106 ++ Translmod.transl_implementation modulename
107 ++ print_if ppf Clflags.dump_rawlambda Printlambda.lambda
108 ++ Simplif.simplify_lambda
109 ++ print_if ppf Clflags.dump_lambda Printlambda.lambda
110 ++ Bytegen.compile_implementation modulename
111 ++ print_if ppf Clflags.dump_instr Printinstr.instrlist
112 ++ Emitcode.to_file oc modulename;
113 Warnings.check_fatal ();
114 Pparse.remove_preprocessed inputfile;
115 close_out oc;
116 with x ->
117 close_out oc;
118 remove_file objfile;
119 Pparse.remove_preprocessed_if_ast inputfile;
120 raise x
123 let c_file name =
124 if Ccomp.compile_file name <> 0 then exit 2