Sys.Signals module for a Variant type of signals (and a set_signal function that...
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1 (***********************************************************************)
2 (* OCamldoc *)
3 (* *)
4 (* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
5 (* *)
6 (* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
7 (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
8 (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
9 (* *)
10 (***********************************************************************)
12 (* $Id$ *)
14 (** Main module for bytecode. *)
16 open Config
17 open Clflags
18 open Misc
19 open Format
20 open Typedtree
22 module M = Odoc_messages
24 let print_DEBUG s = print_string s ; print_newline ()
26 (* we check if we must load a module given on the command line *)
27 let arg_list = Array.to_list Sys.argv
28 let (cmo_or_cma_opt, paths) =
29 let rec iter (f_opt, inc) = function
30 [] | _ :: [] -> (f_opt, inc)
31 | "-g" :: file :: q when
32 ((Filename.check_suffix file "cmo") or
33 (Filename.check_suffix file "cma")) &
34 (f_opt = None) ->
35 iter (Some file, inc) q
36 | "-i" :: dir :: q ->
37 iter (f_opt, inc @ [dir]) q
38 | _ :: q ->
39 iter (f_opt, inc) q
41 iter (None, []) arg_list
43 let _ = print_DEBUG "Fin analyse des arguments pour le dynamic load"
45 (** Return the real name of the file to load,
46 searching it in the paths if it is
47 a simple name and not in the current directory. *)
48 let get_real_filename name =
49 if Filename.basename name <> name then
50 name
51 else
53 let paths = Filename.current_dir_name :: paths @ [Odoc_config.custom_generators_path] in
54 try
55 let d = List.find
56 (fun d -> Sys.file_exists (Filename.concat d name))
57 paths
59 Filename.concat d name
60 with
61 Not_found ->
62 failwith (M.file_not_found_in_paths paths name)
65 let _ =
66 match cmo_or_cma_opt with
67 None ->
69 | Some file ->
70 (* initializations for dynamic loading *)
71 Dynlink.init ();
72 Dynlink.allow_unsafe_modules true;
73 try
74 let real_file = get_real_filename file in
75 ignore(Dynlink.loadfile real_file)
76 with
77 Dynlink.Error e ->
78 prerr_endline (Odoc_messages.load_file_error file (Dynlink.error_message e)) ;
79 exit 1
80 | Not_found ->
81 prerr_endline (Odoc_messages.load_file_error file "Not_found");
82 exit 1
83 | Sys_error s
84 | Failure s ->
85 prerr_endline (Odoc_messages.load_file_error file s);
86 exit 1
88 let _ = print_DEBUG "Fin du chargement dynamique éventuel"
90 let default_html_generator = new Odoc_html.html
91 let default_latex_generator = new Odoc_latex.latex
92 let default_texi_generator = new Odoc_texi.texi
93 let default_man_generator = new
94 let default_dot_generator = new
95 let _ = Odoc_args.parse
96 (default_html_generator :> Odoc_args.doc_generator)
97 (default_latex_generator :> Odoc_args.doc_generator)
98 (default_texi_generator :> Odoc_args.doc_generator)
99 (default_man_generator :> Odoc_args.doc_generator)
100 (default_dot_generator :> Odoc_args.doc_generator)
103 let loaded_modules =
104 List.flatten
105 (
106 (fun f ->
107 Odoc_info.verbose (Odoc_messages.loading f);
109 let l = Odoc_analyse.load_modules f in
110 Odoc_info.verbose Odoc_messages.ok;
112 with Failure s ->
113 prerr_endline s ;
114 incr Odoc_global.errors ;
117 !Odoc_args.load
120 let modules = Odoc_analyse.analyse_files ~init: loaded_modules !Odoc_args.files
122 let _ =
123 match !Odoc_args.dump with
124 None -> ()
125 | Some f ->
126 try Odoc_analyse.dump_modules f modules
127 with Failure s ->
128 prerr_endline s ;
129 incr Odoc_global.errors
131 let _ =
132 match !Odoc_args.doc_generator with
133 None ->
135 | Some gen ->
136 Odoc_info.verbose Odoc_messages.generating_doc;
137 gen#generate modules;
138 Odoc_info.verbose Odoc_messages.ok
140 let _ =
141 if !Odoc_global.errors > 0 then
143 prerr_endline (Odoc_messages.errors_occured !Odoc_global.errors) ;
144 exit 1
146 else
147 exit 0
150 (* eof $Id$ *)