Sys.Signals module for a Variant type of signals (and a set_signal function that...
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1 (***********************************************************************)
2 (* OCamldoc *)
3 (* *)
4 (* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
5 (* *)
6 (* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
7 (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
8 (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
9 (* *)
10 (***********************************************************************)
12 (* $Id$ *)
14 (** Analysis of source files. This module is strongly inspired from
15 driver/ :-) *)
17 let print_DEBUG s = print_string s ; print_newline ()
19 open Config
20 open Clflags
21 open Misc
22 open Format
23 open Typedtree
26 (** Initialize the search path.
27 The current directory is always searched first,
28 then the directories specified with the -I option (in command-line order),
29 then the standard library directory. *)
30 let init_path () =
31 load_path :=
32 "" :: List.rev (Config.standard_library :: !Clflags.include_dirs);
33 Env.reset_cache ()
35 (** Return the initial environment in which compilation proceeds. *)
36 let initial_env () =
37 try
38 if !Clflags.nopervasives
39 then Env.initial
40 else Env.open_pers_signature "Pervasives" Env.initial
41 with Not_found ->
42 fatal_error "cannot open pervasives.cmi"
44 (** Optionally preprocess a source file *)
45 let preprocess sourcefile =
46 match !Clflags.preprocessor with
47 None -> sourcefile
48 | Some pp ->
49 let tmpfile = Filename.temp_file "camlpp" "" in
50 let comm = Printf.sprintf "%s %s > %s" pp sourcefile tmpfile in
51 if Ccomp.command comm <> 0 then begin
52 remove_file tmpfile;
53 Printf.eprintf "Preprocessing error\n";
54 exit 2
55 end;
56 tmpfile
58 (** Remove the input file if this file was the result of a preprocessing.*)
59 let remove_preprocessed inputfile =
60 match !Clflags.preprocessor with
61 None -> ()
62 | Some _ -> remove_file inputfile
64 let remove_preprocessed_if_ast inputfile =
65 match !Clflags.preprocessor with
66 None -> ()
67 | Some _ -> if inputfile <> !Location.input_name then remove_file inputfile
69 exception Outdated_version
71 (** Parse a file or get a dumped syntax tree in it *)
72 let parse_file inputfile parse_fun ast_magic =
73 let ic = open_in_bin inputfile in
74 let is_ast_file =
75 try
76 let buffer = String.create (String.length ast_magic) in
77 really_input ic buffer 0 (String.length ast_magic);
78 if buffer = ast_magic then true
79 else if String.sub buffer 0 9 = String.sub ast_magic 0 9 then
80 raise Outdated_version
81 else false
82 with
83 Outdated_version ->
84 fatal_error "Ocaml and preprocessor have incompatible versions"
85 | _ -> false
87 let ast =
88 try
89 if is_ast_file then begin
90 Location.input_name := input_value ic;
91 input_value ic
92 end else begin
93 seek_in ic 0;
94 Location.input_name := inputfile;
95 let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel ic in
96 Location.init lexbuf inputfile;
97 parse_fun lexbuf
98 end
99 with x -> close_in ic; raise x
101 close_in ic;
104 let (++) x f = f x
106 (** Analysis of an implementation file. Returns (Some typedtree) if
107 no error occured, else None and an error message is printed.*)
108 let process_implementation_file ppf sourcefile =
109 init_path ();
110 let prefixname = Filename.chop_extension sourcefile in
111 let modulename = String.capitalize(Filename.basename prefixname) in
112 Env.set_unit_name modulename;
113 let inputfile = preprocess sourcefile in
114 let env = initial_env () in
116 let parsetree = parse_file inputfile Parse.implementation ast_impl_magic_number in
117 let typedtree = Typemod.type_implementation sourcefile prefixname modulename env parsetree in
118 (Some (parsetree, typedtree), inputfile)
119 with
120 e ->
121 match e with
122 Syntaxerr.Error err ->
123 fprintf Format.err_formatter "@[%a@]@."
124 Syntaxerr.report_error err;
125 None, inputfile
126 | Failure s ->
127 prerr_endline s;
128 incr Odoc_global.errors ;
129 None, inputfile
130 | e ->
131 raise e
133 (** Analysis of an interface file. Returns (Some signature) if
134 no error occured, else None and an error message is printed.*)
135 let process_interface_file ppf sourcefile =
136 init_path ();
137 let prefixname = Filename.chop_extension sourcefile in
138 let modulename = String.capitalize(Filename.basename prefixname) in
139 Env.set_unit_name modulename;
140 let inputfile = preprocess sourcefile in
141 let ast = parse_file inputfile Parse.interface ast_intf_magic_number in
142 let sg = Typemod.transl_signature (initial_env()) ast in
143 Warnings.check_fatal ();
144 (ast, sg, inputfile)
146 (** The module used to analyse the parsetree and signature of an implementation file.*)
147 module Ast_analyser = Odoc_ast.Analyser (Odoc_comments.Basic_info_retriever)
149 (** The module used to analyse the parse tree and typed tree of an interface file.*)
150 module Sig_analyser = Odoc_sig.Analyser (Odoc_comments.Basic_info_retriever)
152 (** Handle an error. This is a partial copy of the compiler
153 driver/ file. We do this because there are
154 some differences between the possibly raised exceptions
155 in the bytecode ( and opt ( compilers
156 and we don't want to take care of this. Besises, these
157 differences only concern code generation (i believe).*)
158 let process_error exn =
159 let report ppf = function
160 | Lexer.Error(err, loc) ->
161 Location.print ppf loc;
162 Lexer.report_error ppf err
163 | Syntaxerr.Error err ->
164 Syntaxerr.report_error ppf err
165 | Env.Error err ->
166 Env.report_error ppf err
167 | Ctype.Tags(l, l') -> fprintf ppf
168 "In this program,@ variant constructors@ `%s and `%s@ \
169 have the same hash value." l l'
170 | Typecore.Error(loc, err) ->
171 Location.print ppf loc; Typecore.report_error ppf err
172 | Typetexp.Error(loc, err) ->
173 Location.print ppf loc; Typetexp.report_error ppf err
174 | Typedecl.Error(loc, err) ->
175 Location.print ppf loc; Typedecl.report_error ppf err
176 | Includemod.Error err ->
177 Includemod.report_error ppf err
178 | Typemod.Error(loc, err) ->
179 Location.print ppf loc; Typemod.report_error ppf err
180 | Translcore.Error(loc, err) ->
181 Location.print ppf loc; Translcore.report_error ppf err
182 | Sys_error msg ->
183 fprintf ppf "I/O error: %s" msg
184 | Typeclass.Error(loc, err) ->
185 Location.print ppf loc; Typeclass.report_error ppf err
186 | Translclass.Error(loc, err) ->
187 Location.print ppf loc; Translclass.report_error ppf err
188 | Warnings.Errors (n) ->
189 fprintf ppf "@.Error: error-enabled warnings (%d occurrences)" n
190 | x ->
191 fprintf ppf "@]";
192 fprintf ppf "Compilation error. Use the OCaml compiler to get more details."
194 Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter "@[%a@]@." report exn
196 (** Process the given file, according to its extension. Return the Module.t created, if any.*)
197 let process_file ppf sourcefile =
198 if !Odoc_args.verbose then
200 let f = match sourcefile with
201 Odoc_args.Impl_file f
202 | Odoc_args.Intf_file f -> f
203 | Odoc_args.Text_file f -> f
205 print_string (Odoc_messages.analysing f) ;
206 print_newline ();
208 match sourcefile with
209 Odoc_args.Impl_file file ->
212 let (parsetree_typedtree_opt, input_file) = process_implementation_file ppf file in
213 match parsetree_typedtree_opt with
214 None ->
215 None
216 | Some (parsetree, typedtree) ->
217 let file_module = Ast_analyser.analyse_typed_tree file
218 !Location.input_name parsetree typedtree
220 file_module.Odoc_module.m_top_deps <- Odoc_dep.impl_dependencies parsetree ;
222 if !Odoc_args.verbose then
224 print_string Odoc_messages.ok;
225 print_newline ()
227 remove_preprocessed input_file;
228 Some file_module
229 with
230 | Sys_error s
231 | Failure s ->
232 prerr_endline s ;
233 incr Odoc_global.errors ;
234 None
235 | e ->
236 process_error e ;
237 incr Odoc_global.errors ;
238 None
240 | Odoc_args.Intf_file file ->
243 let (ast, signat, input_file) = process_interface_file ppf file in
244 let file_module = Sig_analyser.analyse_signature file
245 !Location.input_name ast signat
248 file_module.Odoc_module.m_top_deps <- Odoc_dep.intf_dependencies ast ;
250 if !Odoc_args.verbose then
252 print_string Odoc_messages.ok;
253 print_newline ()
255 remove_preprocessed input_file;
256 Some file_module
257 with
258 | Sys_error s
259 | Failure s ->
260 prerr_endline s;
261 incr Odoc_global.errors ;
262 None
263 | e ->
264 process_error e ;
265 incr Odoc_global.errors ;
266 None
268 | Odoc_args.Text_file file ->
270 let mod_name =
271 String.capitalize (Filename.basename (Filename.chop_extension file))
273 let txt =
274 try Odoc_text.Texter.text_of_string (Odoc_misc.input_file_as_string file)
275 with Odoc_text.Text_syntax (l, c, s) ->
276 raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.text_parse_error l c s))
278 let m =
280 Odoc_module.m_name = mod_name ;
281 Odoc_module.m_type = Types.Tmty_signature [] ;
282 Odoc_module.m_info = None ;
283 Odoc_module.m_is_interface = true ;
284 Odoc_module.m_file = file ;
285 Odoc_module.m_kind = Odoc_module.Module_struct
286 [Odoc_module.Element_module_comment txt] ;
287 Odoc_module.m_loc =
288 { Odoc_types.loc_impl = None ;
289 Odoc_types.loc_inter = Some (file, 0) } ;
290 Odoc_module.m_top_deps = [] ;
291 Odoc_module.m_code = None ;
292 Odoc_module.m_code_intf = None ;
293 Odoc_module.m_text_only = true ;
296 Some m
297 with
298 | Sys_error s
299 | Failure s ->
300 prerr_endline s;
301 incr Odoc_global.errors ;
302 None
303 | e ->
304 process_error e ;
305 incr Odoc_global.errors ;
306 None
308 (** Remove the class elements between the stop special comments. *)
309 let rec remove_class_elements_between_stop keep eles =
310 match eles with
311 [] -> []
312 | ele :: q ->
313 match ele with
314 Odoc_class.Class_comment [ Odoc_types.Raw "/*" ] ->
315 remove_class_elements_between_stop (not keep) q
316 | Odoc_class.Class_attribute _
317 | Odoc_class.Class_method _
318 | Odoc_class.Class_comment _ ->
319 if keep then
320 ele :: (remove_class_elements_between_stop keep q)
321 else
322 remove_class_elements_between_stop keep q
324 (** Remove the class elements between the stop special comments in a class kind. *)
325 let rec remove_class_elements_between_stop_in_class_kind k =
326 match k with
327 Odoc_class.Class_structure (inher, l) ->
328 Odoc_class.Class_structure (inher, remove_class_elements_between_stop true l)
329 | Odoc_class.Class_apply _ -> k
330 | Odoc_class.Class_constr _ -> k
331 | Odoc_class.Class_constraint (k1, ctk) ->
332 Odoc_class.Class_constraint (remove_class_elements_between_stop_in_class_kind k1,
333 remove_class_elements_between_stop_in_class_type_kind ctk)
335 (** Remove the class elements beetween the stop special comments in a class type kind. *)
336 and remove_class_elements_between_stop_in_class_type_kind tk =
337 match tk with
338 Odoc_class.Class_signature (inher, l) ->
339 Odoc_class.Class_signature (inher, remove_class_elements_between_stop true l)
340 | Odoc_class.Class_type _ -> tk
343 (** Remove the module elements between the stop special comments. *)
344 let rec remove_module_elements_between_stop keep eles =
345 let f = remove_module_elements_between_stop in
346 match eles with
347 [] -> []
348 | ele :: q ->
349 match ele with
350 Odoc_module.Element_module_comment [ Odoc_types.Raw "/*" ] ->
351 f (not keep) q
352 | Odoc_module.Element_module_comment _ ->
353 if keep then
354 ele :: (f keep q)
355 else
356 f keep q
357 | Odoc_module.Element_module m ->
358 if keep then
360 m.Odoc_module.m_kind <- remove_module_elements_between_stop_in_module_kind m.Odoc_module.m_kind ;
361 (Odoc_module.Element_module m) :: (f keep q)
363 else
364 f keep q
365 | Odoc_module.Element_module_type mt ->
366 if keep then
368 mt.Odoc_module.mt_kind <- Odoc_misc.apply_opt
369 remove_module_elements_between_stop_in_module_type_kind mt.Odoc_module.mt_kind ;
370 (Odoc_module.Element_module_type mt) :: (f keep q)
372 else
373 f keep q
374 | Odoc_module.Element_included_module _ ->
375 if keep then
376 ele :: (f keep q)
377 else
378 f keep q
379 | Odoc_module.Element_class c ->
380 if keep then
382 c.Odoc_class.cl_kind <- remove_class_elements_between_stop_in_class_kind c.Odoc_class.cl_kind ;
383 (Odoc_module.Element_class c) :: (f keep q)
385 else
386 f keep q
387 | Odoc_module.Element_class_type ct ->
388 if keep then
390 ct.Odoc_class.clt_kind <- remove_class_elements_between_stop_in_class_type_kind ct.Odoc_class.clt_kind ;
391 (Odoc_module.Element_class_type ct) :: (f keep q)
393 else
394 f keep q
395 | Odoc_module.Element_value _
396 | Odoc_module.Element_exception _
397 | Odoc_module.Element_type _ ->
398 if keep then
399 ele :: (f keep q)
400 else
401 f keep q
404 (** Remove the module elements between the stop special comments, in the given module kind. *)
405 and remove_module_elements_between_stop_in_module_kind k =
406 match k with
407 | Odoc_module.Module_struct l -> Odoc_module.Module_struct (remove_module_elements_between_stop true l)
408 | Odoc_module.Module_alias _ -> k
409 | Odoc_module.Module_functor (params, k2) ->
410 Odoc_module.Module_functor (params, remove_module_elements_between_stop_in_module_kind k2)
411 | Odoc_module.Module_apply (k1, k2) ->
412 Odoc_module.Module_apply (remove_module_elements_between_stop_in_module_kind k1,
413 remove_module_elements_between_stop_in_module_kind k2)
414 | Odoc_module.Module_with (mtkind, s) ->
415 Odoc_module.Module_with (remove_module_elements_between_stop_in_module_type_kind mtkind, s)
416 | Odoc_module.Module_constraint (k2, mtkind) ->
417 Odoc_module.Module_constraint (remove_module_elements_between_stop_in_module_kind k2,
418 remove_module_elements_between_stop_in_module_type_kind mtkind)
420 (** Remove the module elements between the stop special comment, in the given module type kind. *)
421 and remove_module_elements_between_stop_in_module_type_kind tk =
422 match tk with
423 | Odoc_module.Module_type_struct l -> Odoc_module.Module_type_struct (remove_module_elements_between_stop true l)
424 | Odoc_module.Module_type_functor (params, tk2) ->
425 Odoc_module.Module_type_functor (params, remove_module_elements_between_stop_in_module_type_kind tk2)
426 | Odoc_module.Module_type_alias _ -> tk
427 | Odoc_module.Module_type_with (tk2, s) ->
428 Odoc_module.Module_type_with (remove_module_elements_between_stop_in_module_type_kind tk2, s)
431 (** Remove elements between the stop special comment. *)
432 let remove_elements_between_stop module_list =
434 (fun m ->
435 m.Odoc_module.m_kind <- remove_module_elements_between_stop_in_module_kind m.Odoc_module.m_kind;
438 module_list
440 (** This function builds the modules from the given list of source files. *)
441 let analyse_files ?(init=[]) files =
442 let modules_pre =
443 init @
444 (List.fold_left
445 (fun acc -> fun file ->
447 match process_file Format.err_formatter file with
448 None ->
450 | Some m ->
451 acc @ [ m ]
452 with
453 Failure s ->
454 prerr_endline s ;
455 incr Odoc_global.errors ;
459 files
462 (* Remove elements between the stop special comments, if needed. *)
463 let modules =
464 if !Odoc_args.no_stop then
465 modules_pre
466 else
467 remove_elements_between_stop modules_pre
471 if !Odoc_args.verbose then
473 print_string Odoc_messages.merging;
474 print_newline ()
476 let merged_modules = Odoc_merge.merge !Odoc_args.merge_options modules in
477 if !Odoc_args.verbose then
479 print_string Odoc_messages.ok;
480 print_newline ();
482 let modules_list =
483 (List.fold_left
484 (fun acc -> fun m -> acc @ (Odoc_module.module_all_submodules ~trans: false m))
485 merged_modules
486 merged_modules
489 if !Odoc_args.verbose then
491 print_string Odoc_messages.cross_referencing;
492 print_newline ()
494 let _ = Odoc_cross.associate modules_list in
496 if !Odoc_args.verbose then
498 print_string Odoc_messages.ok;
499 print_newline ();
502 if !Odoc_args.sort_modules then
503 Sort.list (fun m1 -> fun m2 -> m1.Odoc_module.m_name < m2.Odoc_module.m_name) merged_modules
504 else
505 merged_modules
507 let dump_modules file (modules : Odoc_module.t_module list) =
509 let chanout = open_out_bin file in
510 let dump = Odoc_types.make_dump modules in
511 output_value chanout dump;
512 close_out chanout
513 with
514 Sys_error s ->
515 raise (Failure s)
517 let load_modules file =
519 let chanin = open_in_bin file in
520 let dump = input_value chanin in
521 close_in chanin ;
522 let (l : Odoc_module.t_module list) = Odoc_types.open_dump dump in
524 with
525 Sys_error s ->
526 raise (Failure s)