Sys.Signals module for a Variant type of signals (and a set_signal function that...
[ocaml.git] / ocamldoc / odoc_sig.mli
1 (***********************************************************************)
2 (* OCamldoc *)
3 (* *)
4 (* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
5 (* *)
6 (* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
7 (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
8 (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
9 (* *)
10 (***********************************************************************)
12 (* $Id$ *)
14 (** The module for analysing a signature and source code and creating modules, classes, ..., elements.*)
16 (** The functions used to retrieve information from a signature. *)
17 module Signature_search :
18 sig
19 type ele
20 type tab = (ele, Types.signature_item) Hashtbl.t
22 (** Create a table from a signature. This table is used by some
23 of the search functions below. *)
24 val table : Types.signature -> tab
26 (** This function returns the type expression for the value whose name is given,
27 in the given signature.
28 @raise Not_found if error.*)
29 val search_value : tab -> string -> Types.type_expr
31 (** This function returns the type expression list for the exception whose name is given,
32 in the given table.
33 @raise Not_found if error.*)
34 val search_exception : tab -> string -> Types.exception_declaration
36 (** This function returns the Types.type_declaration for the type whose name is given,
37 in the given table.
38 @raise Not_found if error.*)
39 val search_type : tab -> string -> Types.type_declaration
41 (** This function returns the Types.class_declaration for the class whose name is given,
42 in the given table.
43 @raise Not_found if error.*)
44 val search_class : tab -> string -> Types.class_declaration
46 (** This function returns the Types.cltype_declaration for the class type whose name is given,
47 in the given table.
48 @raise Not_found if error.*)
49 val search_class_type : tab -> string -> Types.cltype_declaration
51 (** This function returns the Types.module_type for the module whose name is given,
52 in the given table.
53 @raise Not_found if error.*)
54 val search_module : tab -> string -> Types.module_type
56 (** This function returns the optional Types.module_type for the module type whose name is given,
57 in the given table.
58 @raise Not_found if error.*)
59 val search_module_type : tab -> string -> Types.module_type option
61 (** This function returns the Types.type_expr for the given val name
62 in the given class signature.
63 @raise Not_found if error.*)
64 val search_attribute_type :
65 Types.Vars.key -> Types.class_signature -> Types.type_expr
67 (** This function returns the Types.type_expr for the given method name
68 in the given class signature.
69 @raise Not_found if error.*)
70 val search_method_type :
71 string -> Types.class_signature -> Types.type_expr
72 end
74 (** Functions to retrieve simple and special comments from strings. *)
75 module type Info_retriever =
76 sig
77 (** Return the couple [(n, list)] where [n] is the number of
78 characters read to retrieve [list], which is the list
79 of special comments found in the string. *)
80 val all_special :
81 string -> string -> int * list
83 (** Return true if the given string contains a blank line. *)
84 val blank_line_outside_simple :
85 string -> string -> bool
87 (** [just_after_special file str] return the pair ([length], [info_opt])
88 where [info_opt] is the first optional special comment found
89 in [str], without any blank line before. [length] is the number
90 of chars from the beginning of [str] to the end of the special comment. *)
91 val just_after_special :
92 string -> string -> (int * option)
94 (** [first_special file str] return the pair ([length], [info_opt])
95 where [info_opt] is the first optional special comment found
96 in [str]. [length] is the number of chars from the beginning of [str]
97 to the end of the special comment. *)
98 val first_special :
99 string -> string -> (int * option)
101 (** Return a pair [(comment_opt, element_comment_list)], where [comment_opt] is the last special
102 comment found in the given string and not followed by a blank line,
103 and [element_comment_list] the list of values built from the other
104 special comments found and the given function. *)
105 val get_comments :
106 (Odoc_types.text -> 'a) -> string -> string -> ( option * 'a list)
110 module Analyser :
111 functor (My_ir : Info_retriever) ->
113 (** This variable is used to load a file as a string and retrieve characters from it.*)
114 val file : string ref
116 (** The name of the analysed file. *)
117 val file_name : string ref
119 (** This function takes two indexes (start and end) and return the string
120 corresponding to the indexes in the file global variable. The function
121 prepare_file must have been called to fill the file global variable.*)
122 val get_string_of_file : int -> int -> string
124 (** [prepare_file f input_f] sets [file_name] with [f] and loads the file
125 [input_f] into [file].*)
126 val prepare_file : string -> string -> unit
128 (** The function used to get the comments in a class. *)
129 val get_comments_in_class : int -> int ->
130 ( option * Odoc_class.class_element list)
132 (** The function used to get the comments in a module. *)
133 val get_comments_in_module : int -> int ->
134 ( option * Odoc_module.module_element list)
136 (** [name_comment_from_type_kind pos_end pos_limit type_kind].
137 This function takes a [Parsetree.type_kind] and returns the list of
138 (name, optional comment) for the various fields/constructors of the type,
139 or an empty list for an abstract type.
140 [pos_end] is last char of the complete type definition.
141 [pos_limit] is the position of the last char we could use to look for a comment,
142 i.e. usually the beginning on the next element.*)
143 val name_comment_from_type_kind :
144 int -> int -> Parsetree.type_kind -> int * (string * option) list
146 (** This function converts a [Types.type_kind] into a [Odoc_type.type_kind],
147 by associating the comment found in the parsetree of each constructor/field, if any.*)
148 val get_type_kind :
149 Odoc_env.env -> (string * option) list ->
150 Types.type_kind -> Odoc_type.type_kind
152 (** This function merge two optional info structures. *)
153 val merge_infos :
154 option -> option ->
155 option
157 (** Return a module_type_kind from a Parsetree.module_type and a Types.module_type *)
158 val analyse_module_type_kind :
159 Odoc_env.env -> Odoc_name.t ->
160 Parsetree.module_type -> Types.module_type ->
161 Odoc_module.module_type_kind
163 (** Analysis of a Parsetree.class_type and a Types.class_type to
164 return a class_type_kind.*)
165 val analyse_class_type_kind : Odoc_env.env ->
166 Odoc_name.t -> int -> Parsetree.class_type -> Types.class_type ->
167 Odoc_class.class_type_kind
169 (** This function takes an interface file name, a file containg the code, a parse tree
170 and the signature obtained from the compiler.
171 It goes through the parse tree, creating values for encountered
172 functions, modules, ..., looking in the source file for comments,
173 and in the signature for types information. *)
174 val analyse_signature :
175 string -> string ->
176 Parsetree.signature -> Types.signature -> Odoc_module.t_module