Sys.Signals module for a Variant type of signals (and a set_signal function that...
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1 (*
2 * Bitset - Efficient bit sets
3 * Copyright (C) 2003 Nicolas Cannasse
5 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version,
9 * with the special exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
11 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
18 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
21 type intern
23 external bcreate : int -> intern = "caml_create_string"
24 external fast_get : intern -> int -> int = "%string_unsafe_get"
25 external fast_set : intern -> int -> int -> unit = "%string_unsafe_set"
26 external fast_bool : int -> bool = "%identity"
27 external fast_blit : intern -> int -> intern -> int -> int -> unit = "caml_blit_string" "noalloc"
28 external fast_fill : intern -> int -> int -> int -> unit = "caml_fill_string" "noalloc"
29 external fast_length : intern -> int = "%string_length"
31 let bget s ndx =
32 assert (ndx >= 0 && ndx < fast_length s);
33 fast_get s ndx
35 let bset s ndx v =
36 assert (ndx >= 0 && ndx < fast_length s);
37 fast_set s ndx v
39 let bblit src srcoff dst dstoff len =
40 assert (srcoff >= 0 && dstoff >= 0 && len >= 0);
41 fast_blit src srcoff dst dstoff len
43 let bfill dst start len c =
44 assert (start >= 0 && len >= 0);
45 fast_fill dst start len c
47 exception Negative_index of string
49 type t = {
50 mutable data : intern;
51 mutable len : int;
54 let error fname = raise (Negative_index fname)
56 let empty() =
58 data = bcreate 0;
59 len = 0;
62 let int_size = 7 (* value used to round up index *)
63 let log_int_size = 3 (* number of shifts *)
65 let create n =
66 if n < 0 then error "create";
67 let size = (n+int_size) lsr log_int_size in
68 let b = bcreate size in
69 bfill b 0 size 0;
71 data = b;
72 len = size;
75 let copy t =
76 let b = bcreate t.len in
77 bblit 0 b 0 t.len;
79 data = b;
80 len = t.len
83 let clone = copy
85 let set t x =
86 if x < 0 then error "set";
87 let pos = x lsr log_int_size and delta = x land int_size in
88 let size = t.len in
89 if pos >= size then begin
90 let b = bcreate (pos+1) in
91 bblit 0 b 0 size;
92 bfill b size (pos - size + 1) 0;
93 t.len <- pos + 1;
94 <- b;
95 end;
96 bset pos ((bget pos) lor (1 lsl delta))
98 let unset t x =
99 if x < 0 then error "unset";
100 let pos = x lsr log_int_size and delta = x land int_size in
101 if pos < t.len then
102 bset pos ((bget pos) land (0xFF lxor (1 lsl delta)))
104 let toggle t x =
105 if x < 0 then error "toggle";
106 let pos = x lsr log_int_size and delta = x land int_size in
107 let size = t.len in
108 if pos >= size then begin
109 let b = bcreate (pos+1) in
110 bblit 0 b 0 size;
111 bfill b size (pos - size + 1) 0;
112 t.len <- pos + 1;
113 <- b;
114 end;
115 bset pos ((bget pos) lxor (1 lsl delta))
117 let put t = function
118 | true -> set t
119 | false -> unset t
121 let is_set t x =
122 if x < 0 then error "is_set";
123 let pos = x lsr log_int_size and delta = x land int_size in
124 let size = t.len in
125 if pos < size then
126 fast_bool (((bget pos) lsr delta) land 1)
127 else
128 false
131 exception Break_int of int
133 (* Find highest set element or raise Not_found *)
134 let find_msb t =
135 (* Find highest set bit in a byte. Does not work with zero. *)
136 let byte_msb b =
137 assert (b <> 0);
138 let rec loop n =
139 if b land (1 lsl n) = 0 then
140 loop (n-1)
141 else n in
142 loop 7 in
143 let n = t.len - 1
144 and buf = in
145 try
146 for i = n downto 0 do
147 let byte = bget buf i in
148 if byte <> 0 then raise (Break_int ((i lsl log_int_size)+(byte_msb byte)))
149 done;
150 raise Not_found
151 with
152 Break_int n -> n
153 | _ -> raise Not_found
155 let compare t1 t2 =
156 let some_msb b = try Some (find_msb b) with Not_found -> None in
157 match (some_msb t1, some_msb t2) with
158 (None, Some _) -> -1 (* 0-y -> -1 *)
159 | (Some _, None) -> 1 (* x-0 -> 1 *)
160 | (None, None) -> 0 (* 0-0 -> 0 *)
161 | (Some a, Some b) -> (* x-y *)
162 if a < b then -1
163 else if a > b then 1
164 else
165 begin
166 (* MSBs differ, we need to scan arrays until we find a
167 difference *)
168 let ndx = a lsr log_int_size in
169 assert (ndx < t1.len && ndx < t2.len);
171 for i = ndx downto 0 do
172 let b1 = bget i
173 and b2 = bget i in
174 if b1 <> b2 then raise (Break_int (compare b1 b2))
175 done;
177 with
178 Break_int res -> res
181 let equals t1 t2 =
182 compare t1 t2 = 0
184 let partial_count t x =
185 let rec nbits x =
186 if x = 0 then
188 else if fast_bool (x land 1) then
189 1 + (nbits (x lsr 1))
190 else
191 nbits (x lsr 1)
193 let size = t.len in
194 let pos = x lsr log_int_size and delta = x land int_size in
195 let rec loop n acc =
196 if n = size then
198 else
199 let x = bget n in
200 loop (n+1) (acc + nbits x)
202 if pos >= size then
204 else
205 loop (pos+1) (nbits ((bget pos) lsr delta))
207 let count t =
208 partial_count t 0
210 (* Find the first set bit in the bit array *)
211 let find_first_set b n =
212 (* TODO there are many ways to speed this up. Lookup table would be
213 one way to speed this up. *)
214 let find_lsb b =
215 assert (b <> 0);
216 let rec loop n =
217 if b land (1 lsl n) <> 0 then n else loop (n+1) in
218 loop 0 in
220 let buf = in
221 let rec find_bit byte_ndx bit_offs =
222 if byte_ndx >= b.len then
223 None
224 else
225 let byte = (bget buf byte_ndx) lsr bit_offs in
226 if byte = 0 then
227 find_bit (byte_ndx + 1) 0
228 else
229 Some ((find_lsb byte) + (byte_ndx lsl log_int_size) + bit_offs) in
230 find_bit (n lsr log_int_size) (n land int_size)
232 let enum t =
233 let rec make n =
234 let cur = ref n in
235 let rec next () =
236 match find_first_set t !cur with
237 Some elem ->
238 cur := (elem+1);
239 elem
240 | None ->
241 raise Enum.No_more_elements in
242 Enum.make
243 ~next
244 ~count:(fun () -> partial_count t !cur)
245 ~clone:(fun () -> make !cur)
247 make 0
249 let raw_create size =
250 let b = bcreate size in
251 bfill b 0 size 0;
252 { data = b; len = size }
254 let inter a b =
255 let max_size = max a.len b.len in
256 let d = raw_create max_size in
257 let sl = min a.len b.len in
258 let abuf =
259 and bbuf = in
260 (* Note: rest of the array is set to zero automatically *)
261 for i = 0 to sl-1 do
262 bset i ((bget abuf i) land (bget bbuf i))
263 done;
266 (* Note: rest of the array is handled automatically correct, since we
267 took a copy of the bigger set. *)
268 let union a b =
269 let d = if a.len > b.len then copy a else copy b in
270 let sl = min a.len b.len in
271 let abuf =
272 and bbuf = in
273 for i = 0 to sl-1 do
274 bset i ((bget abuf i) lor (bget bbuf i))
275 done;
278 let diff a b =
279 let maxlen = max a.len b.len in
280 let buf = bcreate maxlen in
281 bblit 0 buf 0 a.len;
282 let sl = min a.len b.len in
283 let abuf =
284 and bbuf = in
285 for i = 0 to sl-1 do
286 bset buf i ((bget abuf i) land (lnot (bget bbuf i)))
287 done;
288 { data = buf; len = maxlen }
290 let sym_diff a b =
291 let maxlen = max a.len b.len in
292 let buf = bcreate maxlen in
293 (* Copy larger (assumes missing bits are zero) *)
294 bblit (if a.len > b.len then else 0 buf 0 maxlen;
295 let sl = min a.len b.len in
296 let abuf =
297 and bbuf = in
298 for i = 0 to sl-1 do
299 bset buf i ((bget abuf i) lxor (bget bbuf i))
300 done;
301 { data = buf; len = maxlen }
303 (* TODO the following set operations can be made faster if you do the
304 set operation in-place instead of taking a copy. But be careful
305 when the sizes of the bitvector strings differ. *)
306 let intersect t t' =
307 let d = inter t t' in
308 <-;
309 t.len <- d.len
311 let differentiate t t' =
312 let d = diff t t' in
313 <-;
314 t.len <- d.len
316 let unite t t' =
317 let d = union t t' in
318 <-;
319 t.len <- d.len
321 let differentiate_sym t t' =
322 let d = sym_diff t t' in
323 <-;
324 t.len <- d.len