Sys.Signals module for a Variant type of signals (and a set_signal function that...
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1 (***********************************************************************)
2 (* *)
3 (* Objective Caml *)
4 (* *)
5 (* Xavier Leroy and Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt*)
6 (* *)
7 (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
8 (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
9 (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
10 (* *)
11 (***********************************************************************)
13 (* $Id$ *)
15 (* To print values *)
17 open Misc
18 open Format
19 open Longident
20 open Path
21 open Types
22 open Outcometree
24 module type OBJ =
25 sig
26 type t
27 val obj : t -> 'a
28 val is_block : t -> bool
29 val tag : t -> int
30 val size : t -> int
31 val field : t -> int -> t
32 end
34 module type EVALPATH =
35 sig
36 type value
37 val eval_path: Path.t -> value
38 exception Error
39 val same_value: value -> value -> bool
40 end
42 module type S =
43 sig
44 type t
45 val install_printer :
46 Path.t -> Types.type_expr -> (formatter -> t -> unit) -> unit
47 val remove_printer : Path.t -> unit
48 val outval_of_untyped_exception : t -> Outcometree.out_value
49 val outval_of_value :
50 int -> int ->
51 (int -> t -> Types.type_expr -> Outcometree.out_value option) ->
52 Env.t -> t -> type_expr -> Outcometree.out_value
53 end
55 module Make(O : OBJ)(EVP : EVALPATH with type value = O.t) = struct
57 type t = O.t
59 (* Given an exception value, we cannot recover its type,
60 hence we cannot print its arguments in general.
61 Here, we do a feeble attempt to print
62 integer, string and float arguments... *)
63 let outval_of_untyped_exception_args obj start_offset =
64 if O.size obj > start_offset then begin
65 let list = ref [] in
66 for i = start_offset to O.size obj - 1 do
67 let arg = O.field obj i in
68 if not (O.is_block arg) then
69 list := Oval_int (O.obj arg : int) :: !list
70 (* Note: this could be a char or a constant constructor... *)
71 else if O.tag arg = Obj.string_tag then
72 list :=
73 Oval_string (String.escaped (O.obj arg : string)) :: !list
74 else if O.tag arg = Obj.double_tag then
75 list := Oval_float (O.obj arg : float) :: !list
76 else
77 list := Oval_constr (Oide_ident "_", []) :: !list
78 done;
79 List.rev !list
80 end
81 else []
83 let outval_of_untyped_exception bucket =
84 let name = (O.obj(O.field(O.field bucket 0) 0) : string) in
85 let args =
86 if (name = "Match_failure"
87 || name = "Assert_failure"
88 || name = "Undefined_recursive_module")
89 && O.size bucket = 2
90 && O.tag(O.field bucket 1) = 0
91 then outval_of_untyped_exception_args (O.field bucket 1) 0
92 else outval_of_untyped_exception_args bucket 1 in
93 Oval_constr (Oide_ident name, args)
95 (* The user-defined printers. Also used for some builtin types. *)
97 let printers = ref ([
98 Pident(Ident.create "print_int"), Predef.type_int,
99 (fun x -> Oval_int (O.obj x : int));
100 Pident(Ident.create "print_float"), Predef.type_float,
101 (fun x -> Oval_float (O.obj x : float));
102 Pident(Ident.create "print_char"), Predef.type_char,
103 (fun x -> Oval_char (O.obj x : char));
104 Pident(Ident.create "print_string"), Predef.type_string,
105 (fun x -> Oval_string (O.obj x : string));
106 Pident(Ident.create "print_int32"), Predef.type_int32,
107 (fun x -> Oval_int32 (O.obj x : int32));
108 Pident(Ident.create "print_nativeint"), Predef.type_nativeint,
109 (fun x -> Oval_nativeint (O.obj x : nativeint));
110 Pident(Ident.create "print_int64"), Predef.type_int64,
111 (fun x -> Oval_int64 (O.obj x : int64))
112 ] : (Path.t * type_expr * (O.t -> Outcometree.out_value)) list)
114 let install_printer path ty fn =
115 let print_val ppf obj =
116 try fn ppf obj with
117 | exn ->
118 fprintf ppf "<printer %a raised an exception>" Printtyp.path path in
119 let printer obj = Oval_printer (fun ppf -> print_val ppf obj) in
120 printers := (path, ty, printer) :: !printers
122 let remove_printer path =
123 let rec remove = function
124 | [] -> raise Not_found
125 | (p, ty, fn as printer) :: rem ->
126 if Path.same p path then rem else printer :: remove rem in
127 printers := remove !printers
129 let find_printer env ty =
130 let rec find = function
131 | [] -> raise Not_found
132 | (name, sch, printer) :: remainder ->
133 if Ctype.moregeneral env false sch ty
134 then printer
135 else find remainder
136 in find !printers
138 (* Print a constructor or label, giving it the same prefix as the type
139 it comes from. Attempt to omit the prefix if the type comes from
140 a module that has been opened. *)
142 let tree_of_qualified lookup_fun env ty_path name =
143 match ty_path with
144 | Pident id ->
145 Oide_ident name
146 | Pdot(p, s, pos) ->
147 if try
148 match (lookup_fun (Lident name) env).desc with
149 | Tconstr(ty_path', _, _) -> Path.same ty_path ty_path'
150 | _ -> false
151 with Not_found -> false
152 then Oide_ident name
153 else Oide_dot (Printtyp.tree_of_path p, name)
154 | Papply(p1, p2) ->
155 Printtyp.tree_of_path ty_path
157 let tree_of_constr =
158 tree_of_qualified
159 (fun lid env -> (Env.lookup_constructor lid env).cstr_res)
161 and tree_of_label =
162 tree_of_qualified (fun lid env -> (Env.lookup_label lid env).lbl_res)
164 (* An abstract type *)
166 let abstract_type =
167 Ctype.newty (Tconstr (Pident (Ident.create "abstract"), [], ref Mnil))
169 (* The main printing function *)
171 let outval_of_value max_steps max_depth check_depth env obj ty =
173 let printer_steps = ref max_steps in
175 let rec tree_of_val depth obj ty =
176 decr printer_steps;
177 if !printer_steps < 0 || depth < 0 then Oval_ellipsis
178 else begin
180 find_printer env ty obj
181 with Not_found ->
182 match (Ctype.repr ty).desc with
183 | Tvar ->
184 Oval_stuff "<poly>"
185 | Tarrow(_, ty1, ty2, _) ->
186 Oval_stuff "<fun>"
187 | Ttuple(ty_list) ->
188 Oval_tuple (tree_of_val_list 0 depth obj ty_list)
189 | Tconstr(path, [], _) when Path.same path Predef.path_exn ->
190 tree_of_exception depth obj
191 | Tconstr(path, [ty_arg], _)
192 when Path.same path Predef.path_list ->
193 if O.is_block obj then
194 match check_depth depth obj ty with
195 Some x -> x
196 | None ->
197 let rec tree_of_conses tree_list obj =
198 if !printer_steps < 0 || depth < 0 then
199 Oval_ellipsis :: tree_list
200 else if O.is_block obj then
201 let tree =
202 tree_of_val (depth - 1) (O.field obj 0) ty_arg in
203 let next_obj = O.field obj 1 in
204 tree_of_conses (tree :: tree_list) next_obj
205 else tree_list
207 Oval_list (List.rev (tree_of_conses [] obj))
208 else
209 Oval_list []
210 | Tconstr(path, [ty_arg], _)
211 when Path.same path Predef.path_array ->
212 let length = O.size obj in
213 if length > 0 then
214 match check_depth depth obj ty with
215 Some x -> x
216 | None ->
217 let rec tree_of_items tree_list i =
218 if !printer_steps < 0 || depth < 0 then
219 Oval_ellipsis :: tree_list
220 else if i < length then
221 let tree =
222 tree_of_val (depth - 1) (O.field obj i) ty_arg in
223 tree_of_items (tree :: tree_list) (i + 1)
224 else tree_list
226 Oval_array (List.rev (tree_of_items [] 0))
227 else
228 Oval_array []
229 | Tconstr (path, [ty_arg], _)
230 when Path.same path Predef.path_lazy_t ->
231 if Lazy.lazy_is_val (O.obj obj)
232 then let v = tree_of_val depth (Lazy.force (O.obj obj)) ty_arg in
233 Oval_constr (Oide_ident "lazy", [v])
234 else Oval_stuff "<lazy>"
235 | Tconstr(path, ty_list, _) ->
236 begin try
237 let decl = Env.find_type path env in
238 match decl with
239 | {type_kind = Type_abstract; type_manifest = None} ->
240 Oval_stuff "<abstr>"
241 | {type_kind = Type_abstract; type_manifest = Some body} ->
242 tree_of_val depth obj
243 (try Ctype.apply env decl.type_params body ty_list with
244 Ctype.Cannot_apply -> abstract_type)
245 | {type_kind = Type_variant(constr_list, priv)} ->
246 let tag =
247 if O.is_block obj
248 then Cstr_block(O.tag obj)
249 else Cstr_constant(O.obj obj) in
250 let (constr_name, constr_args) =
251 Datarepr.find_constr_by_tag tag constr_list in
252 let ty_args =
254 (function ty ->
255 try Ctype.apply env decl.type_params ty ty_list with
256 Ctype.Cannot_apply -> abstract_type)
257 constr_args in
258 tree_of_constr_with_args (tree_of_constr env path)
259 constr_name 0 depth obj ty_args
260 | {type_kind = Type_record(lbl_list, rep, priv)} ->
261 begin match check_depth depth obj ty with
262 Some x -> x
263 | None ->
264 let rec tree_of_fields pos = function
265 | [] -> []
266 | (lbl_name, _, lbl_arg) :: remainder ->
267 let ty_arg =
269 Ctype.apply env decl.type_params lbl_arg
270 ty_list
271 with
272 Ctype.Cannot_apply -> abstract_type in
273 let lid = tree_of_label env path lbl_name in
274 let v =
275 tree_of_val (depth - 1) (O.field obj pos)
276 ty_arg
278 (lid, v) :: tree_of_fields (pos + 1) remainder
280 Oval_record (tree_of_fields 0 lbl_list)
282 with
283 Not_found -> (* raised by Env.find_type *)
284 Oval_stuff "<abstr>"
285 | Datarepr.Constr_not_found -> (* raised by find_constr_by_tag *)
286 Oval_stuff "<unknown constructor>"
288 | Tvariant row ->
289 let row = Btype.row_repr row in
290 if O.is_block obj then
291 let tag : int = O.obj (O.field obj 0) in
292 let rec find = function
293 | (l, f) :: fields ->
294 if Btype.hash_variant l = tag then
295 match Btype.row_field_repr f with
296 | Rpresent(Some ty) | Reither(_,[ty],_,_) ->
297 let args =
298 tree_of_val (depth - 1) (O.field obj 1) ty in
299 Oval_variant (l, Some args)
300 | _ -> find fields
301 else find fields
302 | [] -> Oval_stuff "<variant>" in
303 find row.row_fields
304 else
305 let tag : int = O.obj obj in
306 let rec find = function
307 | (l, _) :: fields ->
308 if Btype.hash_variant l = tag then
309 Oval_variant (l, None)
310 else find fields
311 | [] -> Oval_stuff "<variant>" in
312 find row.row_fields
313 | Tobject (_, _) ->
314 Oval_stuff "<obj>"
315 | Tsubst ty ->
316 tree_of_val (depth - 1) obj ty
317 | Tfield(_, _, _, _) | Tnil | Tlink _ ->
318 fatal_error "Printval.outval_of_value"
319 | Tpoly (ty, _) ->
320 tree_of_val (depth - 1) obj ty
321 | Tunivar ->
322 Oval_stuff "<poly>"
325 and tree_of_val_list start depth obj ty_list =
326 let rec tree_list i = function
327 | [] -> []
328 | ty :: ty_list ->
329 let tree = tree_of_val (depth - 1) (O.field obj i) ty in
330 tree :: tree_list (i + 1) ty_list in
331 tree_list start ty_list
333 and tree_of_constr_with_args
334 tree_of_cstr cstr_name start depth obj ty_args =
335 let lid = tree_of_cstr cstr_name in
336 let args = tree_of_val_list start depth obj ty_args in
337 Oval_constr (lid, args)
339 and tree_of_exception depth bucket =
340 let name = (O.obj(O.field(O.field bucket 0) 0) : string) in
341 let lid = Longident.parse name in
343 (* Attempt to recover the constructor description for the exn
344 from its name *)
345 let cstr = Env.lookup_constructor lid env in
346 let path =
347 match cstr.cstr_tag with
348 Cstr_exception p -> p | _ -> raise Not_found in
349 (* Make sure this is the right exception and not an homonym,
350 by evaluating the exception found and comparing with the
351 identifier contained in the exception bucket *)
352 if not (EVP.same_value (O.field bucket 0) (EVP.eval_path path))
353 then raise Not_found;
354 tree_of_constr_with_args
355 (fun x -> Oide_ident x) name 1 depth bucket cstr.cstr_args
356 with Not_found | EVP.Error ->
357 match check_depth depth bucket ty with
358 Some x -> x
359 | None -> outval_of_untyped_exception bucket
361 in tree_of_val max_depth obj ty