Sys.Signals module for a Variant type of signals (and a set_signal function that...
[ocaml.git] / typing / btype.mli
1 (***********************************************************************)
2 (* *)
3 (* Objective Caml *)
4 (* *)
5 (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
6 (* *)
7 (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
8 (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
9 (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
10 (* *)
11 (***********************************************************************)
13 (* $Id$ *)
15 (* Basic operations on core types *)
17 open Asttypes
18 open Types
20 val generic_level: int
22 val newty2: int -> type_desc -> type_expr
23 (* Create a type *)
24 val newgenty: type_desc -> type_expr
25 (* Create a generic type *)
26 val newgenvar: unit -> type_expr
27 (* Return a fresh generic variable *)
29 (* Use Tsubst instead
30 val newmarkedvar: int -> type_expr
31 (* Return a fresh marked variable *)
32 val newmarkedgenvar: unit -> type_expr
33 (* Return a fresh marked generic variable *)
36 val repr: type_expr -> type_expr
37 (* Return the canonical representative of a type. *)
39 val field_kind_repr: field_kind -> field_kind
40 (* Return the canonical representative of an object field
41 kind. *)
43 val commu_repr: commutable -> commutable
44 (* Return the canonical representative of a commutation lock *)
46 val row_repr: row_desc -> row_desc
47 (* Return the canonical representative of a row description *)
48 val row_field_repr: row_field -> row_field
49 val row_field: label -> row_desc -> row_field
50 (* Return the canonical representative of a row field *)
51 val row_more: row_desc -> type_expr
52 (* Return the extension variable of the row *)
53 val static_row: row_desc -> bool
54 (* Return whether the row is static or not *)
55 val hash_variant: label -> int
56 (* Hash function for variant tags *)
58 val proxy: type_expr -> type_expr
59 (* Return the proxy representative of the type: either itself
60 or a row variable *)
62 (**** Utilities for private types ****)
63 val has_constr_row: type_expr -> bool
64 val is_row_name: string -> bool
66 (**** Utilities for type traversal ****)
68 val iter_type_expr: (type_expr -> unit) -> type_expr -> unit
69 (* Iteration on types *)
70 val iter_row: (type_expr -> unit) -> row_desc -> unit
71 (* Iteration on types in a row *)
72 val iter_abbrev: (type_expr -> unit) -> abbrev_memo -> unit
73 (* Iteration on types in an abbreviation list *)
75 val copy_type_desc: (type_expr -> type_expr) -> type_desc -> type_desc
76 (* Copy on types *)
77 val copy_row:
78 (type_expr -> type_expr) ->
79 bool -> row_desc -> bool -> type_expr -> row_desc
80 val copy_kind: field_kind -> field_kind
82 val save_desc: type_expr -> type_desc -> unit
83 (* Save a type description *)
84 val dup_kind: field_kind option ref -> unit
85 (* Save a None field_kind, and make it point to a fresh Fvar *)
86 val cleanup_types: unit -> unit
87 (* Restore type descriptions *)
89 val lowest_level: int
90 (* Marked type: ty.level < lowest_level *)
91 val pivot_level: int
92 (* Type marking: ty.level <- pivot_level - ty.level *)
93 val mark_type: type_expr -> unit
94 (* Mark a type *)
95 val mark_type_node: type_expr -> unit
96 (* Mark a type node (but not its sons) *)
97 val mark_type_params: type_expr -> unit
98 (* Mark the sons of a type node *)
99 val unmark_type: type_expr -> unit
100 val unmark_type_decl: type_declaration -> unit
101 val unmark_class_type: class_type -> unit
102 val unmark_class_signature: class_signature -> unit
103 (* Remove marks from a type *)
105 (**** Memorization of abbreviation expansion ****)
107 val find_expans: Path.t -> abbrev_memo -> type_expr option
108 (* Look up a memorized abbreviation *)
109 val cleanup_abbrev: unit -> unit
110 (* Flush the cache of abbreviation expansions.
111 When some types are saved (using [output_value]), this
112 function MUST be called just before. *)
113 val memorize_abbrev:
114 abbrev_memo ref -> Path.t -> type_expr -> type_expr -> unit
115 (* Add an expansion in the cache *)
116 val forget_abbrev:
117 abbrev_memo ref -> Path.t -> unit
118 (* Remove an abbreviation from the cache *)
120 (**** Utilities for labels ****)
122 val is_optional : label -> bool
123 val label_name : label -> label
124 val extract_label :
125 label -> (label * 'a) list ->
126 label * 'a * (label * 'a) list * (label * 'a) list
127 (* actual label, value, before list, after list *)
129 (**** Utilities for backtracking ****)
131 type snapshot
132 (* A snapshot for backtracking *)
133 val snapshot: unit -> snapshot
134 (* Make a snapshot for later backtracking. Costs nothing *)
135 val backtrack: snapshot -> unit
136 (* Backtrack to a given snapshot. Only possible if you have
137 not already backtracked to a previous snapshot.
138 Calls [cleanup_abbrev] internally *)
140 (* Functions to use when modifying a type (only Ctype?) *)
141 val link_type: type_expr -> type_expr -> unit
142 (* Set the desc field of [t1] to [Tlink t2], logging the old
143 value if there is an active snapshot *)
144 val set_level: type_expr -> int -> unit
145 val set_name:
146 (Path.t * type_expr list) option ref ->
147 (Path.t * type_expr list) option -> unit
148 val set_row_field: row_field option ref -> row_field -> unit
149 val set_univar: type_expr option ref -> type_expr -> unit
150 val set_kind: field_kind option ref -> field_kind -> unit
151 val set_commu: commutable ref -> commutable -> unit
152 (* Set references, logging the old value *)
153 val log_type: type_expr -> unit
154 (* Log the old value of a type, before modifying it by hand *)