Sys.Signals module for a Variant type of signals (and a set_signal function that...
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1 (***********************************************************************)
2 (* *)
3 (* Objective Caml *)
4 (* *)
5 (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
6 (* *)
7 (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
8 (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
9 (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
10 (* *)
11 (***********************************************************************)
13 (* $Id$ *)
15 (* Operations on module types *)
17 open Path
18 open Types
21 let rec scrape env mty =
22 match mty with
23 Tmty_ident p ->
24 begin try
25 scrape env (Env.find_modtype_expansion p env)
26 with Not_found ->
27 mty
28 end
29 | _ -> mty
31 let freshen mty =
32 Subst.modtype Subst.identity mty
34 let rec strengthen env mty p =
35 match scrape env mty with
36 Tmty_signature sg ->
37 Tmty_signature(strengthen_sig env sg p)
38 | Tmty_functor(param, arg, res) ->
39 Tmty_functor(param, arg, strengthen env res (Papply(p, Pident param)))
40 | mty ->
41 mty
43 and strengthen_sig env sg p =
44 match sg with
45 [] -> []
46 | (Tsig_value(id, desc) as sigelt) :: rem ->
47 sigelt :: strengthen_sig env rem p
48 | Tsig_type(id, decl, rs) :: rem ->
49 let newdecl =
50 match decl.type_manifest with
51 Some ty when not (Btype.has_constr_row ty) -> decl
52 | _ ->
53 { decl with type_manifest =
54 Some(Btype.newgenty(Tconstr(Pdot(p, id, nopos),
55 decl.type_params, ref Mnil))) }
57 Tsig_type(id, newdecl, rs) :: strengthen_sig env rem p
58 | (Tsig_exception(id, d) as sigelt) :: rem ->
59 sigelt :: strengthen_sig env rem p
60 | Tsig_module(id, mty, rs) :: rem ->
61 Tsig_module(id, strengthen env mty (Pdot(p, id, nopos)), rs)
62 :: strengthen_sig (Env.add_module id mty env) rem p
63 (* Need to add the module in case it defines manifest module types *)
64 | Tsig_modtype(id, decl) :: rem ->
65 let newdecl =
66 match decl with
67 Tmodtype_abstract ->
68 Tmodtype_manifest(Tmty_ident(Pdot(p, id, nopos)))
69 | Tmodtype_manifest _ ->
70 decl in
71 Tsig_modtype(id, newdecl) ::
72 strengthen_sig (Env.add_modtype id decl env) rem p
73 (* Need to add the module type in case it is manifest *)
74 | (Tsig_class(id, decl, rs) as sigelt) :: rem ->
75 sigelt :: strengthen_sig env rem p
76 | (Tsig_cltype(id, decl, rs) as sigelt) :: rem ->
77 sigelt :: strengthen_sig env rem p
79 (* In nondep_supertype, env is only used for the type it assigns to id.
80 Hence there is no need to keep env up-to-date by adding the bindings
81 traversed. *)
83 type variance = Co | Contra | Strict
85 let nondep_supertype env mid mty =
87 let rec nondep_mty va mty =
88 match mty with
89 Tmty_ident p ->
90 if Path.isfree mid p then
91 nondep_mty va (Env.find_modtype_expansion p env)
92 else mty
93 | Tmty_signature sg ->
94 Tmty_signature(nondep_sig va sg)
95 | Tmty_functor(param, arg, res) ->
96 let var_inv =
97 match va with Co -> Contra | Contra -> Co | Strict -> Strict in
98 Tmty_functor(param, nondep_mty var_inv arg, nondep_mty va res)
100 and nondep_sig va = function
101 [] -> []
102 | item :: rem ->
103 let rem' = nondep_sig va rem in
104 match item with
105 Tsig_value(id, d) ->
106 Tsig_value(id, {val_type = Ctype.nondep_type env mid d.val_type;
107 val_kind = d.val_kind}) :: rem'
108 | Tsig_type(id, d, rs) ->
109 Tsig_type(id, Ctype.nondep_type_decl env mid id (va = Co) d, rs)
110 :: rem'
111 | Tsig_exception(id, d) ->
112 Tsig_exception(id, (Ctype.nondep_type env mid) d) :: rem'
113 | Tsig_module(id, mty, rs) ->
114 Tsig_module(id, nondep_mty va mty, rs) :: rem'
115 | Tsig_modtype(id, d) ->
116 begin try
117 Tsig_modtype(id, nondep_modtype_decl d) :: rem'
118 with Not_found ->
119 match va with
120 Co -> Tsig_modtype(id, Tmodtype_abstract) :: rem'
121 | _ -> raise Not_found
123 | Tsig_class(id, d, rs) ->
124 Tsig_class(id, Ctype.nondep_class_declaration env mid d, rs)
125 :: rem'
126 | Tsig_cltype(id, d, rs) ->
127 Tsig_cltype(id, Ctype.nondep_cltype_declaration env mid d, rs)
128 :: rem'
130 and nondep_modtype_decl = function
131 Tmodtype_abstract -> Tmodtype_abstract
132 | Tmodtype_manifest mty -> Tmodtype_manifest(nondep_mty Strict mty)
135 nondep_mty Co mty
137 let enrich_typedecl env p decl =
138 match decl.type_manifest with
139 Some ty -> decl
140 | None ->
142 let orig_decl = Env.find_type p env in
143 if orig_decl.type_arity <> decl.type_arity
144 then decl
145 else {decl with type_manifest =
146 Some(Btype.newgenty(Tconstr(p, decl.type_params, ref Mnil)))}
147 with Not_found ->
148 decl
150 let rec enrich_modtype env p mty =
151 match mty with
152 Tmty_signature sg ->
153 Tmty_signature( (enrich_item env p) sg)
154 | _ ->
157 and enrich_item env p = function
158 Tsig_type(id, decl, rs) ->
159 Tsig_type(id,
160 enrich_typedecl env (Pdot(p, id, nopos)) decl, rs)
161 | Tsig_module(id, mty, rs) ->
162 Tsig_module(id,
163 enrich_modtype env (Pdot(p, id, nopos)) mty, rs)
164 | item -> item
166 let rec type_paths env p mty =
167 match scrape env mty with
168 Tmty_ident p -> []
169 | Tmty_signature sg -> type_paths_sig env p 0 sg
170 | Tmty_functor(param, arg, res) -> []
172 and type_paths_sig env p pos sg =
173 match sg with
174 [] -> []
175 | Tsig_value(id, decl) :: rem ->
176 let pos' = match decl.val_kind with Val_prim _ -> pos | _ -> pos + 1 in
177 type_paths_sig env p pos' rem
178 | Tsig_type(id, decl, _) :: rem ->
179 Pdot(p, id, nopos) :: type_paths_sig env p pos rem
180 | Tsig_module(id, mty, _) :: rem ->
181 type_paths env (Pdot(p, id, pos)) mty @
182 type_paths_sig (Env.add_module id mty env) p (pos+1) rem
183 | Tsig_modtype(id, decl) :: rem ->
184 type_paths_sig (Env.add_modtype id decl env) p pos rem
185 | (Tsig_exception _ | Tsig_class _) :: rem ->
186 type_paths_sig env p (pos+1) rem
187 | (Tsig_cltype _) :: rem ->
188 type_paths_sig env p pos rem
190 let rec no_code_needed env mty =
191 match scrape env mty with
192 Tmty_ident p -> false
193 | Tmty_signature sg -> no_code_needed_sig env sg
194 | Tmty_functor(_, _, _) -> false
196 and no_code_needed_sig env sg =
197 match sg with
198 [] -> true
199 | Tsig_value(id, decl) :: rem ->
200 begin match decl.val_kind with
201 | Val_prim _ -> no_code_needed_sig env rem
202 | _ -> false
204 | Tsig_module(id, mty, _) :: rem ->
205 no_code_needed env mty &&
206 no_code_needed_sig (Env.add_module id mty env) rem
207 | (Tsig_type _ | Tsig_modtype _ | Tsig_cltype _) :: rem ->
208 no_code_needed_sig env rem
209 | (Tsig_exception _ | Tsig_class _) :: rem ->
210 false