libsoup3: update to 3.6.0; fix GTK2/3 app startup
[oi-userland.git] / components / web / librewolf / files / librewolf.desktop
1 [Desktop Entry]
2 Encoding=UTF-8
3 Name=LibreWolf Web Browser
4 Name[cs]=LibreWolf WWW prohlížeč
5 Name[cz]=LibreWolf WWW prohlížeč
6 Name[de]=LibreWolf Webbrowser
7 Name[es]=LibreWolf Navegador web
8 Name[fr]=LibreWolf Navigateur Web
9 Name[hu]=LibreWolf Internet böngésző
10 Name[it]=LibreWolf Browser Web
11 Name[ja]=LibreWolf Web ブラウザ
12 Name[ko]=LibreWolf 웹 브라우저
13 Name[pl]=LibreWolf Przeglądarka sieci Web
14 Name[pt_BR]=LibreWolf Navegador da Web
15 Name[ru]=LibreWolf Веб-браузер
16 Name[sv]=LibreWolf Webbläsare
17 Name[zh_CN]=LibreWolf Web 浏览器
18 Name[zh_HK]=LibreWolf 網路瀏覽器
19 Name[zh_TW]=LibreWolf 網路瀏覽器
20 GenericName=Web Browser
21 Comment=Browse the worldwide web 
22 Comment[cs]=Prohlížení Internetu
23 Comment[cz]=Prohlížení Internetu
24 Comment[de]=Browsen im Internet
25 Comment[es]=Examinar Internet
26 Comment[fr]=Parcourir Internet
27 Comment[hu]=Az internet böngészése
28 Comment[it]=Naviga in Internet
29 Comment[ja]=インターネットのブラウズ
30 Comment[ko]=인터넷 검색
31 Comment[pl]=Przeglądaj Internet
32 Comment[pt_BR]=Navega pela Internet
33 Comment[ru]=Работать в интернете
34 Comment[sv]=Surfa på Internet
35 Comment[zh_CN]=浏览互联网
36 Comment[zh_HK]=瀏覽網際網路
37 Comment[zh_TW]=瀏覽網際網路
38 Exec=/usr/bin/librewolf %u
39 TryExec=/usr/bin/librewolf
40 Icon=librewolf-icon
41 Terminal=false
42 Type=Application
43 StartupNotify=true
44 Categories=Application;Network;X-Sun-Quick-Start;
45 MimeType=text/html;text/xml;application/xhtml+xml;application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml;text/mml;