Update Archive-Tar Perl distribution to 3.02 for Perl 5.36 and 5.38
[oi-userland.git] / components / developer / golang-121 / test / results-64.master
2 ##### Building packages and commands.
4 ##### Testing packages.
5 ok      archive/tar     
6 ok      archive/zip     
7 ok      bufio   
8 ok      bytes   
9 ok      compress/bzip2  
10 ok      compress/flate  
11 ok      compress/gzip   
12 ok      compress/lzw    
13 ok      compress/zlib   
14 ok      container/heap  
15 ok      container/list  
16 ok      container/ring  
17 ok      context 
18 ok      crypto  
19 ok      crypto/aes      
20 ok      crypto/cipher   
21 ok      crypto/des      
22 ok      crypto/dsa      
23 ok      crypto/ecdsa    
24 ok      crypto/ed25519  
25 ok      crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519    
26 ok      crypto/ed25519/internal/edwards25519/field      
27 ok      crypto/elliptic 
28 ok      crypto/elliptic/internal/fiat    [no tests to run]
29 ok      crypto/elliptic/internal/nistec 
30 ok      crypto/hmac     
31 ok      crypto/internal/subtle  
32 ok      crypto/md5      
33 ok      crypto/rand     
34 ok      crypto/rc4      
35 ok      crypto/rsa      
36 ok      crypto/sha1     
37 ok      crypto/sha256   
38 ok      crypto/sha512   
39 ok      crypto/subtle   
40 ok      crypto/tls      
41 ok      crypto/x509     
42 ok      database/sql    
43 ok      database/sql/driver     
44 ok      debug/buildinfo 
45 ok      debug/dwarf     
46 ok      debug/elf       
47 ok      debug/gosym     
48 ok      debug/macho     
49 ok      debug/pe        
50 ok      debug/plan9obj  
51 ok      embed    [no tests to run]
52 ok      embed/internal/embedtest        
53 ok      encoding/ascii85        
54 ok      encoding/asn1   
55 ok      encoding/base32 
56 ok      encoding/base64 
57 ok      encoding/binary 
58 ok      encoding/csv    
59 ok      encoding/gob    
60 ok      encoding/hex    
61 ok      encoding/json   
62 ok      encoding/pem    
63 ok      encoding/xml    
64 ok      errors  
65 ok      expvar  
66 ok      flag    
67 ok      fmt     
68 ok      go/ast  
69 ok      go/build        
70 ok      go/build/constraint     
71 ok      go/constant     
72 ok      go/doc  
73 ok      go/format       
74 ok      go/importer     
75 ok      go/internal/gccgoimporter       
76 ok      go/internal/gcimporter  
77 ok      go/internal/srcimporter 
78 ok      go/parser       
79 ok      go/printer      
80 ok      go/scanner      
81 ok      go/token        
82 ok      go/types        
83 ok      hash    
84 ok      hash/adler32    
85 ok      hash/crc32      
86 ok      hash/crc64      
87 ok      hash/fnv        
88 ok      hash/maphash    
89 ok      html    
90 ok      html/template   
91 ok      image   
92 ok      image/color     
93 ok      image/draw      
94 ok      image/gif       
95 ok      image/jpeg      
96 ok      image/png       
97 ok      index/suffixarray       
98 ok      internal/abi    
99 ok      internal/buildcfg       
100 ok      internal/cpu    
101 ok      internal/execabs        
102 ok      internal/fmtsort        
103 ok      internal/fuzz   
104 ok      internal/godebug        
105 ok      internal/intern 
106 ok      internal/itoa   
107 ok      internal/poll   
108 ok      internal/profile        
109 ok      internal/reflectlite    
110 ok      internal/singleflight   
111 ok      internal/trace  
112 ok      internal/unsafeheader   
113 ok      internal/xcoff  
114 ok      io      
115 ok      io/fs   
116 ok      io/ioutil       
117 ok      log     
118 ok      log/syslog      
119 ok      math    
120 ok      math/big        
121 ok      math/bits       
122 ok      math/cmplx      
123 ok      math/rand       
124 ok      mime    
125 ok      mime/multipart  
126 ok      mime/quotedprintable    
127 ok      net     
128 ok      net/http        
129 ok      net/http/cgi    
130 ok      net/http/cookiejar      
131 ok      net/http/fcgi   
132 ok      net/http/httptest       
133 ok      net/http/httptrace      
134 ok      net/http/httputil       
135 ok      net/http/internal       
136 ok      net/http/internal/ascii 
137 ok      net/http/pprof  
138 ok      net/internal/socktest   
139 ok      net/mail        
140 ok      net/netip       
141 ok      net/rpc 
142 ok      net/rpc/jsonrpc 
143 ok      net/smtp        
144 ok      net/textproto   
145 ok      net/url 
146 ok      os      
147 ok      os/exec 
148 ok      os/exec/internal/fdtest 
149 ok      os/signal       
150 ok      os/user 
151 ok      path    
152 ok      path/filepath   
153 ok      plugin  
154 ok      reflect 
155 ok      regexp  
156 ok      regexp/syntax   
157 ok      runtime 
158 ok      runtime/cgo     
159 ok      runtime/debug   
160 ok      runtime/internal/atomic 
161 ok      runtime/internal/math   
162 ok      runtime/internal/sys    
163 ok      runtime/metrics 
164 ok      runtime/pprof   
165 ok      runtime/trace   
166 ok      sort    
167 ok      strconv 
168 ok      strings 
169 ok      sync    
170 ok      sync/atomic     
171 ok      syscall 
172 ok      testing 
173 ok      testing/fstest  
174 ok      testing/iotest  
175 ok      testing/quick   
176 ok      text/scanner    
177 ok      text/tabwriter  
178 ok      text/template   
179 ok      text/template/parse     
180 ok      time    
181 ok      unicode 
182 ok      unicode/utf16   
183 ok      unicode/utf8    
184 ok      cmd/addr2line   
185 ok      cmd/api 
186 ok      cmd/asm/internal/asm    
187 ok      cmd/asm/internal/lex    
188 ok      cmd/compile/internal/amd64      
189 ok      cmd/compile/internal/dwarfgen   
190 ok      cmd/compile/internal/importer   
191 ok      cmd/compile/internal/ir 
192 ok      cmd/compile/internal/logopt     
193 ok      cmd/compile/internal/noder      
194 ok      cmd/compile/internal/ssa        
195 ok      cmd/compile/internal/syntax     
196 ok      cmd/compile/internal/test       
197 ok      cmd/compile/internal/typecheck  
198 ok      cmd/compile/internal/types      
199 ok      cmd/compile/internal/types2     
200 ok      cmd/cover       
201 ok      cmd/dist        
202 ok      cmd/doc 
203 ok      cmd/fix 
204 ok      cmd/go  
205 ok      cmd/go/internal/auth    
206 ok      cmd/go/internal/cache   
207 ok      cmd/go/internal/fsys    
208 ok      cmd/go/internal/generate        
209 ok      cmd/go/internal/get     
210 ok      cmd/go/internal/imports 
211 ok      cmd/go/internal/load    
212 ok      cmd/go/internal/lockedfile      
213 ok      cmd/go/internal/lockedfile/internal/filelock    
214 ok      cmd/go/internal/modconv 
215 ok      cmd/go/internal/modfetch        
216 ok      cmd/go/internal/modfetch/codehost       
217 ok      cmd/go/internal/modfetch/zip_sum_test   
218 ok      cmd/go/internal/modload 
219 ok      cmd/go/internal/mvs     
220 ok      cmd/go/internal/par     
221 ok      cmd/go/internal/search  
222 ok      cmd/go/internal/str     
223 ok      cmd/go/internal/test    
224 ok      cmd/go/internal/vcs     
225 ok      cmd/go/internal/web     
226 ok      cmd/go/internal/work    
227 ok      cmd/gofmt       
228 ok      cmd/internal/archive    
229 ok      cmd/internal/buildid    
230 ok      cmd/internal/dwarf      
231 ok      cmd/internal/edit       
232 ok      cmd/internal/goobj      
233 ok      cmd/internal/moddeps    
234 ok      cmd/internal/obj        
235 ok      cmd/internal/obj/ppc64  
236 ok      cmd/internal/obj/riscv  
237 ok      cmd/internal/obj/s390x  
238 ok      cmd/internal/obj/x86    
239 ok      cmd/internal/objabi     
240 ok      cmd/internal/pkgpath    
241 ok      cmd/internal/quoted     
242 ok      cmd/internal/src        
243 ok      cmd/internal/sys        
244 ok      cmd/internal/test2json  
245 ok      cmd/link        
246 ok      cmd/link/internal/benchmark     
247 ok      cmd/link/internal/ld    
248 ok      cmd/link/internal/loader        
249 ok      cmd/nm  
250 ok      cmd/objdump     
251 ok      cmd/pack        
252 ok      cmd/pprof       
253 ok      cmd/trace       
254 ok      cmd/vet 
256 ##### os/user with tag osusergo
257 ok      os/user 
259 ##### GOMAXPROCS=2 runtime -cpu=1,2,4 -quick
260 ok      runtime 
262 ##### Testing without libgcc.
263 ok      net     
264 ok      os/user 
266 ##### sync -cpu=10
267 ok      sync    
269 ##### ../misc/cgo/stdio
270 PASS
272 ##### ../misc/cgo/life
273 PASS
275 ##### ../misc/cgo/fortran
276 PASS
277 ok      misc/cgo/fortran        
279 ##### ../misc/swig/stdio
280 PASS
281 ok      misc/swig/stdio 
283 ##### ../misc/swig/callback
284 PASS
285 ok      misc/swig/callback      
286 PASS
287 ok      misc/swig/callback      
289 ##### ../misc/cgo/test
290 PASS
291 scatter = 58c930
292 sqrt is: 0
293 hello from C
294 ok      misc/cgo/test   
295 PASS
296 scatter = 402440
297 sqrt is: 0
298 hello from C
299 ok      misc/cgo/test   
301 ##### ../misc/cgo/testgodefs
302 PASS
304 ##### ../misc/cgo/testso
305 ok      misc/cgo/testso 
307 ##### ../misc/cgo/testsovar
308 ok      misc/cgo/testsovar      
310 ##### ../misc/cgo/errors
311 PASS
313 ##### ../test/bench/go1
315 ##### ../test
317 ##### API check
318 Go version is "go1.18.4", ignoring -next $(@D)/api/next.txt