perl/Module-Build-Tiny: update to 0.051 for Perl 5.36 and 5.38
[oi-userland.git] / components / perl / Path-Tiny / test / results-all.master
1 t/00-report-prereqs.t ............. ok
2 t/basename.t ...................... ok
3 t/basic.t ......................... ok
4 t/children.t ...................... ok
5 t/chmod.t ......................... ok
6 t/digest.t ........................ ok
7 t/exception.t ..................... ok
8 t/exports.t ....................... ok
9 t/filesystem.t .................... ok
10 t/has_same_bytes.t ................ ok
11 t/input_output.t .................. ok
12 t/input_output_no_PU_UU.t ......... ok
13 t/input_output_no_UU.t ............ ok
14 t/locking.t ....................... ok
15 t/mkdir.t ......................... ok
16 t/mkpath.t ........................ ok
17 t/mutable_tree_while_iterating.t .. ok
18 t/normalize.t ..................... ok
19 t/overloading.t ................... ok
20 t/parent.t ........................ ok
21 t/recurse.t ....................... ok
22 t/rel-abs.t ....................... ok
23 t/sig_die.t ....................... ok
24 t/size.t .......................... ok
25 t/subsumes.t ...................... ok
26 t/symlinks.t ...................... ok
27 t/temp.t .......................... ok
28 t/visit.t ......................... ok
29 t/zz-atomic.t ..................... ok
30 t/zzz-spec.t ...................... ok
31 All tests successful.
32 Files=30, Tests=1770
33 Result: PASS