1 t/00-load.t ..................... ok
2 t/bug_duplicate_plan.t .......... ok
3 t/common.t ...................... ok
4 t/defer_plan.t .................. ok
5 t/env_bail.t .................... ok
6 t/env_die.t ..................... ok
7 t/exception.t ................... ok
8 t/exclude_test_modules.t ........ ok
9 t/exclude_test_symbols.t ........ ok
10 Data::Dumper::Names 0.03 not found. Use explain() instead of show() at t/explain.t line 34.
11 Data::Dumper::Names 0.03 not found. Use explain() instead of show() at t/explain.t line 69.
12 t/explain.t ..................... ok
13 t/function_bail.t ............... ok
14 t/function_die.t ................ ok
15 t/import_bail.t ................. ok
16 t/import_die.t .................. ok
17 t/import_strict_and_warnings.t .. ok
18 t/timex.t ....................... ok