1 We cannot compare against origin/main branch because we build from sdist, not git.
3 --- filelock-3.16.1/tox.ini.orig
4 +++ filelock-3.16.1/tox.ini
6 --cov-config=pyproject.toml --no-cov-on-fail --cov-report term-missing:skip-covered --cov-context=test \
7 --cov-report html:{envtmpdir}{/}htmlcov --cov-report xml:{toxworkdir}{/}coverage.{envname}.xml \
9 - diff-cover --compare-branch {env:DIFF_AGAINST:origin/main} {toxworkdir}{/}coverage.{envname}.xml}
13 description = format the code base to adhere to our styles, and complain about what we cannot do automatically
14 --- filelock-3.16.1/pyproject.toml.orig
15 +++ filelock-3.16.1/pyproject.toml
17 optional-dependencies.testing = [
22 "pytest-asyncio>=0.24",