1 diff -ru FreeImage.orig/Source/FreeImage/PluginRAW.cpp FreeImage/Source/FreeImage/PluginRAW.cpp
2 --- FreeImage.orig/Source/FreeImage/PluginRAW.cpp 2022-12-18 21:57:11.447801357 +0100
3 +++ FreeImage/Source/FreeImage/PluginRAW.cpp 2022-12-18 21:58:05.103433138 +0100
5 // --------------------------------------------
7 // (-s [0..N-1]) Select one raw image from input file
8 - RawProcessor->imgdata.params.shot_select = 0;
9 + RawProcessor->imgdata.rawparams.shot_select = 0;
10 // (-w) Use camera white balance, if possible (otherwise, fallback to auto_wb)
11 RawProcessor->imgdata.params.use_camera_wb = 1;
12 // (-M) Use any color matrix from the camera metadata. This option only affects Olympus, Leaf, and Phase One cameras.