1 Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (UNNESTED) OK
3 Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (NESTED) OK
5 Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (TIMED) OK
7 Initializing the apr_thread_rwlock_t OK
9 Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (UNNESTED) OK
11 Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (NESTED) OK
13 Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (TIMED) OK
15 Initializing the apr_thread_rwlock_t OK
17 Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (UNNESTED) OK
19 Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (NESTED) OK
21 Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (TIMED) OK
23 Initializing the apr_thread_rwlock_t OK
25 Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (UNNESTED) OK
27 Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (NESTED) OK
29 Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (TIMED) OK
31 Initializing the apr_thread_rwlock_t OK
33 Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (UNNESTED) OK
35 Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (NESTED) OK
37 Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (TIMED) OK
39 Initializing the apr_thread_rwlock_t OK
41 Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (UNNESTED) OK
43 Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (NESTED) OK
45 Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (TIMED) OK
47 Initializing the apr_thread_rwlock_t OK
57 testfilecopy : SUCCESS
58 testfileinfo : SUCCESS
76 testprocmutex : SUCCESS
84 teststrnatcmp : SUCCESS
92 testskiplist : SUCCESS