python/pyproject_installer: update to 0.5.5
[oi-userland.git] / components / python / pyOpenSSL / test / results-all.master
1 py$(PYV): remove tox env folder $(@D)/.tox/py$(PYV)
2 py$(PYV): commands[0]> openssl version
3 OpenSSL 1.0.2u  20 Dec 2019
4 py$(PYV): commands[1]> python -m coverage run --parallel -m OpenSSL.debug
5 pyOpenSSL: 24.2.1
6 cryptography: 42.0.8
7 cffi: 1.16.0
8 cryptography's compiled against OpenSSL: OpenSSL 3.1.5 30 Jan 2024
9 cryptography's linked OpenSSL: OpenSSL 3.1.6 4 Jun 2024
10 Python's OpenSSL: OpenSSL 1.1.1w  11 Sep 2023
11 Python executable: $(@D)/.tox/py$(PYV)/bin/python
12 Python version: 3.9.19 (main, Mar 26 2024, 20:30:24) 
13 [GCC 13.2.0]
14 Platform: sunos5
15 sys.path: ['$(@D)', '$(PROTO_DIR)$(PYTHON_DIR)/vendor-packages', '/usr/lib/', '$(PYTHON_DIR)', '$(PYTHON_DIR)/lib-dynload', '$(PYTHON_DIR)/site-packages', '$(PYTHON_DIR)/vendor-packages']
16 py$(PYV): commands[2]> python -m coverage run --parallel -m pytest -v
17 ============================= test session starts ==============================
18 platform sunos5 -- Python $(PYTHON_VERSION).X -- $(@D)/.tox/py$(PYV)/bin/python
19 cachedir: .tox/py$(PYV)/.pytest_cache
20 OpenSSL: b'OpenSSL 3.1.6 4 Jun 2024'
21 cryptography: 42.0.8
22 rootdir: $(@D)
23 configfile: pyproject.toml
24 testpaths: tests
25 collecting ... collected 510 items
27 tests/ PASSED
28 tests/ PASSED
29 tests/ PASSED
30 tests/[thisIsMadeUp-False-hi] PASSED
31 tests/[basicConstraints-False-blah blah] PASSED
32 tests/[proxyCertInfo-True-language:id-ppl-anyLanguage,pathlen:1,policy:text:AB] PASSED
33 tests/[True] PASSED
34 tests/[False] PASSED
35 tests/[basicConstraints-CA:true] PASSED
36 tests/[nsComment-foo bar] PASSED
37 tests/ PASSED
38 tests/ PASSED
39 tests/ PASSED
40 tests/ PASSED
41 tests/[True] PASSED
42 tests/[bad_obj1] PASSED
43 tests/[hello] PASSED
44 tests/[bad_obj3] PASSED
45 tests/ PASSED
46 tests/ PASSED
47 tests/ PASSED
48 tests/[True] PASSED
49 tests/[bad_obj1] PASSED
50 tests/[hello] PASSED
51 tests/[bad_obj3] PASSED
52 tests/[-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----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\nYFTbWwQiAiBFtgi8aNV0Jz2o8T+cxjVqVEgGdYNQqmpzqqBsM5AEOw==\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n-DSAPrivateKey] PASSED
53 tests/[-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIGHAgEAMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHBG0wawIBAQQgYirTZSx+5O8Y6tlG\ncka6W6btJiocdrdolfcukSoTEk+hRANCAAQkvPNu7Pa1GcsWU4v7ptNfqCJVq8Cx\nzo0MUVPQgwJ3aJtNM1QMOQUayCrRwfklg+D/rFSUwEUqtZh7fJDiFqz3\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n-EllipticCurvePrivateKey] PASSED
54 tests/[-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMC4CAQAwBQYDK2VwBCIEIKlxBbhVsSURoLTmsu9uTqYH6oF7zpxmp1ZQCAPhDmI2\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n-Ed25519PrivateKey] PASSED
55 tests/[-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMEcCAQAwBQYDK2VxBDsEOcqZ7a3k6JwrJbYO8CNTPT/d7dlWCo5vCf0EYDj79ZvA\nhD8u9EPHlYJw5Y8ZQdH4WmVEfpKA23xkdQ==\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n-Ed448PrivateKey] PASSED
56 tests/[-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----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\n5yscAByxKd+64JZziDkZ\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n-RSAPrivateKey] PASSED
57 tests/[-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----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\nWfTXW9NHtUqpEks+OXBkyV971Hk5NvdLLr8=\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n-DSAPublicKey] PASSED
58 tests/[-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEJLzzbuz2tRnLFlOL+6bTX6giVavA\nsc6NDFFT0IMCd2ibTTNUDDkFGsgq0cH5JYPg/6xUlMBFKrWYe3yQ4has9w==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n-EllipticCurvePublicKey] PASSED
59 tests/[-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMCowBQYDK2VwAyEAq+FrpdwI1oTPytx8kGzuLVc+78zJE7hjYG4E9hwXoKI=\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n-Ed25519PublicKey] PASSED
60 tests/[-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMEMwBQYDK2VxAzoAKFfWGCuqIaxgR9GmEXLRciYDyEjTnF56kr0sOVfwHEj+bHSU\neMJTZJR8qFSg8hNsHY1iZh9PIXcA\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n-Ed448PublicKey] PASSED
61 tests/[-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA2eRWkmlyp/0Uxccja/hk\nb2JzLy8+V8Ugw+Cc1USl8ShhcyilzCQHlyZLz5YaO02vx4DDV4TDwHvE08HCEZxy\nagH5kjp5GtZLNypehBkAU3rys8icvDGlIc2bC+BVFIFlBExUEE/A8HIIXyaG1dJP\nm1k+Jqyh8yKrsOcvjU7GmZeI0gdZWm4SJrFNelY+unx6e8PfnOdNbTsUDjOAkDVo\nqBpvLYD0/+N0FLPXvi9hxQSPnA0GxAuvJfu1TPGGPDWf3xsqaDC9kDFZ1GOs53qD\niyUzFLpTrm6y/ieg5LrocQbCDnMsTJ6sICpuKVBpT8Xz0ku/jKNyQvevZMIFB3q1\n2QIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n-RSAPublicKey] PASSED
62 tests/ PASSED
63 tests/ PASSED
64 tests/ PASSED
65 tests/ PASSED
66 tests/ PASSED
67 tests/ PASSED
68 tests/ PASSED
69 tests/ PASSED
70 tests/ PASSED
71 tests/ PASSED
72 tests/ PASSED
73 tests/ PASSED
74 tests/ PASSED
75 tests/ PASSED
76 tests/ PASSED
77 tests/ PASSED
78 tests/ PASSED
79 tests/ PASSED
80 tests/ PASSED
81 tests/ PASSED
82 tests/ PASSED
83 tests/ PASSED
84 tests/ PASSED
85 tests/ PASSED
86 tests/ PASSED
87 tests/ PASSED
88 tests/ PASSED
89 tests/ PASSED
90 tests/ PASSED
91 tests/ PASSED
92 tests/ PASSED
93 tests/ PASSED
94 tests/ PASSED
95 tests/ PASSED
96 tests/ PASSED
97 tests/ PASSED
98 tests/ PASSED
99 tests/ PASSED
100 tests/ PASSED
101 tests/ PASSED
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103 tests/ PASSED
104 tests/ PASSED
105 tests/ PASSED
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109 tests/ PASSED
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111 tests/ PASSED
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114 tests/ PASSED
115 tests/ PASSED
116 tests/ PASSED
117 tests/ PASSED
118 tests/ PASSED
119 tests/ PASSED
120 tests/ PASSED
121 tests/ PASSED
122 tests/ PASSED
123 tests/ PASSED
124 tests/ PASSED
125 tests/ PASSED
126 tests/ PASSED
127 tests/ PASSED
128 tests/ PASSED
129 tests/ PASSED
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132 tests/ PASSED
133 tests/ PASSED
134 tests/ PASSED
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139 tests/ PASSED
140 tests/ PASSED
141 tests/ PASSED
142 tests/ PASSED
143 tests/ PASSED
144 tests/ PASSED
145 tests/ PASSED
146 tests/ PASSED
147 tests/ PASSED
148 tests/ PASSED
149 tests/ PASSED
150 tests/ PASSED
151 tests/[None] PASSED
152 tests/[1.0] PASSED
153 tests/[cert] PASSED
154 tests/[cert3] PASSED
155 tests/ PASSED
156 tests/[/cafile\u2603-None-/cafile\xe2\x98\x83-<cdata>] PASSED
157 tests/[/cafile\xe2\x98\x83-None-/cafile\xe2\x98\x83-<cdata>] PASSED
158 tests/[None-/capath\u2603-<cdata>-/capath\xe2\x98\x83] PASSED
159 tests/[None-/capath\xe2\x98\x83-<cdata>-/capath\xe2\x98\x83] PASSED
160 tests/ PASSED
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171 tests/ PASSED
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174 tests/ PASSED
175 tests/ PASSED
176 tests/ PASSED
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179 tests/ PASSED
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181 tests/ PASSED
182 tests/ PASSED
183 tests/ PASSED
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189 tests/ PASSED
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198 tests/ PASSED
199 tests/ PASSED
200 tests/ PASSED
201 tests/ PASSED
202 tests/ PASSED
203 tests/ PASSED
204 tests/ PASSED
205 tests/ PASSED
206 tests/ PASSED
207 tests/[reason0] PASSED
208 tests/[1.0] PASSED
209 tests/[foo] PASSED
210 tests/ PASSED
211 tests/ PASSED
212 tests/ PASSED
213 tests/ PASSED
214 tests/ PASSED
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216 tests/ PASSED
217 tests/ PASSED
218 tests/ PASSED
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221 tests/ PASSED
222 tests/ PASSED
223 tests/ PASSED
224 tests/ PASSED
225 tests/ PASSED
226 tests/ PASSED
227 tests/ PASSED
228 tests/ PASSED
229 tests/[pyOpenSSL CRL] PASSED
230 tests/[cryptography CRL] PASSED
231 tests/[pyOpenSSL CRL] PASSED
232 tests/[cryptography CRL] PASSED
233 tests/ PASSED
234 tests/ PASSED
235 tests/ PASSED
236 tests/ PASSED
237 tests/ PASSED
238 tests/[intermediate in chain] PASSED
239 tests/[empty chain] PASSED
240 tests/[extra certs in chain] PASSED
241 tests/ PASSED
242 tests/ PASSED
243 tests/[intermediate missing] PASSED
244 tests/[no trusted root] PASSED
245 tests/[untrusted root, full chain is available] PASSED
246 tests/[untrusted root, intermediate is trusted and in chain] PASSED
247 tests/[non-certificate in chain] PASSED
248 tests/[non-list chain] PASSED
249 tests/ PASSED
250 tests/ PASSED
251 tests/ PASSED
252 tests/ PASSED
253 tests/ PASSED
254 tests/ PASSED
255 tests/ PASSED
256 tests/ PASSED
257 tests/ PASSED
258 tests/ PASSED
259 tests/ PASSED
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270 tests/ PASSED
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273 tests/ PASSED
274 tests/ <- tests/ PASSED
275 tests/ <- tests/ PASSED
276 tests/ <- tests/ PASSED
277 tests/ <- tests/ PASSED
278 tests/ <- tests/ PASSED
279 tests/ <- tests/ PASSED
280 tests/ <- tests/ PASSED
281 tests/ <- tests/ PASSED
282 tests/ <- tests/ PASSED
283 tests/ <- tests/ PASSED
284 tests/ PASSED
285 tests/ PASSED
286 tests/ PASSED
287 tests/[args0] PASSED
288 tests/[args1] PASSED
289 tests/ PASSED
290 tests/ PASSED
291 tests/ PASSED
292 tests/ PASSED
293 tests/[hello world:AES128-SHA0] PASSED
294 tests/[hello world:AES128-SHA1] PASSED
295 tests/ PASSED
296 tests/ PASSED
297 tests/ PASSED
298 tests/ PASSED
299 tests/ PASSED
300 tests/ PASSED
301 tests/ PASSED
302 tests/ PASSED
303 tests/ PASSED
304 tests/ PASSED
305 tests/ PASSED
306 tests/[filetype0] PASSED
307 tests/[] PASSED
308 tests/[None] PASSED
309 tests/[1.0] PASSED
310 tests/ PASSED
311 tests/ PASSED
312 tests/ PASSED
313 tests/ PASSED
314 tests/ PASSED
315 tests/ PASSED
316 tests/ PASSED
317 tests/ PASSED
318 tests/ PASSED
319 tests/ PASSED
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321 tests/ PASSED
322 tests/ PASSED
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333 tests/ PASSED
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339 tests/[bytes_arg-ascii_path] PASSED
340 tests/[bytes_arg-unicode_path] PASSED
341 tests/[unicode_arg-ascii_path] PASSED
342 tests/[unicode_arg-unicode_path] PASSED
343 tests/ PASSED
344 tests/ SKIPPEDa/cryptography manylinux wheels)
345 tests/ PASSED
346 tests/ PASSED
347 tests/ PASSED
348 tests/ PASSED
349 tests/ PASSED
350 tests/ PASSED
351 tests/ PASSED
352 tests/ PASSED
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354 tests/[1] PASSED
355 tests/[0] PASSED
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358 tests/ PASSED
359 tests/ PASSED
360 tests/ PASSED
361 tests/ PASSED
362 tests/[None] PASSED
363 tests/[1.0] PASSED
364 tests/[mode2] PASSED
365 tests/[mode] PASSED
366 tests/[1.0] PASSED
367 tests/[mode] PASSED
368 tests/[callback2] PASSED
369 tests/ PASSED
370 tests/ PASSED
371 tests/ PASSED
372 tests/ PASSED
373 tests/ PASSED
374 tests/ PASSED
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376 tests/ PASSED
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381 tests/ PASSED
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392 tests/[context] PASSED
393 tests/[connection] PASSED
394 tests/[context] PASSED
395 tests/[connection] PASSED
396 tests/[context] PASSED
397 tests/[connection] PASSED
398 tests/[context] PASSED
399 tests/[connection] PASSED
400 tests/[context] PASSED
401 tests/[connection] PASSED
402 tests/ PASSED
403 tests/[bad_context0] PASSED
404 tests/[context] PASSED
405 tests/[None] PASSED
406 tests/[1] PASSED
407 tests/[bad_bio0] PASSED
408 tests/[None] PASSED
409 tests/[1] PASSED
410 tests/[bad_bio3] PASSED
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417 tests/ PASSED
418 tests/ PASSED
419 tests/ PASSED
420 tests/ PASSED
421 tests/ SKIPPED (usually
422 fails:
423 tests/ PASSED
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462 tests/[1.0] PASSED
463 tests/[None] PASSED
464 tests/[bufsize2] PASSED
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539 =============================== warnings summary ===============================
540 tests/
541 tests/
542 tests/
543   $(@D)/tests/ DeprecationWarning: CSR support in pyOpenSSL is deprecated. You should use the APIs in cryptography.
544     from OpenSSL.crypto import (
546 tests/
547   $(@D)/tests/ DeprecationWarning: sign() is deprecated. Use the equivalent APIs in cryptography.
548     from OpenSSL.crypto import (
550 tests/
551   $(@D)/tests/ DeprecationWarning: verify() is deprecated. Use the equivalent APIs in cryptography.
552     from OpenSSL.crypto import (
554 tests/[hello world:AES128-SHA1]
555   $(@D)/tests/ DeprecationWarning: str for cipher_list is no longer accepted, use bytes
556     context.set_cipher_list(cipher_string)
558 -- Docs:
559 =========================== short test summary info ============================
560 ======== 508 passed, 2 skipped, 6 warnings ========
561   py$(PYV): OK
562   congratulations :)