python/pyproject_installer: update to 0.5.5
[oi-userland.git] / components / python / twine / test / results-all.master
1 py$(PYV): remove tox env folder $(@D)/.tox/py$(PYV)
2 py$(PYV): commands[0]> python -m coverage run -m pytest
3 ============================= test session starts ==============================
4 platform sunos5 -- Python $(PYTHON_VERSION).X -- $(@D)/.tox/py$(PYV)/bin/python
5 cachedir: .tox/py$(PYV)/.pytest_cache
6 rootdir: $(@D)
7 configfile: pytest.ini
8 collecting ... collected 201 items
10 tests/ PASSED
11 tests/ PASSED
12 tests/ PASSED
13 tests/ PASSED
14 tests/ PASSED
15 tests/ PASSED
16 tests/ PASSED
17 tests/ PASSED
18 tests/ PASSED
19 tests/ PASSED
20 tests/ PASSED
21 tests/ PASSED
22 tests/ PASSED
23 tests/ PASSED
24 tests/ PASSED
25 tests/ PASSED
26 tests/[-Your password is empty] PASSED
27 tests/[\x16-Your password contains control characters] PASSED
28 tests/[entered\x16pw-Your password contains control characters] PASSED
29 tests/ PASSED
30 tests/ PASSED
31 tests/ PASSED
32 tests/ PASSED
33 tests/[False] PASSED
34 tests/[True] PASSED
35 tests/ PASSED
36 tests/ PASSED
37 tests/ PASSED
38 tests/ PASSED
39 tests/[text/markdown] PASSED
40 tests/[text/plain] PASSED
41 tests/ PASSED
42 tests/ PASSED
43 tests/ PASSED
44 tests/ PASSED
45 tests/ PASSED
46 tests/ PASSED
47 tests/ PASSED
48 tests/ PASSED
49 tests/ PASSED
50 tests/ PASSED
51 tests/ PASSED
52 tests/ PASSED
53 tests/ PASSED
54 tests/ PASSED
55 tests/ PASSED
56 tests/ PASSED
57 tests/ PASSED
58 tests/ PASSED
59 tests/ PASSED
60 tests/[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ] PASSED
61 tests/[0123456789-0123456789] PASSED
62 tests/[!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~--.-] PASSED
63 tests/[mosaik.SimConfig-mosaik.SimConfig] PASSED
64 tests/[mosaik$$$$.SimConfig-mosaik-.SimConfig] PASSED
65 tests/ PASSED
66 tests/[None-None] PASSED
67 tests/[None-gpg_signature1] PASSED
68 tests/[attestation1-None] PASSED
69 tests/[attestation1-gpg_signature1] PASSED
70 tests/ PASSED
71 tests/ PASSED
72 tests/[TypeError] PASSED
73 tests/[ValueError] PASSED
74 tests/ PASSED
75 tests/[missing Name and Version0] PASSED
76 tests/[missing Name and Version1] PASSED
77 tests/[missing Name0] PASSED
78 tests/[missing Name1] PASSED
79 tests/[missing Version0] PASSED
80 tests/[missing Version1] PASSED
81 tests/ PASSED
82 tests/ PASSED
83 tests/ PASSED
84 tests/ PASSED
85 tests/ PASSED
86 tests/[pypi] PASSED
87 tests/[testpypi] PASSED
88 tests/ PASSED
89 tests/ PASSED
90 tests/ PASSED
91 tests/ PASSED
92 tests/ PASSED
93 tests/ PASSED
94 tests/ PASSED
95 tests/ PASSED
96 tests/ PASSED
97 tests/ PASSED
98 tests/ PASSED
99 tests/ PASSED
100 tests/ PASSED
101 tests/[True] PASSED
102 tests/[False] PASSED
103 tests/ PASSED
104 tests/[package_meta0-] PASSED
105 tests/[package_meta1-] PASSED
106 tests/[package_meta2-] PASSED
107 tests/[package_meta3-] PASSED
108 tests/[package_meta4-] PASSED
109 tests/[package_meta5-] PASSED
110 tests/ PASSED
111 tests/[None-None-messages0] PASSED
112 tests/[--messages1] PASSED
113 tests/[username-password-messages2] PASSED
114 tests/ PASSED
115 tests/ PASSED
116 tests/ PASSED
117 tests/[True-20] PASSED
118 tests/[False-30] PASSED
119 tests/[True] PASSED
120 tests/[False] PASSED
121 tests/ PASSED
122 tests/[None] PASSED
123 tests/[] PASSED
124 tests/ PASSED
125 tests/ PASSED
126 tests/ PASSED
127 tests/ PASSED
128 tests/ PASSED
129 tests/ PASSED
130 tests/ PASSED
131 tests/ PASSED
132 tests/ PASSED
133 tests/ PASSED
134 tests/ PASSED
135 tests/ PASSED
136 tests/ PASSED
137 tests/ PASSED
138 tests/ PASSED
139 tests/ PASSED
140 tests/ PASSED
141 tests/[False] PASSED
142 tests/[True] PASSED
143 tests/ PASSED
144 tests/ PASSED
145 tests/[\\nYour repository URL is missing a trailing slash] PASSED
146 tests/[\\nIf you trust these URLs] PASSED
147 tests/ PASSED
148 tests/ PASSED
149 tests/[pypi] PASSED
150 tests/[nexus] PASSED
151 tests/[nexus_new] PASSED
152 tests/[pypiserver] PASSED
153 tests/[artifactory_old] PASSED
154 tests/[artifactory_new] PASSED
155 tests/[gitlab_enterprise] PASSED
156 tests/[wrong_reason] PASSED
157 tests/[wrong_code] PASSED
158 tests/ PASSED
159 tests/[pypi] PASSED
160 tests/[testpypi] PASSED
161 tests/ PASSED
162 tests/[] PASSED
163 tests/[] PASSED
164 tests/[] PASSED
165 tests/ PASSED
166 tests/ PASSED
167 tests/ PASSED
168 tests/ PASSED
169 tests/ PASSED
170 tests/ PASSED
171 tests/ PASSED
172 tests/ PASSED
173 tests/[] PASSED
174 tests/[] PASSED
175 tests/[] PASSED
176 tests/[********] PASSED
177 tests/[ was required to be one of \\['http', 'https'\\]] PASSED
178 tests/[https:/-host was required but missing.] PASSED
179 tests/[// was required but missing.] PASSED
180 tests/[, scheme were required but missing.] PASSED
181 tests/ PASSED
182 tests/[pypi] PASSED
183 tests/[missing-repository] PASSED
184 tests/ PASSED
185 tests/[cli-config0-key-<lambda>-cli] PASSED
186 tests/[None-config1-key-<lambda>-value] PASSED
187 tests/[None-config2-key-<lambda>-fallback] PASSED
188 tests/[MY_PASSWORD-None-environ0-None] PASSED
189 tests/[MY_PASSWORD-None-environ1-foo] PASSED
190 tests/[URL-] PASSED
191 tests/[URL-] PASSED
192 tests/[] PASSED
193 tests/[] PASSED
194 tests/[True-] PASSED
195 tests/[True-] PASSED
196 tests/[False-] PASSED
197 tests/[False-] PASSED
198 tests/[3704-3.6 KB] PASSED
199 tests/[1153433-1.1 MB] PASSED
200 tests/[21412841-20.4 MB] PASSED
201 tests/[fixtures/twine-1.5.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl] PASSED
202 tests/[alt-fixtures/twine-1.5.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl] PASSED
203 tests/[fixtures/twine-1.5.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl] PASSED
204 tests/[alt-fixtures/twine-1.5.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl] PASSED
205 tests/ PASSED
206 tests/[fixtures/twine-1.5.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl] PASSED
207 tests/[alt-fixtures/twine-1.5.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl] PASSED
208 tests/ PASSED
209 tests/ PASSED
210 tests/ PASSED
212 =============================== warnings summary ===============================
213 tests/
214   $(PYTHON_DIR)/vendor-packages/keyrings/alt/ DeprecationWarning: GnomeKeyring.get_default_keyring_sync is deprecated
215     result = GnomeKeyring.get_default_keyring_sync()[0]
217 -- Docs:
218 ======== 201 passed, 1 warning ========
219 py$(PYV): commands[1]> python -m coverage html
220 Wrote HTML report to htmlcov/index.html
221 py$(PYV): commands[2]> python -m coverage report --skip-covered --show-missing --fail-under 97
222 Name                       Stmts   Miss Branch BrPart  Cover   Missing
223 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
224 tests/           127      1      8      1    99%   79
225 tests/     109      0     32      1    99%   95->94
226 tests/         204      2     30      0    98%   351-352
227 tests/           87      1      4      0    99%   331
228 twine/             11      0      2      1    92%   42->exit
229 twine/commands/      95      1     47      1    99%   103
230 twine/             156      4     45      5    96%   106, 134, 222, 301->exit, 307
231 twine/          118      3     38      4    96%   90, 104->exit, 108->exit, 164->exit, 198, 250
232 twine/             82      4      4      0    95%   333-341
233 twine/               138      1     45      0    99%   330
234 twine/              38     26     19      0    21%   15-17, 21-25, 28-57
235 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
236 TOTAL                       2023     43    391     13    97%
238 19 files skipped due to complete coverage.
239   py$(PYV): OK
240   congratulations :)