1 --- flake8_bugbear-24.10.31/tests/test_bugbear.py.orig
2 +++ flake8_bugbear-24.10.31/tests/test_bugbear.py
6 class TestFuzz(unittest.TestCase):
7 - from hypothesis import HealthCheck, given, settings
8 - from hypothesmith import from_grammar
10 - @settings(suppress_health_check=[HealthCheck.too_slow])
11 - @given(from_grammar().map(ast.parse))
12 - def test_does_not_crash_on_any_valid_code(self, syntax_tree):
13 - # Given any syntatically-valid source code, flake8-bugbear should
14 - # not crash. This tests doesn't check that we do the *right* thing,
15 - # just that we don't crash on valid-if-poorly-styled code!
16 - BugBearVisitor(filename="<string>", lines=[]).visit(syntax_tree)
18 + @unittest.skip('No hypothesmith packaged yet')
19 def test_does_not_crash_on_site_code(self):
20 # Because the generator isn't perfect, we'll also test on all the code
21 # we can easily find in our current Python environment - this includes
24 BugBearChecker(filename=str(Path(dirname) / f))
26 + @unittest.skip('No hypothesmith packaged yet')
27 def test_does_not_crash_on_tuple_expansion_in_except_statement(self):
28 # akin to test_does_not_crash_on_any_valid_code
29 # but targets a rare case that's not covered by hypothesmith.from_grammar
32 BugBearVisitor(filename="<string>", lines=[]).visit(syntax_tree)
34 + @unittest.skip('No hypothesmith packaged yet')
35 def test_does_not_crash_on_call_in_except_statement(self):
36 # akin to test_does_not_crash_on_tuple_expansion_in_except_statement
37 # see https://github.com/PyCQA/flake8-bugbear/issues/171
38 --- flake8_bugbear-24.10.31/tox.ini.orig
39 +++ flake8_bugbear-24.10.31/tox.ini
46 coverage run tests/test_bugbear.py {posargs}