1 t/_pod.t .................................. skipped: Author tests not required for installation (set Date_Manip_RELEASE_TESTING to test)
2 t/_pod_coverage.t ......................... skipped: Author tests not required for installation (set Date_Manip_RELEASE_TESTING to test)
3 t/_version.t .............................. skipped: Author tests not required for installation (set Date_Manip_RELEASE_TESTING to test)
4 t/base._calc_date_ymwd.t .................. ok
5 t/base._config.t .......................... ok
6 t/base._critical_date.t ................... ok
7 t/base._fix_year.50.t ..................... ok
8 t/base._fix_year.c.t ...................... ok
9 t/base._fix_year.c18.t .................... ok
10 t/base._fix_year.c1890.t .................. ok
11 t/base.calc_date_date.t ................... ok
12 t/base.calc_date_days.t ................... ok
13 t/base.calc_date_delta.t .................. ok
14 t/base.calc_date_time.t ................... ok
15 t/base.calc_time_time.t ................... ok
16 t/base.check.t ............................ ok
17 t/base.cmp.t .............................. ok
18 t/base.day_of_week.t ...................... ok
19 t/base.day_of_year.0.t .................... ok
20 t/base.day_of_year.1.t .................... ok
21 t/base.days_in_month.t .................... ok
22 t/base.days_in_year.t ..................... ok
23 t/base.days_since_1bc.t ................... ok
24 t/base.join.t ............................. ok
25 t/base.leapyear.t ......................... ok
26 t/base.nth_day_of_week.t .................. ok
27 t/base.secs_since_1970.t .................. ok
28 t/base.split.t ............................ ok
29 t/base.week1_day1.t ....................... ok
30 t/base.week_of_year.0.t ................... ok
31 t/base.week_of_year.1.t ................... ok
32 t/base.weeks_in_year.t .................... ok
33 t/date.calc.data_date_bsemi.t ............. ok
34 t/date.calc.date_date_approx.t ............ ok
35 t/date.calc.date_date_bapprox.t ........... ok
36 t/date.calc.date_date_business.t .......... ok
37 t/date.calc.date_date_exact.t ............. ok
38 t/date.calc.date_date_semi.t .............. ok
39 t/date.calc.date_delta.romanian.t ......... ok
40 t/date.calc.date_delta_approx.t ........... ok
41 t/date.calc.date_delta_business.0.t ....... ok
42 t/date.calc.date_delta_business.1.t ....... ok
43 t/date.calc.date_delta_business.2.t ....... ok
44 t/date.calc.date_delta_business.3.t ....... ok
45 t/date.calc.date_delta_business.4.t ....... ok
46 t/date.calc.date_delta_business.french.t .. ok
47 t/date.calc.date_delta_exact.t ............ ok
48 t/date.cmp.t .............................. ok
49 t/date.complete.t ......................... ok
50 t/date.convert.t .......................... ok
51 t/date.holiday.0.t ........................ ok
52 t/date.holiday.1.t ........................ ok
53 t/date.init_args.t ........................ ok
54 t/date.is.t ............................... ok
55 t/date.is_business_day.t .................. ok
56 t/date.list_events.0.t .................... ok
57 t/date.list_events.1.t .................... ok
58 t/date.list_holidays.0.t .................. ok
59 t/date.list_holidays.1.t .................. ok
60 t/date.list_holidays.2.t .................. ok
61 t/date.list_holidays.3.t .................. ok
62 t/date.list_holidays.4.t .................. ok
63 t/date.list_holidays.5.t .................. ok
64 t/date.nearest_business_day.t ............. ok
65 t/date.next.t ............................. ok
66 t/date.next_business_day.t ................ ok
67 t/date.parse.catalan.t .................... ok
68 t/date.parse.common.t ..................... ok
69 t/date.parse.danish.t ..................... ok
70 t/date.parse.delta.t ...................... ok
71 t/date.parse.dst.t ........................ ok
72 t/date.parse.dutch.t ...................... ok
73 t/date.parse.english.t .................... ok
74 t/date.parse.french.t ..................... ok
75 t/date.parse.german.t ..................... ok
76 t/date.parse.holidays.t ................... ok
77 t/date.parse.invalid.t .................... ok
78 t/date.parse.iso.t ........................ ok
79 t/date.parse.italian.t .................... ok
80 t/date.parse.misc.0.t ..................... ok
81 t/date.parse.misc.1.t ..................... ok
82 t/date.parse.mmmyyyy.first.t .............. ok
83 t/date.parse.mmmyyyy.last.t ............... ok
84 t/date.parse.mmmyyyy.t .................... ok
85 t/date.parse.norwegian.t .................. ok
86 t/date.parse.period.t ..................... ok
87 t/date.parse.polish.t ..................... ok
88 t/date.parse.portuguese.t ................. ok
89 t/date.parse.romanian.t ................... ok
90 t/date.parse.russian.cp1251.t ............. ok
91 t/date.parse.russian.koi8-r.t ............. ok
92 t/date.parse.russian.t .................... ok
93 t/date.parse.spanish.t .................... ok
94 t/date.parse.swedish.t .................... ok
95 t/date.parse.timezone.t ................... ok
96 t/date.parse.turkish.t .................... ok
97 t/date.parse_date.common.t ................ ok
98 t/date.parse_date.iso.t ................... ok
99 t/date.parse_date.misc.0.t ................ ok
100 t/date.parse_date.misc.1.t ................ ok
101 t/date.parse_date.mmmyyyy.first.t ......... ok
102 t/date.parse_date.mmmyyyy.last.t .......... ok
103 t/date.parse_date.mmmyyyy.t ............... ok
104 t/date.parse_format.0.t ................... ok
105 t/date.parse_format.1.t ................... ok
106 t/date.parse_time.t ....................... ok
107 t/date.prev.t ............................. ok
108 t/date.prev_business_day.t ................ ok
109 t/date.printf.0.t ......................... ok
110 t/date.printf.1.t ......................... ok
111 t/date.printf.2.t ......................... ok
112 t/date.printf.weekofyear.t ................ ok
113 t/date.secs_since_1970_GMT.0.t ............ ok
114 t/date.secs_since_1970_GMT.1.t ............ ok
115 t/date.set.0.t ............................ ok
116 t/date.set.1.t ............................ ok
117 t/date.set.2.t ............................ ok
118 t/date.set.3.t ............................ ok
119 t/date.week_of_year.0.t ................... ok
120 t/date.week_of_year.1.t ................... ok
121 t/delta.calc.delta_delta_approx.t ......... ok
122 t/delta.calc.delta_delta_business.0.t ..... ok
123 t/delta.calc.delta_delta_business.1.t ..... ok
124 t/delta.calc.delta_delta_semi.t ........... ok
125 t/delta.cmp.t ............................. ok
126 t/delta.convert.t ......................... ok
127 t/delta.init_args.t ....................... ok
128 t/delta.is.t .............................. ok
129 t/delta.parse.fract.t ..................... ok
130 t/delta.parse.t ........................... ok
131 t/delta.printf.t .......................... ok
132 t/delta.set.1.t ........................... ok
133 t/delta.set.2.t ........................... ok
134 t/delta.set.3.t ........................... ok
135 t/delta.type.t ............................ ok
136 t/delta.value.t ........................... ok
137 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
138 t/dm5.convtz.t ............................ skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
139 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
140 t/dm5.date.t .............................. skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
141 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
142 t/dm5.date_date_0.t ....................... skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
143 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
144 t/dm5.date_date_1.t ....................... skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
145 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
146 t/dm5.date_date_2a.t ...................... skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
147 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
148 t/dm5.date_date_2b.t ...................... skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
149 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
150 t/dm5.date_delta_0.t ...................... skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
151 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
152 t/dm5.date_delta_1.t ...................... skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
153 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
154 t/dm5.date_delta_2a.t ..................... skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
155 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
156 t/dm5.date_delta_2b.t ..................... skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
157 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
158 t/dm5.date_delta_french.t ................. skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
159 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
160 t/dm5.date_delta_sign.t ................... skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
161 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
162 t/dm5.date_french.t ....................... skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
163 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
164 t/dm5.date_german.t ....................... skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
165 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
166 t/dm5.date_misc_a.t ....................... skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
167 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
168 t/dm5.date_misc_b.t ....................... skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
169 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
170 t/dm5.date_romanian.t ..................... skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
171 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
172 t/dm5.date_today_0.t ...................... skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
173 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
174 t/dm5.date_today_1.t ...................... skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
175 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
176 t/dm5.delta_a.t ........................... skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
177 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
178 t/dm5.delta_b.t ........................... skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
179 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
180 t/dm5.delta_delta_0.t ..................... skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
181 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
182 t/dm5.delta_delta_1.t ..................... skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
183 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
184 t/dm5.delta_delta_2a.t .................... skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
185 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
186 t/dm5.delta_delta_2b.t .................... skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
187 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
188 t/dm5.delta_format.t ...................... skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
189 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
190 t/dm5.delta_romanian.t .................... skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
191 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
192 t/dm5.events.t ............................ skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
193 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
194 t/dm5.getnext.t ........................... skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
195 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
196 t/dm5.getprev.t ........................... skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
197 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
198 t/dm5.normalize_business.t ................ skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
199 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
200 t/dm5.nthday.t ............................ skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
201 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
202 t/dm5.recur_0.t ........................... skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
203 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
204 t/dm5.recur_1.t ........................... skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
205 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
206 t/dm5.settime.t ........................... skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
207 Date::Manip::DM5 is deprecated and will be removed from the Date::Manip package starting in version 7.00 at (eval 7) line 1.
208 t/dm5.unixdate.t .......................... skipped: Date::Manip 5.xx tests ignored (set DATE_MANIP_TEST_DM5 to test)
209 t/obj.t ................................... ok
210 t/orig.convtz.t ........................... ok
211 t/orig.date_isholiday.t ................... ok
212 t/orig.datecalc.date_date.t ............... ok
213 t/orig.datecalc.date_delta.0.t ............ ok
214 t/orig.datecalc.date_delta.1.t ............ ok
215 t/orig.delta_format.t ..................... ok
216 t/orig.eventslist.t ....................... ok
217 t/orig.getnext.t .......................... ok
218 t/orig.getprev.t .......................... ok
219 t/orig.nthdayofyear.t ..................... ok
220 t/orig.parsedatedelta.t ................... ok
221 t/orig.parsedateformat.t .................. ok
222 t/orig.parsedatestring.t .................. ok
223 t/orig.parserecur.t ....................... ok
224 t/orig.settime.t .......................... ok
225 t/orig.unixdate.t ......................... ok
226 t/recur.dates.0.t ......................... ok
227 t/recur.dates.1.t ......................... ok
228 t/recur.dates.2.t ......................... ok
229 t/recur.dates.3.t ......................... ok
230 t/recur.frequency.t ....................... ok
231 t/recur.init_args.t ....................... ok
232 t/recur.is.t .............................. ok
233 t/recur.nth.t ............................. ok
234 t/tz.all_periods.t ........................ ok
235 t/tz.convert.t ............................ ok
236 t/tz.convert_from_gmt.t ................... ok
237 t/tz.convert_to_gmt.t ..................... ok
238 t/tz.date_period.t ........................ ok
239 t/tz.define_abbrev.t ...................... ok
240 t/tz.define_alias.t ....................... ok
241 t/tz.define_offset.t ...................... ok
242 t/tz.periods.t ............................ ok
243 t/tz.zone.t ............................... ok
244 t/tzdata._ruleinfo.t ...................... ok
245 t/tzdata._zoneinfo.t ...................... ok
246 All tests successful.
247 Files=209, Tests=4534