rust/cargo-c: update to 0.10.7+cargo-0.84.0
[oi-userland.git] / components / database / postgresql-15 / test / results-all.master
1 test test_setup                   ... ok
2 test tablespace                   ... ok
3      boolean                      ... ok
4      char                         ... ok
5      name                         ... ok
6      varchar                      ... ok
7      text                         ... ok
8      int2                         ... ok
9      int4                         ... ok
10      int8                         ... ok
11      oid                          ... ok
12      float4                       ... ok
13      float8                       ... ok
14      bit                          ... ok
15      numeric                      ... ok
16      txid                         ... ok
17      uuid                         ... ok
18      enum                         ... ok
19      money                        ... ok
20      rangetypes                   ... ok
21      pg_lsn                       ... ok
22      regproc                      ... ok
23      strings                      ... ok
24      numerology                   ... ok
25      point                        ... ok
26      lseg                         ... ok
27      line                         ... ok
28      box                          ... ok
29      path                         ... ok
30      polygon                      ... ok
31      circle                       ... ok
32      date                         ... ok
33      time                         ... ok
34      timetz                       ... ok
35      timestamp                    ... ok
36      timestamptz                  ... FAILED
37      interval                     ... ok
38      inet                         ... ok
39      macaddr                      ... ok
40      macaddr8                     ... ok
41      multirangetypes              ... ok
42      geometry                     ... ok
43      horology                     ... ok
44      tstypes                      ... ok
45      regex                        ... ok
46      type_sanity                  ... ok
47      opr_sanity                   ... ok
48      misc_sanity                  ... ok
49      comments                     ... ok
50      expressions                  ... ok
51      unicode                      ... ok
52      xid                          ... ok
53      mvcc                         ... ok
54      database                     ... ok
55      copy                         ... ok
56      copyselect                   ... ok
57      copydml                      ... ok
58      insert                       ... ok
59      insert_conflict              ... ok
60      create_function_c            ... ok
61      create_misc                  ... ok
62      create_operator              ... ok
63      create_procedure             ... ok
64      create_table                 ... ok
65      create_type                  ... ok
66      create_schema                ... ok
67      create_index                 ... ok
68      create_index_spgist          ... ok
69      create_view                  ... ok
70      index_including              ... ok
71      index_including_gist         ... ok
72      create_aggregate             ... ok
73      create_function_sql          ... ok
74      create_cast                  ... ok
75      constraints                  ... ok
76      triggers                     ... ok
77      select                       ... ok
78      inherit                      ... ok
79      typed_table                  ... ok
80      vacuum                       ... ok
81      drop_if_exists               ... ok
82      updatable_views              ... ok
83      roleattributes               ... ok
84      create_am                    ... ok
85      hash_func                    ... ok
86      errors                       ... ok
87      infinite_recurse             ... ok
88 test sanity_check                 ... ok
89      select_into                  ... ok
90      select_distinct              ... ok
91      select_distinct_on           ... ok
92      select_implicit              ... ok
93      select_having                ... ok
94      subselect                    ... ok
95      union                        ... ok
96      case                         ... ok
97      join                         ... ok
98      aggregates                   ... ok
99      transactions                 ... ok
100      random                       ... ok
101      portals                      ... ok
102      arrays                       ... ok
103      btree_index                  ... ok
104      hash_index                   ... ok
105      update                       ... ok
106      delete                       ... ok
107      namespace                    ... ok
108      prepared_xacts               ... ok
109      brin                         ... ok
110      gin                          ... ok
111      gist                         ... ok
112      spgist                       ... ok
113      privileges                   ... ok
114      init_privs                   ... ok
115      security_label               ... ok
116      collate                      ... ok
117      matview                      ... ok
118      lock                         ... ok
119      replica_identity             ... ok
120      rowsecurity                  ... ok
121      object_address               ... ok
122      tablesample                  ... ok
123      groupingsets                 ... ok
124      drop_operator                ... ok
125      password                     ... ok
126      identity                     ... ok
127      generated                    ... ok
128      join_hash                    ... ok
129      brin_bloom                   ... ok
130      brin_multi                   ... ok
131      create_table_like            ... ok
132      alter_generic                ... ok
133      alter_operator               ... ok
134      misc                         ... ok
135      async                        ... ok
136      dbsize                       ... ok
137      merge                        ... ok
138      misc_functions               ... ok
139      sysviews                     ... ok
140      tsrf                         ... ok
141      tid                          ... ok
142      tidscan                      ... ok
143      tidrangescan                 ... ok
144             ... ok
145      incremental_sort             ... ok
146      create_role                  ... ok
147      rules                        ... ok
148      psql                         ... ok
149      psql_crosstab                ... ok
150      amutils                      ... ok
151      stats_ext                    ... ok
152      collate.linux.utf8           ... ok
153 test select_parallel              ... ok
154 test write_parallel               ... ok
155 test vacuum_parallel              ... ok
156      publication                  ... ok
157      subscription                 ... ok
158      select_views                 ... ok
159      portals_p2                   ... ok
160      foreign_key                  ... ok
161      cluster                      ... ok
162      dependency                   ... ok
163      guc                          ... ok
164      bitmapops                    ... ok
165      combocid                     ... ok
166      tsearch                      ... ok
167      tsdicts                      ... ok
168      foreign_data                 ... ok
169      window                       ... ok
170      xmlmap                       ... ok
171      functional_deps              ... ok
172      advisory_lock                ... ok
173      indirect_toast               ... ok
174      equivclass                   ... ok
175      json                         ... ok
176      jsonb                        ... ok
177      json_encoding                ... ok
178      jsonpath                     ... ok
179      jsonpath_encoding            ... ok
180      jsonb_jsonpath               ... ok
181      plancache                    ... ok
182      limit                        ... ok
183      plpgsql                      ... ok
184      copy2                        ... ok
185      temp                         ... ok
186      domain                       ... ok
187      rangefuncs                   ... ok
188      prepare                      ... ok
189      conversion                   ... ok
190      truncate                     ... ok
191      alter_table                  ... ok
192      sequence                     ... ok
193      polymorphism                 ... ok
194      rowtypes                     ... ok
195      returning                    ... ok
196      largeobject                  ... ok
197      with                         ... ok
198      xml                          ... ok
199      partition_join               ... ok
200      partition_prune              ... ok
201      reloptions                   ... ok
202      hash_part                    ... ok
203      indexing                     ... ok
204      partition_aggregate          ... ok
205      partition_info               ... ok
206      tuplesort                    ... ok
207      explain                      ... ok
208      compression                  ... ok
209      memoize                      ... ok
210      stats                        ... ok
211      event_trigger                ... ok
212      oidjoins                     ... ok
213 test fast_default                 ... ok
214  1 of 213 tests failed.