rust/cargo-c: update to 0.10.7+cargo-0.84.0
[oi-userland.git] / components / mail / mailutils / test / results-all.master
1 Auxiliary tools
2   1: cwdrepl tool                                    ok
3   2: mockmail                                        ok
4   3: mockmta                                         ok
5 Basic streams
6   1: intermixed rw: full buffering                   ok
7   2: intermixed rw: line buffering                   ok
8   3: temporary stream shift up                       ok
9   4: temporary stream shift down                     ok
10   5: getdelim                                        ok
11 Conversions
12   6: mu_str_to_c                                     ok
13 Word wrapper
14   7: Fixed margins                                   ok
15   8: Move margin right                               ok
16   9: Move margin left                                ok
17  10: Corner cases                                    ok
18 Command line parser
19  11: empty command line                              ok
20  12: command line without options                    ok
21  13: short options                                   ok
22  14: short option with argument                      ok
23  15: short option with optional argument             ok
24  16: short option without optional argument          ok
25  17: incremental short option                        ok
26  18: short option clustering                         ok
27  19: long options                                    ok
28  20: long option with argument                       ok
29  21: long option with optional argument              ok
30  22: long option without optional argument           ok
31  23: incremental long option                         ok
32  24: abbreviated long options                        ok
33  25: ambiguous abbreviated long options              ok
34  26: mixed long and short options                    ok
35  27: option aliases                                  ok
36  28: argument permutation                            ok
37  29: double-dash                                     ok
38  30: double-dash with permutation                    ok
39  31: short option without required argument          ok
40  32: long option without required argument           ok
41  33: unrecognized option                             ok
42  34: in order parsing                                ok
43  35: MU_PARSEOPT_EXIT_ERROR                          ok
44  36: MU_PARSEOPT_VERSION_HOOK                        ok
45  37: ambiguous abbreviated long options (2)          ok
46  38: ambiguous abbreviated long options (3)          ok
47  39: boolean negation                                ok
48 Command line help output
49  40: standard help output                            ok
50  41: standard usage output                           ok
51  42: MU_PARSEOPT_PROG_NAME                           ok
52  43: MU_PARSEOPT_PROG_DOC                            ok
53  44: MU_PARSEOPT_PROG_ARGS                           ok
54  45: MU_PARSEOPT_BUG_ADDRESS                         ok
56  47: all data                                        ok
57  48: ARGP_HELP_FMT compatibility                     ok
58  49: ARGP_HELP_FMT usage compatibility               ok
59  50: MU_PARSEOPT_VERSION_HOOK usage output           ok
60  51: MU_PARSEOPT_VERSION_HOOK help output            ok
61  52: MU_PARSEOPT_PROG_ARGS (alternative)             ok
62 Standard streams
63  53: strin                                           ok
64  54: strout                                          ok
65  55: strerr                                          ok
66 Stream implementations
67  56: temp_stream                                     ok
68  57: Logger stream                                   ok
69  58: Transcript stream                               ok
70  59: rdcache                                         ok
71 List
72  60: List: build                                     ok
73  61: List: insert after                              ok
74  62: List: insert before                             ok
75  63: List: prepend                                   ok
76  64: List: delete                                    ok
77  65: List: push                                      ok
78  66: List: pop                                       ok
79  67: List: pop-null                                  ok
80  68: List: get                                       ok
81  69: List: head                                      ok
82  70: List: tail                                      ok
83  71: Iterator: forward                               ok
84  72: Iterator: locate                                ok
85  73: Iterator: backward                              ok
86  74: Iterator: delete                                ok
87  75: Iterator: insert                                ok
88  76: Iterator: replace                               ok
89  77: Iterator: interaction                           ok
90  78: Iterator: interaction: moves                    ok
91  79: Iterator: interaction: deletes                  ok
92  80: Map: even                                       ok
93  81: Map: odd                                        ok
94  82: Map: odd0                                       ok
95  83: Map: concat                                     ok
96  84: Map: concat3                                    ok
97  85: Map: skip                                       ok
98  86: Map: trim                                       ok
99  87: Slice: one limit                                ok
100  88: Slice: two limits                               ok
101  89: Slice: four limits                              ok
102  90: Slice: four limits unsorted                     ok
103  91: Fold: empty list                                ok
104  92: Fold: one element                               ok
105  93: Fold: many elements                             ok
106  94: Reverse Fold: empty list                        ok
107  95: Reverse Fold: one element                       ok
108  96: Reverse Fold: many elements                     ok
109  97: Sort: empty list                                ok
110  98: Sort: sorted list asc                           ok
111  99: Sort: sorted list desc                          ok
112 100: Sort: unsorted list                             ok
113 101: Sort: big list                                  ok
114 Email address
115 102: Address: Sam <@[matrix (smtp)], @[nexus: [node 12]]:sroberts@[10].[1]> ok
116 103: Address: a@b,z@y                                ok
117 104: Address: ,a@b,z@y                               ok
118 105: Address: a@b,z@y,                               ok
119 106: Address: ,a@b,z@y,                              ok
120 107: Address: a@b,,z@y                               ok
121 108: Address: a@b,,,z@y                              ok
122 109: Address: ,,,a@b,,,                              ok
123 110: Address: ,a@b                                   ok
124 111: Address: a@b,                                   ok
125 112: Address: ,                                      ok
126 113: Address: ,,                                     ok
127 114: Address: ,,                                     ok
128 115: Address: a group: a@b,z@y;                      ok
129 116: Address: a group: ,a@b,z@y;                     ok
130 117: Address: a group: a@b,z@y,;                     ok
131 118: Address: a group: ,a@b,z@y,;                    ok
132 119: Address: a group: a@b,,z@y;                     ok
133 120: Address: a group: a@b,,,z@y;                    ok
134 121: Address: a group: ,,,a@b,,, ;                   ok
135 122: Address: a group: ,a@b ;                        ok
136 123: Address: a group: a@b, ;                        ok
137 124: Address: a group: , ;                           ok
138 125: Address: a group: ,, ;                          ok
139 126: Address: a group: ,, ;                          ok
140 127: Address: Sam <@[matrix (smtp)], @[nexus: [node 12]]:sroberts@[10].[1]> ; ok
141 128: Address: Aliens: Sam <@[matrix (smtp)]: sam@sam>, sroberts@[10].[1]; ok
142 129: Address: lo@hi, Aliens: Sam <@[matrix (smtp)]: sam@sam>, sroberts@[10].[1]; ok
143 130: Address: Aliens: Sam <@[matrix (smtp)]: sam@sam>, sroberts@[10].[1];, hi@lo ok
144 131: Address: lo@hi, Aliens: Sam <@[matrix (smtp)]: sam@sam>, sroberts@[10].[1];, hi@lo ok
145 132: Address: Sam <> ok
146 133: Address: < (hey) @ (hey, ), (hoo!)> ok
147 134: Address: (Hardware Support Account)  ok
148 135: Address: (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Claus_F=E4rber?=) ok
149 136: Address: <>(mutt #369), (#369) ok
150 137: Address: "'Aernoudt Bottemanne'"    <> ok
151 138: Address: "'Haag, Ullrich - MBDC'" <>, ok
152 139: Address: "'Michael C. Ibarra'" <>,, Al <> ok
153 140: Address: "'Sam Roberts'" <>        ok
154 141: Address: "''" <>, ok
155 142: Address: "''" <>, "''" ok
156 143: Address: "'sroberts\@certicom\.ca'" <> ok
157 144: Address: "=?iso-8859-1?Q?Juan_Carlos_Marcos_Rodr=EDguez?=" <> ok
158 145: Address: "Christian Edward Gruber" <>, ok
159 146: Address: "D. J. Bernstein" <"djb-   "> ok
160 147: Address: "D. J. Bernstein" <>, ok
161 148: Address: "Dave Sill <de5-drums" <> ok
162 149: Address: "Dave \(work\) Baerg \(E-mail\)" <> ok
163 150: Address: "Demian" <>       ok
164 151: Address: "Detailed Revision/Update of Message Standards" <> ok
165 152: Address: "Fred" <> ok
166 153: Address: "Haag, Ullrich - MBDC" <> ok
167 154: Address: "Jacob Palme" <>, <> ok
168 155: Address: "Jakob 'sparky' Kaivo" <> ok
169 156: Address: "Lee R. Copp" <> ok
170 157: Address: "Lionel Johnson" <ljohnson**nospam**> ok
171 158: Address: "Martin [Keso] Keseg" <> ok
172 159: Address: "}{ristoph" <>       ok
173 160: Address: "fmartens-2000" <> ok
174 161: Address: "g'o'tz ohnesorge" <> ok
175 162: Address: "gao jie" <>      ok
176 163: Address: "" <> ok
177 164: Address: "gpg-devel" <>    ok
178 165: Address: "jigang" <>       ok
179 166: Address: "" <>  ok
180 167: Address: "" <>, ok
181 168: Address: "mutt-dev @ mutt . orgThomas Roessler" <> ok
182 169: Address: "" <> ok
183 170: Address: 'Dan Dall'Acqua' <>, 'Dave Shyong' ok
184 171: Address:     ok
185 172: Address: ok
186 173: Address:      ok
187 174: Address: <>   ok
188 175: Address: <>                                     ok
189 176: Address: <>              ok
190 177: Address: <>   ok
191 178: Address: <all: >                                ok
192 179: Address: <>                   ok
193 180: Address: <>, <>, ok
194 181: Address: <>        ok
195 182: Address: <> ok
196 183: Address: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Kolbj=F8rn_Barmen?= <> ok
197 184: Address: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Patrik_F=E4ltstr=F6m?= <> ok
198 185: Address: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Patrik_F=E4ltstr=F6m?= <>, ok
199 186: Address: =?US-ASCII?Q?gary=5Fc?= <> ok
200 187: Address: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Fr=E9d=E9ric_L_=2E_W_=2E?= Meunier <> ok
201 188: Address: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Fr=E9d=E9ric_L_=2E_W_=2E?= Meunier <>, ok
202 189: Address: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Fr=E9d=E9ric_L_=2E_W_=2E_Meunier?= <> ok
203 190: Address: =?iso-8859-1?Q?J=F8rgen_Thomsen?= <> ok
204 191: Address: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Jos=3F_C=2E_Garc=EDa_Sogo?= <> ok
205 192: Address: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Mikko_H=E4nninen?= <> ok
206 193: Address: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Mikko_H=E4nninen?= <> ok
207 194: Address: =?iso-8859-1?Q?R=E9mi_Guyomarch?= <> ok
208 195: Address: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Ulf_M=F6ller?= <> ok
209 196: Address: ANDREW MARTIN <>  ok
210 197: Address: Abhay Ghaisas <>, ok
211 198: Address: Brian Salter-Duke <> ok
212 199: Address: Catharine Shyong <>    ok
213 200: Address: DRUMS-Last-Call:;                      ok
214 201: Address: Detailed Revision/Update of Message Standards <> ok
215 202: Address: Eric Allman <eric+ietf@Sendmail.ORG>   ok
216 203: Address: Gary <>               ok
217 204: Address: IETF working group on revision of mail standards <> ok
218 205: Address: IETF-Announce:;                        ok
219 206: Address: IETF-Announce:;,      ok
220 207: Address: Jean-Baptiste Marchand <> ok
221 208: Address: Jonathan Rozes <> ok
222 209: Address: Jose "C." Garcia Sogo<> ok
223 210: Address: Marco d'Itri <md@Linux.IT>             ok
224 211: Address:               ok
225 212: Address:,, boot ok
226 213: Address: Paul Hoffman / IMC <>  ok
227 214: Address: Sam                                    ok
228 215: Address: Sam Roberts <>            ok
229 216: Address: Sam_Roberts/ ok
230 217: Address: Thomas Roessler <>, ok
231 218: Address: Thomas Roessler <>, ok
232 219: Address:   ok
233 220: Address: ktb <>                   ok
234 221: Address:,, Kieran.O' ok
235 222: Address: ok
236 223: Address: root                                   ok
237 224: Address: whom it may concern: ;; ; ok
238 225: Address: whom it may concern:,; ok
239 226: Address: Sergey V. Poznyakoff <>    ok
240 227: Address: P. D. Q. Bach <>     ok
241 228: Address: "A bad quote\" <devnull@localhost>     ok
242 Wordsplit
243 229: simple input                                    ok
244 230: quoted space                                    ok
245 231: tab character                                   ok
246 232: octal and hex escapes                           ok
247 233: octal and hex escapes 2                         ok
248 234: escape representation                           ok
249 235: append                                          ok
250 236: dooffs                                          ok
251 237: variable substitutions: single var              ok
252 238: variable substitutions: concatenated vars       ok
253 239: variable substitutions: field splitting         ok
254 240: variable substitutions: double-quoted variable  ok
255 241: variable substitutions: single-quoted variable  ok
256 242: undefined variables 1                           ok
257 243: undefined variables 2                           ok
258 244: warn about undefined variables                  ok
259 245: bail out on undefined variables                 ok
260 246: disable variable expansion                      ok
261 247: K/V environment                                 ok
262 248: nosplit with variable expansion                 ok
263 249: nosplit without variable expansion              ok
264 250: nosplit: empty expansion                        ok
265 251: default value                                   ok
266 252: default value (defined)                         ok
267 253: default value (:- null)                         ok
268 254: default value (- null)                          ok
269 255: default value (- null, unset)                   ok
270 256: assign default values                           ok
271 257: default error message (var defined)             ok
272 258: default error message                           ok
273 259: custom error message (defined)                  ok
274 260: custom error message                            ok
275 261: alternate value (defined)                       ok
276 262: alternate value                                 ok
277 263: getvar                                          ok
278 264: getvar and env                                  ok
279 265: getvar, alternate value                         ok
280 266: ignore quotes                                   ok
281 267: custom delimiters (squeeze)                     ok
282 268: custom delimiters (no squeeze)                  ok
283 269: custom, with returned delimiters                ok
284 270: custom, with returned & squeezed delimiters     ok
285 271: sed expressions                                 ok
286 272: C escapes on                                    ok
287 273: C escapes off                                   ok
288 274: ws elimination                                  ok
289 275: ws elimination + return delim                   ok
290 276: empty quotes                                    ok
291 277: delimiter following empty quotes                ok
292 278: suppress ws trimming within quotes              ok
293 279: unescape                                        ok
294 280: unescape: word/quote                            ok
295 281: dquote                                          ok
296 282: squote                                          ok
297 283: incremental                                     ok
298 284: incremental append                              ok
299 285: incremental ws                                  ok
300 286: incremental nosplit                             ok
301 287: simple command substitution                     ok
302 288: quoted command substitution                     ok
303 289: coalesced command substitution                  ok
304 290: quoted coalesced command substitution           ok
305 291: variable and command substitution               ok
306 292: variable expansion and command substitution in quotes ok
307 293: nested commands                                 ok
308 294: pathname expansion                              ok
309 295: pathname expansion: no match                    ok
310 296: pathname expansion: nullglob                    ok
311 297: pathname expansion: failglob                    ok
312 298: append                                          ok
313 299: append + dooffs + env                           ok
314 300: maxwords                                        ok
315 301: maxwords return_delims                          ok
316 302: maxwords return_delims -squeeze_delims          ok
317 303: maxwords incremental                            ok
318 304: variable nosplit                                ok
319 305: command nosplit                                 ok
320 306: positional parameters                           ok
321 307: $* and $@                                       ok
322 308: $* and $@ in nosplit mode                       ok
323 309: $* and $@ in nosplit mode with delimiter        ok
324 310: namechar modification                           ok
325 311: default value                                   ok
326 312: default value (defined)                         ok
327 313: default value (:- null)                         ok
328 314: default value (- null)                          ok
329 315: default value (- null, unset)                   ok
330 316: assign default values                           ok
331 317: default error message (var defined)             ok
332 318: default error message                           ok
333 319: custom error message (defined)                  ok
334 320: custom error message                            ok
335 321: alternate value (defined)                       ok
336 322: alternate value                                 ok
337 Variable and command expansion
338 323: Expand: variable expansion                      ok
339 324: Expand: domainpart                              ok
340 325: Expand: localpart                               ok
341 326: Expand: shell                                   ok
342 327: Expand: mu_str_vexpand                          ok
344 328: Url: scheme:                                    ok
345 329: Url: scheme:/absolute/path                      ok
346 330: Url: scheme:relative/path                       ok
347 331: Url: scheme:///absolute/path                    ok
348 332: Url: scheme://%75%73%65%72:%70%61%73%73@%68%6f%73%74 ok
349 333: Url: ftp://user:pass@host//a/path               ok
350 334: Url: ftp://:pass@host//a/path                   ok
351 335: Url: ftp://user:@host//a/path                   ok
352 336: Url: ftp://user:pass@//a/path                   ok
353 337: Url: ftp://user:@//a/path                       ok
354 338: Url: ftp://:@host//a/path                       ok
355 339: Url: ftp://:pass@//a/path                       ok
356 340: Url: ftp://:@//a/path                           ok
357 341: Url: ftp://://a/path                            ok
358 342: Url: ftp://@//a/path                            ok
359 343: Url: ftp:///a/path                              ok
360 344: Url: ftp://user:pass@host/a/path                ok
361 345: Url: ftp://:pass@host/a/path                    ok
362 346: Url: ftp://user:@host/a/path                    ok
363 347: Url: ftp://user:pass@/a/path                    ok
364 348: Url: ftp://user:@/a/path                        ok
365 349: Url: ftp://:@host/a/path                        ok
366 350: Url: ftp://:pass@/a/path                        ok
367 351: Url: ftp://:@/a/path                            ok
368 352: Url: ftp://:/a/path                             ok
369 353: Url: ftp://@/a/path                             ok
370 354: Url: ftp:///a/path                              ok
371 355: Url: pop://                      ok
372 356: Url: pop://                 ok
373 357: Url: pop://          ok
374 358: Url: pop://user;auth=*          ok
375 359: Url: pop://                  ok
376 360: Url: pop://             ok
377 361: Url: pop://      ok
378 362: Url: pop://user;auth=*      ok
379 363: Url: imap://                    ok
380 364: Url: imap://               ok
381 365: Url: imap://        ok
382 366: Url: imap://user;auth=*        ok
383 367: Url: imap://                ok
384 368: Url: imap://           ok
385 369: Url: imap://    ok
386 370: Url: imap://user;auth=*    ok
387 371: Url: imap://               ok
388 372: Url: imap://          ok
389 373: Url: imap://   ok
390 374: Url: imap://user;auth=*   ok
391 375: Url: imap://           ok
392 376: Url: imap://      ok
393 377: Url: imap:// ok
394 378: Url: imap://user;auth=* ok
395 379: Url: imap://     ok
396 380: Url: imap:// ok
397 381: Url: imap:// ok
398 382: Url: imap://user;auth=* ok
399 383: Url: imap:// ok
400 384: Url: imap:// ok
401 385: Url: imap:// ok
402 386: Url: imap://user;auth=* ok
403 387: Url:     ok
404 388: Url: ok
405 389: Url:;type=pass ok
406 390: Url: mbox:/var/spool/mail;type=index;param=2;user=gray ok
407 391: Url: mbox:///var/spool/mail;type=index;param=2;user=gray ok
408 392: Url: ok
409 393: Url:;foo=bar;baz=qux?prog&arg%201&arg%202 ok
410 394: Url: /usr/sbin/sendmail                         ok
411 395: Url: /var/spool/mail/             ok
412 396: Url: ./file.db                                  ok
413 397: Url: (gdbm) ./file.db                           ok
414 398: Url: local                                      ok
415 399: Url: | /bin/mailman request list%40dom          ok
416 400: Url: (ext) | /bin/mailman request list%40dom    ok
417 401: Url: prog:///bin/mailman?request&list%40dom     ok
418 URL Composition
419 402:  =>                                             ok
420 403: path=foo => foo                                 ok
421 404: scheme=file => file://                          ok
422 405: scheme=file path=foo => file://foo              ok
423 406: scheme=smtp host=localhost port=587 => smtp://localhost:587 ok
424 407: scheme=smtp host=localhost port=587 param=strip-domain => smtp://localhost:587;strip-domain; ok
425 408: scheme=imap user=gray host=localhost path=INBOX => imap://gray@localhost/INBOX ok
426 409: scheme=imap user=gray pass=test host=localhost path=INBOX => imap://gray:***@localhost/INBOX ok
427 410: scheme=pop user=gray pass=test auth=+APOP host=localhost path=INBOX => pop://gray:***;AUTH=+APOP@localhost/INBOX ok
428 411: scheme=prog path=/bin/mailman query=request query=list => prog:///bin/mailman?request&list ok
429 412: scheme=prog path=/bin/mailman query=request query=list param=test => prog:///bin/mailman;test?request&list ok
430 413: url=imap://gray@localhost/INBOX path= => imap://gray@localhost ok
431 414: url=imap://gray@localhost/INBOX path= user= => imap://localhost ok
432 415: url='prog:///bin/mailman;test?request&list' query= param= => prog:///bin/mailman ok
433 416: url=smtp://gray@localhost/test host= =>         ok
434 Reconstructed message envelope
435 417: From Return-Path                                ok
436 418: Fall back to From if invalid Return-Path        ok
437 Mailcap
438 419: Content-type matcher                            ok
439 420: Mailcap: 1                                      ok
440 421: Mailcap: 2                                      ok
441 422: Mailcap: 3                                      ok
442 423: Mailcap: 4                                      ok
443 424: Mailcap: 5                                      ok
444 425: Mailcap: 6                                      ok
445 426: Mailcap: 7                                      ok
446 427: Mailcap: 8                                      ok
447 428: Mailcap: 9                                      ok
448 429: Mailcap: 10                                     ok
449 430: Mailcap: 11                                     ok
450 431: Mailcap: 12                                     ok
451 432: Mailcap: 13                                     ok
452 433: Mailcap: 14                                     ok
453 434: Mailcap: 15                                     ok
454 435: Mailcap: 16                                     ok
455 436: Mailcap: 17                                     ok
456 437: Mailcap: 18                                     ok
457 438: Mailcap: 19                                     ok
458 439: Mailcap: 20                                     ok
459 440: Mailcap: 21                                     ok
460 441: Mailcap: 22                                     ok
461 442: Mailcap: 23                                     ok
462 443: Mailcap: Locations                              ok
463 444: Mailcap: mu_mailcap_parse_file                  ok
464 445: mailcap_finder                                  ok
465 Wicket
466 446: Wicket: pop://localhost                         ok
467 447: Wicket: pop://smith@localhost                   ok
468 448: Wicket: pop://foo@localhost                     ok
469 449: Wicket: pop://                           ok
470 450: Wicket: smtp://                          ok
471 451: Wicket: smtp://                     ok
472 452: Wicket: smtp://localhost                        ok
473 Property
474 453: prop: set                                       ok
475 454: prop: overwrite                                 ok
476 455: prop: set without overwrite                     ok
477 456: prop: set/unset                                 ok
478 457: prop: read/save                                 ok
479 458: prop: clear                                     ok
480 459: prop: invalidate                                ok
481 File-system folder
482 460: List                                            ok
483 461: Subscriptions                                   ok
484 462: Rename                                          ok
485 463: Maxdepth                                        ok
486 464: Type selection                                  ok
487 Base64
488 465: base64 encoding (read)                          ok
489 466: base64 encoding (write)                         ok
490 467: base64 decoding (read)                          ok
491 468: base64 decoding (write)                         ok
492 RFC 2047
493 469: Decode 2047: =?US-ASCII?Q?Keith_Moore?= <> ok
494 470: Decode 2047: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Keld_J=F8rn_Simonsen?= <> ok
495 471: Decode 2047: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Andr=E9?= Pirard <> ok
496 472: Decode 2047: =?ISO-8859-1?B?SWYgeW91IGNhbiByZWFkIHRoaXMgeW8=?= ... =?ISO-8859-2?B?dSB1bmRlcnN0YW5kIHRoZSBleGFtcGxlLg==?= FAILED (
497 473: Decode 2047: malformed input                    ok
498 474: Encode 2047: 8-bit input                        ok
499 475: Encode 2047: padding 1                          ok
500 476: Encode 2047: padding 2                          ok
501 477: Encode 2047: padding 3                          ok
502 478: Encode 2047: specials                           ok
503 479: Encode 2047: length limit                       ok
504 Filters
505 480: from filter encoding (read)                     ok
506 481: from filter encoding (write)                    ok
507 482: from filter decoding (read)                     ok
508 483: from filter decoding (write)                    ok
509 484: FROMRD filter                                   ok
510 485: inline-comment: default                         ok
511 486: inline-comment: change comment starter          ok
512 487: inline-comment: remove empty lines              ok
513 488: inline-comment: remove empty lines/squeeze whitespace ok
514 489: inline-comment: multichar comment starter       ok
515 490: inline-comment: multichar comment starter; follow ws; follow ws mode ok
516 491: inline-comment: multichar; squeeze; remove empty ok
517 492: inline-comment: line info facility              ok
518 493: inline-comment: line info: newline after comment ok
519 494: inline-comment: line info with follow ws        ok
520 495: inline-comment: encode                          ok
521 496: inline-comment: encode multichar; add ws        ok
522 497: header filter                                   ok
523 498: header exclusion copy                           ok
524 499: linecon filter                                  ok
525 500: linecon filter: line info facility              ok
526 501: htmlent filter                                  ok
527 502: xml filter                                      ok
528 503: DOT encode                                      ok
529 504: DOT decode                                      ok
530 505: DOT empty input                                 ok
531 506: DOT decode single line input                    ok
532 507: DOT reversibility                               ok
533 crlf filter
534 508: normal input (read)                             ok
535 509: normal input (write)                            ok
536 510: crlf input (read)                               ok
537 511: crlf input (write)                              ok
538 512: crlf input - normalize (read)                   ok
539 513: crlf input - normalize (write)                  ok
540 514: mixed input (read)                              ok
541 515: mixed input (write)                             ok
542 516: mixed input - normalize (read)                  ok
543 517: mixed input - normalize (write)                 ok
544 518: decode (read)                                   ok
545 519: decode (write)                                  ok
546 crlfdot filter
547 520: normal input (read)                             ok
548 521: normal input (write)                            ok
549 522: crlf input (read)                               ok
550 523: crlf input (write)                              ok
551 524: crlf input - normalize (read)                   ok
552 525: crlf input - normalize (write)                  ok
553 526: mixed input (read)                              ok
554 527: mixed input (write)                             ok
555 528: mixed input - normalize (read)                  ok
556 529: mixed input - normalize (write)                 ok
557 530: decode (read)                                   ok
558 531: decode (write)                                  ok
559 532: decode single line (read)                       ok
560 533: decode single line (write)                      ok
561 534: input reference counter in filter chains        ok
562 Debug Specification
563 535: debugspec: mailbox                              ok
564 536: debugspec: mailbox.=trace2                      ok
565 537: debugspec: mailbox.trace3                       ok
566 538: debugspec: mailbox.!trace3                      ok
567 539: debugspec: mailbox.!=trace3                     ok
568 540: debugspec: mailbox.!=prot                       ok
569 541: debugspec: mailbox.prot,!=trace4                ok
570 542: debugspec: mailbox.prot,!trace4                 ok
571 543: debugspec: mailbox.trace2-trace5                ok
572 544: debugspec: mailbox.trace2-trace5,trace7-prot    ok
573 545: debugspec: 'mailbox.error,=trace3,=trace7,=trace9;mailer.trace7,!trace2' ok
574 546: debugspec: -showunset -names='mailbox;mailer;filter'  'mailbox.error,=trace3,=trace7,=trace9;mailer.trace7,!trace2' ok
576 547: imapio: simple string                           ok
577 548: imapio: quoted string                           ok
578 549: imapio: server response                         ok
579 550: imapio: server response with code               ok
580 551: imapio: literals (client)                       ok
581 552: imapio: literals (server)                       ok
582 553: imapio: non-synchronized literals (server)      ok
583 554: Reading message from stream                     ok
584 Message modification
585 555: unmodified message                              ok
586 556: add headers                                     ok
587 557: modify body                                     ok
588 558: modify body 2                                   ok
589 559: modify headers and body                         ok
590 mu_scan_datetime
591 560: scantime: Envelope (From) time                  ok
592 561: scantime: IMAP INTERNALDATE                     ok
593 562: scantime: IMAP INTERNALDATE (optional time)     ok
594 563: scantime: RFC-822 Strict                        ok
595 564: scantime: RFC-822                               ok
596 565: scantime: Any char                              ok
597 566: scantime: Percent                               ok
598 567: scantime: Fixed WS                              ok
599 568: scantime: endp return                           ok
600 569: scantime: Optional blocks                       ok
601 570: scantime: Nested optional blocks                ok
602 571: scantime: Optional alternatives                 ok
603 572: scantime: Alternatives                          ok
604 573: scantime: MBOX From_ time                       ok
605 574: scantime: MBOX From_ time (alternative)         ok
606 575: scantime: MBOX From_ time (simplified)          ok
607 mu_c_streamftime
608 576: streamftime: %a                                 ok
609 577: streamftime: %A                                 ok
610 578: streamftime: %b                                 ok
611 579: streamftime: %h                                 ok
612 580: streamftime: %B                                 ok
613 581: streamftime: %C                                 ok
614 582: streamftime: %d                                 ok
615 583: streamftime: %e                                 ok
616 584: streamftime: %EC                                ok
617 585: streamftime: %G                                 ok
618 586: streamftime: %g                                 ok
619 587: streamftime: %H                                 ok
620 588: streamftime: %I                                 ok
621 589: streamftime: %j                                 ok
622 590: streamftime: %k                                 ok
623 591: streamftime: %l                                 ok
624 592: streamftime: %m                                 ok
625 593: streamftime: %M                                 ok
626 594: streamftime: <%n>                               ok
627 595: streamftime: %OC                                ok
628 596: streamftime: %p                                 ok
629 597: streamftime: %P                                 ok
630 598: streamftime: %s                                 ok
631 599: streamftime: %S                                 ok
632 600: streamftime: <%t>                               ok
633 601: streamftime: %u                                 ok
634 602: streamftime: %U                                 ok
635 603: streamftime: %V                                 ok
636 604: streamftime: %w                                 ok
637 605: streamftime: %W                                 ok
638 606: streamftime: %y                                 ok
639 607: streamftime: %Y                                 ok
640 608: streamftime: %z                                 ok
641 609: streamftime: %z                                 ok
642 610: streamftime: <%%>                               ok
643 611: streamftime: <%5d>                              ok
644 612: streamftime: Today is %A, %B %e %Y%n%H:%M:%S (%z). ok
645 613: streamftime: %c                                 ok
646 614: streamftime: %D                                 ok
647 615: streamftime: %F                                 ok
648 616: streamftime: %r                                 ok
649 617: streamftime: %R                                 ok
650 618: streamftime: %T                                 ok
651 619: streamftime: %x                                 ok
652 620: streamftime: %X                                 ok
653 File Safety
654 621: default                                         ok
655 622: +awrfil                                         ok
656 623: +gwrfil                                         ok
657 624: +linkwrdir                                      ok
658 625: +linkwrdir                                      ok
659 626: +awrdir                                         ok
660 627: +gwrdir                                         ok
661 628: +ardfil                                         ok
662 629: +grdfil                                         ok
663 File Safety to File Mode
664 630: all                                             ok
665 631: none                                            ok
666 632: grdfil ardfil                                   ok
667 633: grdfil ardfil awrfil                            ok
668 634: grdfil gwrfil ardfil awrfil                     ok
669 File Mode to File Safety
670 635: 600                                             ok
671 636: 666                                             ok
672 637: 622                                             ok
673 638: 644                                             ok
674 639: 620                                             ok
675 RFC 2231 header fields
676 640: mimehdr: simple                                 ok
677 641: mimehdr: continuation                           ok
678 642: mimehdr: charset (2047)                         ok
679 643: mimehdr: charset with language (2047)           ok
680 644: mimehdr: no charset (2231)                      ok
681 645: mimehdr: charset (2231)                         ok
682 646: mimehdr: charset with language (2231)           ok
683 647: mimehdr: charset with language and continuation (2231) ok
684 648: mimehdr: combined charset, lang and cset        ok
685 649: mimehdr: format: simple                         ok
686 650: mimehdr: format: split                          ok
687 651: mimehdr: format: split 2                        ok
688 652: mimehdr: format: language info 1                ok
689 653: mimehdr: format: language info 2                ok
690 654: mimehdr: format: language info 3                ok
691 655: mimehdr: format: language info 4                ok
692 656: mimehdr: format: language info 5                ok
693 657: mimehdr: missing parameters                     ok
694 658: mimehdr: surrounding whitespace                 ok
695 659: mimehdr: empty input                            ok
696 660: mimehdr: missing semicolon after type           ok
697 661: mimehdr: whitespace in type                     ok
698 662: mimehdr: error tolerance                        ok
699 663: content-type: no parameters                     ok
700 664: content-type: with parameters                   ok
701 665: content-type: missing subtype                   ok
702 666: content-type: whitespace                        ok
703 Message sets
704 667: Aggregation: simple                             ok
705 668: Aggregation: open range (1)                     ok
706 669: Aggregation: coalescing open ranges             ok
707 670: Aggregation: open range (3)                     ok
708 671: Aggregation: open range (4)                     ok
709 672: Aggregation: open range (5)                     ok
710 673: Create simple set                               ok
711 674: Create complex set                              ok
712 675: Subtract: no match                              ok
713 676: Subtract: exact match                           ok
714 677: Subtract: contained range                       ok
715 678: Subtract: contained range (left border case)    ok
716 679: Subtract: contained range (right border case)   ok
717 680: Subtract: initial subrange                      ok
718 681: Subtract: trailing subrange                     ok
719 682: Subtract: overlapping subrange                  ok
720 683: Subtract: 4, 5 and 6 combined                   ok
721 684: open range                                      ok
722 685: add to open range                               ok
723 686: subtract from open range                        ok
724 687: subtract from open range an equal range         ok
725 688: subtract from open range a broader range        ok
726 689: subtract from open range a narrower range       ok
727 690: subtract an open range with matching left boundary ok
728 691: subtract an open range with greater left boundary ok
729 692: subtract an open range with smaller left boundary ok
730 693: first                                           ok
731 694: last                                            ok
732 Globbing patterns
733 695: abab                                            ok
734 696: a*c                                             ok
735 697: a*c?d sub                                       ok
736 698: a***c                                           ok
737 699: a***c sub                                       ok
738 700: a***c sub collapse                              ok
739 701: {$|a$$                                          ok
740 702: a[0-9A-Z]c                                      ok
741 703: a[!a-z]c                                        ok
742 704: a[!]z]                                          ok
743 705: a[cde                                           ok
744 706: a[[ba]                                          ok
745 707: *.c                                             ok
746 708: a\                                              ok
747 Line tracker
748 709: normal operation                                ok
749 710: retreat                                         ok
750 711: retreat over several lines                      ok
751 712: retreat to the beginning                        ok
752 713: too big retreat                                 ok
753 714: origin 1                                        ok
754 715: origin 2                                        ok
755 716: origin 3                                        ok
756 717: origin 4                                        ok
757 718: retreat over origin                             ok
758 719: retreat over two origins                        ok
759 720: rebase                                          ok
760 721: #line directive                                 ok
761 Locking
762 722: retries                                         ok
763 723: conflict with previous locker                   ok
764 724: abandoned lock                                  ok
765 725: PID check                                       ok
766 726: lock expiration                                 ok
767 727: default settings                                ok
768 728: external locker                                 ok
769 ERROR: All 728 tests were run,
770 1 failed unexpectedly.
771    Subject: [GNU Mailutils 3.17] testsuite: 472 failed