python/hypothesis: update to 6.122.3
[oi-userland.git] / components / text / gawk / test / results-all.master
2 Any output from "cmp" is bad news, although some differences
3 in floating point values are probably benign -- in particular,
4 some systems may omit a leading zero and the floating point
5 precision may lead to slightly different output in a few cases.
7 Locale environment:
8         LC_ALL="C" LANG="C"
10 ======== Starting basic tests ========
11 addcomma
12 anchgsub
13 anchor
14 argarray
15 argcasfile
16 arrayind1
17 arrayind2
18 arrayind3
19 arrayparm
20 arrayprm2
21 arrayprm3
22 arrayref
23 arrymem1
24 arryref2
25 arryref3
26 arryref4
27 arryref5
28 arynasty
29 arynocls
30 aryprm1
31 aryprm2
32 aryprm3
33 aryprm4
34 aryprm5
35 aryprm6
36 aryprm7
37 aryprm8
38 aryprm9
39 arysubnm
40 aryunasgn
41 asgext
42 assignnumfield
43 assignnumfield2
44 awkpath
45 back89
46 backgsub
47 badassign1
48 badbuild
49 callparam
50 childin
51 clobber
52 close_status
53 closebad
54 clsflnam
55 cmdlinefsbacknl
56 cmdlinefsbacknl2
57 compare
58 compare2
59 concat1
60 concat2
61 concat3
62 concat4
63 concat5
64 convfmt
65 datanonl
66 defref
67 delargv
68 delarpm2
69 delarprm
70 delfunc
71 dfacheck2
72 dfamb1
73 dfastress
74 divzero
75 divzero2
76 dynlj
77 eofsplit
78 eofsrc1
79 escapebrace
80 exit2
81 exitval1
82 exitval2
83 exitval3
84 fcall_exit
85 fcall_exit2
86 fieldassign
87 fldchg
88 fldchgnf
89 fldterm
90 fnamedat
91 fnarray
92 fnarray2
93 fnaryscl
94 fnasgnm
95 fnmisc
96 fordel
97 forref
98 forsimp
99 fsbs
100 fscaret
101 fsnul1
102 fsrs
103 fsspcoln
104 fstabplus
105 funsemnl
106 funsmnam
107 funstack
108 getline
109 getline2
110 getline3
111 getline4
112 getline5
113 getlnbuf
114 getlnfa
115 getnr2tb
116 getnr2tm
117 gsubasgn
118 gsubnulli18n
119 gsubtest
120 gsubtst2
121 gsubtst3
122 gsubtst4
123 gsubtst5
124 gsubtst6
125 gsubtst7
126 gsubtst8
128 hex2
129 hsprint
130 inpref
131 inputred
132 intest
133 intprec
134 iobug1
135 leaddig
136 leadnl
137 litoct
138 longsub
139 longwrds
140 manglprm
141 match4
142 matchuninitialized
143 math
144 membug1
145 memleak
146 messages
147 minusstr
148 mmap8k
149 nasty
150 nasty2
151 negexp
152 negrange
153 nested
154 nfldstr
155 nfloop
156 nfneg
157 nfset
158 nlfldsep
159 nlinstr
160 nlstrina
161 noeffect
162 nofile
163 nofmtch
164 noloop1
165 noloop2
166 nonl
167 noparms
168 nors
169 nulinsrc
170 nulrsend
171 numindex
172 numrange
173 numstr1
174 numsubstr
175 octsub
176 ofmt
177 ofmta
178 ofmtbig
179 ofmtfidl
180 ofmts
181 ofmtstrnum
182 ofs1
183 onlynl
184 opasnidx
185 opasnslf
186 paramasfunc1
187 paramasfunc2
188 paramdup
189 paramres
190 paramtyp
191 paramuninitglobal
192 parse1
193 parsefld
194 parseme
195 pcntplus
196 posix2008sub
197 posix_compare
198 prdupval
199 prec
200 printf-corners
201 printf0
202 printf1
203 printfchar
204 prmarscl
205 prmreuse
206 prt1eval
207 prtoeval
208 rand
209 randtest
210 range1
211 range2
212 readbuf
213 rebrackloc
214 rebt8b1
215 rebuild
216 redfilnm
217 regeq
218 regex3minus
219 regexpbad
220 regexpbrack
221 regexpbrack2
222 regexprange
223 regrange
224 reindops
225 reparse
226 resplit
227 rri1
229 rscompat
230 rsnul1nl
231 rsnulbig
232 rsnulbig2
233 rsnullre
234 rsnulw
235 rstest1
236 rstest2
237 rstest3
238 rstest4
239 rstest5
240 rswhite
241 scalar
242 sclforin
243 sclifin
244 setrec0
245 setrec1
246 sigpipe1
247 sortempty
248 sortglos
249 spacere
250 splitargv
251 splitarr
252 splitdef
253 splitvar
254 splitwht
255 status-close
256 strcat1
257 strfieldnum
258 strnum1
259 strnum2
260 strsubscript
261 strtod
262 subamp
263 subback
264 subi18n
265 subsepnm
266 subslash
267 substr
268 swaplns
269 synerr1
270 synerr2
271 synerr3
272 tailrecurse
273 tradanch
274 trailbs
275 tweakfld
276 uninit2
277 uninit3
278 uninit4
279 uninit5
280 uninitialized
281 unterm
282 uparrfs
283 uplus
284 wideidx
285 wideidx2
286 widesub
287 widesub2
288 widesub3
289 widesub4
290 wjposer1
291 zero2
292 zeroe0
293 zeroflag
294 ======== Done with basic tests ========
295 ======== Starting Unix tests ========
296 fflush
297 getlnhd
298 localenl
300 pipeio1
301 pipeio2
302 poundbang
303 rtlen
304 rtlen01
305 space
306 strftlng
307 ======== Done with Unix tests ========
308 ======== Starting gawk extension tests ========
309 aadelete1
310 aadelete2
311 aarray1
312 aasort
313 aasorti
314 argtest
315 arraysort
316 arraysort2
317 arraytype
318 asortbool
319 asortsymtab
320 backw
321 badargs
322 beginfile1
323 beginfile2
324 binmode1
325 charasbytes
326 clos1way
327 clos1way2
328 clos1way3
329 clos1way4
330 clos1way5
331 clos1way6
332 colonwarn
333 commas
334 crlf
335 csv1
336 csv2
337 csv3
338 csvodd
339 dbugarray1
340 dbugarray2
341 dbugarray3
342 dbugarray4
343 dbugeval
344 dbugeval2
345 dbugeval3
346 dbugeval4
347 dbugtypedre1
348 dbugtypedre2
349 delsub
350 devfd
351 devfd1
352 devfd2
353 dfacheck1
354 dumpvars
355 elemnew1
356 elemnew2
357 elemnew3
358 errno
359 exit
360 fieldwdth
361 forcenum
362 fpat1
363 fpat2
364 fpat3
365 fpat4
366 fpat5
367 fpat6
368 fpat7
369 fpat8
370 fpat9
371 fpatnull
372 fsfwfs
373 functab1
374 functab2
375 functab3
376 functab6
377 funlen
378 fwtest
379 fwtest2
380 fwtest3
381 fwtest4
382 fwtest5
383 fwtest6
384 fwtest7
385 fwtest8
386 genpot
387 gensub
388 gensub2
389 gensub3
390 gensub4
391 getlndir
392 gnuops2
393 gnuops3
394 gnureops
395 gsubind
396 icasefs
397 icasers
399 igncdym
400 igncfs
401 ignrcas2
402 ignrcas4
403 ignrcase
404 incdupe
405 incdupe2
406 incdupe3
407 incdupe4
408 incdupe5
409 incdupe6
410 incdupe7
411 include
412 include2
413 indirectbuiltin
414 indirectcall
415 indirectcall2
416 indirectcall3
417 intarray
418 iolint
419 isarrayunset
420 lint
421 lintexp
422 lintindex
423 lintint
424 lintlength
425 lintold
426 lintplus
427 lintplus2
428 lintplus3
429 lintset
430 lintwarn
431 manyfiles
432 match1
433 match2
434 match3
435 mbstr1
436 mbstr2
437 mdim1
438 mdim2
439 mdim3
440 mdim4
441 mdim5
442 mdim6
443 mdim7
444 mdim8
445 mixed1
446 mktime
447 modifiers
448 muldimposix
449 nastyparm
450 negtime
451 next
452 nondec
453 nondec2
454 nonfatal1
455 nonfatal2
456 nonfatal3
457 nsawk1a
458 nsawk1b
459 nsawk1c
460 nsawk2a
461 nsawk2b
462 nsbad
463 nsbad2
464 nsbad3
465 nsbad_cmd
466 nsforloop
467 nsfuncrecurse
468 nsidentifier
469 nsindirect1
470 nsindirect2
471 nsprof1
472 nsprof2
473 nsprof3
474 octdec
475 patsplit
476 posix
477 printfbad1
478 printfbad2
479 printfbad3
480 printfbad4
481 printhuge
482 procinfs
483 profile0
484 profile1
485 profile2
486 profile3
487 profile4
488 profile5
489 profile6
490 profile7
491 profile8
492 profile9
493 profile10
494 profile11
495 profile12
496 profile13
497 profile14
498 profile15
499 profile16
500 profile17
501 pty1
502 pty2
503 re_test
504 rebuf
505 regexsub
506 reginttrad
507 regnul1
508 regnul2
509 regx8bit
510 reint
511 reint2
512 rsgetline
513 rsglstdin
514 rsstart1
515 rsstart2
516 rsstart3
517 rstest6
518 sandbox1
519 shadow
520 shadowbuiltin
521 sortfor
522 sortfor2
523 sortu
524 sourcesplit
525 split_after_fpat
526 splitarg4
527 strftfld
528 strftime
529 strtonum
530 strtonum1
531 stupid1
532 stupid2
533 stupid3
534 stupid4
535 stupid5
536 switch2
537 symtab1
538 symtab2
539 symtab3
540 symtab4
541 symtab5
542 symtab6
543 symtab7
544 symtab8
545 symtab9
546 symtab10
547 symtab11
548 symtab12
549 timeout
550 typedregex1
551 typedregex2
552 typedregex3
553 typedregex4
554 typedregex5
555 typedregex6
556 typeof1
557 typeof2
558 typeof3
559 typeof4
560 typeof5
561 typeof6
562 typeof7
563 typeof8
564 unicode1
565 watchpoint1
566 gawk is not compiled to support the array debug tests
567 ======== Done with gawk extension tests ========
568 ======== Starting tests that can vary based on character set or locale support ========
569 **************************************************************************
570 * Some or all of these tests may fail if you have inadequate or missing  *
571 * locale support. At least en_US.UTF-8, fr_FR.UTF-8, ru_RU.UTF-8 and     *
572 * ja_JP.UTF-8 are needed. The el_GR.iso88597 is optional but helpful.    *
573 * However, if you see this message, the Makefile thinks you have what    *
574 * you need ...                                                           *
575 **************************************************************************
576 asort
577 asorti
578 backbigs1
579 backsmalls1
580 backsmalls2
581 fmttest
582 fnarydel
583 fnparydl
584 jarebug
585 lc_num1
586 mbfw1
587 mbprintf1
588 mbprintf2
589 mbprintf3
590 mbprintf4
591 mbprintf5
592 mtchi18n
593 mtchi18n2
594 nlstringtest
595 rebt8b2
596 rtlenmb
597 sort1
598 sprintfc
599 ======== Done with tests that can vary based on character set or locale support ========
600 ======== Starting shared library tests ========
601 apiterm
602 filefuncs
603 fnmatch
604 fork
605 fork2
607 functab4
608 functab5
609 getfile
610 indirectbuiltin2
611 inplace1
612 inplace2
613 inplace2bcomp
614 inplace3
615 inplace3bcomp
616 ordchr
617 ordchr2
618 readall
619 readdir
620 readdir_retest
621 readdir_test
622 readfile
623 readfile2
624 revout
625 revtwoway
626 rwarray
627 testext
628 time
629 ======== Done with shared library tests ========
630 ======== Starting MPFR tests ========
631 mpfranswer42
632 mpfrbigint
633 mpfrbigint2
634 mpfrcase
635 mpfrcase2
636 mpfrexprange
637 mpfrfield
638 mpfrieee
639 mpfrmemok1
640 mpfrnegzero
641 mpfrnegzero2
642 mpfrnonum
643 mpfrnr
644 mpfrrem
645 mpfrrnd
646 mpfrrndeval
647 mpfrsort
648 mpfrsqrt
649 mpfrstrtonum
650 mpfruplus
651 mpgforcenum
652 ======== Done with MPFR tests ========
653 ======== Starting PMA tests ========
655 ======== Done with PMA tests ========
656 ======== Starting machine-specific tests ========
657 If any of these tests fail, don't worry too much.
658 double1
659 double2
660 inf-nan-torture
661 intformat
662 ======== Done with machine-specific tests ========