nagios-plugins: build check_radius needs libradius
[omd.git] / distros / Makefile.CENTOS_6.3
1 DISTRO_CODE       = rh63
3 BUILD_PACKAGES   += boost-devel
4 BUILD_PACKAGES   += cairo-devel
5 BUILD_PACKAGES   += curl-devel     # needed by perl modules / thruk
6 BUILD_PACKAGES   += expat-devel
7 BUILD_PACKAGES   += fping
8 BUILD_PACKAGES   += samba-client # otherwise path to smblient missing in
9 BUILD_PACKAGES   += bind-utils
10 BUILD_PACKAGES   += gcc
11 BUILD_PACKAGES   += gcc-c++
12 BUILD_PACKAGES   += libevent-devel         # RHEL Server Optional
13 BUILD_PACKAGES   += libtool-ltdl-devel     # RHEL Server Optional 
14 BUILD_PACKAGES   += libtool-ltdl           # needed by libtool-ltdl-devel
15 BUILD_PACKAGES   += gd-devel               # RHEL Server Optional
16 BUILD_PACKAGES   += libXpm-devel           # needed by gd-devel
17 BUILD_PACKAGES   += libjpeg-devel          # needed by gd-devel
18 BUILD_PACKAGES   += httpd-devel
19 BUILD_PACKAGES   += libmcrypt-devel        # LM: Taken from
20 BUILD_PACKAGES   += libxml2-devel
21 BUILD_PACKAGES   += mysql-devel
22 BUILD_PACKAGES   += ncurses-devel
23 BUILD_PACKAGES   += net-snmp
24 BUILD_PACKAGES   += net-snmp-utils
25 BUILD_PACKAGES   += openssl-devel
26 BUILD_PACKAGES   += pango-devel
27 BUILD_PACKAGES   += patch
28 BUILD_PACKAGES   += php
29 BUILD_PACKAGES   += python-devel
30 BUILD_PACKAGES   += readline-devel
31 BUILD_PACKAGES   += compat-readline5
32 BUILD_PACKAGES   += rpm-build
33 BUILD_PACKAGES   += samba-client
34 BUILD_PACKAGES   += libuuid-devel
35 BUILD_PACKAGES   += which
36 BUILD_PACKAGES   += perl-devel
37 BUILD_PACKAGES   += perl-ExtUtils-Embed
38 BUILD_PACKAGES   += perl-Time-HiRes
39 BUILD_PACKAGES   += rsync
40 BUILD_PACKAGES   += groff                  # Is needed by rrdtool docs
41 BUILD_PACKAGES   += radiusclient-ng-devel
42 OS_PACKAGES       =
43 OS_PACKAGES      += time # needed for mk-job
44 OS_PACKAGES      += traceroute # needed for Check_MK parent scan
45 OS_PACKAGES      += boost-program-options
46 OS_PACKAGES      += curl
47 OS_PACKAGES      += dialog
48 OS_PACKAGES      += expat
49 OS_PACKAGES      += fping                 # LM: Could not find it in std sources. (Found the pkg in
50 OS_PACKAGES      += graphviz
51 OS_PACKAGES      += graphviz-gd           # LM: Got it from - Maybe also available on DVD2
52 OS_PACKAGES      += httpd
53 OS_PACKAGES      += libevent
54 OS_PACKAGES      += libmcrypt             # LM: Taken from
55 OS_PACKAGES      += libtool-ltdl
56 OS_PACKAGES      += mod_fcgid             # LM: Taken from
57 OS_PACKAGES      += mysql-server
58 OS_PACKAGES      += net-snmp
59 OS_PACKAGES      += net-snmp-utils
60 OS_PACKAGES      += pango
61 OS_PACKAGES      += patch
62 OS_PACKAGES      += perl-Net-SNMP         # LM: Taken from
63 OS_PACKAGES      += php
64 OS_PACKAGES      += php-mbstring
65 OS_PACKAGES      += php-pdo
66 OS_PACKAGES      += php-gd
67 OS_PACKAGES      += readline
68 OS_PACKAGES      += rsync
69 OS_PACKAGES      += uuid
70 OS_PACKAGES      += xinetd
71 OS_PACKAGES      += xorg-x11-server-Xvfb # used for thruks pdf generator
72 OS_PACKAGES      += cronie
73 OS_PACKAGES      += python-ldap # needed for ldap support in multisite
74 OS_PACKAGES      += radiusclient-ng
76 ADD_USER_TO_GROUP = gpasswd -a %(user)s %(group)s
77 PACKAGE_INSTALL   = yum -y makecache ; yum -y install
78 ACTIVATE_INITSCRIPT = chkconfig --add %s && chkconfig %s on
79 APACHE_CONF_DIR   = /etc/httpd/conf.d
80 APACHE_INIT       = /etc/init.d/httpd
81 APACHE_USER       = apache
82 APACHE_GROUP      = apache
83 APACHE_BIN        = /usr/sbin/httpd
84 APACHE_CTL        = /usr/sbin/apachectl
85 APACHE_MODULE_DIR = /usr/lib/httpd/modules
86 APACHE_MODULE_DIR_64 = /usr/lib64/httpd/modules
88 PHP_FCGI_BIN      = /usr/bin/php-cgi
89 APACHE_ENMOD      = true %s
90 BECOME_ROOT       = su -c