13 use lib
16 plan skip_all
=> 'Author test. Set $ENV{TEST_AUTHOR} to a true value to run.' unless $ENV{TEST_AUTHOR
19 my $omd_bin = TestUtils
20 my $site = TestUtils
() or TestUtils
("no further testing without site");
21 my $versions_test = { cmd
=> $omd_bin." versions"};
22 TestUtils
23 my @versions = $versions_test->{'stdout'} =~ m/(^[0-9\.]+)$/mxg;
25 skip
("cannot test update with only one version installed", 3) if scalar @versions == 0;
26 TestUtils
({ cmd
=> $omd_bin." -V $versions[0] update $site" });
29 ##################################################
31 TestUtils