1 ##############################################################
2 # Jmx4Perl Configuration for OMD
3 # ==============================
5 # Command definition, using hostnames to refer to server names
6 # in the jmx4perl configuration (<server>...</server> section)
7 # The 'real' checks are defined in $SITE/etc/jmx4perl/jmx4perl.cfg
8 # in jmx4perl specific syntax and are referenced by name from
9 # Nagios service definitions.
11 command_name check_jmx4perl
12 command_line $USER1$/check_jmx4perl \
13 --config $USER4$/etc/jmx4perl/jmx4perl.cfg \
15 --check $ARG1$ $ARG2$ $ARG3$ $ARG4$
18 # See http://labs.consol.de/blog/nagios/check_jmx4perl-new-nagios-configuration-style/
19 # and 'man check_jmx4perl' for more information about the
20 # configuration syntax.