[] / templates / designer / active.tpl
1 {**
2  * active.tpl
3  *
4  * Copyright (c) 2003-2008 John Willinsky
5  * Distributed under the GNU GPL v2. For full terms see the file docs/COPYING.
6  *
7  * Show layout editor's active submissions.
8  *
9  * $Id: active.tpl,v 1.4 2009/07/30 23:16:14 tylerl Exp $
10  *}
11 <div id="submissions">
12 <table class="listing" width="100%">
13         <tr><td colspan="6" class="headseparator">&nbsp;</td></tr>
14         <tr class="heading" valign="bottom">
15                 <td width="5%">{translate key=""}</td>
16                 <td width="5%"><span class="disabled">MM-DD</span><br />{translate key="common.assign"}</td>
17                 <td width="5%">{translate key="submissions.arrangement"}</td>
18                 <td width="30%">{translate key="monograph.authors"}</td>
19                 <td width="40%">{translate key="monograph.title"}</td>
20                 <td width="15%" align="right">{translate key="common.status"}</td>
21         </tr>
22         <tr><td colspan="6" class="headseparator">&nbsp;</td></tr>
24 {iterate from=submissions item=submission}
25         {assign var="monographId" value=$submission->getMonographId()}
26         {assign var="layoutSignoff" value=$submission->getSignoff('SIGNOFF_LAYOUT')}
28         <tr valign="top">
29                 <td>{$monographId|escape}</td>
30                 <td>{$layoutSignoff->getDateNotified()|date_format:$dateFormatTrunc}</td>
31                 <td>{$submission->getArrangementAbbrev()|escape}</td>
32                 <td>{$submission->getAuthorString(true)|truncate:40:"..."|escape}</td>
33                 <td><a href="{url op="submission" path=$monographId}" class="action">{$submission->getLocalizedTitle()|strip_unsafe_html|truncate:60:"..."}</a></td>
34                 <td align="right">
35                         {if not $layoutSignoff->getDateCompleted()}
36                                 {translate key="submissions.initial"}
37                         {else}
38                                 {translate key="submissions.proofread"}
39                         {/if}
40                 </td>
41         </tr>
42         <tr>
43                 <td colspan="7" class="{if $submissions->eof()}end{/if}separator">&nbsp;</td>
44         </tr>
45 {/iterate}
46 {if $submissions->wasEmpty()}
47         <tr>
48                 <td colspan="7" class="nodata">{translate key="submissions.noSubmissions"}</td>
49         </tr>
50         <tr>
51                 <td colspan="7" class="endseparator">&nbsp;</td>
52         </tr>
53         </table>
54 {else}
55         <tr>
56                 <td colspan="4" align="left">{page_info iterator=$submissions}</td>
57                 <td colspan="2" align="right">{page_links anchor="submissions" name="submissions" iterator=$submissions}</td>
58         </tr>
59 {/if}
60 </table>
61 </div>