2 * languageDownloadErrors.tpl
4 * Copyright (c) 2003-2008 John Willinsky
5 * Distributed under the GNU GPL v2. For full terms see the file docs/COPYING.
7 * Display error messages associated with a failed language download.
9 * $Id: languageDownloadErrors.tpl,v 2008/10/20 21:27:08 tylerl Exp $
12 {assign var="pageTitle" value="common.languages"}
13 {include file="common/header.tpl"}
16 <h3>{translate key="admin.languages.downloadLocales"}</h3>
18 <p>{translate key="admin.languages.downloadFailed"}</p>
20 {foreach from=$errors item=error}<li>{$error}</li>{/foreach}
23 <a href="{url op="languages"}" class="action">{translate key="common.languages"}</a>
25 {include file="common/footer.tpl"}