4 * Copyright (c) 2003-2008 John Willinsky
5 * Distributed under the GNU GPL v2. For full terms see the file docs/COPYING.
7 * Header for the manuscript submission pages.
9 * $Id: submitStepHeader.tpl,v 1.5 2009/06/24 22:20:19 tylerl Exp $
12 {assign var="pageCrumbTitle" value="author.submit"}
13 {translate|assign:"stepx" key="submission.stepX" step=$submitStep}
14 {translate|assign:"stepy" key=$stepTitle}
15 {assign var="pageTitleTranslated" value="$stepx $stepy"}
16 {include file="common/header.tpl"}
20 {foreach from=$steplist key=stepIndex item=step}
21 {assign var="id" value=$step.identity}
23 <li{if $submitStep == $stepIndex} class="current"{/if}>
24 {if $submissionProgress >= $stepIndex and $submitStep!=$stepIndex}
25 <a href="{url op="submit" path=$step.alias monographId=$monographId}">
27 {$stepIndex}. {translate key=$step.tag}{$id}
28 {if $submissionProgress >= $stepIndex and $submitStep!=$stepIndex}
35 {if isset($contextSteps)}
36 {foreach from=$contextSteps item=contextStep}
37 <a href="{url op="submit" path=$steplist[$contextStep.step].alias monographId=$monographId}">
38 {translate key=$steplist[$contextStep.step].tag}