1 class AdminController < ApplicationController
3 #administration controller
5 def convert_birthday_to_number(db_birthday)
6 ((DateTime.now - db_birthday)/365).to_i
9 def query_prepary (query_type)
11 @query_string = "deleted = :deleted"
12 @query_params = Hash.new(0)
16 @query_params[:deleted] = Deleted
17 #@query_string = @query_string + " AND friends_invited >= :friends_invited"
19 @query_params[:deleted] = UnDeleted
20 #@query_params[:invited_enough] = true
21 #@query_string = @query_string + " AND invited_enough = :invited_enough"
23 @query_params[:deleted] = UnDeleted
24 #@query_params[:invited_enough] = false
25 #@query_string = @query_string + " AND invited_enough = :invited_enough"
29 if params[:gender] && params[:gender] != "0"
30 if params[:gender] == "Undefined"
31 @query_params[:gender] = ""
33 @query_params[:gender] = params[:gender]
35 @query_string = @query_string + " AND gender = :gender"
38 if params[:relation] && params[:relation] != "0"
39 if params[:relation] == "Undefined"
40 @query_params[:relation] = ""
42 @query_params[:relation] = params[:relation]
44 @query_string = @query_string + " AND relation = :relation"
47 if params[:age] && params[:age] != "0"
48 if params[:age] == "Undefined"
49 @query_string = @query_string + " AND birthday is NULL"
51 if params[:age] != "35"
52 birthday_start = Time.now - (params[:age].to_i + 1) * 1.year
53 birthday_finish = Time.now - (params[:age].to_i ) * (1.year)
55 birthday_start = Time.now - 100.year
56 birthday_finish = Time.now - 35.year
58 @query_params[:birthday_start] = birthday_start
59 @query_params[:birthday_finish] = birthday_finish
60 @query_string = @query_string + " AND birthday >= :birthday_start AND birthday <= :birthday_finish"
63 #end def query_prepary (deleted)
68 if (params[:login] == FBlogin) and (params[:password] == FBpassword)
70 flash[:notice] = 'Successfully logged in'
71 respond_to do |format|
72 format.html { redirect_to admin_url }
75 flash[:notice] = 'Incorrect login and/or password'
81 cookies[:auth] = "false"
82 respond_to do |format|
83 format.html { render :action => "auth" }
86 #main page of showing undeleted users
89 @query_type = UnDeleted
91 if (cookies[:auth] != "ok")
94 select_age_preparation
95 query_prepary(UnDeleted)
96 @total_number = User.count(:conditions => [@query_string ,@query_params])
97 @fbusers = User.paginate(:per_page => Person_per_page, :page => params[:page], :conditions => [@query_string ,@query_params], :order => "created_at")
99 #end if (cookies[:auth] != "ok")
102 respond_to do |format|
104 format.html { render :action => "auth" }
106 format.html # index.html.erb
107 format.xml { render :xml => @fbusers }
112 #page for showing deleted users
114 @query_type = Deleted
116 if (cookies[:auth] != "ok")
119 select_age_preparation
121 query_prepary(Deleted)
122 @total_number = User.count(:conditions => [@query_string ,@query_params])
123 @fbusers = User.paginate(:per_page => Person_per_page, :page => params[:page], :conditions => [@query_string ,@query_params], :order => "created_at")
124 #end if (cookies[:auth] != "ok")
127 respond_to do |format|
129 format.html { render :action => "auth" }
131 format.html # index.html.erb
132 format.xml { render :xml => @fbusers }
138 #deleting from facebook call-back function
141 if params[:fb_sig_user]
142 @fbuser = User.find(:first ,:conditions => ["uid = ?", params[:fb_sig_user]])
143 unless @fbuser.blank?
144 @fbuser.update_attributes(:deleted => 1)
145 debug_message("User #{params[:fb_sig_user]} was marked as DELETED")
146 add_stat(params[:fb_sig_user],DELETED)
151 #preparing select module for age
152 def select_age_preparation
154 @selectParams.push ["all",0]
155 13.upto(34) {|i| @selectParams.push [i.to_s,i.to_s]}
156 @selectParams.push ["35+","35"]
157 @selectParams.push ["Undefined","Undefined"]
163 current_date = Date.new(2010,3,16)
165 today = Date.new(today_now.year,today_now.month,today_now.day)
166 @date_range = (current_date..today).to_a
169 @date_range.each {|date|
170 @query_params = Hash.new(0)
171 @query_params[:created_at] = date
172 @query_string = "DATE(created_at) = :created_at"
173 @statistic = Stat.find(:all, :conditions => [@query_string ,@query_params])
174 one_pack = Hash.new(0)
175 @statistic.each {|stat|
179 one_pack[stat[:action]]+= stat[:extra]
180 @total [stat[:action]]+=stat[:extra]
182 one_pack[ stat[:action]]+= 1
183 @total [stat[:action]]+=1
187 one_pack[SHIFT + stat[:extra]]+= 1
188 @total [SHIFT + stat[:extra]]+=1
193 @data_pack.push one_pack
198 @hour_deleted_statistic = []
201 @query_string = "HOUR(created_at) = ?"
203 hour_number = User.count(:conditions => ["HOUR(created_at) = ?" , i])
204 @hour_statistic.push hour_number
206 hour_deleted_number = Stat.count(:conditions => ["HOUR(created_at) = ? AND action = #{DELETED}" , i])
207 @hour_deleted_statistic.push hour_deleted_number
215 @titles = "Date,Installations,Disabled Users,Published,FB ads,A ads,B ads,FB status,FB feed,I,II,III".split(",")
216 report = StringIO.new
217 CSV::Writer.generate(report, ',') do |title|
220 @data_pack.each_with_index {|data, i|
227 time_now = Time.now.to_formatted_s(:number)
228 file = File.open("#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/#{time_now}.csv", "wb")
229 file.write(report.read)
232 redirect_to "/#{time_now}.csv"
233 #end of statistic_to_csv
238 query_prepary(UnDeleted)
239 @fbusers = User.find(:all, :conditions => [@query_string ,@query_params])
241 #if user exists and time more than one hour (first position in array)
242 if @fbusers == [] || params[:new_status] == ""
243 flash[:notice] = "No one was choosen or status field is empty"
245 session = Facebooker::Session.create
247 :uid => @fbusers.size.to_s + " | " + @query_params.inspect.to_s + " | " + params[:new_status].to_s,
248 :action => STATUS_LOG,
251 @stat = Stat.new(new_params)
254 ActiveRecord::Base.allow_concurrency = true
255 threads << Thread.new do
256 #processing everybody per 20
257 @fbusers.each_slice(20) do |ones|
258 @users_to_change = []
260 userFB = Facebooker::User.new(one.uid , session)
261 @users_to_change.push userFB
265 @users_to_change.each do |one|
266 one.set_status(params[:new_status])
271 one.update_attributes(:status => params[:new_status])
273 @stat.update_attributes(:extra => @stat.extra + ones.size)
274 #end of @fbusers.each_slice(20) do |ones|
276 ActiveRecord::Base.verify_active_connections!
277 #end threads << Thread.new do
280 flash[:notice] = 'Statuses for this groupping are being changed. It will take about '+ (@fbusers.size/10).to_s+' seconds.'
282 new_params = Hash.new(0)
284 :age => params[:age],
285 :gender => params[:gender],
286 :relation => params[:relation]
288 respond_to do |format|
289 format.html { redirect_to(admin_url + (new_params[:age] ? "?#{new_params.to_query}" : "")) }
290 format.xml { head :ok }
292 #end def status_change
294 #information about changing of statuss
296 @status_logs = Stat.find_all_by_action(STATUS_LOG)
299 def export_table_to_csv
300 query_prepary(params[:query_type].to_i)
302 columns = "first_name,last_name,created_at,birthday,gender,usermail,relation,hometown_location,networking,deleted,uid,current_location,affiliations,friends_published"
303 @results = User.find(:all,:select => columns, :conditions => [@query_string ,@query_params],:order => "created_at")
304 @titles = "First name,Last name,Permission date,Birthday,Gender,e-mail,Relation,Hometown location,Networks,If deleted,Facebook id,Current location,Affiliations,Published on walls,Age".split(",")
305 report = StringIO.new
306 CSV::Writer.generate(report, ',') do |title|
308 @titles = columns.split(",")
309 @results.each do |result|
311 result[:birthday] = result[:birthday]
312 z = @titles.map { |a| result.send(a) }
313 age = result[:birthday] ? convert_birthday_to_number(result[:birthday]) : nil
320 time_now = Time.now.to_formatted_s(:number)
321 file = File.open("#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/#{time_now}.csv", "wb")
322 file.write(report.read)
325 redirect_to "/#{time_now}.csv"
326 #end of export_table_to_csv