3 class UserController < ApplicationController
5 before_filter :source_statistic
6 ensure_application_is_installed_by_facebook_user
7 before_filter :loading_static
8 Feed_action = "Play now"
11 @time_counter = Time.now
12 @time_counter0 = Time.now
14 if (params[:f]) && (params[:f].to_i != 0)
15 add_stat(0, VISITED, params[:f] ? params[:f].to_i : 0)
20 @statics = Static.find(:first)
22 render :facebook_error
26 def processing_phraze (text_to_process, owner_name, friends_names,gender = "",number_of_friends = 0)
27 text = text_to_process
28 text = text.gsub("{owner_name}",owner_name)
29 text = text.gsub("{friends_names}",friends_names)
30 text = text.gsub("{number_of_friends}",number_of_friends.to_s)
31 text = text.gsub("{his/her}", gender == "female" ? "her": "his")
32 text = text.gsub("{he/she}",gender == "female" ? "she": "he")
33 text = text.gsub("{him/her}",gender == "female" ? "her": "him")
36 #text = text.gsub("{friends_names}",friends_names)
39 @userF = session[:facebook_session].user
40 @fbuser = User.find(:first, :conditions => ["uid = ?", @userF.uid])
41 if @fbuser.blank? || @fbuser.deleted
44 @user_has_permission = @userF.has_permission?("publish_stream")
47 Rails.logger.warn " >" * 15
49 Rails.logger.warn " >" * 15
50 render :action => :facebook_error
54 if @user_has_permission
55 @fbuser = User.find(:first, :conditions => ["uid = ?", @userF.uid])
57 if @fbuser && @fbuser.deleted
58 debug_message("User #{session[:facebook_session].user.uid} was already exist but he was in deleted status. So now he is totally deleted and will be added soon")
62 #if user does not exist yet in DB inserting in DB
67 if @userF.birthday != nil
68 birthday_mask = /(\w+)\ (\d+)\, (\d+)/
69 dateOfBirth = birthday_mask.match(@userF.birthday)
70 #if birthday ok for us
71 if (Months[$1] == nil)
74 birthday = Date.new(dateOfBirth[3].to_i,Months[dateOfBirth[1]],dateOfBirth[2].to_i)
78 #end if @userF.birthday != nil
80 #gathering affiliations
82 if @userF.affiliations
83 @userF.affiliations.each do |one_affiliation|
84 @affiliation += one_affiliation.name + " | "
88 #gathering other params
91 :birthday => birthday,
92 :relation => @userF.relationship_status,
93 :gender => @userF.sex,
94 :first_name => @userF.first_name,
95 :last_name => @userF.last_name,
96 :status => "WAS NOT SET YET" ,
97 :hometown_location => (@userF.hometown_location != nil) ? @userF.hometown_location.country.to_s + "/"+ @userF.hometown_location.state.to_s + "/" + @userF.hometown_location.city.to_s : "",
98 :affiliations => @affiliation,
99 :usermail => @userF.email
103 debug_message("Cannot get information about #{session[:facebook_session].user.uid}",false)
104 render :facebook_error
107 @fbuser = User.new(myParams)
108 debug_message("User #{session[:facebook_session].user.uid} was added to DB")
110 add_stat(@userF.uid, PERMISSION)
112 #end of getting user info
114 #end if @fbuser == nil
116 today_question_select 0
117 @question_number = "question1"
118 render :action => @question_number
119 #if @userF.has_permission?("publish_stream")
122 today_question_select 0
123 @question_number = "question1"
124 render :action => @question_number
129 def today_question_select number
131 today = Date.new(today_now.year,today_now.month,today_now.day)
132 today_questions = Stage.find(:all, :conditions => ["date = ?", today ] )
133 @today_question = today_questions[number]
134 if @today_question.blank?
135 today_questions = Stage.find(:all, :order => "date DESC" )
136 @today_question = today_questions[number]
137 if @today_question.blank?
138 render :facebook_error
144 today_question_select 0
145 user_has_published_once = false
146 user_has_published_once = question_processor
147 if user_has_published_once == true
148 @next_step = "question2"
149 render :action => "greetings"
154 today_question_select 1
155 user_has_published_once = false
156 user_has_published_once = question_processor
157 if user_has_published_once == true
158 @next_step = "question3"
159 render :action => "greetings"
165 today_question_select 2
166 user_has_published_once = false
167 user_has_published_once = question_processor
168 if user_has_published_once == true
169 @next_step = "question1"
170 render :action => "greetings"
174 def question_processor
175 time_counter ("before of question_processor time was tooken")
177 user_has_published_once = false
179 session_new = Facebooker::Session.create
181 if params["friend_sel0#{i}"] != nil && params["friend_sel0#{i}"] != ""
182 @userFB2 =Facebooker::User.new(params["friend_sel0#{i}"], session_new)
183 time_counter ("Creating one user")
184 users_array << @userFB2
185 user_has_published_once = true
191 if user_has_published_once == true
197 users_array.each do |player|
203 Rails.logger.warn " >" * 15
204 Rails.logger.warn " TIMEOUT FOR GETTING NAMES "
205 Rails.logger.warn " >" * 15
206 render :action => :facebook_error
210 time_counter ("Batching first names")
212 users_array.each do |player|
215 time_counter ("Showing result")
216 feeds_to_publish = []
218 @userFB = Facebooker::User.new(session[:facebook_session].user.uid, session_new)
219 time_counter ("Creating self user")
220 @user_local = User.find(:first, :conditions => ["uid = ?", session[:facebook_session].user.uid])
221 #@userFB.sex = session[:facebook_session].user.sex
222 time_counter ("Setting sex")
226 scenario_themself = ""
227 #preparing all names into array
229 for i in 0..(users_array.size - 1)
230 user_names << users_array[i].first_name
233 time_counter ("Getting first_name")
234 #creating messages for list of friends
235 for i in 0..(users_array.size - 1)
237 user_names_new = user_names - [users_array[i].first_name]
238 if user_names_new.size == 0
240 elsif user_names_new.size == 1
241 themessage = "#{user_names_new[0]}"
242 elsif user_names_new.size == 2
243 themessage = "#{user_names_new[0]} and #{user_names_new[1]}"
244 elsif user_names_new.size == 3
245 themessage = "#{user_names_new[0]}, #{user_names_new[1]} and #{user_names_new[2]}"
246 elsif user_names_new.size == 4
247 themessage = "#{user_names_new[0]}, #{user_names_new[1]},#{user_names_new[2]} and #{user_names_new[3]}"
249 #preparing for the third stage
251 self_publishing = users_array[i].first_name + ( users_array.size > 2 ? ", ":" and ") + themessage
253 self_publishing = users_array[i].first_name + ""
258 session[:self_publishing] = self_publishing
261 scenario_friend = processing_phraze(@today_question.feed_useraction, users_array[i].first_name, themessage,users_array[i].sex,user_names.size())
262 scenario_themself = processing_phraze(@today_question.feed_selfaction, @user_local.first_name, self_publishing,@user_local.gender,user_names.size())
264 debug_message scenario_friend
265 new_params = Hash.new(0)
267 :user_from => @userFB,
268 :user_to => users_array[i],
269 :main_message => scenario_friend
271 feeds_to_publish.push new_params
272 time_counter ("Was added to hash")
274 #end of for i in 0..users_array.size
277 @user_local.friends_published += (user_names.size + 1)
280 add_stat(0, PUBLISHED, user_names.size + 1)
282 new_params = Hash.new(0)
284 :user_from => @userFB,
286 :main_message => scenario_themself,
288 feeds_to_publish.push new_params
290 threads << Thread.new do
296 feeds_to_publish.each {|one|
297 publishing(one[:user_from],one[:user_to],one[:main_message],Feed_action,FB_app_link + "/?f=#{FROM_FEEDS}",processing_phraze(@today_question.feedtext1, @user_local.first_name, self_publishing,@user_local.gender,user_names.size ) ,FB_app_link + "/?f=#{FROM_FEEDS}",processing_phraze(@today_question.feedtext2, @user_local.first_name, self_publishing,@user_local.gender,user_names.size ),'image',Current_site + @today_question.feedpic.url(:normal),FB_app_link + "/?f=#{FROM_FEEDS}")
301 time_counter ("Session batch")
304 Rails.logger.warn " >" * 15
305 Rails.logger.warn " TIMEOUT FOR PUBLISHING "
306 Rails.logger.warn " >" * 15
307 render :action => :facebook_error
313 debug_message scenario_themself
314 # if user_has_published_once == true
316 return user_has_published_once
320 debug_message "Now session[:self_publishing] = '#{session[:self_publishing]}'"
321 if params[:fanbutton] != nil
322 redirect_to "http://www.facebook.com/pages/Chatting-and-Emailing-with-Nokia/10150115816675015"
325 if params[:mybutton] != nil
326 p "params[:next_step] = #{params[:next_step]}"
327 @question_number = params[:next_step]
328 case @question_number
330 today_question_select 0
332 today_question_select 1
334 today_question_select 2
337 render :action => @question_number
350 def publishing(user_from,user_to,main_message,action_link_text,action_link_href,attachment_name,attachment_href,attachment_caption,media_type,media_src,media_href)
351 user_from.publish_to(user_to,
352 :message => main_message,
355 :text => action_link_text,
356 :href => action_link_href}
359 :name => attachment_name,
360 :href => attachment_href,
361 :caption => attachment_caption,
373 def time_counter (object)
374 the_time = Time.now - @time_counter
375 @time_counter = Time.now
376 p "#{object}: #{the_time.to_s}"