Update ooo320-m1
[ooovba.git] / connectivity / workben / postgresql / statement.py
1 #*************************************************************************
3 # $RCSfile: statement.py,v $
5 # $Revision: $
7 # last change: $Author: jbu $ $Date: 2006/05/27 11:33:11 $
9 # The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
10 # either of the following licenses
12 # - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
13 # - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
15 # Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
17 # GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
18 # =============================================
19 # Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
20 # 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
22 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
23 # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
24 # License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
26 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
27 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
29 # Lesser General Public License for more details.
31 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
32 # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
33 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
34 # MA 02111-1307 USA
37 # Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
38 # =================================================
39 # The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
40 # Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
41 # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
42 # License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html.
44 # Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
48 # See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
49 # obligations concerning the Software.
51 # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Joerg Budischewski
53 # Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
55 # All Rights Reserved.
57 # Contributor(s): Joerg Budischewski
61 #*************************************************************************
62 import unohelper
63 import unittest
64 import ddl
65 from com.sun.star.sdbc import SQLException, XArray
66 from com.sun.star.sdbc.DataType import VARCHAR
67 from com.sun.star.util import Date
68 from com.sun.star.util import Time
69 from com.sun.star.util import DateTime
71 # todo
72 class MyArray( unohelper.Base, XArray ):
73 def __init__( self, data ):
74 self.data = data
75 def getBaseType( self ):
76 return VARCHAR
77 def getBaseTypeName( self ):
78 return "varchar"
79 def getArray( self, foo ):
80 return self.data
81 def getArrayAtIndex( self, startIndex, count, foo ):
82 return self.data[startIndex:startIndex+count-1]
83 def getResultSet( self, foo):
84 return None
85 def getResultSetAtIndex( self, startIndex, count, foo ):
86 return None
88 def suite(ctx,dburl):
89 suite = unittest.TestSuite()
90 suite.addTest(TestCase("testRobustness",ctx,dburl))
91 suite.addTest(TestCase("testRow",ctx,dburl))
92 suite.addTest(TestCase("testNavigation",ctx,dburl))
93 suite.addTest(TestCase("testDatabaseMetaData",ctx,dburl))
94 suite.addTest(TestCase("testGeneratedResultSet",ctx,dburl))
95 suite.addTest(TestCase("testResultSetMetaData",ctx,dburl))
96 suite.addTest(TestCase("testArray",ctx,dburl))
97 return suite
99 def realEquals( a,b,eps ):
100 val = a - b
101 if val < 0:
102 val = -1. * val
103 return val < eps
105 class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
106 def __init__(self,method,ctx,dburl):
107 unittest.TestCase.__init__(self,method)
108 self.ctx = ctx
109 self.dburl = dburl
111 def setUp(self):
112 self.driver = self.ctx.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
113 'org.openoffice.comp.connectivity.pq.Driver' , self.ctx )
114 self.connection = self.driver.connect( self.dburl, () )
115 self.stmt = self.connection.createStatement()
116 try:
117 self.stmt.executeUpdate( "DROP TABLE firsttable" )
118 except SQLException,e:
119 pass
121 ddls = (
122 "BEGIN",
123 "CREATE TABLE firsttable (tString text,tInteger integer,tShort smallint,tLong bigint,tFloat real,"+
124 "tDouble double precision,tByteSeq bytea,tBool boolean, tDate date, tTime time, tTimestamp timestamp, tIntArray integer[], tStringArray text[], tSerial serial ) WITH OIDS",
125 "INSERT INTO firsttable VALUES ( 'foo', 70000, 12000, 70001, 2.4, 2.45, 'huhu', 'true', '1999-01-08','04:05:06','1999-01-08 04:05:06', '{2,3,4}', '{\"huhu\",\"hi\"}')",
126 "INSERT INTO firsttable VALUES ( 'foo2', 69999, 12001, 70002, -2.4, 2.55, 'huhu', 'false', '1999-01-08','04:05:06','1999-01-08 04:05:06', NULL , '{\"bla\"}' )",
127 "INSERT INTO firsttable VALUES ( 'foo2', 69999, 12001, 70002, -2.4, 2.55, 'huhu', null, '1999-01-08', '04:05:06','1999-01-08 04:05:06', '{}' , '{\"bl ubs\",\"bl\\\\\\\\a}}b\\\\\"a\",\"blub\"}' )",
128 "COMMIT" )
129 for i in ddls:
130 self.stmt.executeUpdate(i)
132 def tearDown(self):
133 self.stmt.close()
134 self.connection.close()
136 def testRow(self):
137 row = ("foo",70000,12000,70001,2.4,2.45, "huhu", True ,
138 Date(8,1,1999), Time(0,6,5,4),DateTime(0,6,5,4,8,1,1999) )
139 row2 = ("foo2",69999,12001,70002,-2.4,2.55, "huhu", False )
141 rs = self.stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT * from firsttable" )
142 self.failUnless( rs.next() )
144 self.failUnless( rs.getString(1) == row[0] )
145 self.failUnless( rs.getInt(2) == row[1] )
146 self.failUnless( rs.getShort(3) == row[2] )
147 self.failUnless( rs.getLong(4) == row[3] )
148 self.failUnless( realEquals(rs.getFloat(5), row[4], 0.001))
149 self.failUnless( realEquals(rs.getDouble(6), row[5], 0.00001))
150 self.failUnless( rs.getBytes(7) == row[6] )
151 self.failUnless( rs.getBoolean(8) == row[7] )
152 self.failUnless( rs.getDate(9) == row[8] )
153 self.failUnless( rs.getTime(10) == row[9] )
154 self.failUnless( rs.getTimestamp(11) == row[10] )
156 a = rs.getArray(12)
157 data = a.getArray( None )
158 self.failUnless( len( data ) == 3 )
159 self.failUnless( int(data[0] ) == 2 )
160 self.failUnless( int(data[1] ) == 3 )
161 self.failUnless( int(data[2] ) == 4 )
163 self.failUnless( rs.next() )
165 self.failUnless( rs.next() )
166 data = rs.getArray(13).getArray(None)
167 self.failUnless( data[0] == "bl ubs" )
168 self.failUnless( data[1] == "bl\\a}}b\"a" ) # check special keys
169 self.failUnless( data[2] == "blub" )
171 rs.getString(8)
172 self.failUnless( rs.wasNull() )
173 rs.getString(7)
174 self.failUnless( not rs.wasNull() )
176 self.failUnless( rs.findColumn( "tShort" ) == 3 )
177 rs.close()
179 def testNavigation( self ):
180 rs = self.stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT * from firsttable" )
181 self.failUnless( rs.isBeforeFirst() )
182 self.failUnless( not rs.isAfterLast() )
183 self.failUnless( rs.isBeforeFirst() )
185 self.failUnless( rs.next() )
186 self.failUnless( rs.isFirst() )
187 self.failUnless( not rs.isLast() )
188 self.failUnless( not rs.isBeforeFirst() )
190 self.failUnless( rs.next() )
191 self.failUnless( rs.next() )
192 self.failUnless( not rs.next() )
193 self.failUnless( rs.isAfterLast() )
195 rs.absolute( 1 )
196 self.failUnless( rs.isFirst() )
198 rs.absolute( 3 )
199 self.failUnless( rs.isLast() )
201 rs.relative( -1 )
202 self.failUnless( rs.getRow() == 2 )
204 rs.relative( 1 )
205 self.failUnless( rs.getRow() == 3 )
207 rs.close()
209 def testRobustness( self ):
210 rs = self.stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT * from firsttable" )
212 self.failUnlessRaises( SQLException, rs.getString , 1 )
214 rs.next()
215 self.failUnlessRaises( SQLException, rs.getString , 24 )
216 self.failUnlessRaises( SQLException, rs.getString , 0 )
218 self.connection.close()
219 self.failUnlessRaises( SQLException, rs.getString , 1 )
220 self.failUnlessRaises( SQLException, self.stmt.executeQuery, "SELECT * from firsttable" )
221 rs.close()
224 def testDatabaseMetaData( self ):
225 meta = self.connection.getMetaData()
227 self.failUnless( not meta.isReadOnly() )
229 def testGeneratedResultSet( self ):
230 self.stmt.executeUpdate(
231 "INSERT INTO firsttable VALUES ( 'foo3', 69998, 12001, 70002, -2.4, 2.55, 'huhu2')" )
232 #ddl.dumpResultSet( self.stmt.getGeneratedValues() )
233 rs = self.stmt.getGeneratedValues()
234 self.failUnless( rs.next() )
235 self.failUnless( rs.getInt( 14 ) == 4 )
237 def testResultSetMetaData( self ):
238 rs = self.stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT * from firsttable" )
240 # just check, if we get results !
241 meta = rs.getMetaData()
243 count = meta.getColumnCount()
244 for i in range( 1, count+1):
245 meta.isNullable( i )
246 meta.isCurrency( i )
247 meta.isCaseSensitive( i )
248 meta.isSearchable( i )
249 meta.isSigned( i )
250 meta.getColumnDisplaySize( i )
251 meta.getColumnName( i )
252 meta.getColumnLabel( i )
253 meta.getSchemaName( i )
254 meta.getPrecision( i )
255 meta.getScale( i )
256 meta.getTableName( i )
257 meta.getColumnTypeName( i )
258 meta.getColumnType( i )
259 meta.isReadOnly( i )
260 meta.isWritable( i )
261 meta.isDefinitelyWritable( i )
262 meta.getColumnServiceName( i )
264 def testArray( self ):
265 stmt = self.connection.prepareStatement(
266 "INSERT INTO firsttable VALUES ( 'insertedArray', 70000, 12000, 70001, 2.4, 2.45, 'huhu', 'true', '1999-01-08','04:05:06','1999-01-08 04:05:06', '{2,3,4}', ? )" )
267 myarray = ( "a", "\"c", "}d{" )
268 stmt.setArray( 1, MyArray( myarray ) )
269 stmt.executeUpdate()
271 stmt = self.connection.createStatement()
272 rs = stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT tStringArray FROM firsttable WHERE tString = 'insertedArray'" )
273 rs.next()
274 data = rs.getArray(1).getArray(None)
275 self.failUnless( data[0] == myarray[0] )
276 self.failUnless( data[1] == myarray[1] )
277 self.failUnless( data[2] == myarray[2] )