1 How to write my own sdbc driver
3 all example files can be found in connectivity/workben/skeleton
5 Pre implementation steps
6 - copy all files from connectivity/workben/skeleton into your new created directory under
7 connectivity/source/drivers and rename the first char of the files to one which isn't used so far
8 ( please have a look at the other drivers )
9 - search all occurances of skeleton and replace them to a name which you prefer
11 1. Implement a class called driver or modify the existing skeleton -> have a look at SDriver.?xx
12 2. Implement a class called connection -> have a look at SConnection.?xx
13 3. Have a look at the DatabaseMetaData -> see SDatabaseMetaData.cxx
14 The methods which should be implemented at least are
20 4. You need a statement to show/access some data -> have a look at SStatement.cxx
21 -> especially executeQuery()
23 5. The ResultSet: without you see nothing -> look at SResultSet.cxx
24 6. The ResultSetMetaData needed to get some information about what are waiting for us
25 -> look at SResultSetMetaData.cxx
27 7. The prepared statement is the last class we have to implement now
28 -> you have to allow statements like "SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = ?"
31 8. insert entry in version.mk
32 # ----------------------------SKELETON settings-----------------------------------#
43 # this is a c++ compatible library
49 9. copy dll to program dir of office and register the dll
51 10. congratulations you have now implement your own driver :-)