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3 <title>StarOffice 8 SDK - Developer's Guide Examples</title>
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6 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
7 content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
8 <meta name="author" content="J&uuml;rgen Schmidt">
9 <meta name="created" content="2004-12-14">
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11 <body class="sdkbody">
12 <a name="examples"></a>
13 <table class="table1" cellpadding="0">
14 <tbody>
15 <tr style="background-image: url(../../docs/images/sdk_head-2.gif);">
16 <td class="background" colspan="2" align="left"><img
17 src="../../docs/images/sdk_head-1.gif" usemap="#Map" border="0"
18 height="109" width="335"></td>
19 <td class="background" align="right"><img
20 src="../../docs/images/sdk_head-3.gif" height="109" width="32"></td>
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23 <td colspan="3"><img class="nothing10"
24 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
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27 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
28 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
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33 <td colspan="3"><img class="nothing1"
34 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
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36 <tr>
37 <td>
38 <table class="table3">
39 <tbody>
40 <tr>
41 <td colspan="2" class="head1">Developer's Guide
42 Examples</td>
43 <td align="right"> <a href="../examples.html"
44 title="link to the examples overview"><img class="navigate"
45 src="../../docs/images/nav_left.png"></a> <a href="../../index.html"
46 title="link to the SDK start page"><img class="navigate"
47 src="../../docs/images/nav_home.png"></a></td>
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51 </td>
52 </tr>
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55 <table class="table3">
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57 <tr>
58 <td colspan="3">
59 <p>The <a
60 href="http://doc.services.openoffice.org/wiki/index.php/Documentation/DevGuide/OpenOffice.org_Developers_Guide"
61 title="link to the Developer's Guide in the Wiki">Developer's Guide</a>
62 comes with a wide range of examples from all application areas which
63 shows the use of the API in the context of the different functional
64 areas. Furthermore the examples can be used as a first starting point
65 to modify an existing example to their own needs.</p>
66 <p>Some fo the examples need a running office
67 instance listening on a port. If this is necessary you will get further
68 information in the makefiles.</p>
69 <p>All examples marked with a <img
70 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> are executable and be started
71 using a run target in the makefile. The name of the binary (C++) can
72 differ compared to the source file, please see the run target in the
73 appropriate makefile. Some of the examples which create a component
74 have no run target. In these cases a document is provided which
75 instantiates and runs the component (see the makefile output). Also the
76 Basic examples provide documents which use and shows the implemented
77 functionality. The database and forms examples need a running database,
78 please see the description below. But note that is not described in
79 detail how to create a working data source (see the office help).</p>
80 </td>
81 </tr>
82 <tr>
83 <td><img class="line"
84 src="../../docs/images/sdk_line-1.gif"></td>
85 </tr>
86 </tbody>
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88 </td>
89 </tr>
90 <tr>
91 <td>
92 <table class="table3">
93 <tbody>
94 <tr valign="top">
95 <td class="content3"><img
96 src="../../docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
97 <td><a href="#FirstSteps"
98 title="link to the First Steps examples">First Steps</a></td>
99 <td class="content4"></td>
100 <td class="content3"><img
101 src="../../docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
102 <td><a href="#ProfessionalUNO"
103 title="link to the Professional UNO examples">Professional UNO</a></td>
104 <td class="content10"></td>
105 <td class="content3"><img
106 src="../../docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
107 <td><a href="#Components"
108 title="link to the Components examples">Writing UNO components</a></td>
109 </tr>
110 <tr valign="top">
111 <td class="content3"><img
112 src="../../docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
113 <td><a href="#OfficeDevelopment"
114 title="link to the Office Development examples">Office Development</a></td>
115 <td class="content4"></td>
116 <td class="content3"><img
117 src="../../docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
118 <td><a href="#Text" title="link to the Text examples">Text
119 Documents</a></td>
120 <td class="content10"></td>
121 <td class="content3"><img
122 src="../../docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
123 <td><a href="#Spreadsheet"
124 title="link to the Spreadsheet examples">Spreadsheet Documents</a></td>
125 </tr>
126 <tr valign="top">
127 <td class="content3"><img
128 src="../../docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
129 <td><a href="#Drawing"
130 title="link to the Drawing And Presentation examples">Drawing and
131 Presentation Documents</a></td>
132 <td class="content4"></td>
133 <td class="content3"><img
134 src="../../docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
135 <td><a href="#Charts"
136 title="link to the Charts examples">Charts</a></td>
137 <td class="content10"></td>
138 <td class="content3"><img
139 src="../../docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
140 <td><a href="#BasicandDialogs"
141 title="link to the Basic And Dialogs examples">StarOffice 8 Basic and
142 Dialogs</a></td>
143 </tr>
144 <tr valign="top">
145 <td class="content3"><img
146 src="../../docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
147 <td><a href="#Database"
148 title="link to the Database examples">Database Access</a></td>
149 <td class="content4"></td>
150 <td class="content3"><img
151 src="../../docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
152 <td><a href="#Forms"
153 title="link to the Forms examples">Forms</a></td>
154 <td class="content10"></td>
155 <td class="content3"><img
156 src="../../docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
157 <td><a href="#UniversalContentBroker%28UCB%29"
158 title="link to the Universal Content Broker examples">Universal
159 Content Broker (UCB)</a></td>
160 </tr>
161 <tr valign="top">
162 <td class="content3"><img
163 src="../../docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
164 <td><a href="#Configuration"
165 title="link to the Configuration examples">Configuration Management</a></td>
166 <td class="content4"></td>
167 <td class="content3"><img
168 src="../../docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
169 <td><a href="#OfficeBean"
170 title="link to the OOoBean examples">Office Bean</a></td>
171 <td class="content10"></td>
172 <td class="content3"><img
173 src="../../docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
174 <td><a href="#Accessibility"
175 title="link to the Accessibility examples">Accessibility</a></td>
176 </tr>
177 <td class="content3"><img
178 src="../../docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
179 <td><a href="#ScriptingFramework" title="link to the Scripting Framework examples">Scripting Framework</a></td>
180 <td class="content4"></td>
181 <td class="content3"><img
182 src="../../docs/images/arrow-1.gif"></td>
183 <td><a href="#GraphicalUserInterfaces" title="link to the Graphical UserInterfaces examples">Graphical User Interfaces</a></td>
184 <td class="content10"></td>
185 <td class="content3"></td>
186 <td></td>
187 <tr>
188 </tr>
189 </tbody>
190 </table>
191 </td>
192 </tr>
193 </tbody>
194 </table>
195 </td>
196 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
197 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
198 </tr>
199 <tr>
200 <td colspan="3"><img class="line"
201 src="../../docs/images/sdk_line-2.gif"></td>
202 </tr>
203 <tr>
204 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
205 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
206 <td>
207 <table class="table2">
208 <tbody>
209 <tr>
210 <td>
211 <table class="table3">
212 <tbody>
213 <tr>
214 <td colspan="2" class="head1"><a name="FirstSteps">FirstSteps
215 examples</a></td>
216 <td align="right"> <a href="#examples"
217 title="link to the Developer's Guide examples overview"><img
218 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_up.png"></a> <a
219 href="../../index.html" title="link to the SDK start page"><img
220 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_home.png"></a> </td>
221 </tr>
222 </tbody>
223 </table>
224 </td>
225 </tr>
226 <tr>
227 <td>
228 <table class="table4">
229 <tbody>
230 <tr class="thead">
231 <td class="cell20">Text Document Examples</td>
232 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
233 </tr>
234 <tr>
235 <td class="cell20"><img
236 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
237 href="./FirstSteps/FirstUnoContact.java"
238 title="link to FirstSteps/FirstUnoContact.java">FirstUnoContact</a></td>
239 <td class="cell80">Shows how to initialize UNO and
240 get a remote office service manager from a running StarOffice 8 in a
241 different process space.</td>
242 </tr>
243 <tr>
244 <td class="cell20"><img
245 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
246 href="./FirstSteps/FirstLoadComponent.java"
247 title="link to FirstSteps/FirstLoadComponent.java">FirstLoadComponent</a></td>
248 <td class="cell80">Demonstrates how to load a
249 component into StarOffice 8 by a Java application.</td>
250 </tr>
251 <tr>
252 <td class="cell20"><img
253 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
254 href="./FirstSteps/HelloTextTableShape.java"
255 title="link to FirstSteps/HelloTextTableShape.java">HelloTextTableShape</a></td>
256 <td class="cell80">Performs some generic text and
257 shape operations on a text document, a spreadsheet document and a
258 drawing document.</td>
259 </tr>
260 </tbody>
261 </table>
262 </td>
263 </tr>
264 </tbody>
265 </table>
266 </td>
267 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
268 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
269 </tr>
270 <tr>
271 <td colspan="3"><img class="line"
272 src="../../docs/images/sdk_line-2.gif"></td>
273 </tr>
274 <tr>
275 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
276 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
277 <td>
278 <table class="table2">
279 <tbody>
280 <tr>
281 <td>
282 <table class="table3">
283 <tbody>
284 <tr>
285 <td colspan="2" class="head1"><a
286 name="ProfessionalUNO">Professional UNO examples1</a></td>
287 <td align="right"> <a href="#examples"
288 title="link to the Developer's Guide examples overview"><img
289 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_up.png"></a> <a
290 href="../../index.html" title="link to the SDK start page"><img
291 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_home.png"></a> </td>
292 </tr>
293 </tbody>
294 </table>
295 </td>
296 </tr>
297 <tr>
298 <td>
299 <table class="table4">
300 <tbody>
301 <tr class="thead">
302 <td class="cell20">Lifetime Examples</td>
303 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
304 </tr>
305 <tr>
306 <td class="cell20"><img
307 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
308 href="./ProfUNO/Lifetime/MyUnoObject.java"
309 title="link to ProfUNO/Lifetime/MyUnoObject.java">MyUnoObject</a></td>
310 <td class="cell80">Shows that it depends on the
311 implementation of the Java VM whether finalize() will be called or not.</td>
312 </tr>
313 <tr>
314 <td class="cell20"><img
315 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
316 href="./ProfUNO/Lifetime/object_lifetime.cxx"
317 title="link to ProfUNO/Lifetime/object_lifetime.java">object_lifetime.cxx
318 (ProfUnoLifetime)</a></td>
319 <td class="cell80">Shows the UNO reference counting
320 mechanism in C++.</td>
321 </tr>
322 </tbody>
323 </table>
324 </td>
325 </tr>
326 <tr>
327 <td>
328 <table class="table4">
329 <tbody>
330 <tr class="thead">
331 <td class="cell20">Interprocess Connection Example</td>
332 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
333 </tr>
334 <tr>
335 <td class="cell20"><img
336 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
337 href="./ProfUNO/InterprocessConn/ConnectionAwareClient.java"
338 title="link to ProfUNO/InterprocessConn/ConnectionAwareClient/.java">ConnectionAwareClient</a></td>
339 <td class="cell80">Implements a client which is aware
340 of losing connection to StarOffice 8.</td>
341 </tr>
342 <tr>
343 <td class="cell20"><img
344 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
345 href="./ProfUNO/InterprocessConn/UrlResolver.java"
346 title="link to ProfUNO/InterProcessConn/UrlResolver.java">UrlResolver</a></td>
347 <td class="cell80">Builds a connection to
348 StarOffice 8 using the URL given on the command line. This example
349 shows the usage of <a
350 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/bridge/XUnoUrlResolver.html"
351 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.bridge.XUnoResolver"><code>XUnoUrlResolver</code></a>.</td>
352 </tr>
353 </tbody>
354 </table>
355 </td>
356 </tr>
357 <tr>
358 <td>
359 <table class="table4">
360 <tbody>
361 <tr class="thead">
362 <td class="cell20">C++ Binding Examples</td>
363 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
364 </tr>
365 <tr>
366 <td class="cell20"><img
367 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
368 href="./ProfUNO/CppBinding/office_connect.cxx"
369 title="link to ProfUNO/CppBinding/office_connect.java">office_connect.cxx</a></td>
370 <td class="cell80">Builds a connection to
371 StarOffice 8 using C++.</td>
372 </tr>
373 <tr>
374 <td class="cell20"><img
375 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
376 href="./ProfUNO/CppBinding/string_samples.cxx"
377 title="link to ProfUNO/Cppbinding/string_samples.java">string_samples.cxx</a></td>
378 <td class="cell80">Demonstrates usage of RTL string
379 classes <a href="../../docs/cpp/ref/names/rtl/c-OString.html"
380 title="link to the reference documentation of rtl::OString"><code>OString</code></a>,
381 <a href="../../docs/cpp/ref/names/rtl/c-OUString.html"
382 title="link to the reference documentation of rtl::OUString"><code>OUString</code></a>
383 and <a href="../../docs/cpp/ref/names/rtl/c-OUStringBuffer.html"
384 title="link to the reference documentation of rtl::OUStringBuffer"><code>OUStringBuffer</code></a>.</td>
385 </tr>
386 </tbody>
387 </table>
388 </td>
389 </tr>
390 <tr>
391 <td>
392 <table class="table4">
393 <tbody>
394 <tr class="thead">
395 <td class="cell20">SimpleBootstrap Java Example</td>
396 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
397 </tr>
398 <tr>
399 <td class="cell20"><img
400 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
401 href="./ProfUNO/SimpleBootstrap_java/SimpleBootstrap_java.java"
402 title="link to ProfUNO/SimpleBootstrap_java/SimpleBootstrap_java.java">SimpleBootstrap_java.java</a></td>
403 <td class="cell80">Shows the transparent use of
404 office UNO components from Java. The remote office component context is
405 obtained by using the <code>com.sun.star.comp.helper.Bootstrap.bootstrap()</code>
406 method, which bootstraps the component context from a UNO installation.</td>
407 </tr>
408 <tr>
409 <td class="cell20"><a
410 href="./ProfUNO/SimpleBootstrap_java/manifest.mf"
411 title="link to ProfUNO/SimpleBootstrap_java/manifest.mf"> manifest.mf</a></td>
412 <td class="cell80">Contains the additional manifest
413 file entries.</td>
414 </tr>
415 </tbody>
416 </table>
417 </td>
418 </tr>
420 <tr>
421 <td>
422 <table class="table4">
423 <tbody>
424 <tr class="thead">
425 <td class="cell20">SimpleBootstrap C++ Example</td>
426 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
427 </tr>
428 <tr>
429 <td class="cell20"><img
430 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
431 href="./ProfUNO/SimpleBootstrap_cpp/SimpleBootstrap_cpp.cxx"
432 title="link to ProfUNO/SimpleBootstrap_cpp/SimpleBootstrap_cpp.cxx">SimpleBootstrap_cpp.cxx</a></td>
433 <td class="cell80">Shows the transparent use of
434 office UNO components from C++. The remote office component context is
435 obtained by using the <code>::cppu::bootstrap()</code> function, which
436 bootstraps the component context from a UNO installation.</td>
437 </tr>
438 </tbody>
439 </table>
440 </td>
441 </tr>
442 <tr>
443 <td>
444 <table class="table4">
445 <tbody>
446 <tr class="thead">
447 <td class="cell20">Deployment Features</td>
448 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
449 </tr>
450 <tr>
451 <td class="cell20"> <a
452 href="./Components/SimpleLicense/description.xml"
453 title="link to Components/SimpleLicense/description.xml">description.xml</a></td>
454 <td class="cell80">Demonstrates how license files can be embedded, so that they are shown to the user during installation.</td>
455 </tr>
456 </tbody>
457 </table>
458 </td>
459 </tr>
462 </tbody>
463 </table>
464 </td>
465 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
466 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
467 </tr>
468 <tr>
469 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
470 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
471 <td>
472 <table class="table2">
473 <tbody>
474 <tr>
475 <td>
476 <table class="table3">
477 <tbody>
478 <tr>
479 <td colspan="2" class="head1"><a name="Components">Writing
480 UNO components examples</a></td>
481 <td align="right"> <a href="#examples"
482 title="link to the Developer's Guide examples overview"><img
483 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_up.png"></a> <a
484 href="../../index.html" title="link to the SDK start page"><img
485 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_home.png"></a> </td>
486 </tr>
487 </tbody>
488 </table>
489 </td>
490 </tr>
491 <tr>
492 <td>
493 <table class="table4">
494 <tbody>
495 <tr class="thead">
496 <td class="cell20">Jobs Addon Example</td>
497 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
498 </tr>
499 <tr>
500 <td class="cell20"><a
501 href="./Components/Addons/JobsAddon/AsyncJob.java"
502 title="link to Components/Addons/JobsAddon/AsyncJob.java">AsyncJob</a></td>
503 <td class="cell80">An java example showing how a job
504 can analyze the given arguments and how the environment can be
505 detected, in which the job is executed.</td>
506 </tr>
507 <tr>
508 <td class="cell20"><a
509 href="./Components/Addons/JobsAddon/Jobs.xcu"
510 title="link to Components/Addons/JobsAddon/Jobs.xcu">Jobs.xcu</a></td>
511 <td class="cell80">Contains the example job
512 configuration.</td>
513 </tr>
514 <tr>
515 <td class="cell20"><a
516 href="./Components/Addons/JobsAddon/Addons.xcu"
517 title="link to Components/Addons/JobsAddon/Addons.xcu">Addons.xcu</a></td>
518 <td class="cell80">Contains the configuration entries
519 for the Jobs addon where different entries are configured.</td>
520 </tr>
521 </tbody>
522 </table>
523 </td>
524 </tr>
525 <tr>
526 <td>
527 <table class="table4">
528 <tbody>
529 <tr class="thead">
530 <td class="cell20">ProtocolHandler Addon Java</td>
531 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
532 </tr>
533 <tr>
534 <td class="cell20"><a
535 href="./Components/Addons/ProtocolHandlerAddon_java/ProtocolHandlerAddon.java"
536 title="link to Components/Addons/ProtocolHandlerAddon_java/ProtocolHandlerAddon.java">ProtocolHandlerAddon</a></td>
537 <td class="cell80">Implements a ProtocolHandler addon
538 component in Java.</td>
539 </tr>
540 <tr>
541 <td class="cell20"><a
542 href="./Components/Addons/ProtocolHandlerAddon_cpp/ProtocolHandler.xcu"
543 title="link to Components/Addons/ProtocolHandlerAddon_cpp/ProtocolHandler.xcu">ProtocolHandler.xcu</a></td>
544 <td class="cell80">Contains the ProtocolHandler
545 configuration.</td>
546 </tr>
547 <tr>
548 <td class="cell20"><a
549 href="./Components/Addons/ProtocolHandlerAddon_cpp/Addons.xcu"
550 title="link to Components/Addons/ProtocolHandlerAddon_cpp/Addons.xcu">Addons.xcu</a></td>
551 <td class="cell80">Contains the configuration entries
552 for the ProtocolHandler addon where different entries are configured.</td>
553 </tr>
554 </tbody>
555 </table>
556 </td>
557 </tr>
558 <tr>
559 <td>
560 <table class="table4">
561 <tbody>
562 <tr class="thead">
563 <td class="cell20">ProtocolHandler Addon C++</td>
564 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
565 </tr>
566 <tr>
567 <td class="cell20"><a
568 href="./Components/Addons/ProtocolHandlerAddon_cpp/addon.cxx"
569 title="link to Components/Addons/ProtocolHandlerAddon_cpp/addon.cxx">addon.cxx</a></td>
570 <td class="cell80">Implements a ProtocolHandler addon
571 component in C++.</td>
572 </tr>
573 <tr>
574 <td class="cell20"><a
575 href="./Components/Addons/ProtocolHandlerAddon_cpp/addon.hxx"
576 title="link to Components/Addons/ProtocolHandlerAddon_cpp/addon.hxx">addon.hxx</a></td>
577 <td class="cell80">Contains the class definition of
578 the c++ ProtocolHandler example.</td>
579 </tr>
580 <tr>
581 <td class="cell20"><a
582 href="./Components/Addons/ProtocolHandlerAddon_cpp/component.cxx"
583 title="link to Components/Addons/ProtocolHandlerAddon_cpp/component.cxx">component.cxx</a></td>
584 <td class="cell80">Implements the administrative
585 component functions (component_writeInfo, component_getFactory).</td>
586 </tr>
587 <tr>
588 <td class="cell20"><a
589 href="./Components/Addons/ProtocolHandlerAddon_cpp/ProtocolHandler.xcu"
590 title="link to Components/Addons/ProtocolHandlerAddon_cpp/ProtocolHandler.xcu">ProtocolHandler.xcu</a></td>
591 <td class="cell80">Contains the ProtocolHandler
592 configuration.</td>
593 </tr>
594 <tr>
595 <td class="cell20"><a
596 href="./Components/Addons/ProtocolHandlerAddon_cpp/Addons.xcu"
597 title="link to Components/Addons/ProtocolHandlerAddon_cpp/Addons.xcu">Addons.xcu</a></td>
598 <td class="cell80">Contains the configuration entries
599 for the ProtocolHandler addon where different entries are configured.</td>
600 </tr>
601 </tbody>
602 </table>
603 </td>
604 </tr>
605 <tr>
606 <td>
607 <table class="table4">
608 <tbody>
609 <tr class="thead">
610 <td class="cell20">Java Component Example</td>
611 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
612 </tr>
613 <tr>
614 <td class="cell20"><img src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
615 href="./Components/JavaComponent/TestJavaComponent.java"
616 title="link to Components/JavaComponent/TestJavaComponent.java">TestJavaComponent</a></td>
617 <td class="cell80">Demonstrates how to extend the
618 service provider with a new factory and instantiates the example
619 components.</td>
620 </tr>
621 <tr>
622 <td class="cell20"><a
623 href="./Components/JavaComponent/TestComponentA.java"
624 title="link to Components/JavaComponent/TestComponentA.java">TestComponentA</a></td>
625 <td class="cell80">Shows a simple demo component
626 which implements <a
627 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/lang/XTypeProvider.html"
628 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.lang.XTypeProvider"><code>XTypeProvider</code></a>,
630 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/lang/XServiceInfo.html"
631 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.lang.XServicedInfo">
632 <code>XServiceInfo</code></a> and an own interface <code>XSomethingA</code>.</td>
633 </tr>
634 <tr>
635 <td class="cell20"><a
636 href="./Components/JavaComponent/TestComponentB.java"
637 title="link to Components/JavaComponent/TestComponentB.java">TestComponentB</a></td>
638 <td class="cell80">Shows a simple demo component
639 which implements <a
640 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/lang/XTypeProvider.html"
641 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.lang.XTypeProvider">
642 <code>XTypeProvider</code></a>, <a
643 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/lang/XServiceInfo.html"
644 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.lang.XServiceInfo"><code>XServiceInfo</code></a>
645 and an own interface <code>XSomethingB</code>.</td>
646 </tr>
647 <tr>
648 <td class="cell20"><a
649 href="./Components/JavaComponent/TestServiceProvider.java"
650 title="link to Components/JavaComponent/TestServiceProvider.java">TestServiceProvider</a></td>
651 <td class="cell80">Implements a factory (service
652 provider) which can create the two test components.</td>
653 </tr>
654 </tbody>
655 </table>
656 </td>
657 </tr>
658 <tr>
659 <td>
660 <table class="table4">
661 <tbody>
662 <tr class="thead">
663 <td class="cell20">C++ Component Example</td>
664 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
665 </tr>
666 <tr>
667 <td class="cell20"><img src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
668 href="./Components/CppComponent/TestCppComponent.cxx"
669 title="link to Components/CppComponent/TestCppComponent.cxx">TestCppComponent.cxx</a></td>
670 <td class="cell80">Shows how to create new instances
671 of the demo services and calls some methods of the demo interface.</td>
672 </tr>
673 <tr>
674 <td class="cell20"><a
675 href="./Components/CppComponent/service1_impl.cxx"
676 title="link to Components/CppComponent/service1_impl.cxx">service1_impl.cxx</a></td>
677 <td class="cell80">Implements a simple UNO service
678 with an own interface in C++.</td>
679 </tr>
680 <tr>
681 <td class="cell20"><a
682 href="./Components/CppComponent/service2_impl.cxx"
683 title="link to Components/CppComponent/service2_impl.cxx">service2_impl.cxx</a></td>
684 <td class="cell80">Implements another simple UNO
685 service in C++.</td>
686 </tr>
687 </tbody>
688 </table>
689 </td>
690 </tr>
691 <tr>
692 <td>
693 <table class="table4">
694 <tbody>
695 <tr class="thead">
696 <td class="cell20">Thumbs Example</td>
697 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
698 </tr>
699 <tr>
700 <td class="cell20"><a
701 href="./Components/Thumbs/org/openoffice/comp/test/ImageShrink.java"
702 title="link to Components/Thumbs/org/openoffice/comp/test/ImageShrink.java">ImageShrink</a></td>
703 <td class="cell80">Contains a framework for a
704 component which scales images in a directory and stores them to another
705 directory. This code does not really do anything, it just contains the
706 framework.</td>
707 </tr>
708 <tr>
709 <td class="cell20"><a
710 href="./Components/Thumbs/org/openoffice/comp/test/Thumbs.java"
711 title="link to Components/Thumbs/org/openoffice/comp/test/Thumbs.java">Thumbs</a></td>
712 <td class="cell80">This example registers a factory
713 for the image shrink component and instantiates it.</td>
714 </tr>
715 </tbody>
716 </table>
717 </td>
718 </tr>
719 <tr>
720 <td>
721 <table class="table4">
722 <tbody>
723 <tr class="thead">
724 <td class="cell20">Dialog Component Example</td>
725 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
726 </tr>
727 <tr>
728 <td class="cell20"><img src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
729 href="./Components/DialogComponent/DialogComponent.java"
730 title="link to Components/DialogComponent/DialogComponent.java">DialogComponent.java</a></td>
731 <td class="cell80">Implements a component accessing a dialog created
732 with the StarOffice 8 Basic IDE. The component provides methods that
733 can be bound to dialog respectively control events .</td>
734 </tr>
735 <tr>
736 <td class="cell20"><a
737 href="./Components/DialogComponent/XTestDialogHandler.idl"
738 title="link to Components/DialogComponent/XTestDialogHandler.idl">XTestDialogHandler.idl</a></td>
739 <td class="cell80">Interface implementing a createDialog method showing the
740 dialog and some methods to be used as event handler for the dialog.
741 </td>
742 </tr>
743 <tr>
744 <td class="cell20"><a
745 href="./Components/DialogComponent/TestDialogHandler.idl"
746 title="link to Components/DialogComponent/TestDialogHandler.idl">TestDialogHandler.idl</a></td>
747 <td class="cell80">
748 Service definition for the component implementing
749 its own interface <code>XTestDialogHandler</code>.
750 </td>
751 </tr>
752 <tr>
753 <td class="cell20"><a
754 href="./Components/DialogComponent/DialogComponent.odt"
755 title="link to Components/DialogComponent/DialogComponent.odt">DialogComponent.odt</a></td>
756 <td class="cell80">Document containing Basic code to
757 instantiate the Dialog Components and a Dialog containing
758 controls with events bound to methods supported by the
759 Dialog Component.</td>
760 </tr>
761 </tbody>
762 </table>
763 </td>
764 </tr>
765 </tbody>
766 </table>
767 </td>
768 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
769 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
770 </tr>
771 <tr>
772 <td colspan="3"><img class="line"
773 src="../../docs/images/sdk_line-2.gif"></td>
774 </tr>
775 <tr>
776 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
777 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
778 <td>
779 <table class="table2">
780 <tbody>
781 <tr>
782 <td>
783 <table class="table3">
784 <tbody>
785 <tr>
786 <td colspan="2" class="head1"><a
787 name="OfficeDevelopment">Office Development examples</a></td>
788 <td align="right"> <a href="#examples"
789 title="link to the Developer's Guide examples overview"><img
790 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_up.png"></a> <a
791 href="../../index.html" title="link to the SDK start page"><img
792 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_home.png"></a> </td>
793 </tr>
794 </tbody>
795 </table>
796 </td>
797 </tr>
798 <tr>
799 <td>
800 <table class="table4">
801 <tbody>
802 <tr class="thead">
803 <td class="cell20">Ascii Filter Example</td>
804 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
805 </tr>
806 <tr>
807 <td class="cell20"><a
808 href="./OfficeDev/FilterDevelopment/AsciiFilter/AsciiReplaceFilter.java"
809 title="link to OfficeDev/FilterDevelopment/AsciiFilter/AsciiReplaceFilter.java">AsciiReplaceFilter</a></td>
810 <td class="cell80">Implements an example for an
811 import/export filter service.</td>
812 </tr>
813 <tr>
814 <td class="cell20"><a
815 href="./OfficeDev/FilterDevelopment/AsciiFilter/FilterOptions.java"
816 title="link to OfficeDev/FilterDevelopment/AsciiFilter/FilterOptions.java">FilterOptions</a></td>
817 <td class="cell80">Offers some helper methods to
818 analyze and prepare the arguments of the filter method.</td>
819 </tr>
820 <tr>
821 <td class="cell20"><a
822 href="./OfficeDev/FilterDevelopment/AsciiFilter/TypeDetection.xcu"
823 title="link to OfficeDev/FilterDevelopment/AsciiFilter/TypeDetection.xcu">TypeDetection.xcu</a></td>
824 <td class="cell80">Contains the necessary
825 configuration items for the AsciiReplaceFilter.</td>
826 </tr>
827 </tbody>
828 </table>
829 </td>
830 </tr>
831 <tr>
832 <td>
833 <table class="table4">
834 <tbody>
835 <tr class="thead">
836 <td class="cell20">FlatXmlFilter C++ Example</td>
837 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
838 </tr>
839 <tr>
840 <td class="cell20"><a
841 href="./OfficeDev/FilterDevelopment/FlatXmlFilter_cpp/FlatXml.cxx"
842 title="link to OfficeDev/FilterDevelopment/FlatXmlFilter_cpp/FlatXml.cxx">FlatXml.cxx</a></td>
843 <td class="cell80">Implements an import/export filter
844 storing the data in one xml stream instead of the normal three streams
845 in for example an .odt file. The example is implemented in C++.</td>
846 </tr>
847 <tr>
848 <td class="cell20"><a
849 href="./OfficeDev/FilterDevelopment/FlatXmlFilter_cpp/FlatXmlFilter_cpp.xcu"
850 title="link to OfficeDev/FilterDevelopment/FlatXmlFilter_cpp/FlatXmlFilter_cpp.xcu">FlatXmlFilter_cpp.xcu</a></td>
851 <td class="cell80">Contains the necessary
852 configuration items for the C++ flat xml filter.</td>
853 </tr>
854 </tbody>
855 </table>
856 </td>
857 </tr>
858 <tr>
859 <td>
860 <table class="table4">
861 <tbody>
862 <tr class="thead">
863 <td class="cell20">FlatXmlFilter Java Example</td>
864 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
865 </tr>
866 <tr>
867 <td class="cell20"><a
868 href="./OfficeDev/FilterDevelopment/FlatXmlFilter_java/FlatXml.java"
869 title="link to OfficeDev/FilterDevelopment/FlatXmlFilter_java/FlatXml.java">FlatXml</a></td>
870 <td class="cell80">Implements an import/export filter
871 storing the data in one xml stream instead of the normal three streams
872 in for example an .odt file. The example is implemented in Java.</td>
873 </tr>
874 <tr>
875 <td class="cell20"><a
876 href="./OfficeDev/FilterDevelopment/FlatXmlFilter_java/FlatXmlFilter_java.xcu"
877 title="link to OfficeDev/FilterDevelopment/FlatXmlFilter_java/FlatXmlFilter_java.xcu">FlatXmlFilter_java.xcu</a></td>
878 <td class="cell80">Contains the necessary
879 configuration items for the Java flat xml filter.</td>
880 </tr>
881 </tbody>
882 </table>
883 </td>
884 </tr>
885 <tr>
886 <td>
887 <table class="table4">
888 <tbody>
889 <tr class="thead">
890 <td class="cell20">FlatXml FilterDetection Example</td>
891 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
892 </tr>
893 <tr>
894 <td class="cell20"><a
895 href="./OfficeDev/FilterDevelopment/FlatXmlFilterDetection/filterdetect.cxx"
896 title="link to OfficeDev/FilterDevelopment/FlatXmlFilterDetection/filterdetect.cxx">filterdetect.cxx</a></td>
897 <td class="cell80">Implements an example filter
898 detection for the flat xml filter. The example is implemented in C++.</td>
899 </tr>
900 <tr>
901 <td class="cell20"><a
902 href="./OfficeDev/FilterDevelopment/FlatXmlFilterDetection/filterdetect.hxx"
903 title="link to OfficeDev/FilterDevelopment/FlatXmlFilterDetection/filterdetect.hxx">filterdetect.hxx</a></td>
904 <td class="cell80">Contains the class definition of
905 the filter detection example.</td>
906 </tr>
907 <tr>
908 <td class="cell20"><a
909 href="./OfficeDev/FilterDevelopment/FlatXmlFilterDetection/fdcomp.cxx"
910 title="link to OfficeDev/FilterDevelopment/FlatXmlFilterDetection/fdcomp.cxx">fdcomp.cxx</a></td>
911 <td class="cell80">Implements the administrative
912 component functions (component_writeInfo, component_getFactory).</td>
913 </tr>
914 <tr>
915 <td class="cell20"><a
916 href="./OfficeDev/FilterDevelopment/FlatXmlFilterDetection/FlatXmlTypeDetection.xcu"
917 title="link to OfficeDev/FilterDevelopment/FlatXmlFilterDetection/FlatXmlTypeDetection.xcu">FlatXmlTypeDetection.xcu</a></td>
918 <td class="cell80">Contains the necessary
919 configuration items for the C++ flat xml type detection.</td>
920 </tr>
921 </tbody>
922 </table>
923 </td>
924 </tr>
925 <tr>
926 <td>
927 <table class="table4">
928 <tbody>
929 <tr class="thead">
930 <td class="cell20">Desktop Environment Example</td>
931 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
932 </tr>
933 <tr>
934 <td class="cell20"><a
935 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/CustomizeView.java"
936 title="link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/CustomizeView.java">CustomizeView</a></td>
937 <td class="cell80">Offers a view which allows hiding
938 and showing of the menubar, toolbar and objectbar of the related
939 document component.</td>
940 </tr>
941 <tr>
942 <td class="cell20"><img
943 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
944 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/Desk.java"
945 title="link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/Desk.java">Desk</a></td>
946 <td class="cell80">This is the main part of a demo
947 application based on the framework APIs. It mainly shows the mechanisms
948 to load, store and convert documents, as well as dispatch and dispatch
949 interception. It integrates windows from StarOffice 8 via system
950 window handle. This is the same mechanism as used by the OOoBean, but
951 the OOoBean itself is not used here, just the JNI window handle access.</td>
952 </tr>
953 <tr>
954 <td class="cell20"><a
955 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/DocumentView.java"
956 title="link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/DocumentView.java">DocumentView</a></td>
957 <td class="cell80">Deals with the application window
958 and it's actions.</td>
959 </tr>
960 <tr>
961 <td class="cell20"><a
962 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/FunctionHelper.java"
963 title="link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/FunctionHelper.java">FunctionHelper</a></td>
964 <td class="cell80">This helper comprises all
965 StarOffice 8 API calls. Thus it is possible to learn about these
966 aspects separately from the rest of the application example.</td>
967 </tr>
968 <tr>
969 <td class="cell20"><a
970 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/IOnewayLink.java"
971 title="link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/IOnewayLink.java">IOnewayLink</a></td>
972 <td class="cell80">This is an interface to receive
973 asynchronous events from UNO oneway calls.</td>
974 </tr>
975 <tr>
976 <td class="cell20"><a
977 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/IShutdownListener.java"
978 title="link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/IShutdownListener.java">IShutdownListener</a></td>
979 <td class="cell80">This is a listener interface to
980 clean up on shutdown of StarOffice 8.</td>
981 </tr>
982 <tr>
983 <td class="cell20"><a
984 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/Interceptor.java"
985 title="link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/Interceptor.java">Interceptor</a></td>
986 <td class="cell80">This implements a dispatch
987 interceptor for a specific URL.</td>
988 </tr>
989 <tr>
990 <td class="cell20"><a
991 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/JavaWindowPeerFake.java"
992 title="link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/JavaWindowPeerFake.java">JavaWindowPeerFake</a></td>
993 <td class="cell80">Fakes an <a
994 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/awt/XWindowPeer.html"
995 title=" link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.awt.XWindowPeer"><code>XWindowPeer</code></a>
996 for the Java native window handle to create a child window for the
997 office frame.</td>
998 </tr>
999 <tr>
1000 <td class="cell20"><a
1001 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/NativeView.java"
1002 title="link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/NativeView.java">NativeView</a></td>
1003 <td class="cell80">Implements native JNI methods to
1004 get the window handle of the Java window.</td>
1005 </tr>
1006 <tr>
1007 <td class="cell20"><a
1008 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/OfficeConnect.java"
1009 title=" link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/OfficeConnect.java">OfficeConnect</a></td>
1010 <td class="cell80">Builds the remote bridge to
1011 StarOffice 8 and exports its UNO service manager for the Java side of
1012 the application.</td>
1013 </tr>
1014 <tr>
1015 <td class="cell20"><a
1016 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/OnewayExecutor.java"
1017 title="link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/OnewayExecutor.java">OnewayExecutor</a></td>
1018 <td class="cell80">Implements <code>IOnewayLink</code>
1019 to decouple asynchronous oneway calls in the Java process.</td>
1020 </tr>
1021 <tr>
1022 <td class="cell20"><a
1023 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/StatusListener.java"
1024 title="link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/StatusListener.java">StatusListener</a></td>
1025 <td class="cell80">Implements a listener for a <a
1026 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/frame/FeatureStateEvent.html"
1027 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.frame.FeatureStateEvent">
1028 <code>FeatureStateEvent</code></a>.</td>
1029 </tr>
1030 <tr>
1031 <td class="cell20"><a
1032 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/StatusView.java"
1033 title="link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/StatusView.java">StatusView</a></td>
1034 <td class="cell80">Shows the current status for which
1035 the application is registered as an event listener.</td>
1036 </tr>
1037 <tr>
1038 <td class="cell20"><a
1039 href="./OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/ViewContainer.java"
1040 title="link to OfficeDev/DesktopEnvironment/ViewContainer.java">ViewContainer</a></td>
1041 <td class="cell80">Performs a clean up on the Java
1042 side on StarOffice 8 shutdown.</td>
1043 </tr>
1044 </tbody>
1045 </table>
1046 </td>
1047 </tr>
1048 <tr>
1049 <td>
1050 <table class="table4">
1051 <tbody>
1052 <tr class="thead">
1053 <td class="cell20">Office Development Examples</td>
1054 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
1055 </tr>
1056 <tr>
1057 <td class="cell20"><a
1058 href="./OfficeDev/OfficeConnect.java"
1059 title="link to OfficeDev/OfficeConnect.java">OfficeConnect</a></td>
1060 <td class="cell80">Builds the remote bridge to
1061 StarOffice 8 and exports its UNO service manager to the Java side.</td>
1062 </tr>
1063 <tr>
1064 <td class="cell20"><img
1065 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
1066 href="./OfficeDev/ContextMenuInterceptor.java"
1067 title="link to OfficeDev/ContextMenuInterceptor.java">ContextMenuInterceptor</a></td>
1068 <td class="cell80">This example shows a context menu
1069 interceptor that creates a new menu entry that has a sub menu. This sub
1070 menu is in inserted into the context menu on the topmost position. It
1071 provides some helper functions to the user that are reachable through
1072 the menu Help.</td>
1073 </tr>
1074 <tr>
1075 <td class="cell20"><a
1076 href="./OfficeDev/MenuElement.java"
1077 title="link to OfficeDev/MenuElement.java">MenuElement</a></td>
1078 <td class="cell80">A helper class for the context
1079 menu interceptor example. It determines the menu element type.</td>
1080 </tr>
1081 <tr>
1082 <td class="cell20"><img
1083 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
1084 href="./OfficeDev/Number_Formats.java"
1085 title="link to OfficeDev/Number_Formats.java">Number_Formats</a></td>
1086 <td class="cell80">Demonstrates the use of number
1087 formats in a spreadsheet document.</td>
1088 </tr>
1089 </tbody>
1090 </table>
1091 </td>
1092 </tr>
1093 <tr>
1094 <td>
1095 <table class="table4">
1096 <tbody>
1097 <tr class="thead">
1098 <td class="cell20">Termination Test Example</td>
1099 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
1100 </tr>
1101 <tr>
1102 <td class="cell20"><img
1103 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
1104 href="./OfficeDev/TerminationTest/TerminationTest.java"
1105 title="link to OfficeDev/TerminationTest/TerminationTest.java">TerminationTest</a></td>
1106 <td class="cell80">This example uses the
1107 TerminateListener and shows the use of them in a running program.</td>
1108 </tr>
1109 <tr>
1110 <td class="cell20"><a
1111 href="./OfficeDev/TerminationTest/TerminateListener.java"
1112 title="link to OfficeDev/TerminationTest/TerminateListener.java">TerminateListener</a></td>
1113 <td class="cell80">An example implementation of <a
1114 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/frame/XTerminateListener.html"
1115 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.frame.XTerminationListener">
1116 <code>XTerminateListener</code></a>. It is called
1117 when StarOffice 8 terminates.</td>
1118 </tr>
1119 </tbody>
1120 </table>
1121 </td>
1122 </tr>
1123 <tr>
1124 <td>
1125 <table class="table4">
1126 <tbody>
1127 <tr class="thead">
1128 <td class="cell20">Clipboard Example</td>
1129 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
1130 </tr>
1131 <tr>
1132 <td class="cell20"><img
1133 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
1134 href="./OfficeDev/Clipboard/Clipboard.java"
1135 title="link to OfficeDev/Clipboard/Clipboard.java">Clipboard</a></td>
1136 <td class="cell80">Demonstrates the usage of the
1137 clipboard service by registering a clipboard listener, getting a list
1138 of formats from the current clipboard content and copying some data to
1139 the clipboard.</td>
1140 </tr>
1141 <tr>
1142 <td class="cell20"><a
1143 href="./OfficeDev/Clipboard/ClipboardListener.java"
1144 title="link to OfficeDev/Clipboard/ClipboardListener.java">ClipboardListener</a></td>
1145 <td class="cell80">Implements a clipboard listener
1146 for the Clipboard example. In such a class, actions can be implemented
1147 which happen whenever the clipboard content changes.</td>
1148 </tr>
1149 <tr>
1150 <td class="cell20"><a
1151 href="./OfficeDev/Clipboard/ClipboardOwner.java"
1152 title="link to OfficeDev/Clipboard/ClipboardOwner.java">ClipboardOwner</a></td>
1153 <td class="cell80">Implements a clipboard owner for
1154 the Clipboard example. This class is notified when it loses ownership
1155 of the clipboard.</td>
1156 </tr>
1157 <tr>
1158 <td class="cell20"><a
1159 href="./OfficeDev/Clipboard/TextTransferable.java"
1160 title="link to OfficeDev/Clipboard/TextTransferable.java">TextTransferable</a></td>
1161 <td class="cell80">Implements a data object for the
1162 Clipboard example. Such classes supply clients with data in a variety
1163 of formats.</td>
1164 </tr>
1165 </tbody>
1166 </table>
1167 </td>
1168 </tr>
1169 <tr>
1170 <td>
1171 <table class="table4">
1172 <tbody>
1173 <tr class="thead">
1174 <td class="cell20">Linguistic Example</td>
1175 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
1176 </tr>
1177 <tr>
1178 <td class="cell20"><img
1179 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
1180 href="./OfficeDev/Linguistic/LinguisticExamples.java"
1181 title="link to OfficeDev/Linguistic/LinguisticExamples.java">LinguisticExamples</a></td>
1182 <td class="cell80">A short example that uses most of
1183 the functionality from the StarOffice 8 linguistic API.</td>
1184 </tr>
1185 <tr>
1186 <td class="cell20"><a
1187 href="./OfficeDev/Linguistic/OneInstanceFactory.java"
1188 title="link to OfficeDev/Linguistic/OneInstanceFactory.java">OneInstanceFactory</a></td>
1189 <td class="cell80">This class is used to provide a
1190 service factory for the linguistic services. It enforces that the
1191 actual implementations are only instantiated once.</td>
1192 </tr>
1193 <tr>
1194 <td class="cell20"><a
1195 href="./OfficeDev/Linguistic/PropChgHelper.java"
1196 title="link to OfficeDev/Linguistic/PropChgHelper.java">PropChgHelper</a></td>
1197 <td class="cell80">The base class for several
1198 property change helpers which are used to keep track of the changes of
1199 the service relevant linguistic properties. It is also used by the
1200 thesaurus directly.</td>
1201 </tr>
1202 <tr>
1203 <td class="cell20"><a
1204 href="./OfficeDev/Linguistic/PropChgHelper_Hyph.java"
1205 title="link to OfficeDev/Linguistic/PropChgHelper_Hyph.java">PropChgHelper_Hyph</a></td>
1206 <td class="cell80">The property change helper that is
1207 tracking the hyphenation relevant properties.</td>
1208 </tr>
1209 <tr>
1210 </tr>
1211 <tr>
1212 <td class="cell20"><a
1213 href="./OfficeDev/Linguistic/PropChgHelper_Spell.java"
1214 title="link to OfficeDev/Linguistic/PropChgHelper_Spell.java">PropChgHelper_Spell</a></td>
1215 <td class="cell80">The property change helper that is
1216 tracking the spell checking relevant properties.</td>
1217 </tr>
1218 <tr>
1219 </tr>
1220 <tr>
1221 <td class="cell20"><a
1222 href="./OfficeDev/Linguistic/SampleHyphenator.java"
1223 title="link to OfficeDev/Linguistic/SampleHyphenator.java">SampleHyphenator</a></td>
1224 <td class="cell80">A simple implementation for a <a
1225 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/linguistic2/Hyphenator.html"
1226 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.linguistic2.Hypenator"><code>Hyphenator</code></a>
1227 service.</td>
1228 </tr>
1229 <tr>
1230 </tr>
1231 <tr>
1232 <td class="cell20"><a
1233 href="./OfficeDev/Linguistic/SampleSpellChecker.java"
1234 title="link to OfficeDev/Linguistic/SampleSpellChecker.java">SampleSpellChecker</a></td>
1235 <td class="cell80">A simple implementation for a <a
1236 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/linguistic2/SpellChecker.html"
1237 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.linguistic2.SpellChecker"><code>SpellChecker</code></a>
1238 service.</td>
1239 </tr>
1240 <tr>
1241 </tr>
1242 <tr>
1243 <td class="cell20"><a
1244 href="./OfficeDev/Linguistic/SampleThesaurus.java"
1245 title="link to OfficeDev/Linguistic/SampleThesaurus.java">SampleThesaurus</a></td>
1246 <td class="cell80">A simple implementation for a <a
1247 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/linguistic2/Thesaurus.html"
1248 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.linguistic2.Thesaurus"><code>Thesaurus</code></a>
1249 service.</td>
1250 </tr>
1251 <tr>
1252 </tr>
1253 <tr>
1254 <td class="cell20"><a
1255 href="./OfficeDev/Linguistic/XHyphenatedWord_impl.java"
1256 title="link to OfficeDev/Linguistic/XHyphenatedWord_impl.java">XHyphenatedWord_impl</a></td>
1257 <td class="cell80">An object implementing the <a
1258 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/linguistic2/XHyphenatedWord.html"
1259 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.linguistic2/XHyphenatedWord"><code>XHyphenatedWord</code></a>
1260 interface. An instance of this type may be returned by the hyphenator.</td>
1261 </tr>
1262 <tr>
1263 </tr>
1264 <tr>
1265 <td class="cell20"><a
1266 href="./OfficeDev/Linguistic/XMeaning_impl.java"
1267 title="link to OfficeDev/Linguistic/XMeaning_impl.java">XMeaning_impl</a></td>
1268 <td class="cell80">An object implementing the <a
1269 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/linguistic2/XMeaning.html"
1270 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.linguistic2.XMeaning"><code>XMeaning</code></a>
1271 interface. An instance of this type may be returned by the thesaurus.</td>
1272 </tr>
1273 <tr>
1274 </tr>
1275 <tr>
1276 <td class="cell20"><a
1277 href="./OfficeDev/Linguistic/XPossibleHyphens_impl.java"
1278 title="link to OfficeDev/Linguistic/XPossibleHyphens_impl.java">XPossibleHyphens_impl</a></td>
1279 <td class="cell80">An object implementing the <a
1280 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/linguistic2/XPossibleHyphens.html"
1281 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.linguistic2.XPossibleHyphens">
1282 <code>XPossibleHyphens</code></a> interface. An
1283 instance of this type may be returned by the hyphenator.</td>
1284 </tr>
1285 <tr>
1286 </tr>
1287 <tr>
1288 <td class="cell20"><a
1289 href="./OfficeDev/Linguistic/XSpellAlternatives_impl.java"
1290 title="link to OfficeDev/Linguistic/XSpellAlternatives_impl.java">XSpellAlternatives_impl</a></td>
1291 <td class="cell80">An object implementing the <a
1292 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/linguistic2/XSpellAlternatives.html"
1293 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.linguistic2.XSpellAlternatives">
1294 <code>XSpellAlternatives</code></a> interface. An
1295 instance of this type may be returned by the spell checker.</td>
1296 </tr>
1297 <tr>
1298 </tr>
1299 </tbody>
1300 </table>
1301 </td>
1302 </tr>
1303 <tr>
1304 <td>
1305 <table class="table4">
1306 <tbody>
1307 <tr class="thead">
1308 <td class="cell20">Path Settings Example</td>
1309 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
1310 </tr>
1311 <tr>
1312 <td class="cell20"><a
1313 href="./OfficeDev/PathSettings/PathSettingsTest.java"
1314 title="link to OfficeDev/PathSettings/PathSettingsTest.java">PathsettingsTest</a></td>
1315 <td class="cell80">This code example creates the
1316 service <a
1317 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/util/PathSettings.html"
1318 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.util.PathSettingst">
1319 <code>com.sun.star.util.PathSettings</code></a> and
1320 retrieves all path properties from it. It shows how a developer can
1321 change the path properties using the <a
1322 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.html"
1323 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.beans.XPropertySet"><code>XPropertySet</code></a>
1324 interface.</td>
1325 </tr>
1326 </tbody>
1327 </table>
1328 </td>
1329 </tr>
1330 <tr>
1331 <td>
1332 <table class="table4">
1333 <tbody>
1334 <tr class="thead">
1335 <td class="cell20">Path Substitution Example</td>
1336 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
1337 </tr>
1338 <tr>
1339 <td class="cell20"><a
1340 href="./OfficeDev/PathSubstitution/PathSubstitutionTest.java"
1341 title="link to OfficeDev/PathSubstitution/PathSubstitutionTest.java">PathSubstitutionTest</a></td>
1342 <td class="cell80">This code example creates the path
1343 substitution service <a
1344 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/util/PathSubstitution.html"
1345 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.util.PathSubstitution">
1346 <code>com.sun.star.util.PathSubstitution</code></a>
1347 and retrieves the pre-defined Office path variables. It shows the
1348 variable values on the screen. The reSubstiuteVariables function is
1349 used to show how the service exchanges parts of a path with a path
1350 variable supporting platform independent path usage.</td>
1351 </tr>
1352 </tbody>
1353 </table>
1354 </td>
1355 </tr>
1356 <tr>
1357 <td>
1358 <table class="table4">
1359 <tbody>
1360 <tr class="thead">
1361 <td class="cell20">Disable Commands Example</td>
1362 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
1363 </tr>
1364 <tr>
1365 <td class="cell20"><a
1366 href="./OfficeDev/DisableCommands/DisableCommandsTest.java"
1367 title="link to OfficeDev/DisableCommands/DisableCommandsTest.java">DisableCommandsTest</a></td>
1368 <td class="cell80">Implements an example showing how
1369 a developer can use the configuration API to disable/enable commands at
1370 runtime.</td>
1371 </tr>
1372 </tbody>
1373 </table>
1374 </td>
1375 </tr>
1376 </tbody>
1377 </table>
1378 </td>
1379 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
1380 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
1381 </tr>
1382 <tr>
1383 <td colspan="3"><img class="line"
1384 src="../../docs/images/sdk_line-2.gif"></td>
1385 </tr>
1386 <tr>
1387 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
1388 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
1389 <td>
1390 <table class="table2">
1391 <tbody>
1392 <tr>
1393 <td>
1394 <table class="table3">
1395 <tbody>
1396 <tr>
1397 <td colspan="2" class="head1"><a name="Text">Text
1398 Documents examples</a></td>
1399 <td align="right"> <a href="#examples"
1400 title="link to the Developer's Guide examples overview"><img
1401 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_up.png"></a> <a
1402 href="../../index.html" title="link to the SDK start page"><img
1403 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_home.png"></a> </td>
1404 </tr>
1405 </tbody>
1406 </table>
1407 </td>
1408 </tr>
1409 <tr>
1410 <td>
1411 <table class="table4">
1412 <tbody>
1413 <tr class="thead">
1414 <td class="cell20"> Example</td>
1415 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
1416 </tr>
1417 <tr>
1418 <td class="cell20"><img
1419 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
1420 href="./Text/TextDocuments.java"
1421 title="link to Text/TextDocuments.java">TextDocuments</a></td>
1422 <td class="cell80">
1423 <p>Demonstrates a wide variety of API functions in
1424 text documents and text document views.</p>
1425 <ul>
1426 <li>use of templates</li>
1427 <li>using the view cursor, including visible text
1428 selections</li>
1429 <li>changing the paragraph style</li>
1430 <li>using various editing facilities like text
1431 insertion</li>
1432 <li>using various cursor interfaces</li>
1433 <li>creating text contents, like tables, sections
1434 and frames, well as text fields and columns</li>
1435 <li>using stylesheets</li>
1436 <li>applying numbering styles</li>
1437 <li>using references, indexes, footnotes and
1438 autotext</li>
1439 <li>loading, storing and printing a text document</li>
1440 </ul>
1441 <p>Adjust the strings at the beginning of the class
1442 definition to match your installation!</p>
1443 </td>
1444 </tr>
1445 </tbody>
1446 </table>
1447 </td>
1448 </tr>
1449 </tbody>
1450 </table>
1451 </td>
1452 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
1453 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
1454 </tr>
1455 <tr>
1456 <td colspan="3"><img class="line"
1457 src="../../docs/images/sdk_line-2.gif"></td>
1458 </tr>
1459 <tr>
1460 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
1461 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
1462 <td>
1463 <table class="table2">
1464 <tbody>
1465 <tr>
1466 <td>
1467 <table class="table3">
1468 <tbody>
1469 <tr>
1470 <td colspan="2" class="head1"><a name="Spreadsheet">Spreadsheet
1471 Documents examples</a></td>
1472 <td align="right"> <a href="#examples"
1473 title="link to the Developer's Guide examples overview"><img
1474 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_up.png"></a> <a
1475 href="../../index.html" title="link to the SDK start page"><img
1476 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_home.png"></a> </td>
1477 </tr>
1478 </tbody>
1479 </table>
1480 </td>
1481 </tr>
1482 <tr>
1483 <td>
1484 <table class="table4">
1485 <tbody>
1486 <tr class="thead">
1487 <td class="cell20"> Example</td>
1488 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
1489 </tr>
1490 <tr>
1491 <td class="cell20"><a
1492 href="./Spreadsheet/ExampleAddIn.java"
1493 title="link to Spreadsheet/ExampleAddIn.java">ExampleAddIn</a></td>
1494 <td class="cell80">Implements a simple add-in
1495 component for spreadsheet documents. This component needs to be
1496 deployed before it can be used.</td>
1497 </tr>
1498 <tr>
1499 <td class="cell20"><a
1500 href="./Spreadsheet/ExampleDataPilotSource.java"
1501 title="link to Spreadsheet/ExampleDataPilotSource.java">ExampleDataPilotSource</a></td>
1502 <td class="cell80">Shows usage of a wide variety of
1503 spreadsheet interfaces like <a
1504 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/sheet/XCellRangeData.html"
1505 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.sheet.XCellRangeData">
1506 <code>XCellRangeData</code></a>, <a
1507 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/sheet/XCellSeries.html"
1508 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.sheet.XCellSeries"><code>XCellSeries</code></a>,
1510 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/sheet/XArrayFormulaRange.html"
1511 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.sheet.XArrayFormularRange"><code>XArrayFormulaRange</code></a>
1512 and <a
1513 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/sheet/XMultipleOperation.html"
1514 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.sheet.XMultipleOperation"><code>XMultipleOperations</code></a>
1515 as well as named ranges, label ranges and data pilot.</td>
1516 </tr>
1517 <tr>
1518 <td class="cell20"><img
1519 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
1520 href="./Spreadsheet/GeneralTableSample.java"
1521 title="link to Spreadsheet/GeneralTableSample.java">GeneralTableSample</a></td>
1522 <td class="cell80">Executes some examples working on
1523 generic tables.</td>
1524 </tr>
1525 <tr>
1526 <td class="cell20"><a
1527 href="./Spreadsheet/SpreadsheetDocHelper.java"
1528 title="link to Spreadsheet/SpreadsheetDocHelper.java">SpreadsheetDocHelper</a></td>
1529 <td class="cell80">Defines a helper class for the
1530 other examples to access spreadsheet documents, sheets and cells.</td>
1531 </tr>
1532 <tr>
1533 <td class="cell20"><img
1534 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
1535 href="./Spreadsheet/SpreadsheetSample.java"
1536 title="link to Spreadsheet/SpreadsheetSample.java">SpreadsheetSample</a></td>
1537 <td class="cell80">Executes some examples working on
1538 a spreadsheet document.</td>
1539 </tr>
1540 <tr>
1541 <td class="cell20"><img
1542 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
1543 href="./Spreadsheet/ViewSample.java"
1544 title="link to Spreadsheet/ViewSample.java">ViewSample</a></td>
1545 <td class="cell80">Shows how to manipulate view
1546 settings like splitting sheeting sheets and selecting cells.</td>
1547 </tr>
1548 </tbody>
1549 </table>
1550 </td>
1551 </tr>
1552 </tbody>
1553 </table>
1554 </td>
1555 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
1556 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
1557 </tr>
1558 <tr>
1559 <td colspan="3"><img class="line"
1560 src="../../docs/images/sdk_line-2.gif"></td>
1561 </tr>
1562 <tr>
1563 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
1564 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
1565 <td>
1566 <table class="table2">
1567 <tbody>
1568 <tr>
1569 <td>
1570 <table class="table3">
1571 <tbody>
1572 <tr>
1573 <td colspan="2" class="head1"><a name="Drawing">Drawing
1574 and Presentation Documents examples</a></td>
1575 <td align="right"> <a href="#examples"
1576 title="link to the Developer's Guide examples overview"><img
1577 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_up.png"></a> <a
1578 href="../../index.html" title="link to the SDK start page"><img
1579 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_home.png"></a> </td>
1580 </tr>
1581 </tbody>
1582 </table>
1583 </td>
1584 </tr>
1585 <tr>
1586 <td>
1587 <table class="table4">
1588 <tbody>
1589 <tr class="thead">
1590 <td class="cell20"> Example</td>
1591 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
1592 </tr>
1593 <tr>
1594 <td class="cell20"><img
1595 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
1596 href="./Drawing/ChangeOrderDemo.java"
1597 title="link to Drawing/ChangeOrderDemo.java">ChangeOrderDemo</a></td>
1598 <td class="cell80">Shows how to change the painting
1599 order of shapes.</td>
1600 </tr>
1601 <tr>
1602 <td class="cell20"><img
1603 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
1604 href="./Drawing/ControlAndSelectDemo.java"
1605 title="link to Drawing/ControlAndSelectDemo.java">ControlAndSelectDemo</a></td>
1606 <td class="cell80">Demonstrates the creation of a
1607 control shape and selects it in the current view.</td>
1608 </tr>
1609 <tr>
1610 <td class="cell20"><img
1611 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
1612 href="./Drawing/CustomShowDemo.java"
1613 title="link to Drawing/CustomShowDemo.java">CustomShowDemo</a></td>
1614 <td class="cell80">Creates two custom shows and
1615 selects one of these.</td>
1616 </tr>
1617 <tr>
1618 <td class="cell20"><img
1619 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
1620 href="./Drawing/DrawViewDemo.java"
1621 title="link to Drawing/DrawViewDemo.java">DrawViewDemo</a></td>
1622 <td class="cell80">Prints the view data properties
1623 and the controller properties of a drawing view and shows an example of
1624 setting such a property.</td>
1625 </tr>
1626 <tr>
1627 <td class="cell20"><img
1628 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
1629 href="./Drawing/DrawingDemo.java"
1630 title="link to Drawing/DrawingDemo.java">DrawingDemo</a></td>
1631 <td class="cell80">Creates several shapes on several
1632 slides. Nice pattern included!</td>
1633 </tr>
1634 <tr>
1635 <td class="cell20"><img
1636 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
1637 href="./Drawing/FillAndLineStyleDemo.java"
1638 title="link to Drawing/FillAndLineStyleDemo.java">FillAndLineStyleDemo</a></td>
1639 <td class="cell80">Demonstrates usage of area fill
1640 and line style properties.</td>
1641 </tr>
1642 <tr>
1643 <td class="cell20"><img
1644 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
1645 href="./Drawing/GluePointDemo.java"
1646 title="link to Drawing/GluePointDemo.java">GluePointDemo</a></td>
1647 <td class="cell80">Creates two shapes with glue
1648 points and connects them with two connectors.</td>
1649 </tr>
1650 <tr>
1651 <td class="cell20"><img
1652 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
1653 href="./Drawing/GraphicExportDemo.java"
1654 title="link to Drawing/GraphicExportDemo.java">GraphicExportDemo</a></td>
1655 <td class="cell80">Loads a drawing document and
1656 exports it to a GIF file. Run this program with source URL, target URL
1657 and page index on the command line, where the URLs are fully qualified
1658 URLs.</td>
1659 </tr>
1660 <tr>
1661 <td class="cell20"><a href="./Drawing/Helper.java"
1662 title="link to Drawing/Helper.java">Helper</a></td>
1663 <td class="cell80">Contains a helper class for the
1664 other examples to connect to StarOffice 8 and open or create a drawing
1665 document.</td>
1666 </tr>
1667 <tr>
1668 <td class="cell20"><img
1669 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
1670 href="./Drawing/LayerDemo.java" title="link to Drawing/LayerDemo.java">LayerDemo</a></td>
1671 <td class="cell80">Creates shapes in different layers
1672 to show how to protect shapes from modifications.</td>
1673 </tr>
1674 <tr>
1675 <td class="cell20"><img
1676 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
1677 href="./Drawing/ObjectTransformationDemo.java"
1678 title="link to Drawing/ObjectTransformationDemo.java">ObjectTransformationDemo</a></td>
1679 <td class="cell80">Shows geometric transformations on
1680 a shape using a homogenous matrix.</td>
1681 </tr>
1682 <tr>
1683 <td class="cell20"><img
1684 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
1685 href="./Drawing/Organigram.java"
1686 title="link to Drawing/Organigram.java">Organigram</a></td>
1687 <td class="cell80">Demonstrates the creation of an
1688 organigram consisting of shapes and connectors.</td>
1689 </tr>
1690 <tr>
1691 <td class="cell20"><a href="./Drawing/PageHelper.java"
1692 title="link to Drawing/PageHelper.java">PageHelper</a></td>
1693 <td class="cell80">Contains a helper class for
1694 accessing several kinds of draw pages in a presentation or drawing
1695 document.</td>
1696 </tr>
1697 <tr>
1698 <td class="cell20"><img
1699 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
1700 href="./Drawing/PresentationDemo.java"
1701 title="link to Drawing/PresentationDemo.java">PresentationDemo</a></td>
1702 <td class="cell80">Creates a presentation and runs it
1703 with some user interaction.</td>
1704 </tr>
1705 <tr>
1706 <td class="cell20"><a
1707 href="./Drawing/ShapeHelper.java"
1708 title="link to Drawing/ShapeHelper.java">ShapeHelper</a></td>
1709 <td class="cell80">Contains a helper class for
1710 accessing and creating shapes for the other examples.</td>
1711 </tr>
1712 <tr>
1713 <td class="cell20"><img
1714 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
1715 href="./Drawing/StyleDemo.java" title="link to Drawing/StyleDemo.java">StyleDemo</a></td>
1716 <td class="cell80">Creates a shape and applies a
1717 predefined shape stylesheet.</td>
1718 </tr>
1719 <tr>
1720 <td class="cell20"><img
1721 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a href="./Drawing/TextDemo.java"
1722 title="link to Drawing/TextDemo.java">TextDemo</a></td>
1723 <td class="cell80">Demonstrates usage of text and
1724 text styles in shapes.</td>
1725 </tr>
1726 </tbody>
1727 </table>
1728 </td>
1729 </tr>
1730 </tbody>
1731 </table>
1732 </td>
1733 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
1734 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
1735 </tr>
1736 <tr>
1737 <td colspan="3"><img class="line"
1738 src="../../docs/images/sdk_line-2.gif"></td>
1739 </tr>
1740 <tr>
1741 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
1742 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
1743 <td>
1744 <table class="table2">
1745 <tbody>
1746 <tr>
1747 <td>
1748 <table class="table3">
1749 <tbody>
1750 <tr>
1751 <td colspan="2" class="head1"><a name="Charts">Charts
1752 examples</a></td>
1753 <td align="right"> <a href="#examples"
1754 title="link to the Developer's Guide examples overview"><img
1755 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_up.png"></a> <a
1756 href="../../index.html" title="link to the SDK start page"><img
1757 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_home.png"></a> </td>
1758 </tr>
1759 </tbody>
1760 </table>
1761 </td>
1762 </tr>
1763 <tr>
1764 <td>
1765 <table class="table4">
1766 <tbody>
1767 <tr class="thead">
1768 <td class="cell20"> Example</td>
1769 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
1770 </tr>
1771 <tr>
1772 <td class="cell20"><a href="./Charts/CalcHelper.java"
1773 title="link to Charts/CalcHelper.java">CalcHelper</a></td>
1774 <td class="cell80">Contains some helper methods for
1775 charts in spreadsheet documents, like accessing sheets by name,
1776 inserting a chart into a sheet, filling cell ranges with random numbers
1777 etc.</td>
1778 </tr>
1779 <tr>
1780 <td class="cell20"><a href="./Charts/ChartHelper.java"
1781 title="link to Charts/ChartHelper.java">ChartHelper</a></td>
1782 <td class="cell80">Contains some helper methods for
1783 charts, like creating a chart as an embedded object.</td>
1784 </tr>
1785 <tr>
1786 <td class="cell20"><img
1787 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
1788 href="./Charts/ChartInCalc.java"
1789 title="link to Charts/ChartInCalc.java">ChartInCalc</a></td>
1790 <td class="cell80">Demonstrates how to create an
1791 embedded chart object with a random scatter chart within a spreadsheet.</td>
1792 </tr>
1793 <tr>
1794 <td class="cell20"><img
1795 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
1796 href="./Charts/ChartInDraw.java"
1797 title="link to Charts/ChartInDraw.java">ChartInDraw</a></td>
1798 <td class="cell80">Inserts a 3D-bar chart into a
1799 drawing document.</td>
1800 </tr>
1801 <tr>
1802 <td class="cell20"><img
1803 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
1804 href="./Charts/ChartInWriter.java"
1805 title="link to Charts/ChartInWriter.java">ChartInWriter</a></td>
1806 <td class="cell80">Inserts an embedded chart object
1807 with a random bar chart in a text document. This example does not
1808 really work, because the API for embedding objects into text documents
1809 is not implemented. To be more precise.</td>
1810 </tr>
1811 <tr>
1812 <td class="cell20"><a href="./Charts/Helper.java"
1813 title="link to Charts/Helper.java">Helper</a></td>
1814 <td class="cell80">Shows how to connect to
1815 StarOffice 8 and create text, drawing or spreadsheet document. This
1816 class is used as a helper class for the other examples.</td>
1817 </tr>
1818 <tr>
1819 <td class="cell20"><a
1820 href="./Charts/JavaSampleChartAddIn.java"
1821 title="link to Charts/JavaSampleChartAddIn.java">JavaSampleChartAddIn</a></td>
1822 <td class="cell80">Gives an example of how to
1823 implement chart add-ins to create new or specialized diagram types. The
1824 resulting component has to be deployed before it can be used.</td>
1825 </tr>
1826 <tr>
1827 <td class="cell20"><img
1828 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
1829 href="./Charts/ListenAtCalcRangeInDraw.java"
1830 title="link to Charts/ListenAtCalcRangeInDraw.java">ListenAtCalcRangeInDraw</a></td>
1831 <td class="cell80">This helper class is used to build
1832 connection between an embedded chart object in a drawing document and a
1833 data range in a spreadsheet document.</td>
1834 </tr>
1835 <tr>
1836 <td class="cell20"><img
1837 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
1838 href="./Charts/SelectionChangeListener.java"
1839 title="link to Charts/SelectionChangeListener.java">SelectionChangeListener</a></td>
1840 <td class="cell80">Shows how to register a handler
1841 which is called when the selection within an embedded chart object
1842 changes.</td>
1843 </tr>
1844 </tbody>
1845 </table>
1846 </td>
1847 </tr>
1848 </tbody>
1849 </table>
1850 </td>
1851 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
1852 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
1853 </tr>
1854 <tr>
1855 <td colspan="3"><img class="line"
1856 src="../../docs/images/sdk_line-2.gif"></td>
1857 </tr>
1858 <tr>
1859 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
1860 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
1861 <td>
1862 <table class="table2">
1863 <tbody>
1864 <tr>
1865 <td>
1866 <table class="table3">
1867 <tbody>
1868 <tr>
1869 <td colspan="2" class="head1"><a
1870 name="BasicandDialogs">StarOffice 8 Basic and Dialogs examples</a></td>
1871 <td align="right"> <a href="#examples"
1872 title="link to the Developer's Guide examples overview"><img
1873 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_up.png"></a> <a
1874 href="../../index.html" title="link to the SDK start page"><img
1875 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_home.png"></a> </td>
1876 </tr>
1877 </tbody>
1878 </table>
1879 </td>
1880 </tr>
1881 <tr>
1882 <td>
1883 <table class="table4">
1884 <tbody>
1885 <tr class="thead">
1886 <td class="cell20">Example</td>
1887 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
1888 </tr>
1889 <tr>
1890 <td class="cell20"><a
1891 href="./BasicAndDialogs/FirstStepsBasic.odt"
1892 title="link to BasicAndDialogs/FirstStepsBasic.odt">FirstStepsBasic.odt</a></td>
1893 <td class="cell80">This StarBasc example shows how to
1894 create an own dialog which inserts a graphics object into a text
1895 document.</td>
1896 </tr>
1897 <tr>
1898 <td class="cell20"><a
1899 href="./BasicAndDialogs/CreatingDialogs/SampleDialog.java"
1900 title="link to BasicAndDialogs/CreatingDialogs/SampleDialog.java">SampleDialog</a></td>
1901 <td class="cell80">This example builds a Java
1902 component which creates a simple dialog.</td>
1903 </tr>
1904 <tr>
1905 <td class="cell20"><a
1906 href="./BasicAndDialogs/CreatingDialogs/CreatingDialogs.odt"
1907 title="link to BasicAndDialogs/CreatingDialogs/CreatingDialogs.odt">CreatingDialogs.odt</a></td>
1908 <td class="cell80">This document contains a simple
1909 Basic macro which loads the SampleDialog component. The macro will be
1910 executed by pressing a Push button.</td>
1911 </tr>
1912 <tr>
1913 <td class="cell20"><a
1914 href="./BasicAndDialogs/ToolkitControls/ToolkitControls"
1915 title="link to BasicAndDialogs/ToolkitControls">ToolkitControls</a></td>
1916 <td class="cell80">In this directory you find a Basic
1917 library which implements several examples using toolkit controls. You
1918 can easy pack this Basic library as a UNO package and can install it
1919 using the package manager (see the makefile output).<br>
1920 After the installation you will find a new library "ToolkitControls" in
1921 the Basic IDE containing 4 modules and the necessary dialogs.<br>
1922 <p>Select one of the following modules and press the
1923 Run button: </p>
1924 <ul>
1925 <li>FileDialog = simple dialog which ask for a
1926 filename (nothing else) </li>
1927 <li>MultiPage = a more complex dialog with several
1928 tab pages </li>
1929 <li>ProgressBar = a dialog which shows a progress
1930 bar </li>
1931 <li>ScrollBar = a dialog which shows a scroll bar </li>
1932 </ul>
1933 </td>
1934 </tr>
1935 </tbody>
1936 </table>
1937 </td>
1938 </tr>
1939 </tbody>
1940 </table>
1941 </td>
1942 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
1943 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
1944 </tr>
1945 <tr>
1946 <td colspan="3"><img class="line"
1947 src="../../docs/images/sdk_line-2.gif"></td>
1948 </tr>
1949 <tr>
1950 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
1951 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
1952 <td>
1953 <table class="table2">
1954 <tbody>
1955 <tr>
1956 <td>
1957 <table class="table3">
1958 <tbody>
1959 <tr>
1960 <td colspan="2" class="head1"><a name="Database">Database
1961 Access examples</a></td>
1962 <td align="right"> <a href="#examples"
1963 title="link to the Developer's Guide examples overview"><img
1964 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_up.png"></a> <a
1965 href="../../index.html" title="link to the SDK start page"><img
1966 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_home.png"></a> </td>
1967 </tr>
1968 <tr>
1969 <td colspan="3"> The Database examples use a SQL
1970 database named "MYDB0" with write access. Make sure that you have a
1971 data source operating on such a database in your office before you run
1972 the example. </td>
1973 </tr>
1974 </tbody>
1975 </table>
1976 </td>
1977 </tr>
1978 <tr>
1979 <td>
1980 <table class="table4">
1981 <tbody>
1982 <tr class="thead">
1983 <td class="cell20">Database Examples</td>
1984 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
1985 </tr>
1986 <tr>
1987 <td class="cell20"><img
1988 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
1989 href="./Database/CodeSamples.java"
1990 title="link to Database/CodeSamples.java">CodeSamples</a></td>
1991 <td class="cell80">Creates the connection to
1992 StarOffice 8 and executes the code SalesMan samples for database API.</td>
1993 </tr>
1994 <tr>
1995 <td class="cell20"><img
1996 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
1997 href="./Database/OpenQuery.java"
1998 title="link to Database/OpenQuery.java">OpenQuery</a></td>
1999 <td class="cell80">Demonstrates the use of <a
2000 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/sdbc/XResultSetUpdate.html"
2001 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.sdbc.XResultSetUpdate"><code>XResultSetUpdate</code></a>
2002 and <a href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/sdbc/XRowUpdate.html"
2003 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.sdbc.XRowUpdate">
2004 <code>XRowUpdate</code></a>.</td>
2005 </tr>
2006 <tr>
2007 <td class="cell20"><img
2008 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a href="./Database/RowSet.java"
2009 title="link to Database/RowSet.java">RowSet</a></td>
2010 <td class="cell80">Demonstrates the usage of a row
2011 set.</td>
2012 </tr>
2013 <tr>
2014 <td class="cell20"><a
2015 href="./Database/RowSetEventListener.java"
2016 title="link to Database/RowSetEventListener.java">RowSetEventListener</a></td>
2017 <td class="cell80">Demonstrates how to define
2018 listener for the row set example.</td>
2019 </tr>
2020 <tr>
2021 <td class="cell20"><a href="./Database/Sales.java"
2022 title="link to Database/Sales.java">Sales</a></td>
2023 <td class="cell80">Creates a simple database table.</td>
2024 </tr>
2025 <tr>
2026 <td class="cell20"><a href="./Database/SalesMan.java"
2027 title="link to Database/SalesMan.java">SalesMan</a></td>
2028 <td class="cell80">Creates a simple database table.</td>
2029 </tr>
2030 <tr>
2031 <td class="cell20"><a href="./Database/sdbcx.java"
2032 title="link to Database/sdbcx.java">sdbcx</a></td>
2033 <td class="cell80">Demonstrates the usage of the
2034 SDBCX layer services.</td>
2035 </tr>
2036 </tbody>
2037 </table>
2038 </td>
2039 </tr>
2040 <tr>
2041 <td>
2042 <table class="table4">
2043 <tbody>
2044 <tr class="thead">
2045 <td class="cell20">Driver Skeleton Example</td>
2046 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
2047 </tr>
2048 <tr>
2049 <td class="cell20"><a
2050 href="./Database/DriverSkeleton/OSubComponent.hxx"
2051 title="link to Database/DriverSkeleton/OSubComponent.hxx">OSubComponent.hxx</a></td>
2052 <td class="cell80">Helper class to delegate special
2053 dispose handling.</td>
2054 </tr>
2055 <tr>
2056 <td class="cell20"><a
2057 href="./Database/DriverSkeleton/OTypeInfo.hxx"
2058 title="link to Database/DriverSkeleton/OTypeInfo.hxx">OTypeInfo.hxx</a></td>
2059 <td class="cell80">Contains the database types from
2060 the DatabaseMetaData getTypes call.</td>
2061 </tr>
2062 <tr>
2063 <td class="cell20"><a
2064 href="./Database/DriverSkeleton/SConnection.hxx"
2065 title="link to Database/DriverSkeleton/SConnection.hxx">SConnection.hxx</a></td>
2066 <td class="cell80">This file contains the declaration
2067 of a class implementing the service <code>com.sun.star.sdbc.Connection</code>.</td>
2068 </tr>
2069 <tr>
2070 <td class="cell20"><a
2071 href="./Database/DriverSkeleton/SConnection.cxx"
2072 title="link to Database/DriverSkeleton/SConnection.cxx">SConnection.cxx</a></td>
2073 <td class="cell80">This file contains the
2074 implementation of the class declared in SConnection.hxx.</td>
2075 </tr>
2076 <tr>
2077 <td class="cell20"><a
2078 href="./Database/DriverSkeleton/SDatabaseMetaData.hxx"
2079 title="link to Database/DriverSkeleton/SDatabaseMetaData.hxx">SDatabaseMetaData.hxx</a></td>
2080 <td class="cell80">This file contains the declaration
2081 of a class implementing the interface <code>com.sun.star.sdbc.XDatabaseMetaData</code>.</td>
2082 </tr>
2083 <tr>
2084 <td class="cell20"><a
2085 href="./Database/DriverSkeleton/SDatabaseMetaData.cxx"
2086 title="link to Database/DriverSkeleton/SDatabaseMetaData.cxx">SDatabaseMetaData.cxx</a></td>
2087 <td class="cell80">This file contains the
2088 implementation of the class declared in SDatabaseMetaData.hxx.</td>
2089 </tr>
2090 <tr>
2091 <td class="cell20"><a
2092 href="./Database/DriverSkeleton/SDriver.hxx"
2093 title="link to Database/DriverSkeleton/SDriver.hxx">SDriver.hxx</a></td>
2094 <td class="cell80">This file contains the declaration
2095 of a class implementing the service <code>com.sun.star.sdbc.Driver</code>.</td>
2096 </tr>
2097 <tr>
2098 <td class="cell20"><a
2099 href="./Database/DriverSkeleton/SDriver.cxx"
2100 title="link to Database/DriverSkeleton/SDriver.cxx">SDriver.cxx</a></td>
2101 <td class="cell80">This file contains the
2102 implementation of the class declared in SDriver.hxx.</td>
2103 </tr>
2104 <tr>
2105 <td class="cell20"><a
2106 href="./Database/DriverSkeleton/SPreparedStatement.hxx"
2107 title="link to Database/DriverSkeleton/SPreparedStatement.hxx">SPreparedStatement.hxx</a></td>
2108 <td class="cell80">This file contains the declaration
2109 of a class implementing the service <code>com.sun.star.sdbc.PreparedStatement</code>.
2110 </td>
2111 </tr>
2112 <tr>
2113 <td class="cell20"><a
2114 href="./Database/DriverSkeleton/SPreparedStatement.cxx"
2115 title="link to Database/DriverSkeleton/SPreparedStatement.cxx">SPreparedStatement.cxx</a></td>
2116 <td class="cell80">This file contains the
2117 implementation of the class declared in SPreparedStatement.hxx.</td>
2118 </tr>
2119 <tr>
2120 <td class="cell20"><a
2121 href="./Database/DriverSkeleton/SResultSet.hxx"
2122 title="link to Database/DriverSkeleton/SResultSet.hxx">SResultSet.hxx</a></td>
2123 <td class="cell80">This file contains the declaration
2124 of a class implementing the service <code>com.sun.star.sdbc.ResultSet</code>.</td>
2125 </tr>
2126 <tr>
2127 <td class="cell20"><a
2128 href="./Database/DriverSkeleton/SResultSet.cxx"
2129 title="link to Database/DriverSkeleton/SResultSet.cxx">SResultSet.cxx</a></td>
2130 <td class="cell80">This file contains the
2131 implementation of the class declared in SResultSet.hxx.</td>
2132 </tr>
2133 <tr>
2134 <td class="cell20"><a
2135 href="./Database/DriverSkeleton/SResultSetMetaData.hxx"
2136 title="link to Database/DriverSkeleton/SResultSetMetaData.hxx">SResultSetMetaData.hxx</a></td>
2137 <td class="cell80">This file contains the declaration
2138 of a class implementing the interface <code>com.sun.star.sdbc.XResultSetMetaData</code>.</td>
2139 </tr>
2140 <tr>
2141 <td class="cell20"><a
2142 href="./Database/DriverSkeleton/SResultSetMetaData.cxx"
2143 title="link to Database/DriverSkeleton/SResultSetMetaData.cxx">SResultSetMetaData.cxx</a></td>
2144 <td class="cell80">This file contains the
2145 implementation of the class declared in SResultSetMetaData.hxx.</td>
2146 </tr>
2147 <tr>
2148 <td class="cell20"><a
2149 href="./Database/DriverSkeleton/SServices.cxx"
2150 title="link to Database/DriverSkeleton/SServices.cxx">SServices.cxx</a></td>
2151 <td class="cell80">This file contains a class
2152 implementing the service needed to register the driver.</td>
2153 </tr>
2154 <tr>
2155 <td class="cell20"><a
2156 href="./Database/DriverSkeleton/SStatement.hxx"
2157 title="link to Database/DriverSkeleton/SStatement.hxx">SStatement.hxx</a></td>
2158 <td class="cell80">This file contains the declaration
2159 of a class implementing the service <code>com.sun.star.sdbc.Statement</code>.</td>
2160 </tr>
2161 <tr>
2162 <td class="cell20"><a
2163 href="./Database/DriverSkeleton/SStatement.cxx"
2164 title="link to Database/DriverSkeleton/SStatement.cxx">SStatement.cxx</a></td>
2165 <td class="cell80">This file contains the
2166 implementation of the class declared in SStatement.hxx.</td>
2167 </tr>
2168 <tr>
2169 <td class="cell20"><a
2170 href="./Database/DriverSkeleton/propertyids.hxx"
2171 title="link to Database/DriverSkeleton/propertyids.hxx">propertyids.hxx</a></td>
2172 <td class="cell80">Defines some common used strings
2173 and declare a helper class for properties.</td>
2174 </tr>
2175 <tr>
2176 <td class="cell20"><a
2177 href="./Database/DriverSkeleton/propertyids.cxx"
2178 title="link to Database/DriverSkeleton/propertyids.cxx">propertyids.cxx</a></td>
2179 <td class="cell80">Implements the property helper
2180 class.</td>
2181 </tr>
2182 </tbody>
2183 </table>
2184 </td>
2185 </tr>
2186 </tbody>
2187 </table>
2188 </td>
2189 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
2190 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
2191 </tr>
2192 <tr>
2193 <td colspan="3"><img class="line"
2194 src="../../docs/images/sdk_line-2.gif"></td>
2195 </tr>
2196 <tr>
2197 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
2198 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
2199 <td>
2200 <table class="table2">
2201 <tbody>
2202 <tr>
2203 <td>
2204 <table class="table3">
2205 <tbody>
2206 <tr>
2207 <td colspan="2" class="head1"><a name="Forms">Forms
2208 examples</a></td>
2209 <td align="right"> <a href="#examples"
2210 title="link to the Developer's Guide examples overview"><img
2211 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_up.png"></a> <a
2212 href="../../index.html" title="link to the SDK start page"><img
2213 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_home.png"></a> </td>
2214 </tr>
2215 </tbody>
2216 </table>
2217 </td>
2218 </tr>
2219 <tr>
2220 <td>
2221 <table class="table4">
2222 <tbody>
2223 <tr class="thead">
2224 <td class="cell20">Example</td>
2225 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
2226 </tr>
2227 <tr>
2228 <td class="cell20"><a
2229 href="./Forms/BooleanValidator.java"
2230 title="link to Forms/BooleanValidator.java">BooleanValidator</a></td>
2231 <td class="cell80">The class <code>BooleanOperator</code>
2232 implements an <a
2233 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/form/validation/XValidator.html"
2234 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.form.validation.XValidator">validator</a>
2235 for a form control, which can veto certain radio button or check box
2236 states.</td>
2237 </tr>
2238 <tr>
2239 <td class="cell20"><a
2240 href="./Forms/ButtonOperator.java"
2241 title="link to Forms/ButtonOperator.java">ButtonOperator</a></td>
2242 <td class="cell80">The form created by the sample
2243 program contains various buttons which are tied to certain
2244 functionality. The class ButtonOperator, well, operates these buttons.</td>
2245 </tr>
2246 <tr>
2247 <td class="cell20"><a
2248 href="./Forms/ComponentTreeTraversal.java"
2249 title="link to Forms/ComponentTreeTraversal.java">ComponentTreeTraversal</a></td>
2250 <td class="cell80">Helper classes for traveling
2251 through a tree of <a
2252 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/form/FormComponent.html"
2253 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.form.FormComponent">
2254 <code>FormComponent's</code></a>.</td>
2255 </tr>
2256 <tr>
2257 <td class="cell20"><a href="./Forms/ControlLock.java"
2258 title="link to Forms/ControlLock.java">ControlLock</a></td>
2259 <td class="cell80">Helper class for implementing the
2260 locking of control depending on the state of the underlying <a
2261 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/sdb/RowSet.html"
2262 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.sdb.RowSet"><code>RowSet</code></a>.</td>
2263 </tr>
2264 <tr>
2265 <td class="cell20"><img
2266 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
2267 href="./Forms/ControlValidation.java"
2268 title="link to Forms/ControlValidation.java">ControlValidation</a></td>
2269 <td class="cell80">This is the main class for the
2270 control validation example. It creates a sample document, fills it with
2271 controls, and attaches several validators to those controls</td>
2272 </tr>
2273 <tr>
2274 <td class="cell20"><a
2275 href="./Forms/ControlValidator.java"
2276 title="link to Forms/ControlValidator.java">ControlValidator</a></td>
2277 <td class="cell80">Base class implementing the common
2278 denominator for components <a
2279 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/form/validation/ValidatableControlModel.html"
2280 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.form.validation.ValidatableControlModel">validating
2281 form controls.</a></td>
2282 </tr>
2283 <tr>
2284 <td class="cell20"><img
2285 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
2286 href="./Forms/DataAwareness.java"
2287 title="link to Forms/DataAwareness.java">DataAwareness</a></td>
2288 <td class="cell80">This class implements the basic
2289 example for a form working on a database. Two tables will be created
2290 and a form (writer document) with a bussiness example will fill its
2291 fields from these tables.</td>
2292 </tr>
2293 <tr>
2294 <td class="cell20"><a
2295 href="./Forms/DateValidator.java"
2296 title="link to Forms/DateValidator.java">DateValidator</a></td>
2297 <td class="cell80">The class <code>DateValidator</code>
2298 implements an <a
2299 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/form/validation/XValidator.html"
2300 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.form.validation.XValidator">validator</a>
2301 for a form control, which can check the content of a form date field. </td>
2302 </tr>
2303 <tr>
2304 <td class="cell20"><a
2305 href="./Forms/DocumentBasedExample.java"
2306 title="link to Forms/DocumentBasedExample.java">DocumentBasedExample</a></td>
2307 <td class="cell80">This class collects common
2308 functionality of examples which require a document.</td>
2309 </tr>
2310 <tr>
2311 <td class="cell20"><a
2312 href="./Forms/DocumentHelper.java"
2313 title="link to Forms/DocumentHelper.java">DocumentHelper</a></td>
2314 <td class="cell80">Helper class for encapsulating
2315 working with a document.</td>
2316 </tr>
2317 <tr>
2318 <td class="cell20"><a href="./Forms/DocumentType.java"
2319 title="link to Forms/DocumentType.java">DocumentType</a></td>
2320 <td class="cell80">A simple enumeration class for
2321 classifying a document.</td>
2322 </tr>
2323 <tr>
2324 <td class="cell20"><a
2325 href="./Forms/DocumentViewHelper.java"
2326 title="link to Forms/DocumentViewHelper.java">DocumentViewHelper</a></td>
2327 <td class="cell80">Helper class for encapsulating
2328 working with a view for a document.</td>
2329 </tr>
2330 <tr>
2331 <td class="cell20"><a href="./Forms/FLTools.java"
2332 title="link to Forms/FLTools.java">FLTools</a></td>
2333 <td class="cell80">Various small tools for the form
2334 layer sample program.</td>
2335 </tr>
2336 <tr>
2337 <td class="cell20"><a href="./Forms/FormLayer.java"
2338 title="link to Forms/FormLayer.java">FormLayer</a></td>
2339 <td class="cell80">Helper class for accessing and
2340 manipulating the form layer of a document.</td>
2341 </tr>
2342 <tr>
2343 <td class="cell20"><a
2344 href="./Forms/GridFieldValidator.java"
2345 title="link to Forms/GridFieldValidator.java">GridFieldValidator</a></td>
2346 <td class="cell80"><code>GridFieldValidator</code> is
2347 responsible for validating the input in a specific grid control column.
2348 This is not to be mixed up with the control-based validation as
2349 described in the <a
2350 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/form/validation/module-ix.html"
2351 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.form.validation">validation</a>
2352 module. Instead, a <code>GridFieldValidator</code> assembles and uses
2353 various other concepts.</td>
2354 </tr>
2355 <tr>
2356 <td class="cell20"><a
2357 href="./Forms/InteractionRequest.java"
2358 title="link to Forms/InteractionRequest.java">InteractionRequest</a></td>
2359 <td class="cell80">A simple implementation of a <a
2360 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/task/XInteractionRequest.html"
2361 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.task.XInteractionRequest"><code>XInteractionRequest</code></a>.
2362 Not tied to the form layer example, but a general helper.</td>
2363 </tr>
2364 <tr>
2365 <td class="cell20"><a href="./Forms/KeyGenerator.java"
2366 title="link to Forms/KeyGenerator.java">KeyGenerator</a></td>
2367 <td class="cell80">Helper class which is able to
2368 generate (unique) keys for a (<a
2369 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/sdb/RowSet.html"
2370 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.sdb.RowSet"><code>RowSet</code>
2371 </a>) column. An instance of this class can be tied
2372 to a specific row set column. It then monitors the state of the
2373 underlying row set, and upon inserting a new record into it (two
2374 operation modi are possible here), it automatically inserts a newly
2375 created (two modi, too) key into the column.</td>
2376 </tr>
2377 <tr>
2378 <td class="cell20"><a
2379 href="./Forms/ListSelectionValidator.java"
2380 title="link to Forms/ListSelectionValidator.java">ListSelectionValidator</a></td>
2381 <td class="cell80">The class <code>ListSelectionValidator</code>
2382 implements an <a
2383 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/form/validation/XValidator.html"
2384 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.form.validation.XValidator">validator</a>
2385 for a form control, which can veto certain selections in a list box
2386 control.</td>
2387 </tr>
2388 <tr>
2389 <td class="cell20"><a
2390 href="./Forms/NumericValidator.java"
2391 title="link to Forms/NumericValidator.java">NumericValidator</a></td>
2392 <td class="cell80">The class <code>NumericValidator</code>
2393 implements an <a
2394 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/form/validation/XValidator.html"
2395 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.form.validation.XValidator">validator</a>
2396 for a form control, which can veto certain values in every control
2397 which allows exchanging numerical values.</td>
2398 </tr>
2399 <tr>
2400 <td class="cell20"><a
2401 href="./Forms/SingleControlValidation.java"
2402 title="link to Forms/SingleControlValidation.java">SingleControlValidation</a></td>
2403 <td class="cell80">Though form documents feature
2404 inbuilt mechanisms for visually indicating invalid control content (see
2406 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/form/validation/module-ix.html"
2407 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.form.validation"><code>com.sun.star.form.validation</code>
2408 </a> for discussions about validity), the <a
2409 href="./Forms/ControlValidation.java"
2410 title="link to Forms/ControlValidation.java">ControlValidation</a>
2411 example extends this. The validity state of every control in this
2412 example, as well as possible explanations for invalidity, are displayed
2413 in dedicated texts. The <code>SingleControlValidation</code> class
2414 ties together a validatable control and those status texts.</td>
2415 </tr>
2416 <tr>
2417 <td class="cell20"><a
2418 href="./Forms/SpreadsheetDocument.java"
2419 title="link to Forms/SpreadsheetDocument.java">SpreadsheetDocument</a></td>
2420 <td class="cell80">A specialized <a
2421 href="./Forms/DocumentHelper.java"
2422 title="link to Forms/DocumentHelper.java"><code>DocumentHelper<code></code></code></a>
2423 which represents a spreadsheet document, and offers some form related
2424 functionality. For instance, this class allows the creation of <a
2425 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/table/CellValueBinding.html"
2426 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.table.CellValueBinding">
2427 <code>CellValueBinding</code></a> instances, which
2428 can be used to couple the content of a form control with the content of
2429 a spreadsheet cell.</td>
2430 </tr>
2431 <tr>
2432 <td class="cell20"><img
2433 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
2434 href="./Forms/SpreadsheetValueBinding.java"
2435 title="link to Forms/SpreadsheetValueBinding.java">SpreadsheetValueBinding</a></td>
2436 <td class="cell80">This example demonstrates how to
2437 bind form controls to spreadsheet cells.</td>
2438 </tr>
2439 <tr>
2440 <td class="cell20"><a
2441 href="./Forms/SpreadsheetView.java"
2442 title="link to Forms/SpreadsheetView.java">SpreadsheetView</a></td>
2443 <td class="cell80">A specialized <a
2444 href="./Forms/DocumentViewHelper.java"
2445 title="link to Forms/DocumentViewHelper.java"><code>DocumentViewHelper</code></a>
2446 which represents a view to a spreadsheet document.</td>
2447 </tr>
2448 <tr>
2449 <td class="cell20"><a
2450 href="./Forms/TableCellTextBinding.java"
2451 title="link to Forms/TableCellTextBinding.java">TableCellTextBinding</a></td>
2452 <td class="cell80">This class allows binding the
2453 control of a form control with a table cell in a text document. For
2454 this, it uses the mechanisms of the <a
2455 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/form/binding/module-ix.html"
2456 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.form.binding">
2457 <code>com.sun.star.form.binding</code></a> module.</td>
2458 </tr>
2459 <tr>
2460 <td class="cell20"><a
2461 href="./Forms/TextValidator.java"
2462 title="link to Forms/TextValidator.java">TextValidator</a></td>
2463 <td class="cell80">The class <code>TextValidator</code>
2464 implements an <a
2465 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/form/validation/XValidator.html"
2466 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.form.validation.XValidator">validator</a>
2467 for a form control, which can monitor a form text field.</td>
2468 </tr>
2469 <tr>
2470 <td class="cell20"><a
2471 href="./Forms/TimeValidator.java"
2472 title="link to Forms/TimeValidator.java">TimeValidator</a></td>
2473 <td class="cell80">The class <code>TimeValidator</code>
2474 implements an <a
2475 href="../../docs/common/ref/com/sun/star/form/validation/XValidator.html"
2476 title="link to the reference documentation of com.sun.star.form.validation.XValidator">validator</a>
2477 for a form control, which can monitor the content of a form time field.
2478 </td>
2479 </tr>
2480 <tr>
2481 <td class="cell20"><a href="./Forms/UNO.java"
2482 title="link to Forms/UNO.java">UNO</a></td>
2483 <td class="cell80">A small UNO-syntax related helper
2484 class.</td>
2485 </tr>
2486 <tr>
2487 <td class="cell20"><img
2488 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
2489 href="./Forms/ValueBinding.java"
2490 title="link to Forms/ValueBinding.java">ValueBinding</a></td>
2491 <td class="cell80">An example how to bind the content
2492 of a form control to a table cell in a text document.</td>
2493 </tr>
2494 <tr>
2495 <td class="cell20"><a href="./Forms/WaitForInput.java"
2496 title="link to Forms/WaitForInput.java">WaitForInput</a></td>
2497 <td class="cell80">A pretty small helper for the
2498 interactive examples, which notifies another instance when the user
2499 pressed key on the console.</td>
2500 </tr>
2501 </tbody>
2502 </table>
2503 </td>
2504 </tr>
2505 </tbody>
2506 </table>
2507 </td>
2508 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
2509 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
2510 </tr>
2511 <tr>
2512 <td colspan="3"><img class="line"
2513 src="../../docs/images/sdk_line-2.gif"></td>
2514 </tr>
2515 <tr>
2516 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
2517 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
2518 <td>
2519 <table class="table2">
2520 <tbody>
2521 <tr>
2522 <td>
2523 <table class="table3">
2524 <tbody>
2525 <tr>
2526 <td colspan="2" class="head1"><a
2527 name="UniversalContentBroker(UCB)">Universal Content Broker (UCB)
2528 examples</a></td>
2529 <td align="right"> <a href="#examples"
2530 title="link to the Developer's Guide examples overview"><img
2531 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_up.png"></a> <a
2532 href="../../index.html" title="link to the SDK start page"><img
2533 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_home.png"></a> </td>
2534 </tr>
2535 </tbody>
2536 </table>
2537 </td>
2538 </tr>
2539 <tr>
2540 <td>
2541 <table class="table4">
2542 <tbody>
2543 <tr class="thead">
2544 <td class="cell20">Example</td>
2545 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
2546 </tr>
2547 <tr>
2548 <td class="cell20"><img
2549 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
2550 href="./UCB/ChildrenRetriever.java"
2551 title="link to UCB/ChildrenRetriever.java">ChildrenRetriever</a></td>
2552 <td class="cell80">Shows child entries of a given
2553 folder. Try -help or -? on the command line to view optional parameters.</td>
2554 </tr>
2555 <tr>
2556 <td class="cell20"><img
2557 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
2558 href="./UCB/DataStreamComposer.java"
2559 title="link to UCB/DataStreamComposer.java">DataStreamComposer</a></td>
2560 <td class="cell80">Demonstrates usage of the data
2561 stream by copying the data from one UCB node to another.</td>
2562 </tr>
2563 <tr>
2564 <td class="cell20"><img
2565 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
2566 href="./UCB/DataStreamRetriever.java"
2567 title="link to UCB/DataStreamRetriever.java">DataStreamRetriever</a></td>
2568 <td class="cell80">Shows how to obtain the data
2569 stream from a document resource.</td>
2570 </tr>
2571 <tr>
2572 <td class="cell20"><a href="./UCB/Helper.java"
2573 title="link to UCB/Helper.java">Helper</a></td>
2574 <td class="cell80">Some helper methods to access the
2575 UCB which are used by the other examples.</td>
2576 </tr>
2577 <tr>
2578 <td class="cell20"><a
2579 href="./UCB/MyActiveDataSink.java"
2580 title="link to UCB/MyActiveDataSink.java">MyActiveDataSink</a></td>
2581 <td class="cell80">A helper class for the <code>DataStreamRetriever</code>
2582 example which implements a data sink.</td>
2583 </tr>
2584 <tr>
2585 <td class="cell20"><img
2586 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
2587 href="./UCB/PropertiesComposer.java"
2588 title="link to UCB/PropertiesComposer.java">PropertiesComposer</a></td>
2589 <td class="cell80">Shows how to set property values
2590 of an UCB resource.</td>
2591 </tr>
2592 <tr>
2593 <td class="cell20"><img
2594 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
2595 href="./UCB/PropertiesRetriever.java"
2596 title="link to UCB/PropertiesRetriever.java">PropertiesRetriever</a></td>
2597 <td class="cell80">Shows how to access property
2598 values of an UCB resource.</td>
2599 </tr>
2600 <tr>
2601 <td class="cell20"><img
2602 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
2603 href="./UCB/ResourceCreator.java"
2604 title="link to UCB/ResourceCreator.java">ResourceCreator</a></td>
2605 <td class="cell80">Creates a new file in an existing
2606 file system folder.</td>
2607 </tr>
2608 <tr>
2609 <td class="cell20"><img
2610 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
2611 href="./UCB/ResourceManager.java"
2612 title="link to UCB/ResourceManager.java">ResourceManager</a></td>
2613 <td class="cell80">Demonstrates how to copy and move
2614 UCB resources.</td>
2615 </tr>
2616 <tr>
2617 <td class="cell20"><img
2618 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
2619 href="./UCB/ResourceRemover.java"
2620 title="link to UCB/ResourceRemover.java">ResourceRemover</a></td>
2621 <td class="cell80">Demonstrates how to remove UCB
2622 resources.</td>
2623 </tr>
2624 </tbody>
2625 </table>
2626 </td>
2627 </tr>
2628 </tbody>
2629 </table>
2630 </td>
2631 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
2632 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
2633 </tr>
2634 <tr>
2635 <td colspan="3"><img class="line"
2636 src="../../docs/images/sdk_line-2.gif"></td>
2637 </tr>
2638 <tr>
2639 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
2640 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
2641 <td>
2642 <table class="table2">
2643 <tbody>
2644 <tr>
2645 <td>
2646 <table class="table3">
2647 <tbody>
2648 <tr>
2649 <td colspan="2" class="head1"><a name="Configuration">Configuration
2650 Management examples</a></td>
2651 <td align="right"> <a href="#examples"
2652 title="link to the Developer's Guide examples overview"><img
2653 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_up.png"></a> <a
2654 href="../../index.html" title="link to the SDK start page"><img
2655 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_home.png"></a> </td>
2656 </tr>
2657 </tbody>
2658 </table>
2659 </td>
2660 </tr>
2661 <tr>
2662 <td>
2663 <table class="table4">
2664 <tbody>
2665 <tr class="thead">
2666 <td class="cell20">Example</td>
2667 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
2668 </tr>
2669 <tr>
2670 <td class="cell20"><img
2671 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
2672 href="./Config/ConfigExamples.java"
2673 title="link to Config/ConfigExamples.java">ConfigExamples</a></td>
2674 <td class="cell80">This example connects to a
2675 StarOffice 8, gets the configuration manager and accesses the
2676 configuration in various ways.</td>
2677 </tr>
2678 </tbody>
2679 </table>
2680 </td>
2681 </tr>
2682 </tbody>
2683 </table>
2684 </td>
2685 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
2686 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
2687 </tr>
2688 <tr>
2689 <td colspan="3"><img class="line"
2690 src="../../docs/images/sdk_line-2.gif"></td>
2691 </tr>
2692 <tr>
2693 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
2694 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
2695 <td>
2696 <table class="table2">
2697 <tbody>
2698 <tr>
2699 <td>
2700 <table class="table3">
2701 <tbody>
2702 <tr>
2703 <td colspan="2" class="head1"><a name="OfficeBean">Office
2704 Bean example</a></td>
2705 <td align="right"> <a href="#examples"
2706 title="link to the Developer's Guide examples overview"><img
2707 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_up.png"></a> <a
2708 href="../../index.html" title="link to the SDK start page"><img
2709 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_home.png"></a> </td>
2710 </tr>
2711 </tbody>
2712 </table>
2713 </td>
2714 </tr>
2715 <tr>
2716 <td>
2717 <table class="table4">
2718 <tbody>
2719 <tr class="thead">
2720 <td class="cell20"> Example</td>
2721 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
2722 </tr>
2723 <tr>
2724 <td class="cell20"><img
2725 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
2726 href="./OfficeBean/OOoBeanViewer.java"
2727 title="link to OfficeBean/OOoBeanViewer.java">OOoBeanViewer</a></td>
2728 <td class="cell80">Shows how to use the <code>OOoBean</code>
2729 embedded in a Java AWT component. It shows how to load and store
2730 documents as well as how to control toolbar visibility.</td>
2731 </tr>
2732 </tbody>
2733 </table>
2734 </td>
2735 </tr>
2736 </tbody>
2737 </table>
2738 </td>
2739 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
2740 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
2741 </tr>
2742 <tr>
2743 <td colspan="3"><img class="line"
2744 src="../../docs/images/sdk_line-2.gif"></td>
2745 </tr>
2746 <tr>
2747 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
2748 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
2749 <td>
2750 <table class="table2">
2751 <tbody>
2752 <tr>
2753 <td>
2754 <table class="table3">
2755 <tbody>
2756 <tr>
2757 <td colspan="2" class="head1"><a name="Accessibility">Accessibility
2758 examples</a></td>
2759 <td align="right"> <a href="#examples"
2760 title="link to the Developer's Guide examples overview"><img
2761 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_up.png"></a> <a
2762 href="../../index.html" title="link to the SDK start page"><img
2763 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_home.png"></a> </td>
2764 </tr>
2765 </tbody>
2766 </table>
2767 </td>
2768 </tr>
2769 <tr>
2770 <td>
2771 <table class="table4">
2772 <tbody>
2773 <tr class="thead">
2774 <td class="cell20">Example</td>
2775 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
2776 </tr>
2777 <tr>
2778 <td class="cell20"><a
2779 href="./Accessibility/ConnectionTask.java"
2780 title="link to Accessibility/ConnectionTask.java">ConnectionTask</a></td>
2781 <td class="cell80">A timer task that tries to
2782 (re-)connect to a running Office application. When it can not detect an
2783 Office application that accepts connections then it waits for some time
2784 and tries again.</td>
2785 </tr>
2786 <tr>
2787 <td class="cell20"><a
2788 href="./Accessibility/EventHandler.java"
2789 title="link to Accessibility/EventHandler.java">EventHandler</a></td>
2790 <td class="cell80">Handle all events that are used by
2791 this tool. It is called by the EventListenerProxy class with somewhat
2792 preprocessed events.</td>
2793 </tr>
2794 <tr>
2795 <td class="cell20"><a
2796 href="./Accessibility/EventListenerProxy.java"
2797 title="link to Accessibility/EventListenerProxy.java">EventListenerProxy</a></td>
2798 <td class="cell80">This proxy runs in its own thread
2799 to avoid deadlocks with the Office it listens to. It waits for top
2800 window events to be informed of new or removed top level windows and
2801 for some accessibility events that are relevant to display the
2802 currently focused object.</td>
2803 </tr>
2804 <tr>
2805 <td class="cell20"><a
2806 href="./Accessibility/GraphicalDisplay.java"
2807 title="link to Accessibility/GraphicalDisplay.java">GraphicalDisplay</a></td>
2808 <td class="cell80">This widget displays a graphical
2809 representation of the currently focused object. The focused object is
2810 painted as a green rectangle and its ancestors as gray rectangles to
2811 give an impression of the relative location of the objects.</td>
2812 </tr>
2813 <tr>
2814 <td class="cell20"><a
2815 href="./Accessibility/IAccessibleObjectDisplay.java"
2816 title="link to Accessibility/IAccessibleObjectDisplay.java">IAccessibleObjectDisplay</a></td>
2817 <td class="cell80">This interface is implemented by
2818 all classes that display the currently focused object, namely
2819 GraphicalDisplay and TextualDisplay. It allows the owner of the display
2820 classes to tell them to display a specific object: usually the focused
2821 object.</td>
2822 </tr>
2823 <tr>
2824 <td class="cell20"><a
2825 href="./Accessibility/MessageArea.java"
2826 title="link to Accessibility/MessageArea.java">MessageArea</a></td>
2827 <td class="cell80">A text area that shows messages
2828 about what the tools is currently doing.</td>
2829 </tr>
2830 <tr>
2831 <td class="cell20"><a
2832 href="./Accessibility/NameProvider.java"
2833 title="link to Accessibility/NameProvider.java">NameProvider</a></td>
2834 <td class="cell80">In contrast to the Java
2835 Accessibility API which uses Strings for event types, roles, states,
2836 and relation types, the UNO Accessibility API uses numbers for this
2837 task. In order to present them to the user in a more readable form this
2838 class returns the string name for each event, role, state, or relation.</td>
2839 </tr>
2840 <tr>
2841 <td class="cell20"><a
2842 href="./Accessibility/RegistrationThread.java"
2843 title="link to Accessibility/RegistrationThread.java">RegistrationThread</a></td>
2844 <td class="cell80">When a new window appears or an
2845 existing one is removed the tool registers or unregisters at all the
2846 window's children as accessibility event listener. This is handled by
2847 RegistrationThread objects in their own threads so that the user
2848 interface is not blocked.</td>
2849 </tr>
2850 <tr>
2851 <td class="cell20"><img
2852 src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif"> <a
2853 href="./Accessibility/SSR.java" title="link to Accessibility/SSR.java">SSR</a></td>
2854 <td class="cell80">The main class sets up the user
2855 interface and starts the ConnectionTask object that eventually will
2856 initiate a connection to a running Office application and in turn will
2857 create RegistrationThread objects to register at all Office windows as
2858 accessibility event listener and thus gets informed about the currently
2859 focused object.</td>
2860 </tr>
2861 <tr>
2862 <td class="cell20"><a
2863 href="./Accessibility/TextualDisplay.java"
2864 title="link to Accessibility/TextualDisplay.java">TextualDisplay</a></td>
2865 <td class="cell80">Show some textual information
2866 about the currently focused object like its name, description, and role.</td>
2867 </tr>
2868 </tbody>
2869 </table>
2870 </td>
2871 </tr>
2872 </tbody>
2873 </table>
2874 </td>
2875 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
2876 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
2877 </tr>
2878 <tr>
2879 <td colspan="3"><img class="line"
2880 src="../../docs/images/sdk_line-2.gif"></td>
2881 </tr>
2882 <tr>
2883 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
2884 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
2885 <td>
2886 <table class="table2">
2887 <tbody>
2888 <tr>
2889 <td>
2890 <table class="table3">
2891 <tbody>
2892 <tr>
2893 <td colspan="2" class="head1"><a
2894 name="ScriptingFramework">Scripting Framework Examples</a></td>
2895 <td align="right"> <a href="#examples"
2896 title="link to the Developer's Guide examples overview"><img
2897 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_up.png"></a> <a
2898 href="../../index.html" title="link to the SDK start page"><img
2899 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_home.png"></a> </td>
2900 </tr>
2901 </tbody>
2902 </table>
2903 </td>
2904 </tr>
2905 <tr>
2906 <td>
2907 <table class="table4">
2908 <tbody>
2909 <tr class="thead">
2910 <td class="cell20"> Example</td>
2911 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
2912 </tr>
2913 <tr>
2914 <td class="cell20"><a
2915 href="./ScriptingFramework/SayHello/SayHello/SayHello.java"
2916 title="link to ScriptingFramework/SayHello/SayHello/SayHello.java">SayHello</a></td>
2917 <td class="cell80">A Scripting Framework Java macro
2918 that opens a new Writer document and inserts the word Hello in it.</td>
2919 </tr>
2920 <tr>
2921 <td class="cell20"><a
2922 href="./ScriptingFramework/ScriptSelector/ScriptSelector/ScriptSelector.java"
2923 title="link to ScriptingFramework/ScriptSelector/ScriptSelector/ScriptSelector.java">ScriptSelector</a></td>
2924 <td class="cell80">A Scripting Framework Java macro
2925 that opens a Java Swing dialog with a tree view of the macro hierarchy
2926 for the Office application.</td>
2927 </tr>
2928 </tbody>
2929 </table>
2930 </td>
2931 </tr>
2932 </tbody>
2933 </table>
2934 </td>
2935 </tr>
2936 <tr>
2937 <td colspan="3"><img class="line"
2938 src="../../docs/images/sdk_line-2.gif"></td>
2939 </tr>
2940 <tr>
2941 <td class="content1"><img class="nothing8"
2942 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
2943 <td>
2944 <table class="table2">
2945 <tbody>
2946 <tr>
2947 <td>
2948 <table class="table3">
2949 <tbody>
2950 <tr>
2951 <td colspan="2" class="head1"><a
2952 name="GraphicalUserInterfaces">Graphical User Interfaces</a></td>
2953 <td align="right"> <a href="#examples"
2954 title="link to the Developer's Guide examples overview"><img
2955 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_up.png"></a> <a
2956 href="../../index.html" title="link to the SDK start page"><img
2957 class="navigate" src="../../docs/images/nav_home.png"></a> </td>
2958 </tr>
2959 </tbody>
2960 </table>
2961 </td>
2962 </tr>
2963 <tr>
2964 <td>
2965 <table class="table4">
2966 <tbody>
2967 <tr class="thead">
2968 <td class="cell20"> Example</td>
2969 <td class="cell80">Description</td>
2970 </tr>
2971 <tr>
2972 <td class="cell20"><img src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif">
2973 <a href="./GUI/DialogDocument.java" title="link to GUI/DialogDocument.java">DialogDocument</a></td>
2974 <td class="cell80">A sample showing how to display an office document in a dialog window.</td>
2975 </tr>
2976 <tr>
2977 <td class="cell20"><img src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif">
2978 <a href="./GUI/Messagebox.java" title="link to GUI/MessageBox.java">MessageBox</a></td>
2979 <td class="cell80">A sample showing how to display a simple message box.</td>
2980 </tr>
2981 <tr>
2982 <td class="cell20"><img src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif">
2983 <a href="./GUI/UnoDialogSample.java" title="link to GUI/UnoDialogSample.java">UnoDialogSample</a></td>
2984 <td class="cell80">A sample showing how to create various controls in a dialog (fixed text field, currency field, progress bar, fixed line, group box, edit field, time field, date field, pattern field, numeric field, progressbar, check box, radio button, list box, combo box, formatted field, file control, button control, roadmap control)</td>
2985 </tr>
2986 <tr>
2987 <td class="cell20"><img src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif">
2988 <a href="./GUI/UnoDialogSample2.java" title="link to GUI/UnoDialogSample2.java">UnoDialogSample2</a></td>
2989 <td class="cell80">A dialog sample showing how to use a roadmap control.</td>
2990 </tr>
2991 <tr>
2992 <td class="cell20"><img src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif">
2993 <a href="./GUI/UnoMenu.java" title="link to GUI/UnoMenu.java">UnoMenu</a></td>
2994 <td class="cell80">A sample showing a top window with some menus.</td>
2995 </tr>
2996 <tr>
2997 <td class="cell20"><img src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif">
2998 <a href="./GUI/UnoMenu2.java" title="link to GUI/UnoMenu2.java">UnoMenu2</a></td>
2999 <td class="cell80">A dialog sample showing how to use or work with a context menu.</td>
3000 </tr>
3001 <tr>
3002 <td class="cell20"><img src="../../docs/images/bluball.gif">
3003 <a href="./GUI/ImageControlSample.java" title="link to GUI/ImageControlSample.java">ImageControlSample2</a></td>
3004 <td class="cell80">Dialog sample showing how to use an image control.</td>
3005 </tr>
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3007 </table>
3008 </td>
3009 </tr>
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3015 <td colspan="3"><img class="nothing30"
3016 src="../../docs/images/nada.gif"></td>
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3019 <td colspan="3"><img class="line"
3020 src="../../docs/images/sdk_line-1.gif"></td>
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3024 <div align="center">
3025 <p>Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.</p>
3026 </div>
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3032 <area shape="rect" coords="10,68,93,105" href="http://www.sun.com">
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