update dev300-m58
[ooovba.git] / oovbaapi / ooo / vba / excel / XRange.idl
1 /*************************************************************************
4 *
5 * Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
7 * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
9 * $RCSfile: XRange.idl,v $
10 * $Revision: 1.4 $
12 * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
14 * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
15 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
16 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
18 * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
19 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21 * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
22 * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
24 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
25 * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see
26 * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
27 * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
29 ************************************************************************/
30 #ifndef __ooo_vba_excel_XRange_idl__
31 #define __ooo_vba_excel_XRange_idl__
33 #ifndef __com_sun_star_uno_XInterface_idl__
34 #include <com/sun/star/uno/XInterface.idl>
35 #endif
36 #ifndef __com_sun_star_lang_IllegalArgumentException_idl__
37 #include <com/sun/star/lang/IllegalArgumentException.idl>
38 #endif
39 #ifndef __com_sun_star_container_XEnumerationAccess_idl__
40 #include <com/sun/star/container/XEnumerationAccess.idl>
41 #endif
42 #ifndef __com_sun_star_script_XDefaultProperty_idl__
43 #include <com/sun/star/script/XDefaultProperty.idl>
44 #endif
45 #ifndef __com_sun_star_script_XDefaultMethod_idl__
46 #include <com/sun/star/script/XDefaultMethod.idl>
47 #endif
48 #ifndef __com_sun_star_script_XErrorQuery_idl__
49 #include <com/sun/star/script/XErrorQuery.idl>
50 #endif
51 #ifndef __ooo_vba_XCollection_idl__
52 #include <ooo/vba/XCollection.idl>
53 #endif
54 #ifndef __ooo_vba_excel_XFormat_idl__
55 #include <ooo/vba/excel/XFormat.idl>
56 #endif
57 #ifndef __ooo_vba_XHelperInterface_idl__
58 #include <ooo/vba/XHelperInterface.idl>
59 #endif
60 #ifndef __com_sun_star_helper_script_BasicErrorException_idl__
61 #include <com/sun/star/script/BasicErrorException.idl>
62 #endif
63 //=============================================================================
65 module ooo { module vba { module excel {
67 interface XFont;
68 interface XRows;
69 interface XColumns;
70 interface XComment;
72 interface XInterior;
73 interface XCharacters;
74 interface XBorders;
75 interface XValidation;
76 interface XWorksheet;
78 interface XRange
80 interface com::sun::star::container::XEnumerationAccess;
81 interface com::sun::star::script::XDefaultMethod;
82 interface com::sun::star::script::XDefaultProperty;
83 interface com::sun::star::script::XErrorQuery;
84 interface ::ooo::vba::excel::XFormat;
85 //interface ::ooo::vba::XHelperInterface;
87 [attribute] any Value;
88 [attribute] any Formula;
89 [attribute] any FormulaArray;
90 [attribute] any FormulaR1C1;
91 [attribute, readonly] long Count;
92 [attribute, readonly] long Row;
93 [attribute, readonly] long Column;
94 [attribute, readonly] string Text;
95 [attribute, readonly] XRange EntireRow;
96 [attribute, readonly] XRange EntireColumn;
97 [attribute, readonly] XComment Comment;
98 [attribute] any Hidden;
99 [attribute] any ColumnWidth;
100 [attribute, readonly ] any Width;
101 [attribute, readonly] XWorksheet Worksheet;
102 [attribute] any RowHeight;
103 [attribute, readonly ] any Height;
104 [attribute, readonly ] any Top;
105 [attribute, readonly ] any Left;
106 [attribute] any PageBreak;
107 [attribute, readonly] XValidation Validation;
108 [attribute] any Style;
109 [attribute] any AddIndent;
110 [attribute] any ShowDetail;
112 XComment AddComment( [in] any Text );
113 void Clear();
114 void ClearComments();
115 void ClearContents();
116 void ClearFormats();
117 any HasFormula();
118 void FillLeft();
119 void FillRight();
120 void FillUp();
121 void FillDown();
122 XRange Item([in] any row, [in] any column) raises(com::sun::star::script::BasicErrorException);
123 XRange Offset([in] any RowOffset, [in] any ColumnOffset);
124 XRange CurrentRegion();
125 XRange CurrentArray();
126 string Characters([in] any Start, [in] any Length);
127 string Address( [in] any RowAbsolute, [in] any ColumnAbsolute, [in] any ReferenceStyle, [in] any External, [in] any RelativeTo );
128 XRange Cells([in] any RowIndex, [in] any ColumnIndex);
129 void Select();
130 void AutoOutline() raises(com::sun::star::script::BasicErrorException);
131 void Activate();
132 XRange Rows( [in] any RowIndex );
133 void Calculate() raises(com::sun::star::script::BasicErrorException);
134 XRange Columns( [in] any ColumnIndex );
135 void Copy([in] any Destination);
136 void Cut([in] any Destination);
137 XRange Resize( [in] any RowSize, [in] any ColumnSize );
138 XRange Range( [in] any Cell1, [in] any Cell2 );
139 any getCellRange();
140 void PasteSpecial([in] any Paste, [in] any Operation,[in] any SkipBlanks, [in] any Transpose);
141 boolean Replace( [in] string What, [in] string Replacement, [in] any LookAt, [in] any SearchOrder, [in] any MatchCase, [in] any MatchByte, [in] any SearchFormat, [in] any ReplaceFormat );
142 XRange Find( [in] any What, [in] any After, [in] any LookIn, [in] any LookAt, [in] any SearchOrder, [in] any SearchDirection, [in] any MatchCase, [in] any MatchByte, [in] any SearchFormat );
144 void Sort( [in] any Key1, [in] any Order1, [in] any Key2, [in] any Type,
145 [in] any Order2, [in] any Key3, [in] any Order3,
146 [in] any Header, [in] any OrderCustom, [in] any MatchCase,
147 [in] any Orientation, [in] any SortMethod, [in] any DataOption1,
148 [in] any DataOption2, [in] any DataOption3 );
149 XRange End( [in] long Direction );
150 // bizarely I have to define Character method as character otherwise
151 // idl complains
152 XCharacters characters([in] any Start, [in] any Length);
153 void Delete( [in] any Shift );
155 any Areas( [in] any item );
156 any BorderAround( [in] any LineStyle, [in] any Weight, [in] any ColorIndex, [in] any Color );
157 void AutoFilter([in ] any Field, [in] any Criteria1, [in] any Operator, [in] any Criteria2, [in] any VisibleDropDown);
158 void Insert([in] any Shift, [in] any CopyOrigin);
159 void Autofit();
160 void PrintOut([in] any From, [in] any To, [in] any Copies, [in] any Preview, [in] any ActivePrinter, [in] any PrintToFile, [in] any Collate, [in] any PrToFileName);
161 void AutoFill( [in] XRange Destination, [in] any Type );
162 boolean GoalSeek( [in] any Goal, [in] XRange ChangingCell );
163 void ClearOutline() raises(com::sun::star::script::BasicErrorException);
164 void Ungroup() raises(com::sun::star::script::BasicErrorException);
165 void Group() raises(com::sun::star::script::BasicErrorException);
166 void Merge([in] any Across) raises(com::sun::star::script::BasicErrorException);
167 void UnMerge() raises(com::sun::star::script::BasicErrorException);
168 XRange Next( ) raises ( com::sun::star::script::BasicErrorException );
169 XRange Previous( ) raises ( com::sun::star::script::BasicErrorException );
170 XRange SpecialCells( [in] any Type, [in] /*Optional*/ any Value ) raises ( com::sun::star::script::BasicErrorException );
171 void RemoveSubtotal() raises ( com::sun::star::script::BasicErrorException );
172 void Subtotal( [in] long GroupBy, [in] long Function, [in] /*Optional*/ sequence<long> TotalList, [in] /*Optional*/ any Replace, [in] /*Optional*/ any PageBreaks, [in] any SummaryBelowData ) raises ( com::sun::star::script::BasicErrorException );
173 XRange MergeArea( ) raises ( com::sun::star::script::BasicErrorException );
177 //=============================================================================
179 }; }; };
181 #endif