1 Test run started : 17/09/2009 12:17:45
3 TEST START : RangeTest3
4 ITEM Assertion OK : - setFormulaR1C1
5 ITEM Assertion OK : - getFormulaR1C1
6 ITEM Assertion OK : - Range.Copy() and Range.PasteSpecial()
7 ITEM Assertion OK : - Range.Copy(Range("I10"))
8 ITEM Assertion OK : PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
9 ITEM Assertion OK : PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormulas
10 ITEM Assertion OK : PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats
11 ITEM Assertion OK : PasteSpecial
12 ITEM Assertion OK : PasteSpecial SkipBlanks:=True
13 ITEM Assertion OK : PasteSpecial Operation:=xlPasteSpecialOperationAdd
14 ITEM Assertion OK : PasteSpecial Operation:=xlPasteSpecialOperationSubtract
15 ITEM Assertion OK : PasteSpecial Operation:=xlPasteSpecialOperationMultiply
16 ITEM Assertion OK : PasteSpecial Operation:=xlPasteSpecialOperationDivide
17 ITEM Assertion OK : PasteSpecial Transpose:=True
18 ITEM Assertion FAIL : ActiveWorkbook.FileFormat
19 ITEM Assertion OK : ActiveWorkbook.Name
20 ITEM Assertion OK : ActiveWorkbook.FullName und ActiveWorkbook.Path
21 ITEM Assertion FAIL : - = ActiveWorkbook.Colors(3) set
22 ITEM Assertion OK : - = ActiveWorkbook.ResetColors
23 ITEM Assertion OK : - = ActiveWorkbook.Colors(3) get
24 ITEM Assertion OK : - = Range("K22").End (xlDown)
25 ITEM Assertion OK : - = Range("K22").End (xlUo)
26 ITEM Assertion OK : - = Range("K22").End (xlToLeft)
27 ITEM Assertion OK : - = Range("K22").End (xlRight)
28 ITEM Assertion OK : - ActiveSpreadsheet.Next
29 ITEM Assertion OK : - ActiveSpreadsheet.Next
30 ITEM Assertion OK : - ActiveSpreadsheet.Previous
31 ITEM Assertion OK : - ActiveSpreadsheet.Previous
32 ITEM Assertion OK : - Range("J4:J11").AutoFilter field:=1, Criteria1:="x"
33 ITEM Assertion OK : - Range("J4:J11").AutoFilter field:=1, Criteria1:="<>"
34 ITEM Assertion OK : - Range("J4:J11").AutoFilter field:=1, Criteria1:="="
35 ITEM Assertion OK : - Range("J4:J11").AutoFilter
36 ITEM Assertion OK : - ActiveSheet.Resize.Select
37 ITEM Assertion OK : - Application.GoTo Reference:="R8C2"
38 ITEM Assertion FAIL : - Application.GoTo Reference:="R[8]C[2]"
39 ITEM Assertion OK : - Application.GoTo Reference:="R8C2"
40 ITEM Assertion OK : - Range.Group - please check visually
41 ITEM Assertion OK : - Range.Group - please check visually
42 ITEM Assertion OK : - Range.Ungroup- please check visually
43 ITEM Assertion OK : - Range.Ungroup - please check visually
44 ITEM Assertion OK : - Range.Group - please check visually
45 ITEM Assertion OK : - Range.Group - please check visually
46 ITEM Assertion OK : - Range.clearOutline - please check visually
47 ITEM Assertion OK : - Range.AutoOutline - please check visually
48 ITEM Assertion OK : - Range.AutoOutline - please check visually
49 ITEM Assertion OK : - ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Select
50 ITEM Assertion OK : - Range("A13").AddIndent
51 ITEM Assertion OK : - Range("A13").IndentLevel set
52 ITEM Assertion OK : - Range("A13").IndentLevel get
53 ITEM Assertion OK : - Range("A13").IndentLevel get
54 ITEM Assertion OK : - Range.Copy() and Range.PasteSpecial()
55 ITEM Assertion OK : - Range.Copy() and Range.PasteSpecial()
56 ITEM Assertion OK : - Range.Copy() and Range.PasteSpecial()
57 ITEM Assertion OK : - Range.Calculate
58 ITEM Assertion OK : Worksheet.Calculate
59 ITEM Assertion OK : - Application.Calculate
60 ITEM Assertion OK : Global.Calculate
61 ITEM Assertion OK : Calculation set
62 ITEM FAIL (RangeTest3)
63 TEST Not succesfully completed : RangeTest3
65 Test run finished : 17/09/2009 12:17:51