1 StAX is the Streaming API for XML.
2 Added as JSR173 <http://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=173> to OpenJDK 6 <http://download.java.net/openjdk/jdk6/> and for earlier JDK
4 <https://sjsxp.dev.java.net/source/browse/*checkout*/sjsxp/repo/javax.xml.stream/java-sources/stax-api-1.0-2-sources.jar?rev=1.2>
7 The StAX API is used ONLY during build time for the saxon9 XSLT processor used for XSLT / XML based OOo filters, for build environements NOT using OpenJDK 6 or higher.
8 Of the dual licenses, the GPL 2 license is suited for OOo during build-time.