update dev300-m58
[ooovba.git] / testautomation / global / tools / compressstatus.bas
1 'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
2 '**************************************************************************
4 '*
5 '* Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
6 '*
7 '* OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
8 '*
9 '* $RCSfile: compressstatus.bas,v $
11 '* $Revision: 1.1 $
13 '* last change: $Author: jsi $ $Date: 2008-06-13 10:27:06 $
15 '* This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
17 '* OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
18 '* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
19 '* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
21 '* OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
22 '* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
24 '* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
25 '* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
27 '* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
28 '* version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see
29 '* <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
30 '* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
32 '/************************************************************************
34 '* owner : thorsten.bosbach@sun.com
36 '* short description : Compress local written status files for submission
38 '\***********************************************************************
40 sub main
41 'just run, ...
42 if (gMahler AND (gMahlerLocal<>"")) then
43 ' just a dummy call to get gDatabasePath set; DON'T call hStatusOut !!!
44 hStatusIn("writer", "compressstatus.bas")
45 call compressStatus
46 else
47 warnLog "There is nothing to be done - exiting"
48 endif
49 end sub
51 '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
53 sub compressStatus
54 dim sDestination as string
55 dim sList(1000) as string
56 dim i as integer
57 dim iReturn as integer
58 dim sJar as string
60 sDestination = convertPath(gDatabasePath+"database/" + "mahlerlocal/")
61 ' create directory beside mahlerlocal
62 ' sJar = convertPath(gDatabasePath+"database/" + convertDateToDatabase(now()))
63 sJar = convertPath(gDatabasePath+"database/" + convertDateToDatabase(now()) + "-"+removeCharacter(convertTimeToDatabase(now()),asc(":")))
64 mkdir sJar
65 ' create jar file with same name as directory, beside mahlerlocal
66 try
67 iReturn = Shell("jar",0,"cMf " + sJar + ".jar" + " -C " + sDestination + " .",TRUE) ' wait until finished
68 printlog "jar cMf " + sJar + ".jar" + " -C " + sDestination + " ."
69 catch
70 printlog "No program 'jar' available"
71 try
72 iReturn = Shell("zip",0,"-Djr " + sJar + ".jar" + " " + sDestination,TRUE) ' wait until finished
73 printlog "zip -Djr " + sJar + ".jar" + " " + sDestination
74 catch
75 printlog "No program 'zip' available"
76 iReturn = fZip(sDestination, sJar +".jar")
77 endcatch
78 endcatch
79 if (iReturn <> 0) then
80 printlog iReturn
81 endif
82 if (iReturn = 0) then
83 printlog "Filename to submit:"
84 printlog sJar + ".jar"
85 ' copy files from mahlerlocal to backupdirectory with same name as jar file
86 getFileList(sDestination, "*.*", sList())
87 for i = 1 to listCount(sList())
88 try
89 filecopy(sList(i), sJar+gPathSigne)
90 catch
91 if (1=i) then warnlog "#ixxxxxx# destination file name needs to get named."
92 filecopy(sList(i), sJar+gPathSigne+DateiExtract(sList(i)))
93 endcatch
94 ' delete file in mahlerlocal
95 kill(sList(i))
96 if fileexists(sList(i)) then
97 warnlog "file couldn't get deleted! remove manually:"
98 printlog sList(i)
99 endif
100 next i
101 endif
102 end sub
104 '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
106 function fZip(sDirectory as string, sZipFileName as string) as integer
107 '/// Zips the files in the first level of a directory into a file
108 '///+ The zip file hasn't to exists
109 '///+ Input: absolut directory path to zip
110 '///+ Absolut path and filename of zip file
111 dim oUCB
112 dim oUCB2
113 dim oID
114 dim oRootContent
115 dim oInfo
116 dim oNewStreamContent
117 dim oFile
118 dim oArg
119 Dim aArgs(1)
120 Dim oProps(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
121 Dim oCommand as new com.sun.star.ucb.Command
122 dim lsFile(500) as string
123 dim i as integer
124 dim aArray
125 dim sString
127 fZip = 1
128 if fileExists(sZipFileName) then
129 warnlog "Can't create zip file, because it already exists: '" + sZipFileName + "'"
130 exit function
131 endif
132 if NOT fileExists(sDirectory) then
133 warnlog "Directory to zip doesn't exist: '" + sDirectory + "'"
134 exit function
135 else
136 aArgs(0) = "Local"
137 aArgs(1) = "Office"
138 oUCB = CreateUnoService( "com.sun.star.ucb.UniversalContentBroker" )
139 oUCB.initialize( aArgs() )
140 printlog "Zip file name: '" + convertToURL(sZipFileName) + "'"
141 aArray = split(convertToURL(sZipFileName), "/")
142 sString = join(aArray, "%2F")
143 printlog "Zip file name: '" + sString + "'"
144 oID = oUCB.createContentIdentifier( "vnd.sun.star.zip://" + sString )
145 oRootContent = oUCB.queryContent( oID )
146 oInfo = createUnoStruct( "com.sun.star.ucb.ContentInfo" )
147 oInfo.Type = "application/vnd.sun.star.zip-stream"
148 oInfo.Attributes = 0
150 ' get all files in a directory
151 getFileNameListLocal (sDirectory+"/","*.txt",lsFile())
152 printlog "Going to zip Directory: '" + sDirectory + "'"
153 for i = 1 to listCount(lsFile())
154 printlog "Going to add: " + i + ": '" + lsFile(i) + "'"
155 oNewStreamContent = oRootContent.createNewContent( oInfo )
156 oProps(0).Name = "Title"
157 oProps(0).Handle = -1
158 oProps(0).Value = lsFile(i) ' Filename of one content file in zip
159 oCommand.Name = "setPropertyValues"
160 oCommand.Handle = -1
161 oCommand.Argument = oProps()
162 oNewStreamContent.execute( oCommand, 0, Null )
163 oUcb2 = createUnoService("com.sun.star.ucb.SimpleFileAccess")
164 oFile = oUcb2.OpenFileRead(ConvertToURL(sDirectory + "/" + lsFile(i)))
165 oArg = createUnoStruct( "com.sun.star.ucb.InsertCommandArgument" )
166 oArg.Data = oFile
167 oArg.ReplaceExisting = false
168 oCommand.Name = "insert"
169 oCommand.Handle = -1
170 oCommand.Argument = oArg
171 oNewStreamContent.execute( oCommand, 0, Null )
172 next i
174 REM commit that package file
175 oCommand.Name = "flush"
176 oCommand.Handle = -1
177 oCommand.Argument = 0
179 oRootContent.execute( oCommand, 0, Null )
180 fZip = 0
181 endif
182 end function
184 '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
186 sub LoadIncludeFiles
187 use "global\system\includes\master.inc"
188 use "global\system\includes\gvariabl.inc"
189 gApplication = "WRITER"
190 call GetUseFiles
191 end sub
193 '-------------------------------------------------------------------------