update dev300-m58
[ooovba.git] / wizards / source / schedule / OwnEvents.xba
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
3 <script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="OwnEvents" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
5 Public Const SBDATEUNDEFINED as Double = -98765432.1
7 Sub Main
8 Call CalAutopilotTable()
9 End Sub
12 Sub CalSaveOwnData()
13 Dim FileName as String
14 Dim FileChannel as Integer
15 Dim i as Integer
16 If bCalOwnDataChanged Then
17 FileName = GetPathSettings(&quot;UserConfig&quot;, False) &amp; &quot;/&quot; &amp; &quot;DATE.DAT&quot;
18 SaveDataToFile(FileName, DlgCalModel.lstOwnData.StringItemList())
19 End If
20 End Sub
23 Sub CalLoadOwnData()
24 Dim FileName as String
25 Dim LocList() as String
26 FileName = GetPathSettings(&quot;UserConfig&quot;, False) &amp; &quot;/DATE.DAT&quot;
27 If LoadDataFromFile(FileName, LocList()) Then
28 DlgCalModel.lstOwnData.StringItemList() = LocList()
29 End If
30 End Sub
33 Function CalCreateDateStrOfInput() as String
34 Dim DateStr as String
35 Dim CurOwnMonth as Integer
36 Dim CurOwnDay as Integer
37 Dim FormatDateStr as String
38 Dim dblDate as Double
39 Dim iLen as Integer
40 Dim iDiff as Integer
41 Dim i as Integer
42 CurOwnDay = DlgCalModel.txtOwnEventDay.Value
43 CurOwnMonth = DlgCalendar.GetControl(&quot;lstOwnEventMonth&quot;).getselectedItemPos() + 1
44 DateStr = DateSerial(0, CurOwnMonth, CurOwnDay)
45 dblDate = CDbl(DateValue(DateStr))
46 FormatDateStr = oNumberFormatter.convertNumberToString(lDateFormat, dblDate)
47 iLen = Len(FormatDateStr)
48 iDiff = 16 - iLen
49 If iDiff &gt; 0 Then
50 For i = 0 To iDiff
51 FormatDateStr = FormatDateStr + &quot; &quot;
52 Next i
53 Else
54 MsgBox(&quot;Invalid DateFormat: &apos;FormatDateStr&apos;&quot;, 16, sWizardTitle)
55 CalCreateDateStrOfInput = &quot;&quot;
56 Exit Function
57 End If
58 DateStr = FormatDateStr &amp; Trim(DlgCalModel.txtEvent.Text)
59 CalCreateDateStrOfInput = DateStr
60 End Function
64 Sub CalcmdInsertData()
65 Dim MaxIndex as Integer
66 Dim UIDateStr as String
67 Dim DateStr as String
68 Dim NewDate as Double
69 Dim bInserted as Boolean
70 Dim i as Integer
71 Dim CurOwnDay as Integer
72 Dim CurOwnMonth as Integer
73 Dim CurOwnYear as Integer
74 CurOwnDay = DlgCalModel.txtOwnEventDay.Value
75 CurOwnMonth = DlgCalendar.GetControl(&quot;lstOwnEventMonth&quot;).getSelectedItemPos() + 1
76 UIDateStr = CalCreateDateStrOfInput()
77 NewDate = GetDateUnits(CurOwnDay, CurOwnMonth, UIDateStr)
78 If UIDateStr = &quot;&quot; Then Exit Sub
79 MaxIndex = Ubound(DlgCalModel.lstOwnData.StringItemList())
80 If MaxIndex = -1 Then
81 DlgCalendar.GetControl(&quot;lstOwnData&quot;).AddItem(UIDateStr, 0 + 1)
82 bInserted = True
83 Else
84 Dim CurEvMonth(MaxIndex) as Integer
85 Dim CurEvDay(MaxIndex) as Integer
86 Dim CurDate(MaxIndex) as Double
87 &apos; same Years(&quot;no years&quot; are treated like same years) -&gt; delete old entry and insert new one
88 i = 0
90 CurDate(i) = GetSelectedDateUnits(CurEvDay(i), CurEvMonth(i), i)
91 If CurDate(i) = NewDate Then
92 DlgCalendar.GetControl(&quot;lstOwnData&quot;).RemoveItems(i,1)
93 DlgCalendar.GetControl(&quot;lstOwnData&quot;).AddItem(UIDateStr, i)
94 bInserted = True
95 End If
96 i = i + 1
97 Loop Until bInserted Or i &gt; MaxIndex
99 &apos; There exists already a date
100 If Not bInserted Then
101 i = 0
103 If (CurEvMonth(i) = CurOwnMonth) And (CurEvDay(i) = CurOwnDay) Then
104 bInserted = True
105 DlgCalendar.GetControl(&quot;lstOwnData&quot;).RemoveItems(i,1)
106 DlgCalendar.GetControl(&quot;lstOwnData&quot;).AddItem(UIDateStr, i)
107 End If
108 i = i + 1
109 Loop Until bInserted Or i &gt; MaxIndex
110 End If
112 &apos; The date is not yet existing and will will be sorted in accordingly
113 If Not bInserted Then
114 i = 0
116 bInserted = NewDate &lt; CurDate(i)
117 If bInserted Then
118 DlgCalendar.GetControl(&quot;lstOwnData&quot;).AddItem(UIDateStr, i)
119 End If
120 i = i + 1
121 Loop Until bInserted Or i &gt; MaxIndex
122 If Not bInserted Then
123 DlgCalendar.GetControl(&quot;lstOwnData&quot;).AddItem(UIDateStr, MaxIndex+1)
124 End If
125 End If
126 End If
127 bCalOwnDataChanged = True
128 Call CalClearInputMask()
129 End Sub
132 Function GetSelectedDateUnits(CurEvDay as Integer, CurEvMonth as Integer, i as Integer) as Double
133 Dim dblDate as Double
134 Dim DateStr as String
136 DateStr = DlgCalModel.lstOwnData.StringItemList(i)
137 If DateStr &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
138 dblDate = GetDateUnits(CurEvDay, CurEvMonth, DateStr)
139 End If
140 GetSelectedDateUnits() = dblDate
141 End Function
144 Function GetDateUnits(CurEvDay as Integer, CurEvMonth as Integer, DateStr) as Double
145 Dim bEventOnce as String
146 Dim LocDateStr as String
147 Dim dblDate as Double
148 Dim lDate as Long
149 LocDateStr = Mid(DateStr, 1, 15)
150 LocDateStr = Trim(LocDateStr)
152 bEventOnce = True
153 On Local Error Goto NODATEFORMAT
154 dblDate = oNumberFormatter.convertStringToNumber(lDateFormat, LocDateStr)
155 lDate = Clng(dblDate)
156 CurEvMonth = Month(lDate)
157 CurEvDay = Day(lDate)
158 GetDateUnits() = dblDate
159 Exit Function
162 If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
163 MsgBox(&quot;Error: Date : &apos; &quot; &amp; LocDateStr &amp; &quot;&apos; is not a valid Format&quot;, 16, sWizardTitle)
166 GetDateUnits() = SBDATEUNDEFINED
167 End If
168 End Function
171 Function CalGetNameOfEvent(ByVal ListIndex as Integer) as String
172 Dim NameStr as String
173 NameStr = DlgCalModel.lstOwnData.StringItemList(ListIndex)
174 NameStr = Trim (Mid(NameStr, 16))
175 CalGetNameOfEvent = NameStr
176 End Function
180 Sub CheckInsertedDates(Optional ControlEnvironment, Optional CurOwnMonth as Integer)
181 Dim EvYear as Long
182 Dim EvDay as Long
183 Dim sEvMonth as String
184 Dim bDoEnable as Boolean
185 Dim ListboxName as String
186 Dim MaxValue as Integer
187 If Not IsMissing(ControlEnvironment) Then
188 CurOwnMonth = DlgCalendar.GetControl(&quot;lstOwnEventMonth&quot;).getSelectedItemPos()+1
189 End If
190 EvYear = Year(Now())
191 bDoEnable = CurOwnMonth &lt;&gt; 0
192 If bDoEnable Then
193 MaxValue = CalMaxDayInMonth(EvYear, CurOwnMonth)
194 DlgCalModel.txtOwnEventDay.ValueMax = MaxValue
195 If DlgCalModel.txtOwnEventDay.Value &gt; MaxValue Then
196 DlgCalModel.txtOwnEventDay.Value = MaxValue
197 End If
198 bDoEnable = DlgCalModel.txtOwnEventDay.Value &lt;&gt; 0
199 If bDoEnable Then
200 bDoEnable = Ubound(DlgCalModel.lstOwnEventMonth.SelectedItems()) &gt; -1
201 If bDoEnable Then
202 bDoEnable = LTrim(DlgCalModel.txtEvent.Text) &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot;
203 End If
204 End If
205 End If
206 DlgCalModel.cmdInsert.Enabled = bDoEnable
207 End Sub
210 Sub GetOwnMonth()
211 Dim EvYear as Integer
212 Dim CurOwnMonth as Integer
213 EvYear = year(now())
214 CurOwnMonth = DlgCalModel.lstOwnEventMonth.SelectedItems(0) + 1
215 DlgCalModel.txtOwnEventDay.ValueMax = CalMaxDayInMonth(EvYear, CurOwnMonth)
216 CheckInsertedDates(,CurOwnMonth)
217 End Sub</script:module>