1 <?xml version=
"1.0" encoding=
2 <!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC
"-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
3 <script:module xmlns:
"http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:
"Bullets" script:
"StarBasic">REM ***** BASIC *****
7 Sub SetBulletGraphics(sBulletUrl as String)
9 Dim oBookMarkCursor as Object
10 oBookmarks = oBaseDocument.BookMarks
11 For i =
0 To oBookmarks.Count -
12 oBookMark = oBookmarks.GetbyIndex(i)
13 oBookMarkCursor = oBookMark.Anchor.Text.CreateTextCursorByRange(oBookMark.Anchor)
14 If oBookMarkCursor.PropertySetInfo.HasPropertybyName(
") Then
15 ChangeBulletURL(sBulletUrl, oBookMarkCursor)
21 Sub ChangeBulletURL(sBulletUrl as String, oBookMarkCursor as Object)
25 Dim bDoReplace as Boolean
26 Dim oSize as New com.sun.star.awt.Size
27 Dim oNumberingBuffer(
0) as New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
28 Dim oNewBuffer(
0) as New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
29 oRules = oBookMarkCursor.NumberingRules
30 If Vartype(oRules()) =
9 Then
31 oNumberingBuffer(
0).Name =
32 oNumberingBuffer(
0).Value = com.sun.star.style.NumberingType.BITMAP
33 For n =
0 To oRules.Count -
34 oLevel() = oRules.GetByIndex(n)
35 bDoReplace = ModifyPropertyValue(oLevel(), oNumberingBuffer())
37 oRules.ReplaceByIndex(n, oNumberingBuffer())
40 oBookmarkCursor.NumberingRules = oRules
41 oNewBuffer(
0).Name =
42 oNewBuffer(
0).Value = sBulletUrl
43 For n =
0 To oRules.Count -
44 oLevel() = oRules.GetByIndex(
45 bDoReplace = ModifyPropertyValue(oLevel(), oNewBuffer())
47 oRules.ReplaceByIndex(n, oNewBuffer())
50 oBookmarkCursor.NumberingRules = oRules
55 Sub BulletUrlsToSavePath(SavePath as String)
59 Dim sNewBulletUrl as String
62 Dim bIsFirstRun as Boolean
63 Dim oNewBuffer()
' as New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
64 Dim bDoReplace as Boolean
65 Dim oBookmarkCursor as Object
67 oBookmarks = oBaseDocument.BookMarks
68 For i =
0 To oBookmarks.Count -
69 oBookMark = oBookmarks.GetbyIndex(i)
70 oBookMarkCursor = oBookMark.Anchor.Text.CreateTextCursorByRange(oBookMark.Anchor)
71 If oBookMarkCursor.PropertySetInfo.HasPropertybyName(
") Then
72 oRules = oBookMarkCursor.NumberingRules
73 If Vartype(oRules()) =
9 Then
74 For n =
0 To oRules.Count -
75 oLevel() = oRules.GetByIndex(n)
76 oNewBuffer() = ChangeBulletUrlToSavePath(SavePath, oLevel(), bIsFirstRun, bDoReplace)
79 oRules.ReplaceByIndex(n, oNewBuffer())
82 oBookmarkCursor.NumberingRules = oRules
89 Function ChangeBulletUrlToSavePath(SavePath as String, oLevel(), bIsFirstRun as Boolean, bDoReplace as Boolean)
90 Dim MaxIndex as Integer
92 Dim BulletName as String
93 Dim oSize as New com.sun.star.awt.Size
94 MaxIndex = Ubound(oLevel())
95 Dim oNewBuffer(MaxIndex) as New com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
97 oNewBuffer(i).Name = oLevel(i).Name
98 If oLevel(i).Name =
" Then
100 BulletName = FileNameoutofPath(oLevel(i).Value)
102 If oUcb.exists(SavePath
& Bulletname) Then
103 FileCopy(oLevel(i).Value, SavePath
& BulletName)
106 oNewBuffer(i).Value = BulletName
107 ' ElseIf oLevel(i).Name =
" Then
108 '' Todo: Get the original Size of the Bullet (see Bug #
109 ' oSize.Height =
110 ' oSize.Width =
111 ' oNewBuffer(i).Value = oSize
113 oNewBuffer(i).Value = oLevel(i).Value
116 ChangeBulletUrlToSavePath() = oNewBuffer()
117 End Function