* fix for theme font handling (when switching back to the default theme, the language...
[open-ps2-loader.git] / modules / debug / ps2link / imports.lst
2 stdio_IMPORTS_start
3 I_printf
4 stdio_IMPORTS_end
6 sysclib_IMPORTS_start
7 I_memset
8 I_memcpy
9 I_strlen
10 I_strncpy
11 I_strncmp
12 sysclib_IMPORTS_end
14 thsemap_IMPORTS_start
15 I_CreateSema
16 I_SignalSema
17 I_WaitSema
18 I_DeleteSema
19 thsemap_IMPORTS_end
21 thbase_IMPORTS_start
22 I_CreateThread
23 I_DeleteThread
24 I_StartThread 
25 I_GetThreadId 
26 I_ExitDeleteThread
27 thbase_IMPORTS_end
29 ioman_IMPORTS_start
30 I_open
31 I_close
32 I_AddDrv
33 I_DelDrv
34 ioman_IMPORTS_end
36 ps2ip_IMPORTS_start
37 I_lwip_send
38 I_lwip_sendto
39 I_lwip_socket
40 I_lwip_listen
41 I_lwip_recv
42 I_lwip_recvfrom
43 I_lwip_close
44 I_lwip_bind
45 I_lwip_accept
46 ps2ip_IMPORTS_end
48 sifcmd_IMPORTS_start
49 I_sceSifInitRpc
50 I_sceSifSetRpcQueue
51 I_sceSifRegisterRpc
52 I_sceSifRpcLoop
53 sifcmd_IMPORTS_end
55 sifman_IMPORTS_start
56 I_sceSifSetDma
57 sifman_IMPORTS_end
59 intrman_IMPORTS_start
60 I_CpuEnableIntr
61 I_CpuSuspendIntr
62 I_CpuResumeIntr
63 intrman_IMPORTS_end
65 loadcore_IMPORTS_start
66 I_FlushDcache
67 loadcore_IMPORTS_end
69 modload_IMPORTS_start
70 I_LoadStartModule
71 modload_IMPORTS_end
73 cdvdman_IMPORTS_start
74 I_sceCdInit
75 I_sceCdStop
76 cdvdman_IMPORTS_end
78 ioptrap_IMPORTS_start
79 I_set_exception_handler
80 ioptrap_IMPORTS_end
82 poweroff_IMPORTS_start
83 I_SetPowerButtonHandler
84 I_AddPowerOffHandler
85 I_PoweroffShutdown
86 poweroff_IMPORTS_end