* fix for theme font handling (when switching back to the default theme, the language...
[open-ps2-loader.git] / modules / usb / usbhdfsd / fat_driver.h
1 #ifndef _FAT_DRIVER_H
2 #define _FAT_DRIVER_H 1
4 #define DIR_CHAIN_SIZE 32
6 #define FAT_MAX_NAME 128
8 //attributes (bits:5-Archive 4-Directory 3-Volume Label 2-System 1-Hidden 0-Read Only)
9 #define FAT_ATTR_READONLY 0x01
10 #define FAT_ATTR_HIDDEN 0x02
11 #define FAT_ATTR_SYSTEM 0x04
12 #define FAT_ATTR_VOLUME_LABEL 0x08
13 #define FAT_ATTR_DIRECTORY 0x10
14 #define FAT_ATTR_ARCHIVE 0x20
16 typedef struct _fat_bpb {
17 unsigned int sectorSize; //bytes per sector - should be 512
18 unsigned char clusterSize; //sectors per cluster - power of two
19 unsigned int resSectors; //reserved sectors - typically 1 (boot sector)
20 unsigned char fatCount; //number of FATs - must be 2
21 unsigned int rootSize; //number of rootdirectory entries - typically 512
22 unsigned int fatSize; //sectors per FAT - varies
23 unsigned int trackSize; //sectors per track
24 unsigned int headCount; //number of heads
25 unsigned int sectorCount; //number of sectors
26 unsigned int partStart; //sector where partition starts (boot sector)
27 unsigned int rootDirStart; //sector where root directory starts
28 unsigned int rootDirCluster; //fat32 - cluster of the root directory
29 unsigned int activeFat; //fat32 - current active fat number
30 unsigned char fatType; //12-FAT16, 16-FAT16, 32-FAT32
31 unsigned char fatId[9]; //File system ID. "FAT12", "FAT16" or "FAT " - for debug only
32 unsigned int dataStart; //sector where data starts
33 } fat_bpb;
35 typedef struct _fat_driver {
36 mass_dev* dev;
37 fat_bpb partBpb; //partition bios parameter block
39 // modified by Hermes
40 #define MAX_DIR_CLUSTER 512
41 unsigned int cbuf[MAX_DIR_CLUSTER]; //cluster index buffer // 2048 by Hermes
43 unsigned int lastChainCluster;
44 int lastChainResult;
46 /* enough for long filename of length 260 characters (20*13) and one short filename */
47 #define MAX_DE_STACK 21
48 unsigned int deSec[MAX_DE_STACK]; //direntry sector
49 int deOfs[MAX_DE_STACK]; //direntry offset
50 int deIdx; //direntry index
52 #define SEQ_MASK_SIZE 2048 //Allow 2K files per directory
53 u8 seq_mask[SEQ_MASK_SIZE/8]; //bitmask for consumed seq numbers
54 #define DIR_MASK_SIZE 2048*11 //Allow 2K maxed fullnames per directory
55 u8 dir_used_mask[DIR_MASK_SIZE/8]; //bitmask for used directory entries
57 #define MAX_CLUSTER_STACK 128
58 unsigned int clStack[MAX_CLUSTER_STACK]; //cluster allocation stack
59 int clStackIndex;
60 unsigned int clStackLast; // last free cluster of the fat table
61 } fat_driver;
63 typedef struct _fat_dir_list {
64 unsigned int direntryCluster; //the directory cluster requested by getFirstDirentry
65 int direntryIndex; //index of the directory children
66 } fat_dir_list;
68 typedef struct _fat_dir_chain_record {
69 unsigned int cluster;
70 unsigned int index;
71 } fat_dir_chain_record;
73 typedef struct _fat_dir {
74 unsigned char attr; //attributes (bits:5-Archive 4-Directory 3-Volume Label 2-System 1-Hidden 0-Read Only)
75 unsigned char name[FAT_MAX_NAME];
76 unsigned char cdate[4]; //D:M:Yl:Yh
77 unsigned char ctime[3]; //H:M:S
78 unsigned char adate[4]; //D:M:Yl:Yh
79 unsigned char atime[3]; //H:M:S
80 unsigned char mdate[4]; //D:M:Yl:Yh
81 unsigned char mtime[3]; //H:M:S
82 unsigned int size; //file size, 0 for directory
83 unsigned int lastCluster;
84 fat_dir_chain_record chain[DIR_CHAIN_SIZE]; //cluser/offset cache - for seeking purpose
85 } fat_dir;
87 int strEqual(const unsigned char *s1, const unsigned char* s2);
89 int fat_mount(mass_dev* dev, unsigned int start, unsigned int count);
90 void fat_forceUnmount(mass_dev* dev);
91 void fat_setFatDirChain(fat_driver* fatd, fat_dir* fatDir);
92 int fat_readFile(fat_driver* fatd, fat_dir* fatDir, unsigned int filePos, unsigned char* buffer, unsigned int size);
93 int fat_getFirstDirentry(fat_driver* fatd, const unsigned char* dirName, fat_dir_list* fatdlist, fat_dir* fatDir);
94 int fat_getNextDirentry(fat_driver* fatd, fat_dir_list* fatdlist, fat_dir* fatDir);
96 fat_driver * fat_getData(int device);
97 int fat_getFileStartCluster(fat_driver* fatd, const unsigned char* fname, unsigned int* startCluster, fat_dir* fatDir);
98 int fat_getClusterChain(fat_driver* fatd, unsigned int cluster, unsigned int* buf, int bufSize, int start);
100 #endif