Merge pull request #71 from romoloman/master
[openXsensor.git] / openXsensor / oXs_ads1115.cpp
1 #include "oXs_ads1115.h"
3 #ifdef DEBUG
4 //#define DEBUGADS1115SCAN
5 //#define DEBUGADS1115EACHREAD
7 //#define DEBUGADS1115MVOLT
9 //#define DEBUGCURRENT
10 #endif
15 extern unsigned long micros( void ) ;
16 extern unsigned long millis( void ) ;
17 extern void delay(unsigned long ms) ;
19 #if defined(AN_ADS1115_IS_CONNECTED) && (AN_ADS1115_IS_CONNECTED == YES ) && defined( ADS_MEASURE)
20 const uint8_t ads_Measure[4] = {ADS_MEASURE} ; // how to configure the multiplexer
21 const uint8_t ads_Gain[4] = { ADS_FULL_SCALE_VOLT }; // how to configure the programmable gain amplifier
22 const uint8_t ads_Rate[4] = { ADS_RATE }; // how to configure the time of conversion
23 const float ads_Offset[4] = { ADS_OFFSET };
24 const float ads_Scale[4] = { ADS_SCALE };
25 const uint8_t ads_MaxCount[4] = { ADS_AVERAGING_ON } ; //number of conversion before averaging
27 uint32_t ads_MilliAskConv ;
28 uint8_t ads_Addr;
29 uint8_t ads_CurrentIdx ;
30 uint8_t I2CErrorCodeAds1115 ;
31 int32_t ads_SumOfConv[4] ; // summarise all conversion in order to calculate average
32 uint8_t ads_Counter[4] ;
33 struct ONE_MEASUREMENT ads_Conv[4] ; //averaged conversion including offset and scale
34 uint8_t ads_Last_Conv_Idx ;
37 #ifdef DEBUG
38 OXS_ADS1115::OXS_ADS1115(uint8_t addr, HardwareSerial &print)
39 #else
40 OXS_ADS1115::OXS_ADS1115(uint8_t addr)
41 #endif
42 { // constructor
43 ads_Addr=addr;
44 #ifdef DEBUG
45 printer = &print;
46 #endif
50 // **************** Setup the ADS1115 sensor *********************
51 void OXS_ADS1115::setup() {
52 #ifdef DEBUG
53 printer->print(F("ADS1115 sensor I2C Addr="));
54 printer->println(ads_Addr,HEX);
55 #endif
56 I2c.begin() ;
57 I2c.timeOut( 80); //initialise the time out in order to avoid infinite loop
58 #ifdef DEBUGADS1115SCAN
59 I2c.scan() ; // scan all I2C address
60 printer->print(F("I2C scan adr: "));
61 printer->println( I2c.scanAdr , HEX );
62 #endif
63 ads_Counter[0] = ads_MaxCount[0] ;
64 ads_Counter[1] = ads_MaxCount[1] ;
65 ads_Counter[2] = ads_MaxCount[2] ;
66 ads_Counter[3] = ads_MaxCount[3] ;
68 #if defined(AN_ADS1115_IS_CONNECTED) && (AN_ADS1115_IS_CONNECTED == YES ) && defined(ADS_MEASURE) && defined(ADS_CURRENT_BASED_ON)
69 adsCurrentData.milliAmps.available = false ;
70 adsCurrentData.consumedMilliAmps.available = false ;
71 #endif
73 ads_requestNextConv() ; // Write next config and ask for conversion
74 #ifdef DEBUG
75 printer->print(F("Set up Ads1115 done. I2C Error code= "));
76 printer->println(I2CErrorCodeAds1115);
77 printer->print(F(" milli="));
78 printer->println(millis());
79 #endif
80 } //end of setup
83 /****************************************************************************/
84 /* readSensor - Read ADS115 */
85 /********************* *******************************************************/
86 boolean OXS_ADS1115::readSensor() { // return true when there is a new average data to calculate
87 if ( ( millis() - ads_MilliAskConv ) > (uint32_t) ( ( 0x88 >> ads_Rate[ads_CurrentIdx]) + 1) ) { // when delay of conversion expires (NB delay is 137 msec when ads_rate = 0, and goes down up to 3ms then is divided by 2 for each increase )
89 ads_SumOfConv[ads_CurrentIdx] += ads_CurrentIdx + 1 ; // so at the end e.g. the ADS_VOLT_3 should be equal to 3
90 ads_Counter[ads_CurrentIdx]-- ;
91 if ( ads_Counter[ads_CurrentIdx] == 0 ) {
92 ads_Conv[ads_CurrentIdx].value = round( ((float) ads_SumOfConv[ads_CurrentIdx] / (float) ads_MaxCount[ads_CurrentIdx] / 32768 ) * ads_Scale[ads_CurrentIdx] ) + ads_Offset[ads_CurrentIdx];
93 ads_Conv[ads_CurrentIdx].available = true ;
94 ads_SumOfConv[ads_CurrentIdx] = 0 ; // reset the sum
95 ads_Counter[ads_CurrentIdx] = ads_MaxCount[ads_CurrentIdx] ; // reset the counter to the number of count before averaging
96 ads_Last_Conv_Idx = ads_CurrentIdx ;
97 #if defined(AN_ADS1115_IS_CONNECTED) && (AN_ADS1115_IS_CONNECTED == YES ) && defined(ADS_MEASURE) && defined(ADS_CURRENT_BASED_ON)
98 if ( ads_CurrentIdx == ( ADS_CURRENT_BASED_ON - ADS_VOLT_1 ) ) ads_calculateCurrent() ;
99 #endif
101 #ifdef DEBUG
102 printer->print(F("At ")); printer->print(millis());
103 printer->print(F(" idx=")); printer->print(ads_CurrentIdx);
104 printer->print(F(" wait=")); printer->print( ( (uint8_t) 0x88 >> ads_Rate[ads_CurrentIdx] ) + 1 );
105 printer->print(F(" val=")); printer->print(ads_Conv[ads_CurrentIdx].value);
106 printer->println(" ");
107 #endif
108 ads_requestNextConv() ;
109 return true ;
111 #else // normal code = when DEBUG_FORCE_ADS_VOLT_1_4_WITHOUT_ADS1115 is not activated
112 if( I2CErrorCodeAds1115 == 0 ) { // if there is no error on previous I2C request
113 I2CErrorCodeAds1115 = I2c.write(ads_Addr , 0X0 ) ; // send the Address, 0 = conversion register (in order to be able to read the conversion register)
114 if( I2CErrorCodeAds1115 == 0 ) { // if there is no error on previous I2C request
115 I2CErrorCodeAds1115 = ads_Addr , 2 ) ; // read 2 bytes , they are in a buffer and must be retrieved with a receive function.
116 if( I2CErrorCodeAds1115 == 0 ) { // if there is no error on previous I2C request
117 uint16_t valueAdc ;
118 valueAdc = I2c.receive() << 8 | I2c.receive() ;
120 if (ads_CurrentIdx == ( ADS_AIRSPEED_BASED_ON - ADS_VOLT_1) ) {
121 ads_calculate_airspeed( ( int16_t)valueAdc ) ;
123 #endif
124 ads_SumOfConv[ads_CurrentIdx] += (int16_t) valueAdc ;
127 printer->print(F("At ")); printer->print(millis()) ;
128 printer->print(F(" idx=")); printer->print(ads_CurrentIdx) ;
129 printer->print(F(" Val=")); printer->print( (int16_t) valueAdc ) ;
130 printer->print(F(" count=")); printer->print(ads_Counter[ads_CurrentIdx]) ;
131 printer->println(" ");
132 #endif
133 ads_Counter[ads_CurrentIdx]-- ;
134 if ( ads_Counter[ads_CurrentIdx] == 0 ) {
135 float adcToMvoltScaling ;
136 if (ads_Gain[ads_CurrentIdx]) {
137 adcToMvoltScaling = (0X2000 >> ads_Gain[ads_CurrentIdx] ) / 32768.0 ; // When ads_Gain[] = 1, it means that 32768 = 4096 mvolt; 4096 = 0x1000) , when 2, it is 2048 mvolt, ...
138 } else {
139 adcToMvoltScaling = 6144 / 32768.0 ; // When ads_Gain[] = 0, it means that 32768 = 6144 mvolt
141 ads_Conv[ads_CurrentIdx].value = round( ((float) ads_SumOfConv[ads_CurrentIdx] / (float) ads_MaxCount[ads_CurrentIdx] * adcToMvoltScaling ) * ads_Scale[ads_CurrentIdx] ) + ads_Offset[ads_CurrentIdx];
142 ads_Conv[ads_CurrentIdx].available = true ;
143 #ifdef DEBUGADS1115MVOLT
144 printer->print(F("At ")); printer->print(millis()) ;
145 printer->print(F(" idx=")); printer->print(ads_CurrentIdx) ;
146 printer->print(F(" Val=")); printer->print( ads_Conv[ads_CurrentIdx].value ) ;
147 printer->println(" ");
148 #endif
151 ads_SumOfConv[ads_CurrentIdx] = 0 ; // reset the sum
152 ads_Counter[ads_CurrentIdx] = ads_MaxCount[ads_CurrentIdx] ; // reset the counter to the number of count before averaging
153 ads_Last_Conv_Idx = ads_CurrentIdx ;
154 #if defined(AN_ADS1115_IS_CONNECTED) && (AN_ADS1115_IS_CONNECTED == YES ) && defined(ADS_MEASURE) && defined(ADS_CURRENT_BASED_ON)
155 if ( ads_CurrentIdx == ( ADS_CURRENT_BASED_ON - ADS_VOLT_1 ) ) ads_calculateCurrent() ;
156 #endif
158 ads_requestNextConv() ;
159 return true ;
163 // resetI2c() ;
164 #endif // end of debug with forced values
165 ads_requestNextConv() ; // new request for conversion in case of error
168 return false ;
169 } // end of readSensor
172 void OXS_ADS1115::ads_requestNextConv(void) {
173 do {
174 ads_CurrentIdx++ ;
175 if( ads_CurrentIdx > 3 ) ads_CurrentIdx = 0 ;
176 } while ( ads_Measure[ads_CurrentIdx] == ADS_OFF ) ;
177 // perhaps this line has to be splitted in 2 in order to let multiplexer, gain and rate to set up before asking for a conversion.
179 uint8_t dataToWrite[2] ;
180 dataToWrite[0] = (( 1 << 7 | ads_Measure[ads_CurrentIdx] << 4 | ads_Gain[ads_CurrentIdx] << 1 | 1 ) ) ;
181 dataToWrite[1] = ( ads_Rate[ads_CurrentIdx] << 5 | 0B11 );
182 // bit 15 says that a conversion is requested, bit 8 says on shot mode, bits 0 and 1 = 11 says comparator is disabled.
183 I2CErrorCodeAds1115 = I2c.write((uint8_t) ads_Addr , (uint8_t) 0X01 , (uint8_t) 2 , &dataToWrite[0] ) ; // send the Address, 1 = config register , 2 bytes , pointer to the data to write
184 // if ( I2CErrorCodeAds1115 ) I2CErrorCodeAds1115 = I2c.write( (uint8_t) ads_Addr , (uint8_t) 0X01 , (uint8_t) 2 , &dataToWrite[0] ) ; // retry once if there is an error (probably we should add a clear of I2C bus in between)
186 printer->print(F("At ")); printer->print(millis()) ;
187 printer->print(F(" cmd=")); printer->print(dataToWrite[0], HEX) ;
188 printer->print(F(" ")); printer->print( dataToWrite[1] , HEX ) ;
189 printer->println(" ");
190 #endif
194 ads_MilliAskConv = millis() ;
195 } // end of Ads_requestNextConv
198 #if defined(AN_ADS1115_IS_CONNECTED) && (AN_ADS1115_IS_CONNECTED == YES ) && defined(ADS_MEASURE) && defined(ADS_CURRENT_BASED_ON) // this part is compiled only when the config ask for current
199 void OXS_ADS1115::ads_calculateCurrent(void) {
201 static int32_t sumCurrent = 0 ;
202 static uint16_t cnt ;
203 static uint32_t milliTmp ;
204 static uint32_t lastCurrentMillis ;
205 sumCurrent += ads_Conv[ads_CurrentIdx].value ;
206 cnt++ ;
207 milliTmp = millis() ;
208 if (lastCurrentMillis == 0) {
209 lastCurrentMillis = milliTmp ;
211 else if ( (milliTmp - lastCurrentMillis ) > 200 ) { // calculate average only once per 200 millisec
212 adsCurrentData.milliAmps.value = ((sumCurrent / cnt) - MVOLT_AT_ZERO_AMP ) * 1000 / MVOLT_PER_AMP ;
213 // if (currentData.milliAmps.value < 0) currentData.milliAmps.value = 0 ;
214 adsCurrentData.milliAmps.available = true ;
215 floatConsumedMilliAmps += ((float) adsCurrentData.milliAmps.value) * (milliTmp - lastCurrentMillis ) / 3600.0 /1000.0 ;
216 adsCurrentData.consumedMilliAmps.value = (int32_t) floatConsumedMilliAmps ;
217 adsCurrentData.consumedMilliAmps.available = true ;
218 lastCurrentMillis = milliTmp ;
220 printer->print("At time = ");
221 printer->print(milliTmp);
222 printer->print(" Cnt = ");
223 printer->print(cnt);
224 printer->print(" average current = ");
225 printer->print(adsCurrentData.milliAmps.value);
226 printer->print(" consumed milliAmph = ");
227 printer->println(adsCurrentData.consumedMilliAmps.value);
228 #endif
229 sumCurrent = 0;
230 cnt = 0;
233 #endif
236 #if defined(ADS_AIRSPEED_BASED_ON) and (ADS_AIRSPEED_BASED_ON >= ADS_VOLT1) and (ADS_AIRSPEED_BASED_ON <= ADS_VOLT_4) // this part is compiled only when required
237 float ads_sumDifPressureAdc_0 ;
238 uint8_t ads_cntDifPressureAdc_0 ;
240 void OXS_ADS1115::ads_calculate_airspeed( int16_t ads_difPressureAdc ) {
241 // convert ads_volt to pressure.
242 static int32_t ads_pressure;
243 static int32_t difPressureSum ;
244 static float offset7002 ;
245 static int16_t calibrateCount7002 ;
246 static boolean calibrated7002 = false ;
247 static float ads_difPressureAdc_0 ;
248 static float ads_abs_deltaDifPressureAdc ;
249 static float ads_smoothDifPressureAdc ;
250 static float expoSmooth7002_adc_auto ;
251 static int32_t ads_smoothAirSpeed ;
252 uint32_t ads_airSpeedMillis ;
253 static uint32_t ads_nextAirSpeedMillis ;
256 static int16_t dummy_ads_value ;
257 ads_difPressureAdc = ((millis() / 1000 ) % (100) ) * 300 ;
258 #endif
259 if ( calibrated7002 == false) {
260 calibrateCount7002++ ;
261 if (calibrateCount7002 == 256 ) { // after 256 reading , we can calculate the offset
262 offset7002 = ( (float) difPressureSum / 128.0 ) ; //there has been 128 reading (256-128)
263 calibrated7002 = true ;
264 } else if (calibrateCount7002 >= 128 ){ // after 128 reading, we can start cummulate the ADC values in order to calculate the offset
265 difPressureSum += ads_difPressureAdc ;
266 } // end calibration
267 } else { // sensor is calibrated
268 ads_difPressureAdc_0 = ( ads_difPressureAdc - offset7002 ) ;
269 ads_sumDifPressureAdc_0 += ads_difPressureAdc_0 ;
270 ads_cntDifPressureAdc_0++ ;
271 #define FILTERING7002_ADC_MIN 0.001 //
272 #define FILTERING7002_ADC_MAX 0.01 //
273 #define FILTERING7002_ADC_MIN_AT 10 // when abs(delta between ADC and current value) is less than MIN_AT , apply MIN
274 #define FILTERING7002_ADC_MAX_AT 100 // when abs(delta between ADC and current value) is more than MAX_AT , apply MAX (interpolation in between)
275 ads_abs_deltaDifPressureAdc = abs(ads_difPressureAdc_0 - ads_smoothDifPressureAdc) ;
276 if (ads_abs_deltaDifPressureAdc <= FILTERING7002_ADC_MIN_AT) {
277 expoSmooth7002_adc_auto = FILTERING7002_ADC_MIN ;
278 } else if (ads_abs_deltaDifPressureAdc >= FILTERING7002_ADC_MAX_AT) {
279 expoSmooth7002_adc_auto = FILTERING7002_ADC_MAX ;
280 } else {
281 expoSmooth7002_adc_auto = FILTERING7002_ADC_MIN + ( FILTERING7002_ADC_MAX - FILTERING7002_ADC_MIN) * (ads_abs_deltaDifPressureAdc - FILTERING7002_ADC_MIN_AT) / (FILTERING7002_ADC_MAX_AT - FILTERING7002_ADC_MIN_AT) ;
283 if ( ( ads_smoothDifPressureAdc <=2 ) && ( ads_smoothDifPressureAdc >= -2 ) ) expoSmooth7002_adc_auto *= 0.2 ;
284 ads_smoothDifPressureAdc += expoSmooth7002_adc_auto * ( ads_difPressureAdc_0 - ads_smoothDifPressureAdc ) ; //
286 // calculate airspeed based on pressure, altitude and temperature
287 // airspeed (m/sec) = sqr(2 * differential_pressure_in_Pa / air_mass_kg_per_m3)
288 // air_mass_kg_per_m3 = pressure_in_pa / (287.05 * (Temp celcius + 273.15))
289 // and differantial_pressure_Pa = ((smoothDifPressureAdc ) * 2048 / 32768) ; // with 7002, 1 mvolt = 1 pa and ads1115 ADC gives 32768 when volt = 2048 mvolt; so 1 step ADC = 2048 / 32768
290 //2048 is used because we supposed that ads gain is set on 2048 ; MPXV7002 provides 1 mvolt per pa wit 5 volt Vcc; it is ratiometric so there should be some Vcc correction
291 // so airspeed m/sec =sqr( 2 * 287.05 * 2048 / 32768 * smoothDifPressureAdc * (temperature Celsius + 273.15) / pressure_in_pa )
292 // rawAirSpeed cm/sec = 5,99 * 100 * sqrt( (float) abs(smoothDifPressureAdc) * temperature4525 / actualPressure) ); // in cm/sec ; actual pressure must be in Pa (so 101325 about at sea level
293 // = 32.32 * sqrt( (float) abs(smoothDifPressureAdc) ); // in cm/sec ; if pressure is standard = 101325 and temp = 15 C°)
294 // = 10256 * sqrt( (float) abs(smoothDifPressureAdc) / actualPressure) ); // in cm/sec ; temp is supposed to be 20 C°, pressure is in Pa
296 ads_smoothAirSpeed = 32.32 * sqrt( (float) ( abs(ads_smoothDifPressureAdc) ) ); // indicated airspeed is calculated at 15 Celsius and 101325 pascal
297 #else
298 ads_smoothAirSpeed = 10256.0 * sqrt( (float) ( abs(ads_smoothDifPressureAdc) / (float) actualPressure) ); // in cm/sec ; actual pressure must be in pa (so 101325 about at sea level)
299 #endif
300 if ( ads_smoothDifPressureAdc < 0 ) ads_smoothAirSpeed = - ads_smoothAirSpeed ; // apply the sign
302 } // end of test on calibration
303 ads_airSpeedMillis = millis() ;
304 if ( ads_airSpeedMillis > ads_nextAirSpeedMillis){ // publish airspeed only once every xx ms
305 ads_nextAirSpeedMillis = ads_airSpeedMillis + 200 ;
306 // if ( ads_smoothAirSpeed > 0) { // normally send only if positive and greater than 300 cm/sec , otherwise send 0 but for test we keep all values to check for drift
307 #ifdef AIRSPEED_IN_KMH // uncomment this line if AIR speed has to be in knot instead of km/h
308 adsAirSpeedData.airSpeed.value = ads_smoothAirSpeed * 0.36 ; // from cm/sec to 1/10 km/h
309 #else
310 adsAirSpeedData.airSpeed.value = ads_smoothAirSpeed * 0.1943844492 ; // from cm/sec to 1/10 knot/h
311 #endif
312 // } else {
313 // adsAirSpeedData.airSpeed.value = 0 ;
314 // }
315 adsAirSpeedData.airSpeed.available = true ;
317 // check if offset must be reset
318 if (adsAirSpeedData.airspeedReset) { // adjust the offset if a reset command is received from Tx
319 offset7002 = offset7002 + ads_smoothDifPressureAdc ;
320 ads_smoothDifPressureAdc = 0 ;
321 adsAirSpeedData.airspeedReset = false ; // avoid that offset is changed again and again if PPM do not send a command
324 static bool firstRawData = true ;
325 if ( firstRawData ) {
326 printer->println(F("at, difPressureAdc ,difPressADC_0 , ads_smoothDifPressureAdc , actualPressure , adsAirSpeedData.airSpeed, offset, reset ")) ;
327 firstRawData = false ;
328 } else {
329 printer->print( ads_airSpeedMillis ); printer->print(F(" , "));
330 printer->print( ads_difPressureAdc ); printer->print(F(" , "));
331 printer->print( ads_difPressureAdc_0); printer->print(F(" , "));
332 printer->print( ads_smoothDifPressureAdc * 1000); printer->print(F(" , "));
333 printer->print( actualPressure ); printer->print(F(" , "));
334 printer->print( ads_smoothAirSpeed * 3.6 / 100 ); printer->print(F(" , "));
335 printer->print( offset7002 * 1000); printer->print(F(" , "));
336 if ( ads_smoothDifPressureAdc == 0) printer->print(F(" reset")) ;
338 printer->println(" ") ;
340 #endif
344 } // end test on millis()
347 #endif // end of conditional compiling for calculate airspeed.
349 #endif // end of #if defined(AN_ADS1115_IS_CONNECTED) && (AN_ADS1115_IS_CONNECTED == YES ) && defined( ADS_MEASURE)